Habitat Change and Biodiversity Loss in South and Southeast Asian Countries

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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:63260–63276



Habitat change and biodiversity loss in South and Southeast Asian

Yan‑Ling Tan1 · Jen‑Eem Chen2 · Thian‑Hee Yiew3 · Muzafar Shah Habibullah4

Received: 28 October 2021 / Accepted: 29 March 2022 / Published online: 22 April 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022

South and Southeast Asia is by far the most populous region in Asia, with the greatest number of threatened species. Changes
in habitat are a major contributor to biodiversity loss and are more common as a result of land-use changes. As a result, the
goal of this study is to use negative binomial regression models to investigate habitat change as one of the important drivers
of biodiversity loss in South and Southeast Asian countries from 2013 to 2018. According to the negative binomial estimates,
the findings for the habitat change measures are quantitatively similar for the impacts of agricultural land and arable land on
biodiversity threats. Agricultural and arable land both have a positive impact on biodiversity loss. We found that, contrary to
our expectations, the forest area appears to have an unexpected direct influence on the number of threatened species. A higher
number of threatened species is associated with rising per capita income, human population and a low level of corruption
control. Finally, the empirical findings are consistent across taxonomic groups, habitat change measures and Poisson-based
specifications. Some policy implications that could mitigate biodiversity loss include educating and promoting good govern-
ance among the population and increase the conservation effort to sustain green area and national forest parks in each country.

Keywords Biodiversity loss · Habitat change · Land-use changes

Introduction put biodiversity in jeopardy due to rapid urbanisation and

resource exploitation. Biodiversity loss has emerged as the
Biodiversity is essential for providing genetic resources for most serious global environmental challenge confronting
all livestock, plants and marine species harvested for food the world today. As a result, worldwide concerns about
(Kaur et al. 2019). Nonetheless, economic activities have the rapid extinction of species have been heightened (Li
et al. 2013). Global species extinction rates are expected to
increase 1000 times faster than the background rate (Pimm
Responsible Editor: Eyup Dogan
et al. 2014).
* Jen‑Eem Chen In recent years, developing countries in Asia have demon-
jechen@uitm.edu.my strated resilient economic growth, but this has also exposed
Yan‑Ling Tan them to the greatest threats to their biodiversity. Figure 1
tanya163@uitm.edu.my depicts the decline in biodiversity in Asia during 2013 and
Thian‑Hee Yiew 2020. It is clear to observe that the number of threatened
yiewth@utar.edu.my species was increasing in each region of Asia. Additionally,
Muzafar Shah Habibullah South and Southeast Asia, which have the majority of their
muzafar@putrabs.edu.my countries covered in tropical rainforests that provide habitat
1 for species, experienced the highest number of threatened
Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi
MARA Cawangan Johor, Kampus Segamat, Malaysia species and also a sharp increase in the biodiversity loss. The
2 International Union for the Conservation of Nature classifies
Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi
MARA Cawangan Perlis, Kampus Arau, Malaysia several local species as vulnerable (VU), endangered (EN)
3 or critically endangered (IUCN 2010).
Faculty of Business and Finance, Universiti Tunku Abdul
Rahman, Kampar, Malaysia Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 2, Malaysia experienced
4 the greatest loss of species, followed by Indonesia and
Putra Business School, Selangor, Malaysia

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:63260–63276 63261

India, where over 1000 species were threatened, while fauna. Malaysia, Indonesia and India have a total of 1351,
Timor-Leste had the least threatened species. Furthermore, 1348 and 1049 endangered species, respectively.
a large number of species have become extinct in three Alternatively, Fig. 3 depicts the number of threatened
mega diverse countries, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Phil- species in South and Southeast Asia by taxonomic group for
ippines, which house the majority of the world’s flora and the years 2013 and 2020. In 2013, the number of threatened

Fig. 1  Number of threatened

species in Asian regions, 2013 Number of threatened species 2013 2020
and 2020. Source: IUCN (2020, 10,000 9,459
version 1) and IUCN (2013,
version 2) 8,000 7,456


4,000 3,010
2,024 1,861
264 474
South & Southeast Asia West & Central Asia East Asia North Asia

Fig. 2  Average number of

threatened species in South Timor-Leste 27
and Southeast Asian countries, Bhutan 80
2013–2020. Source: IUCN Nepal 104
(various versions) Bangladesh 148
Brunei 212
Laos 219
Cambodia 255
Singapore 300
Myanmar 317
Sri Lanka 598
Thailand 617
Vietnam 627
Philippines 786
India 1,049
Indonesia 1,348
Malaysia 1,351
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,400
Average number of threatened species

