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Wenyu Sun1 , Jiyang Xie1 , Jiayan Qiu1 , and Zhanyu Ma1,2∗

2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) | 978-1-6654-4115-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICIP42928.2021.9506308

1. Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems Lab,

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China
2. Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence, Beijing, China

Due to the large amount of noisy data in person re-identification
(ReID) task, the ReID models are usually affected by the
data uncertainty. Therefore, the deep uncertainty estima-
tion method is important for improving the model robustness
and matching accuracy. To this end, we propose a part-
based uncertainty convolutional neural network (PUCNN),
which introduces the part-based uncertainty estimation into
the baseline model. On the one hand, PUCNN improves Fig. 1. A negative pair caused by low uncertainty estimation
the model robustness to noisy data by distributilizing the score samples in Markert-1501 ReID benchmarks. Different
feature embedding and constraining the part-based uncer- identities are marked as two colors.
tainty. On the other hand, PUCNN improves the cumulative
matching characteristics (CMC) performance of the model timating the data uncertainty during the optimization process.
by filtering out low-quality training samples according to the By estimating the data uncertainty in ReID, the model robust-
estimated uncertainty score. The experiments on both non- ness and reliability on noisy data can be improved. Moreover,
video datasets, the noised Market-1501 and DukeMTMC, and the false positive (FP) samples can get rid off according to
video datasets, PRID2011, iLiDS-VID and MARS, demon- their estimated uncertainty, thus improving the matching ac-
strate that our proposed method achieves encouraging and curacy of the ReID model. Therefore, the uncertainty estima-
promising performance. tion is of vital importance on ReID models.
Index Terms— Person ReID, uncertainty estimation, Existing methods make various efforts to alleviate the
noise learning, quality filter affect caused by the low-quality data. The attention-based
methods [2, 3] locate the focus on the relatively high quality
1. INTRODUCTION regions (e.g. image parts) while fail to qualify the entire
image. More recently, DistributionNet [4] and quality aware
Person Re-identification (ReID) is a non-cooperative task un- network (QAN) [5] are proposed to qualify the data by learn-
der a complex and open environment. Therefore, the data ing the distribution of image features and set to set training,
for ReID is usually of low-quality and contains lots of noise, respectively. However, they measure only the global image
such as occlusion, blur and illumination difference [1]. The quality while fail to locate the low quality region with large
low-quality data could lead to incorrect matching showed in uncertainty.
Fig. 1, where the low-quality positive sample is matched with In this paper, we propose the part-based uncertainty con-
a negative sample due to the small distance between them. volutional neural network (PUCNN), which introduces the
Although the affection of low-quality data (e.g. uncer- part-based uncertainty estimation into the ReID model, thus
tainty samples) is hard to eliminate, it can be alleviated via es- involving both the global and local data uncertainty into the
∗ Corresponding author. This work was supported in part by the National model optimization. Specifically, the PUCNN estimates the
Key R&D Program of China under Grant 2020AAA0105200, in part by data uncertainty by distribulizing the feature of parts and con-
the National Key R&D Program of China under Grant 2019YFF0303300 straining the divergence of part-based uncertainty. Then, the
and under Subject II No. 2019YFF0303302, in part by National Natural low-quality images are get rid off according to their estimated
Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant 61922015, 61773071,
uncertainty. Finally, the PUCNN is with the understanding
U19B2036, in part by Beijing Natural Science Foundation Project under
Grant Z200002, and in part by the Beijing Nova Programme Interdisciplinary and acknowledgment of the uncertainty of the input images,
Cooperation Project under Grant Z191100001119140. which improves its robustness and reliability.

978-1-6654-4115-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 2304 ICIP 2021

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illustrate how to introduce the uncertainty term into feature
embedding. Then we discuss the loss function and constraint
of the uncertainty term. (See Fig. 2 for an overview)

3.1. Deep Uncertainty Modeling

In the person ReID task, we define samples of the same per-
son following the same distribution around a feature center of
them. Here, uncertainty is defined as the distance from each
sample to its corresponding feature center. Inspired by other
uncertainty estimation methods [18–20], we assume that a
Fig. 2. The structure of the proposed PUCNN model.
feature embedding is no longer a deterministic point estima-
The main contributions of this paper are summarized as tion, but becomes a probabilistic embedding sampled from its
follows: hidden feature space as
• This is the first work that proves the estimated uncer-  
tainty score from ReID models can be utilized for data quali- P (F | x) = N F | GAP (f˜), σ 2 , (1)
• Our proposed PUCNN achieves state-of-the-art per- where F denotes the final global feature embedding of the
formance on noisy non-video datasets, the noised Market- input data x, f˜ denotes the feature map output by the last
1501 [6] and DukeMTMC [7]. convolutional layer. The original embedding f = GAP (f˜)
• Our proposed PUCNN achieves comparable perfor- is calculated by global average pooling(GAP) through f˜. Be-

mance on cross-dataset experiments that conducted from sides, fp denote the final embedding with uncertainty term. It
above non-video datasets to video datasets, the PRID2011 [8], can be expressed as
iLiDS-VID [9] and MARS [10]. The results show that the

