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General Science, Quarter 2 (Physics) REV

Rhona Marie O. Belonio, X - Einstein

Brief History of Electromagnetic Waves
1. Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (1813) (2) Magnetic poles come
- Gauss’s Law, a net amount in pairs that attract
of charge contained within a and repel each other.
region of space will generate (3) An electric current in a wire
an electric field that produces a magnetic field
emanates through the whose direction depends on
surface that surrounds that the direction of the current.
region. (4) A moving electric field
2. Hans Christian Ørsted (1820) produces a magnetic field,
- Discovered that electric and vice versa.
current in a wire can deflect a Maxwell published a set of equations
magnetized compass needle. knowns as Maxwell’s Equation.
He discovered that electric
currents create magnetic
3. André-Marie Ampére (1826)
- Discovered the force
between two current carrying
Maxwell also proved that light, electricity,
wires. He observed that
and magnetism all came from the same
magnetic field in space
force called Electromagnetic Force.
around an electric current is
just proportional to the 5. Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1886)
electric current which serves - He began to research to test
as its source, just as the Maxwell’s theories on EM
electric field in space is waves. His experiments
proportional to the charge. showed that the
4. James Clerk Maxwell (1873) electromagnetic effects that
- Developed a unified theory Maxwell had identified
of electromagnetism. propagated at a finite speed.
- The four main - He developed techniques for
electromagnetic interactions: measuring the wavelength
(1) The force of and velocity of
attraction or electromagnetic waves and
repulsion between described their reflection and
electric charges is refraction.
inversely proportional - He discovered the existence
to the square of the of radio waves and
distance between determined that they
them. behaved like light.
General Science, Quarter 2 (Physics) REV
Rhona Marie O. Belonio, X - Einstein
Brief History of Electromagnetic Waves

6. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck

- In 1900, he discovered that
energy is not continuous but
- Energy can only be
transferred in individual EM Wave Problem Solving
“packets” or particles and An electromagnetic wave is producing a
these packets are called photon of energy 1.66 x 10-18 J.
quantum or quanta.
a. What is the frequency?
- His discoveries gave way for
Given: E = 1.66 x 10-18 J.
the discovery of the photon.
Required: Frequency (f)
Photon – the elementary particle or Formula: E = hf
quantum of light. Solution:
E = hf
f = 1.66 x 10-18 J. / 6.626 x 10-34 J.s
f = 2.51 x 1015 s or hz
b. What is the wavelength?
Given: f = 2.51 x 1015 s or hz
c = 3.0 x 108 m/s
Required: λ
Formula: c = f λ
 Photon absorbed, move up an orbit
 Photon released, move down an
λ = 3.0 x 108 m/s / 2.51 x 1015 Hz
When a photon is absorbed, its energy is λ = 1.20 x 10-7 m
transferred to that atom or molecule. When
an atom or molecule loses energy, it emits a
photon that carries an energy exactly equal
to the loss in energy of the atom or
Planck’s Equation

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