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NO: 31

I get number 3, the topic is In offline situation, Students need to collect their phone before the
class begins. First of all, students nowadays need brings their phone for school. Students need to
order gojek after school or just talk to their parent. But, they have to collect their phone before
the class begin. I agree with that opinion. I think when student collect their phone before the
class begins can make students more focused on learning. If students don't collect their phone,
students may see message notifications while studying and they can't concentrate. They may chat
with other people and ignore what's in front of them. They can also view social media, play
games, or even watch videos, and that will disturbing class. Some annoying things can also
happen such as taking photos of friends or teachers while studying, and of course is very
annoying. The most worrying thing is during the exams, they can view and copy answers on
Google so they don't really study and get honest grades.

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