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Project Submitted to
The Superior College, Lahore

In Partial fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Degree of

Master of Business Administration

Team: Gladiators
Name of Team Members: Abdullah Shahid. (MBIW-S17-001)
Taha Khan. (MBIW-S17-002)
Muhammad Suhaib. (MBIW-S17-007)
Sarfraz Khan. (MBIW-S17-009)
Raheela Kousar. (MBIW-S17-016)

Session: 2017-2018
Approved By:

_________________________ ________________________

Mr. Kashif Mahmood Mr. Usman Sadiq

Program Manager, Research Degrees Project Supervisor
Section 1: Particular of the Student
1.1 Full Name Abdullah Shahid, Taha Khan, Muhammad Suhaib,
Sarfraz Khan, Raheela Kousar
1.3 Roll. Number MBIW-S17-001, MBIW-S17-002, MBIW-S17-
007, MBIW-S17-009, MBIW-S17-016
1.4 Program Master in Business Administration

Section 2: Particular of the Project

2.1 Title

2.2 Supervisor’s Name SIR USMAN SADIQ

2.3 Date of Completion
The Superior College

Section 1: Particulars of the Supervisor

1.2 Address The Superior College Lahore.

Section 2: Particulars of the Student

2.1 Full Name Abdullah Shahid, Taha Khan, Muhammad Suhaib,
Sarfraz Khan, Raheela Kousar
2.3 Registration Number MBIW-S17-001, MBIW-S17-002, MBIW-S17-007,
MBIW-S17-009, MBIW-S17-016
2.4 Program Master in Business Administration

Section 3: Particulars of the PROJECT

3.1 Title COTHM
3.2 Date of Completion
I certify that:
a. The above named student has completed the cited thesis under my guidance and
b. I am satisfied with quality of the student’s research work, and
c. I consider it worthy of submission for external evaluation.

4.1 Supervisor’s Full Signature

4.2 Date
Declaration of Originality

I ………………. hereby solemnly declare that this project:

a) is my original work, except where otherwise acknowledged in the text
b) has not been published earlier and
c) shall not be submitted by me in future for obtaining any degree from this or other
university or institution
d) has been incorporated HEC Plagiarism Policy
e) In case of violation of HEC Plagiarism Policy, I shall be liable to punishable action under
the plagiarism rules of HEC.

3.1 Student’s Full Signature

3.2 Date

We would like to explicitly thank the executive director of COTHM Johar Town campus Mian
Shahid Mehmood for his unrelenting support of our project on his organization. Despite his
busy schedule he was able to accommodate our needs and wants and allowed us to get a better
overview of the organization personally and up close to better understand the results and
findings. A special thanks to Rida Shah the academic manager of COTHM Johar Town who on
the directions of the ED was able to provide us intimate knowledge of the student body and

Finally we would like to thank Mr. Usman Sadiq our project supervisor and mentor who
provided us with valuable insight and allowed us to work on this organization for our project.
Without his influential guidance we would not have been able to complete this project on time
and with the proper efficiency required. The knowledge imparted on us by him will serve as an
invaluable tool throughout our professional career.

This work is dedicated to my Supervisor, family and friends who encouraged me to face any

The main idea behind this project was to be able to analyze the current Human resource structure
of COTHM Johar Town campus and help them in making improvements to it. The current
structure as we found out was incompetent as no special attention was being paid to it and the
biggest stakeholders affected as result of this negligence were the students who were suffering
from decreased marks and lack of understanding of subjects. As this is a more hands on college
thus it was imperative that knowledge imparted be consistent with the company’s core values.
Some solutions were devised to cover all previously encountered deficiencies with references to
prove authenticity. These solutions were devised after consultation with the top management
with the current vision and mission of the company in mind. An effective HR system and
policies are essential for any company to succeed because it helps standardize and set
benchmarks with help it achieve a greater rate of success in the interlinked departments. The HR
department does not generate income but it helps reduce turnover expense and also in this case
improve both the development of teachers and students which will carry the college’s name in a
new light of prosperity. The policies discussed will have massive effects on the current structure
and will bring positive changed if embraced properly and implemented successfully.
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction……………………………………………………..07

Chapter 2: Literature Review………………………………………………10

Chapter 3: Methodology………………………………………………….…26

Chapter 4: Implementation…………………………………………….…..28

Chapter 5: Impact………………………………………………….……….29

References: ………………………………………………………………....31

Appendix: ……………………………………………………….……….…39

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