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11, NOVEMBER 2010 3885

Impedance Calculation of a Bobbin Coil in a Conductive Tube

With Eccentric Walls
Anastassios Skarlatos1 and Theodoros Theodoulidis2
Centre de Saclay, CEA, LIST, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Western Macedonia, Bakola & Sialvera, 50100 Kozani, Greece

The complex impedance of an air-cored coil in a conductive tube with eccentric inner and outer cylindrical surfaces is calculated. The
analytic expressions for the induced fields and the impedance variation due to the eddy-current flow inside the tube wall are derived using
a second-order potential approach. The addition theorem of Bessel functions is employed to perform the transition between the local
coordinate systems that conform to the boundaries of the structure. Although the model can be used for any coil shape and orientation,
we focus our study on the configuration of a bobbin coil with axis parallel to the axes of the tube surfaces, but not necessarily coinciding
with either of them. The results of the presented analysis are verified by a finite-element-method (FEM) solution.
Index Terms—Eddy currents, impedance calculation, nondestructive evaluation, tube testing.

I. INTRODUCTION the scattering effect, the eddy-current problem not being explic-
itly discussed. Furthermore, the field excitation takes the form
of impinging plane waves and has hence different characteristics
than those of the usual excitations utilized in NDE applications.
XISTING semianalytical models for the simulation of
E eddy-current nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of con-
ductive tubes are restricted to cylindrical tubes with coaxial
The analytical formulation of the eddy-current problem in
concentric tubes excited by a coaxial air-cored bobbin coil was
studied by Dodd et al. [8]. The symmetry of this problem al-
internal and external interfaces. Deviations from this geometry lows its treatment by means of a scalar potential (or a single
in the form of interface eccentricity have not been studied component of magnetic vector potential). Arbitrary 3-D excita-
so far, although they can be of practical interest, e.g., when tions in problems possessing cylindrical symmetry, however, re-
construction imperfections have to be taken into account. Tube sult in coupling between transverse electric and transverse
configurations with eccentric walls can also be considered magnetic solutions, which inhibits the use of a scalar
to model a special case of nonuniform wall thinning in tube potential formulation. The problem can be tackled by treating
inspection. The straightforward extension of such a model to the axial components of the electric and the magnetic field si-
eccentric multilayered structures can be of considerable interest multaneously by means of a dyadic formalism [9], [10]. Fol-
for applications involving tubes with coatings or casings in lowing this approach Lovell and Chew analyzed the effect of
wells when the external layers present a relative drift with tool eccentricity in inductive well-logging [11]. An alternative
respect to the embedded tube. Even if such geometries can be approach was followed by Theodoulidis [12], where the wobble
treated by means of fully numerical tools, like for example the effect of bobbin coils in eddy-current tube testing is analyzed
finite-element method (FEM), they have the disadvantage of a by introducing a second-order potential which is similar to the
raised computational effort. Debye potentials used in [4]. Using the same approach, Burke
Eccentric multilayered cylindrical structures have been ex- and Theodoulidis [13] treated the more elaborate problem of
haustively studied in high-frequency applications. The plane an horizontal coil in a conductive borehole. Their solution for
wave scattering from a dielectric cylinder with an eccentric di- the eddy-current field in the undamaged tube has been used in
electric enclosure was treated by Uzunoglu and Fikioris [1]. The conjuction with the boundary-element method for the efficient
more general problem of scattering from an eccentric multilay- treatment of cracks in cylindrical tubes [14]. Appropriate ex-
ered circular dielectric cylinder was tackled by Kishk et al. [2]. tensions of the second-order potential approach have also made
Stratigaki et al. [3] considered the different senario of a dielec- feasible the analytical treatment of cylindrical coils with arbi-
tric host cylinder embedding multiple separate cylindrical di- trary orientation above conducting plates [15], [16], problems
electric inclusions, while in [4] an extension of this problem of increased practical interest. This method can also be applied
by considering inclusions that are also eccentrically stratified to tackle finite length cylindrical structures like that of a coil
is studied. Roumeliotis et al. [5] studied the scattering from an near the opening of a borehole [17] and the similar problem of
eccentrically coated metallic cylinder. Similar efforts were also a coil above a right-angled conductive wedge [18].
reported in the literature [6], [7]. Even if conductivity effects can This work deals with the semianalytic solution of the eddy-
also be taken into account in most of the above formulations (by current problem in an eccentric, conductive, nonmagnetic tube,
considering lossy dielectrics) the solution is merely focused on following the second-order potential approach. By “eccentric
tube” we hereafter refer to a tube with eccentric inner and outer
cylindrical surfaces. Eddy currents in the tube are excited by an
Manuscript received November 27, 2009; revised March 18, 2010; accepted air-cored bobbin coil whose axis is parallel to the tube axis, and
July 28, 2010. Date of publication August 09, 2010; date of current version Oc-
tober 20, 2010. Corresponding author: A. Skarlatos (e-mail: anastasios.skarlatos which is allowed to be also eccentric with respect to the tube surfaces. The presented analysis can be considered as a gener-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMAG.2010.2064331 alization of the simpler case of the concentric tube eddy-current
0018-9464/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE

