STS Module 6 Science Education in The Philippines 10.10.23

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Module 6


Lesson Objectives

 Identify government science and technology

programs to support science education in te
country; and
 Review the contributions of science
education in nation-building
 Teaching science – involves creating ways on
how to successfully teach science by exploring
pedagogical theories and models to help
teachers teach scientific concepts and processes

 Learning science – includes helping students

appreciate learning science and involving in
science activities. It entails using science process
skills and developing a high level of science
Advantage of Science Education

 Science education prepares citizens for a

scientifically and technologically driven
 Science education develops skills and
knowledge that are necessary for a person to
live in what Knight (1986) describes as the
age of science and
 To develop a citizenry that will meet the goals
of science in the society (Tilghman 2005).
Science Education in the
 The Philippines is doing its best to improve
science education in the country. One of the
strategies pursued by the government is to
establish academic programs, scholarships,
and science schools that will support students
to pursue career in science and technology
and to nurture their gifted potentials in
1. Science in the University of the
Philippines System
 University of the Philippines as the national
university remains to be the top university in the
country in terms of the number of science degree
programs from undergraduate to graduate level. It
remains to be the university in the country to create
research and produce graduates in various fields of
science like physics, chemistry, biology, marine
science, geological science, agricultural sciences,
engineering, mathematics, medical and allied health
programs, and other fields. UP also has the largest
concentration of scientists and doctoral degree
holders in the field of science. Its laboratories are
considered world-class and resources of scientific
knowledge in the country.
Science in the University of the
 UP also has several institutes and centers for
science and technology research in the country.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, several UP
professors shared their expertise in helping the
country cope with the challenges brought by
the pandemic. The Philippine General Hospital,
Philippine Genome Center, National Institute of
Health, and the Institute of Mathematics
among others proved to be of great help to the
2. DOST-funded Scholarship

 The Departments of Science and Technology

(DOST) provides scholarship to deserving
Filipino students to take science, technology,
engineering, agriculture, forestry, computer
science, and other science and technology
courses in various CHED identified centers of
excellence and in autonomous universities
across the country. The goal of this program
is to increase the human talents for science
and technology in the country.
3. Science Education in Basic Education
 Basic education remains to be an important
preparation to recruit students to study science.
Thus, the government is implementing basic
education programs that promote science
education in the country. One outstanding
program for science and education supported by
the government is the Philippine Science High
School system with branches in various parts of
the country. There are also several government
programs implemented by the Department of
Education and few private schools for science
a. Philippine Science High School System

 This is a government program for

scientifically and mathematically gifted
students. It is a service institute under the
DOST with a mandate to provide
secondary education program advanced
science and mathematics subjects to
prepare students for a science career (RA
3661). The school provides dormitory
facilities for all its students.
 Since its inception, , the PSHSS remains to
pursue its vision to develop Filipino science
scholars with scientific mind and a passion for
excellence. PSHS students have proven
themselves to be a beacon of excellence,
courage, and hope for the country. The students
in PSHS have brought honor to the Philippines
through their exemplary achievements in various
international competitions and research. These
students are expected to pursue degrees in
Science and Technology in different colleges and
universities, local and abroad.
b. Regional Science High Schools

 The Department of Education maintained

several regional science schools in various
regions and provinces in the Philippines.
These regional science high schools offer a
curriculum focusing on science and
mathematics. A system of selective
mathematically gifted students or those
who are showing interests and potential in
science and mathematics are admitted.
c. Special Science Education Project

 Special Science Elementary Schools

(SSES) Project is in fulfillment to DepEd
Order No. 73 s. 2008, and DepEd Order No.
52 s. 2010. This project started in June 2007
with 57 identified elementary schools that
were identified as science elementary
schools. Since its inception, the number of
science elementary schools has grown in
different regions across the country.
The SSES Project aims to develop Filipino children equipped with
scientific and technological knowledge, skills, and values. The
mission of the SSES is to:
 Offer a learning environment to children who are
gifted in science through a special curriculum
that recognizes the multiple intelligences of the
 Support the development of lifelong learning
skills; and
 Foster holistic development among the learners
In the SSES, Science and Health is taught starting in Grade 1.
Students spent longer time studying science compared to other
subjects; 70mins for Grades 1 – 3 and 80mins for Grades 4-6. The
curriculum also utilizes special instructional methods and approaches
like the use of investigatory projects.
d. Quezon City Regional Science High School

 This was established on 17 September 1967.

Originally, it was named Quezon City Science
High School. It was turned into a regional science
high school for the National Capital Region in
1999. The school was a product of a dream to
establish a special science school for the talented
students in science and mathematics. The focus
of the curriculum is on science and technology.
The school still teaches the basic education
courses prescribed by DepEd for secondary.
 However, there are additional subjects in
sciences and technology that students should
take. The school envisioned being a venue to
provide maximum opportunities for science-
gifted students to develop spirit of inquiry
and creativity. The school is well-supported
by the local government unit and by the
Parents and Teachers Association (PTA). The
school is under the Department of Education.
e. Manila Science High School

 The school was established in 1 October

1963 as the Manila Science High School
(MSHS). It is the first science high school in
the Philippines. The organization and
curriculum of the school puts more
emphasis on science and mathematics .
MSHS aims to produce scientists with
souls. In order to do this, humanities
courses and other electives are included in
their curriculum.
 Students are also encouraged to participate in
various extracurricular activities. The school
administers an entrance exam, the Manila
Science High School Admission Test (MSAT),
for students who wish to enroll. The MSAT has
five parts: aptitude test in Science, aptitude
test in Mathematics, problem-solving test in
Science, and proficiency in English. The school
prides itself from producing outstanding
alumni and for winning various national

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