PUCNN is an effective data selection method and trained f(p,i) = f(p,i) + εσ(p,i) , (2)
only with labeled ID. where (p, i) represents the i-th dimension for part p. We can

P ∗C (f )
obtain global embedding F = [fp ]P p=1 ∈ R by con-
catenating fp for retrieval and verification. εσ(p,i) is the in-
Deep Robust Person ReID Models. Most of previous works troduced uncertainty term, where ε ∼ N (0, I) is sampled by
focused on part-based [11], attention-based [2, 3] models and the standard normal distribution [22, 23] and σ(p,i) is the un-
time-series fusion methods [12] to adapt to outliers. In addi- certainty output. The local feature uncertainty σp ∈ RC
(fp )
tion, adversarial methods [4, 13], partial ReID methods [14] can be obtained by
and occluded ReID methods [1] are used to increase noise ro-
bustness to part occlusion samples. However, when the input
itself contains insufficient information, the output error of the   P
1 X 1
models will be large and inevitable. σp2 = Φp GAP (f˜); Ωσp , = , (3)
σ̂ 2 σ̂ 2
p=1 p
Deep uncertainty estimation Models. Deep uncertainty
estimation methods can improve the robustness, interpretabil-
where Φp (·; Ωσp ) is a combination of the fully connected
ity, and reliability of models, which is significant in some (fp ) (fp )
sensitive industrial scenarios. Lakshminarayanan et al. [15] layer with parameter Ωσp ∈ RC ×C and Sigmoid layer.
obtained model uncertainty by sampling deep ensembles. The local uncertainty σ̂p2 can be obtained by calculating the
Dropout methods [16, 17] applied dropout uncertainty in a harmonic average Hn of each dimension σ(p,i) of σp2 , so that
Bayesian pipeline. The authors in [18] introduced deep un- each local region will have a corresponding uncertainty σ̂p2 .
certainty to predict out-of-distribution samples. Moreover, Finally, by calculating the harmonic mean of each σ̂p2 , we can
uncertainty estimation has been increasingly used in face obtain the global uncertainty score σ̂ 2 .
recognition [19, 20], detection [18] and segmentation [21]
tasks. However, uncertainty methods are rarely used in re- 3.2. PU-Loss & Optimization of Constraint Function
trieval and person-ReID methods.
To maximize the noise robustness of the whole person ReID
3. PART-BASED UNCERTAINTY CONVOLUTIONAL model, we introduce both softmax loss and center loss [24]
NEURAL NETWORK to constrain the feature embedding with the uncertainty term,
and adjust the uncertainty term through Jensen–Shannon (JS)
This section will introduce our proposed method PUCNN. We divergence. Based on this, our loss function LPU consists of
first define and formulate the uncertainty in ReID task and two parts. The specific form of LPU is as


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BoT-baseline [13] PCB [11] DistributionNet [4] PUCNN (ours)
Noisy dataset
Rank-1 mAP Rank-1 mAP Rank-1 mAP Rank-1 mAP
M 93.38 81.94 93.64 83.47 93.81 82.90 94.68 84.21
M+(3, 3)GBlur 91.29 79.88 91.53 81.62 91.21 81.37 93.16 82.49
M+(3, 3),(5, 5)GBlur 84.78 69.36 86.73 71.55 88.85 72.73 89.57 75.72
M+(3, 3),(5, 5),(7, 7)GBlur 75.61 59.72 79.89 62.53 81.29 64.54 84.65 69.74
M+(3, 3)Erode 86.36 71.46 88.49 72.55 89.92 76.85 90.18 76.39
M+RO 85.42 71.76 87.97 73.91 88.56 74.26 88.70 73.57
M+(3, 3)Erode+RO 72.90 52.74 77.31 58.53 79.13 62.57 81.23 70.73
D 84.72 70.36 85.13 71.42 84.21 70.36 85.68 71.78
D+(3, 3)GBlur 81.03 66.48 83.28 69.34 82.73 68.39 83.47 69.09
D+(3, 3),(5, 5)GBlur 74.92 56.12 77.91 57.61 79.41 60.34 80.52 64.53
D+(3, 3),(5, 5),(7, 7)GBlur 66.17 48.27 69.78 49.49 71.63 51.88 74.67 55.96
D+(3, 3)Erode 80.36 65.17 80.07 64.52 81.25 66.87 82.6 68.06
D+RO 80.90 64.47 81.82 66.16 81.58 67.49 82.74 68.75
D+(3, 3)Erode+RO 61.64 43.28 62.32 44.62 68.42 47.92 70.39 51.23