The asymmetry of the structure gives rise to a three-com-

ponent magnetic field, thus a second order potential ansatz is
adopted [12], [17]. According to the latter, the magnetic flux
density can be written as


where is a second-order vector potential given by


and are scalar potential terms which stand for the

and solutions, respectively. Both potentials satisfy the
Helmholtz equation
Fig. 1. Problem configuration: bobbin coil in an eccentric tube. For clarity, the
coil is shown to be coaxial with the inner surface of the tube. Coils with offset (3)
from the main axis are also taken into account.

with . For the relatively low frequencies

inspection. The solution to the latter can easily be deduced by (up to some MHz) which are used in eddy-current inspection,
the more general expressions presented herein by setting van- the magneto-quasistatic approximation can be applied, which
ishing eccentricity. gives . From (1) and (2), it follows that
The paper is organized as follows. The mathematical formu-
lation of the problem is presented in the first section. The po- (4)
tential solution in the different regions of the solution domain is
expressed in terms of Fourier series and integrals of the eigen- In the nonconductive regions the above equation reduces to
functions, with expansion coefficients that are determined by
imposing the appropriate boundary conditions across the struc- (5)
ture interfaces. The excitation term is treated in a separate para-
graph. The part of the theory is concluded with the numerical where satisfies the Laplace equation
evaluation of the expansion coefficients. The results of the pro-
posed formulation are then discussed in the following section (6)
where verification of the model is done by comparing results to
results from FEM. The potential in the interior of the tube can be written as a
sum of two terms: one for the field produced by the coil in the
absence of the tube, and one standing for the field perturbation
II. MATHEMATICAL TREATMENT OF THE BOUNDARY introduced by the latter, namely
A. Potential Formulation
where stand for the coil (source) and the eddy-current-
Let us consider an infinitely long tube whose outer cylindrical related term, respectively, and denotes the total potential. The
surface is offset with respect to the inner one by a distance as potential expressions in (7) depend upon the relative position of
shown in Fig. 1. The radii of the inner and outer surfaces are the observation point with respect to the coil. For the subse-
and respectivelly, with . The tube is assumed to quent analysis only the field solution in the vicinity of the inner
be conductive and nonmagnetic, and the embedding medium is boundary is pertinent. It is thus assumed that ,
considered—without loss of generality—to be air. Let denote being the radius of the narrowest fictitious cylindrical surface
the conductivity of the tube, whereas stand for the per- which encircles the coil without intersecting it. The modal ex-
mitivity and the permeability of the medium, which in this case pansion for the potential terms in (7) becomes then
are equal with their respective values in free space (nonmagnetic
conductor). The structure is excited by an air-cored cylindrical
coil located in the interior of the tube with its axis parallel to the
axes of the tube interfaces but it does not necessarily coincide
with either of them. Two local cylindrical coordinate systems
can be defined, with -axes coinciding with the axes of each (9)
tube interface. In the rest of this paper the unprimed coordinates
will refer to the coordinate system defined by the inner interface,
whereas the primed ones will correspond to the local coordinate where and are the modified Bessel functions. The coeffi-
system related to the external interface (cf. Fig. 1). The subse- cient is the expansion coefficient for the potential produced
quent analysis will be restricted to the time-harmonic regime, by the coil in the absence of the tube, and it therefore depends
i.e., the time convention will be followed throughout this only upon the coil geometry. Its calculation will be considered
paper. in the next section.

