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DESIGN OF AEROSPACE STRUCTURES LECTURE SERIES FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS FOR AEROSPACE STRUCTURES (Analysis of Joints- bolts and rivets) BY: DR.JAY JACK R. MANZANO , Illustrative Example: (Multiple Riveted or Bolted Joints Subjected to Eccentric Loads Shows a plate fitting attached to another member by means of four bolts or rivets. (The circle represents the bolts). The fitting plate is subjected to the loads Px and Py. Let it be required to find the resultant loads on the bolt group due to the given loads I wy \ 1 in ta { = = Y ~ fA art y vy=3600! la f §-— Pe 100016 “e Gaaee no 2) oat <4 ~ soenscee ‘The centroid of resistance for the bolt group will then correspond to the centroid of the bolt areas. Itshows the fitting unit with the force Px and Py replaced by an equivalent force system at the bolt group centroid point (0). This equivalent force system will be: Py=-200 1b. Pu= 1,000 Ib. and Mo = (-200 x 1.75) - (1,000 x.25) Mo = -600 inIb. ~ Since Py and Py act through the bolt centroid they will be reacted equally by each bolt, hence V load on each bolt due to Py = -200/4 = -50 Ib.; H load on each bolt due to Px = 1,000/4 = 250 1b. ‘The load produced on each bolt due to the moment load Mo = -600 in-Ib. will vary directly as the distance of the bolt from the center of the resistance which coincides with the bolt group centroid at Let r. equal the distance from the bolt group centroid to bolt (a). Then the resisting moment developed by bolt (a) equal Fars, where Fa equals the load on the bolt (a). Since the bolt loads are proportional to their distance from o, the resisting moment My developed by bolt (b) will equal. Fa (ro/rs) rp or Fa (1¥2/re) and similarly for bolt(c) + Me= Fa re2/ra and for bolt d = Fa ra?/re ‘The total moment resistance of the bolt group therefore equals: y= ata ** Hence; Me, TFS Fy Where: I= Er? of bolt group On the loads on the other bolts, ; Fy = Mnv/I, Fe= Mr:/I, Fa= Mra/l For the bolt group: Ta=My=re=ra= 1.25 in. Hence, 1=2r2=4 (1.25 in)? 1=6.25 in? Therefore, the moment load Fm on‘each bolt will equal: Fn = Mr/I = (600 in-Ibs x 1.25 in)/6.25 in? Fu =1201b. Figure shows the resulting H, V and moment loads applied to each bolt. The resultant load can be found graphically by drawing the force polygons. The resultant bolt loads can likewise be determined analytically: 50 +120 (1/125) +0 46 Ib: 0 - 120 (.75/1.25) +0 R=(SH? + EV2)1/2 = (346)? + (122)2)/2 R= 366.88 Ib. a Illustrative Example: Shows a plate fitting attached to a double channel section by 6- %4 diameter rivets. The design fitting loads are shown, the riveted connection will be checked for strength under the given design loads. Mcg.= 9,000 in-Ib. ay “xprize cot . 516202473, 6-4 2117731 Rivets Since rivets are same size, all rivets are assumed to share equally in resisting H and V loads. Loads on each rivet due to Heg = 8,000/6 = 1,333 Ib. acting in H direction and to the right. Load on each rivet due to Veg = 3,000/6 = 500 Ib. acting down. From equation: F = Mr/I 12 = (1.625)°(4) + (.625)?(2) 1.34 int Consider rivet marked ¢; r= 1.625 in.= arm tog or bolt group Fe= Mr/I = (9,000 in-lb x 1.625 in)/11.34 in? F.= 1,289.68 lb. Since rivets b, d , and e are the same distances as rivets c from the cg, the moment load on these rivets will also equal 1,289.68 Ib. It shows the H, V, and M loads on the rivets b,c, d, and e. since the arm r to the rivets f and g is only 0.625, the load due to the moment will be considerably smaller and thus these rivets will not be critical. Observation shows that rivet cis the rivet with the largest resultant load. Res (ZFu? + EF\2)!/2 where: EFy = 1,333 + 1,280 (1.5/1.625) Fy = 2,513 lb. EFy = -500 - 1,280 (0.625/1.625) EFv=.992 Ib. Hence, (2,513)? + (-992)2)¥2 ,700 Ib. ‘The rivets are in double shear. Rivet material is 2117-T31 and using Table D1, single shear = 1,760 Ib. Double shear strength = 3,520 Ib. Bearing strength of % rivet on the .071 2024-T3 clad channel section from Table D1.9 and D1.8 is: 1,825 x 1.20 (where: k=1.20 at e/D=2.0) = 2,190 Ib. Since rivet bears on the channels, bearing strength of one rivet = 2,190 x 2 = 4,380 Ib. Rivet shear is critical: MS = (3,520/2,700) - 1 MS=.30 Note: For critical analysis, change rivets f and g to 3/16 diameter and determine whether rivet attachment still shows positive margin of safety Use: Fa= c naAara? + nyAyry? + ncAete? + naAana® n= number of bolts or rivets Nea wY Ke” ANALYSIS OF JOINTS AND FITTINGS: ‘Simple Riveted Lap Joints / a Plate Failure in Tension eS =o Ultimate Tensile Stress in the Plate ‘The bracket shown carries an offset load of S KN. Determine the resultant shear force in the rivets A and B. (The vertical shear force on each rivet is 5/6 = 0.83 KN. The Moment Pe on the rivet group is 5x75 =375 kN-mm. The distance of Rivet A (and B, G, and H) from the centroid C of the rivet groupis. : * calculate!!! A Eccentrically Loaded Riveted Joints: pear IfS=kr, where isa constant fr al vets, then Paty? from which k=re/DP and Pe Sar =e’ ‘The resultant force oma vets then the vector sum ofthe ores duet Pand Pe. Moment or Torque = Pe Shear load = P Shear Force in each Rivet = $ Example: ‘Ajoint in a metal skin is constructed by riveting the abutting skins between two straps. The metal skins are 2.5 mm thick and the straps are each 1.2 mm thick; the rivets havea diameter of 4 mm. if the tensile stress in the metal skin must not exceed 125 N/mm? and the shear stress in the rivets is limited to 120 N/mm?, determine the maximum allowable rivet spacing such that the joint is equally strong in shear and tension -- ase Ai f = FSIS TT td | antares we Calculate!!! Note: “Joint Efficiency: The efficiency of a joint or connection is measured by comparing the actual failure load with . that which apply if there were no rivet holes in the plate. Thus, for a simple Lap-Joint the efficiency is measured by (b-d)/b y/b —— — croup iad fol ¥ Zp ~ - RIVET? Saunt, Tee 5 { —>P Sow Ax STRONG Aa AT @-a, A ~ eS

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