Table 1. Comparisons of the proposed PUCNN and re-

ferred methods [4, 11, 13] on noisy Market-1501 (M) and
DukeMTMC (D) datasets. (3, 3) represents the size of the
Gaussian kernel is 3 × 3 in the Gaussian blurring (GBlur).
Erode means Erode-blur and RO means random occlusion.
The noisy datasets are composed of different types of inter- Fig. 3. Results of some samples with different predicted
ference and degrees of noise. uncertainty scores. From left to right, different patterns in
    the samples can be observed with the increasing uncertainty
P scores.
1 X  
2  (p,s) (p,c)  p
LPU =  1 + σp α1 LID + α2 LID  + βU  ,
P p | {z } Compared with Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence, we
ID apply the JS divergence to provide better uncertainty con-
(4) straint, because using KL divergence as a constraint function
where α1 ,α2 , and β are nonnegative multipliers. The first part generally producing gradient explosion problems. JS diver-
is the category constrained loss function LpID that contains gence solves the problem of asymmetry in the KL divergence,
(p,s) (p,c)
softmax loss LID and center loss LID to maximize inter- and its range is relatively controllable, which reduces the
(p,s) range of β in training, and there is no need for pre-training
class divergence and minimize intra-class variance. LID
and LID are defined as to prevent training collapse caused by adding the uncertainty
N ′′
! constraints prematurely.
(p,s) 1 X ewyi fp
LID = − log PC w f ′′ , (5)
N i c e
c p
(p,c) 1 X ′′ 4.1. Implementation Details
LID = f − cy i , (6)
2 i=1 p
In all experiments, the batch size was fixed as 64, using SGD
where fp′′ is the is the output of uncertainty embedding cal- optimizer with momentum as 0.9 and weight decay as 5e − 4
culated by (2) through the fully connected layer, cyi is the for 60 epochs. ResNet50 is used as the backbone with the
category center of yi , and C is class number of training. 2048-dimensional feature embedding, initializing parameters
The second part is a regularization term U p of uncertainty by Kaiming initialization [25]. We use warmup [26] to update
for not only preventing Φp (.; Ωσp ) from overfitting, but also the learning rates, and the learning rates of backbone and fully
trading off the influence of the uncertainty term, as connected (FC) layers are set as 0.001 and 0.01, respectively.
h   i Moreover, the re-rank method is not used in the test phase
UgJ S (f(p,i) , σ(p,i) ) = JS N f(p,i)
′ 2
| f(p,i) , σ(p,i) kN (ǫ | 0, I) in all experiments. The nonnegative multipliers α1 ,α2 and β
  in (4) are experimentally set as 1, 0.1, and 0.01, respectively.
4σ 2 2
1 (p,i) |f (p,i) |
= − log  2 +  ,

4 σ2 +1
σ(p,i) +1
(p,i) 4.2. Noise Robustness Improvement
P In this section, we evaluate the noise robustness of the pro-
where U p = i UgJS (f(p,i) , σ(p,i) ) is the JS divergence un- posed method. We added different degrees and types of noises
der the Gaussian assumption. When σ is small, the ID loss to the Market-1501 and DukeMTMC datasets, respectively,
will decrease and U p will increase; when σ is large, the ID to generate the noise datasets for training or testing. Gaussian
loss will increase and U p will decrease, thus avoiding the bias blurring (GBlur) added to each dataset is divided into three
problem in training. Note that each dimension of σp is in the levels. In addition, we also add Erode-blur and random oc-
interval [0, 1] constrained by the Sigmoid function, and U p clusion (RO) to the datasets, respectively, to further evaluate
decreases monotonically in the range of [0, 1]. the robustness of PUCNN model under the influence of other