The potential expressions inside the tube wall ( and The boundary conditions on the outer interface ,
) read read


for ,

for , and

where . The solution in the exterior of the tube (21)

for .
Since and are expressed in the unprimed coordinate
(12) system, they have to be first converted to the primed one. This
transition can be done using Graf’s addition theorem for Bessel
functions, which for the coordinate systems of Fig. 1 reads [19]
We recall here that the position vectors correspond to the
two local coordinates systems depicted in Fig. 1. The potentials
in the interior region and the tube wall are expressed in terms of
the unprimed coordinate system of the inner interface, whereas
the primed coordinates are used for the potential expression in (23)
the external region. The above choice for the coordinate system
is made in order that at least one of the tube boundaries conforms
with the -coordinate surface in each case. Substituting in the expressions (10) and (11) and using again
The coefficients , , , , , and can be de- the orthogonality of the exponential functions, the continuity
termined by imposing the boundary conditions on the two inter- relations (19)–(21) give after some manipulations
faces of the tube, namely the continuity of the normal magnetic
flux component and the continuity of the tangential magnetic
field components. Hence, the boundary conditions for the inner
surface yield


for , (24)

for , and


for . Substituting the potential expressions (8)–(11) and

taking the orthogonality of the exponential functions with (25)
imaginary arguments into account, the above continuity rela-
tions lead to the following equations:


B. Calculation of the Excitation Term: Coil in Free Space
The expression for the excitation term of an air-cored bobbin
coil is derived by the integral representation of the azimuthal
component of the magnetic vector potential produced in free-
space [12]

it turns out that


In this work, we focus on the bobbin coil. However, any other

coil shape or orientation can be modeled as long as the excitation
term can be computed. Another coil excitation of
interest in eddy-current tube testing is the horizontal coil, i.e.,
a pancake type coil with axis that is perpendicular to the inner
tube surface. For the excitation term of the horizontal coil the
Fig. 2. Coordinate transformations for the shifted coil in free space. A denotes reader is referred to [13].
the center of the coil and O is the origin of the unprimed coordinate system.
C. Solution of the System of Equations: Evaluation of the
where Expansion Coefficients
In order to solve numerically the system of equations
(28) (16)–(18) and (24)–(26), the infinite sum of the angular depen-
dence expansion is truncated up to a maximum order.
The larger the tube eccentricity or the coil offset the larger this
and the position vector being defined with respect to the number, see discussion in Section IV. The above equations can
center of the coil (cf. Fig. 2). In (28), stand for the inner be written in a more systematical way using matrix notations.
and outer radii of the coil, is its height, and denotes the wire Setting
turns. The corresponding expression for is


Applying the addition theorem to the triangle OAB (cf. Fig. 2),
the Bessel function can be written in analogy with

where and have been exchanged with and , respectively,
and is the angle between and . Substituting (30) into
(29) and comparing it with the system can be written in the form of (33) at the bottom of
the page.
Notice that for , i.e., for tube without eccentricity, only
the terms of the , survive, and the matrices
reduce to the unit matrix. The system (33) reduces then to the
(31) system of equations with noncoupled modes of a normal tube
with coaxial surfaces. Since more than half of the submatrices