Fig. 3  Number of threatened

species by taxonomic groups Number of threatened species
in South and Southeast Asian 9,274
2013 2020
countries, 2013 and 2020. 9,000
Source: IUCN (various ver-
sions) “For reptiles, fishes,
molluscs, other invertebrates 7,000 7,304
and plants: the figure displayed 6,000
should be interpreted as the
number of species known to be 5,000

threatened within those species 4,000 3,555

that have been assessed to date,
and not as the overall total num-
1,863 2,557
ber of threatened species for 2,000 1,308
each group (IUCN 2020, p. 1)” 1,000
823 817 441 297 1,651
799 646 343 294 914 100
Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fishes Molluscs Other inverts Plants Total

63262 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:63260–63276

species in South and Southeast Asia ranged from 100 for to have decreased from 298 million hectares in 2013 to
molluscs to 2557 for plants. In 2020, a total of 9274 species 294 million hectares in 2018, representing a 4.3 million
were classified as threatened. Plants, other invertebrates and hectares loss (Fig. 4(a)).
fishes suffered the greatest loss of species among all threat- This study differs from previous studies in three
ened species. As a result, natural habitats in the tropical aspects. First, empirical evidence about the effects of
rainforest were disappearing at an alarming rate. habitat change in a larger context as a result of land-
Figure 4 depicts the trends in agricultural land, arable use changes is presented. Changes in habitat can lead
land and forest area in countries in South and Southeast to an increase in biodiversity loss in three ways: (i)
Asia. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the total agricultural land was agricultural land and arable land changes such as
327 million hectares in 2013, while the total arable land vegetation clearing for agricultural and other devel-
was 237 million hectares. In 2018, agricultural and arable opmental purposes (Asafu-Adjaye 2003; MEA 2005;
land increased to 335 million hectares and 241 million (ii) reduction in forest cover, due to population and
hectares, respectively. At the same time, Fig. 4(b) presents employment pressures on forest cover, has resulted in
the agricultural land, arable land and forest area by coun- high fuelwood use, house building and land clearing
tries in 2018. India alone possessed 180 million hectares (Xu et al. 2006). Forest cover in protected areas, on
of agricultural land and 156 million hectares of arable the other hand, reflects an initiative to protect biodi-
land. Indonesia has 62 million hectares of agricultural versity and human welfare; and (iii) ineffective forest
land and 26 million hectares of arable land, and Thailand management in managing and optimising resources (Xu
comes next with 22 million hectares of agricultural land et al. 2006). This has resulted in more physical places
and 17 million hectares of arable land. Aside from that, to meet human demands, resulting in increased species
forest area in South and Southeast Asian countries is likely habitat loss and biodiversity loss (Asafu-Adjaye 2003;

Fig. 4  Agricultural land, arable

land and forest area in South '000 hectares
and Southeast Asian countries. 2013 2018
Source: WDI (2021) (a) Agri- 350,000.0
cultural land, arable land, and 293,914.2
forest area, 2013 and 2018. (b) 240,983.8
Agricultural land, arable land,
and forest area by countries in 200,000.0
2018 150,000.0


