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Statement of Purpose

I am wri ng to express my interest in pursuing a Masters in HR at Brunel University. As a recent

graduate from Somaiya College in Mumbai, where I completed my undergraduate degree in
Commerce, I am excited to embark on the next phase of my academic and professional journey.

During my undergraduate studies, I was fascinated by the role of human resource management in
shaping the success of an organiza on. I was drawn to the idea that people are an organiza on's
most valuable asset and that effec ve HR management can lead to be er employee engagement, job
sa sfac on, and produc vity. This inspired me to pursue a career in HR and to further my educa on
in this field.

I have chosen to apply to Brunel University's Masters in HR program because of its outstanding
reputa on for academic excellence, research, and prac cal applica on of HR knowledge. I believe
that this program will equip me with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the HR industry
and to make a meaningful impact in my future career.

During my me at Brunel, I am eager to learn about the latest HR theories and prac ces, as well as
develop my analy cal and cri cal thinking skills. I am excited to engage with my peers and faculty
members, learn from their diverse experiences, and par cipate in collabora ve projects and

As a fresher, I recognize that I have much to learn and that this program will provide me with a strong
founda on in HR theory and prac ce. I am commi ed to working hard, being a diligent student, and
making the most of the opportuni es presented to me during my me at Brunel.

In the long term, I aspire to work in a leadership role in HR and to contribute to the success of
organiza ons by crea ng a posi ve work environment, promo ng employee engagement, and
implemen ng effec ve HR policies and prac ces.

Thank you for considering my applica on to the Masters in HR program at Brunel University. I look
forward to the opportunity to contribute to and benefit from the rich academic and professional
environment at Brunel.


Vidhi Sapariya

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