in (33) are diagonal or zero, the system can be solved very ef- offsets and tube eccentricities. For a typical bobbin coil, the
ficiently by applying a variation of the Gauss elimination. The coil offset cannot be large and, moreover, eddy-current testing
inversion of (33) is examined in more detail in the Appendix. is typically applied to thin-wall tubes, i.e., tubes with a wall
thickness much smaller that the average tube radius. Thus,
III. CALCULATION OF THE COIL IMPEDANCE appropriate values for and were found to be small
Having determined the expansion coefficients, the coil and in all cases they were both set to 5. Note that
impedance can be easily obtained following the procedure of for a well-defined linear system. It is interesting to note that the
[12]. The total impedance can be written as the sum of the coil number defines the size of the matrix that needs to be
impedance in free space plus its variation due to the presence inverted. This number is , so in our case we
of the tube, namely solve 30 30 systems for each in the integral calculation.
The configuration studied is shown in Fig. 1. In all cases ex-
(34) amined, the coil has inner radius , outer radius
, height , and is wound with
where wire turns. The coil inductance can be calculated from (35)
and is found to be 943.6 . The tube is made of 304-type
austenitic stainless steel (nonmagnetic) having a nominal con-
ductivity of and a constant inner surface radius
of . The tube eccentricity is created by changing
(35) the outer surface offset with respect to the inner surface. In ad-
The impedance variation can be obtained applying the reci- dition, the coil is also given an offset.
procity theorem Theoretical and numerical results are compared in Table I for
two outer tube surface radii ( and 13 mm), for two outer
(36) tube surface eccentricities ( and 2 mm) and for two coil
position offsets ( and 1 mm). For , the coil is
located next to the thin part of the tube wall, i.e., . For
where the integration extends over the inner surface of the tube each combination, we compute the normalized coil resistance
. , denote the electric field and the magnetic flux den- and coil inductive reactance at four frequencies. The normal-
sity in the absence of the tube, whereas , denote the corre- izing factor is the inductance of the bobbin coil in free-space and
sponding quantities when the tube is present. This equation has the four frequencies are related to the so-called frequency
been shown to take the following form [12]: which is a standard frequency for performing eddy-current tube
testing and is calculated by , where is the
tube conductivity in % IACS and is the tube wall thickness
in mm. The four frequencies, i.e., 13, 26, 52, and 104 kHz cor-
respond to the frequency, which
(37) is about 52 kHz for the particular combination of specific con-
which in turn reduces to the following form upon substituting (8) ductivity (2.5% IACS) and tube wall thickness of the concentric
and (9) and applying Parseval’s theorem for Fourier transform tube with .
and Fourier series Regarding the FEM results, for each geometrical config-
uration a different grid is used with the number of degrees
of freedom (with quadratic elements) ranging from 70 000 to
110 000. The same grid, however, is used for all four frequen-
cies, which means that as frequency is increased the results may
not be as accurate for the real part of the impedance change
(38) due to the smaller skin depth and the abrupt change of the field
across the tube radius. Actually, this is what we observe in the
IV. RESULTS results of Table I. Other than that, the agreement is excellent.
In this section, first we verify the theoretical results by Computation times for each parameter combination are of the
comparing them to numerical ones derived from the 3-D FEM order of 5 min for FEM and 10 s for the proposed model with
package Comsol 3.3. For the evaluation of (38), both the in- a typical personal computer. Note that we do not simulate the
tegration range and the summation limit need to be truncated combination and because in this case
to suitable numbers and . In addition, the there will be a region in the circumference where the tube wall
maximum number of terms in the summation of the addition thickness will be zero and close to zero and it is extremely diffi-
theorem needs to be established. In [13], automatic cult to get results with FEM due to grid construction problems.
integration routines were used for the integration and hence Some results (in the form of impedance loci) are shown next,
did not need to be established. A thorough study on in the normalized complex impedance plane, which is the ac-
and was done in [20]. We followed the latter cepted way of presenting eddy-current testing data as they sim-
and used a Nyquist-type criterion for Fourier transforms to ulate the display of eddy-current instruments. Fig. 3 shows the
decide upon . Integration was done by trapezoidal rule. impedance loci produced by increasing the eccentricity of the
Regarding and , these are greater for larger coil outer surface at the four frequencies. In all cases, the coil has no