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Method Percentage
CMC-1 CMC-5 CMC-10 CMC-1 CMC-5 CMC-10 CMC-1 CMC-5 CMC-10
Baseline 0% 33.5 60.2 74.3 46.7 69.5 83.1 58.4 73.6 84.1
Random selection 25% 33.7 59.2 73.8 46.1 70.2 83.2 58.3 73.2 84.8
QAN [5] 25% 37.8 68.7 81.4 52.4 77.8 91.6 62.5 77.4 91.3
PUCNN (ours) 25% 39.6 69.3 80.5 53.2 77.5 91.4 63.0 79.6 91.5
Random selection 50% 33.5 60.4 74.6 46.5 69.3 82.8 58.0 73.4 84.0
QAN [5] 50% 38.2 69.1 81.5 52.1 78.4 92.3 61.8 76.7 90.9
PUCNN (ours) 50% 39.5 69.8 80.8 52.7 78.0 92.2 62.9 78.5 91.8

Table 2. Comparisons of the proposed PUCNN with one quality filter method (QAN [5]). Results of cross-dataset CMC
performance after (0%,25%,50%) filtered. The best results are marked in bold, respectively.

noises. The comparative experiments are shown in Table 1. datasets into gallery and query sets, and removed the groups
Experimental results show that our proposed PUCNN has of samples that have less than 20 samples in the same ID.
a significant improvement on both Rank-1 and mAP, com- Subsequently, we filtered the samples with low global uncer-
pared with BoT-baseline [13] and PCB [11] evaluated on tainty scores in the query set, and set the filtering percentages
high-level noise datasets. In addition, the higher the noise to 25% and 50%, respectively, for the methods. 0% filter-
level, the more obvious the advantages of our method can be ing percentage refers to the baseline model trained by the
found. Moreover, compared with DistributionNet [4] that fo- PCB-RPP where no samples are filtered.
cuses on feature noise and label noise, the proposed PUCNN The results of the comparison of the proposed PUCNN
model also has a better positive effect on noise samples, ex- with two referred quality filter methods are reported in Ta-
cept only two cases. The main reason is that most samples in ble 2. For 25% filter percentage, the cumulative matching
the person ReID are part occluded or local features are dif- characteristics (CMC) of the PUCNN (39.6% in PRID2011)
ficult to be discriminated, that is, the local uncertainty leads is significantly better than random selection (33.7%) and
to global uncertainty. By estimating the local uncertainty of QAN [5] (37.8%). This is consistent with the above dis-
input, the effect of local parts in global features can be weak- cussions. By filtering out the query samples with high
ened. These results demonstrate that the proposed method uncertainty scores, the remaining 75% samples with lower
based on local data uncertainty modeling can strengthen the uncertainty can provide better performance of CMC-1 and
constraints and extract more discriminative features on the CMC-5, respectively. Meanwhile, PUCNN also achieves
noise samples. In addition, noise learning improves the ro- better performance in iLIDS-VID and MARS datasets. How-
bustness of the person ReID model to the uncertain samples. ever, when the filtering percentage was set as 50%, the CMCs
remain basically unchanged compared with 25% filtering
4.3. Cross-dataset Uncertainty Filter percentage. This indicates that the confused samples with
the highest 25% uncertainty scores in video-based person
As shown in Fig. 3, the images in the first two columns are ReID can bring more interference to the overall discrimina-
generated by random noise, and those in the other columns tion than the less confused samples. In summary, compared
are sampled in the Market-1501 dataset. Due to the reason with traditional quality estimation using additional attributes
that global uncertainty scores reflect the discriminant of fea- such as postures and blur-levels, the above results show that
tures, that is, the confidence of PUCNN prediction embed- the proposed PUCNN in person ReID is an effective filtering
ding, the uncertainty scores can be used to judge the quality method that only ID label is used for training.
of the input images. Therefore, the quality filter based on
global uncertainty scores can be naturally used to filter out
the confused samples and outliers, so as to improve the per-
formance of residual data in person ReID. As described in (3), In this paper, we introduced the uncertainty term into the
the global uncertainty scores can be obtained by calculating part-based person ReID model for the first time, namely
the harmonic mean of part uncertainty term. Thus, we con- PUCNN. Comprehensive experiments demonstrated that our
ducted the following experiments in Table 2. proposed PUCNN performed better than deterministic mod-
To approximate the real-world situations, we undertook els on noised datasets. Moreover, extensive cross-dataset
a group of cross-dataset experiments that all models have experiments were conducted and presented our proposed
trained on the Market-1501 dataset, and tested on three method was an effective method that can be used to estimate
video-based ReID datasets, including PRID2011 [8], iLIDS- the quality of ReID images and filter low-quality images.
VID [9], and MARS [10] datasets. We divided the three


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