Fig. 3. Normalized coil impedance variation for increasing eccentricity at four

frequencies for zero coil offset. The inner and outer radii of the tube are 10
mm and 12 mm, respectively. The curves in the figure are calculated using the
analytical model. The zero eccentricity case corresponds to the smallest value
of normalized reactance in each of the curves.
Fig. 4. Normalized coil impedance variation for increasing eccentricity at 26
kHz and a coil offset of 2 mm at three coil position azimuthal angles. For com-
offset and the tube has an inner radius of 10 mm and outer radius parison, the normalized coil impedance for zero coil offset is also appended.
of 12 mm. Eccentricity is then increased up to the maximum of The inner and outer radii of the tube are 10 mm and 12 mm, respectively. The
curves in the figure are calculated using the analytical model.
2 mm in linear steps of 0.1 mm. The resulting arc-like curves
resemble those produced in the axisymmetric case of a coil in a
concentric tube when the tube wall thickness is decreased (up- the overall effect in the impedance variation will resemble an av-
ward movement of impedance loci). Although the increasing ec- erage decrease in the tube wall thickness. If we connected cor-
centricity means that in a specific azimuthal region responding data points at different frequencies, we would get
the tube wall thickness will decrease while in the opposite az- the frequency curve. Moreover, it is evident from Fig. 3 that the
imuthal region the tube wall thickness will increase, effect of eccentricity on the impedance is logarithmic as is the

effect of all parameters in eddy-current testing. In Fig. 3, we

show results for a linear scale of eccentricity.
Fig. 4 shows impedance loci produced by increasing the tube
eccentricity at . The coil is also offset by 2 mm
with respect to the inner tube surface, at three azimuthal angles.
An angle of corresponds to the coil located on the
thin region of the tube wall, created by tube eccentricity, while
an angle of corresponds to the coil located on the
thick region of the tube wall. The arrow shows the variation
produced by the coil offset in a concentric tube, an increase in
the resistance and decrease in the total reactance of the coil when
it moves towards the inner tube wall and agrees with a previous (40)
observation [12]. Finally, if we connected corresponding data
points at different coil position azimuthal angles we would get
the impedance variation produced by the azimuthal movement
of the coil in an eccentric tube.

An exact model is presented for the interaction of a coil in an
eccentric tube. In the core of the calculations lie the use of the
addition theorem for Bessel functions and the efficient numer-
ical inversion of the resulting linear system for the calculations
of the unknown expansion coefficients. The system of equations
(33) is solved numerically, that is the reason for identifying the
method as semianalytical. The model is very fast and is verified and
by FEM. It can be used in studies of eddy-current tube inspec-
tions and moreover offers the possibility of several extensions.
For example, when adopting integral methods, a Green’s func-
tion can be constructed that will be helpful for modeling defect
inspections in such eccentric tubes. Moreover, the required in-
cident electric field, which is the field produced by the coil in
the tube without defect can be calculated with the model of this
The submatrices , , are diagonal, so their inversion
is trivial. The subsystem

The system of equations (33) can be written in the following
is full, hence there is no benefit in trying to reduce it further.
After direct inversion of this subsystem (using Gauss elim-
ination or LU decomposition) and the computation of ,
, the remaining coefficients can be easily obtained by
Let us now consider the axisymmetrical mode more closely.
Let , be the diagonal matrices and the excitation vector if
we hold only the zero-mode elements. From (33) we obtain


where are diagonal matrices. For the axisymmetrical mode

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treatment is necessary in order to invert the matrix. They will
be ignored for the moment, and it will be assumed that all the
submatrices are invertible (the appropriate corrections will be
introduced afterwards). After some manipulations, the system
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