Agricultural land Arable land Forest area


'000 hectares
160,000 Agricultural land Arable land Forest area


Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:63260–63276 63263

Hu et al. 2021). The indicator of land-use change is Biodiversity is essential for the proper functioning of eco-
frequently used to identify biodiversity threats (Hu systems, which support the delivery of ecosystem services,
et al. 2021). that provide us with a variety of direct and indirect social
There are several aspects of land use such as agricultural and economic benefits (Halkos 2011). Climate regulation,
land, arable land and forest area (FAO 2021; WDI 2021). food and water supply, disease and natural disaster control,
Extensive land use may result in soil nutrient loss, land recreation, soil formation and nutrient cycling are among the
degradation, grassland destruction and deforestation. Sug- benefits (MEA 2005). Nonetheless, human activities have
arcane farming practices, for example, have been found to consistently resulted in biodiversity loss and ecosystem dis-
reduce soil organic matter and contribute to soil degrada- ruption, with species becoming extinct at an unprecedented
tion in South Africa (Bailey et al. 2016). For simplicity, rate. Eventually, biodiversity loss endangers human well-
agricultural land is the land area dedicated to permanent being and, possibly, human survival (Cardinale et al. 2012;
crops, whereas arable land is dedicated to temporary crops Naeem et al. 2016; Skogen et al. 2018).
(FAO 2021; WDI 2021). However, our understanding of the Biodiversity loss occurs when a specific diversity declines
impact of habitat change is still limited because previous due to species extinction or when the potential of the com-
studies did not distinguish between land-use conversion and ponents of diversity to provide a specific service is reduced
habitat change (for instance, permanent or temporary crops). due to unsustainable harvesting (MEA 2005). Human devel-
As a result, this study distinguished three indicators of habi- opment and biodiversity loss are widely regarded as today’s
tat change: agricultural land, arable land and forest area. two major environmental challenges. Land conversion to
Secondly, previous studies used only threatened fish agriculture, air and water pollution, overexploitation, climate
species (Clausen and York 2008), only threatened plant change and urban development are all factors contributing
species (Habibullah et al. 2016), only threatened bird spe- to a decrease in natural habitat area. Furthermore, the rate
cies (Habibullah et al. 2018) or threatened species, species of conversion of land to agriculture is much higher in the
richness and endemic species for mammals and birds (Kerr tropical region (Perrings and Halkos 2015). This obviously
and Burkey 2002; Kerr and Currie 1995; McPherson and results in habitat loss caused by crop and pasture lands being
Nieswiadomy 2005) to capture the disaggregated effects of relocated (Deininger and Minten 2002; Tilman 1999; Tilman
biodiversity loss. We argued that habitat change and other et al. 1994).
anthropogenic factors could cause individual species to One of the signs of environmental degradation that the
become endangered. Following that, regression analyses world is facing today is the loss of biodiversity. Biodiversity
were carried out on both the aggregated threatened species loss involves the irreversible loss of valuable ecosystems,
and the individual threatened species, using method simi- and biodiversity decline is classified as a special issue in
lar to those used in previous study (Naidoo and Adamow- environmental degradation (Asafu-Adjaye 2003). Rapid
icz 2001). Individual threatened species data contains more urbanisation has increased the demand for natural resources,
informative and complete information than threatened spe- resulting in the destruction of forests and natural habitat.
cies analysis using aggregated data. A large number of species are expected to decline or even
Finally, we used annual panel data for 16 South and become extinct as a result of habitat loss by 2050 (Kong
Southeast Asian countries from 2013 to 2018 rather than et al. 2021; Powers and Jetz 2019). As a result, habitat loss
cross-sectional data, which has been used in several empiri- is a primary cause of biodiversity decline, and it is most
cal studies (Asafu-Adjaye 2003; Kerr and Currie 1995; closely related to land-cover change. Conversions of land
Naidoo and Adamowicz 2001; Habibullah et al. 2021), or for agricultural and other uses occur because of increasing
data averaging (Clausen and York 2008). This is due to an population growth, which has put the ecosystem in jeop-
increase in the number of threatened species in South and ardy. According to Perrings and Halkos (2015), most of the
Southeast Asian countries. As a result of these shortcom- population in developing countries still lives in rural areas
ings, we decided to investigate habitat change as one of the and involves in agricultural activities that exploit natural
major drivers of biodiversity loss in South and Southeast resources.
Asian countries from 2013 to 2018. Agricultural land conversion or cultivated systems cover
roughly one-quarter of the Earth’s land surface (MEA 2005).
Between now and 2050, it is expected that 10–20% of exist-
Literature review ing grassland and forestland will be used for other purposes,
primarily agricultural land expansion as well as city and
Biological diversity (biodiversity) is defined as variation infrastructure expansion (MEA 2005). Furthermore, due to
among living organisms from all sources, including ter- patchy conversion patterns, existing forest fragmentation
restrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems, as well as occurs, resulting in a reduction in the number and abun-
the ecological complexes that they form (MEA 2005). dance of species that can be supported on unconverted land

63264 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:63260–63276

(Laurance et al. 2011; Lewis et al. 2009). As a result, habitat Numerous studies have been conducted to investigate the
destruction, degradation and fragmentation because of land- effects of land-use change and socioeconomic factors on bio-
use change are more important drivers of biodiversity loss diversity loss. Cropper and Griffiths (1994) used deforesta-
(Maxwell et al. 2016; Skogen et al. 2018). Extensive studies tion as a proxy for biodiversity in their early studies and used
have been conducted in recent years to investigate biodiver- fixed effects estimation to examine the effects of population
sity loss from a scientific standpoint. Nonetheless, quantita- pressure on biodiversity in Africa, Latin America and Asia.
tive research in social science and economic contexts is still Based on the findings, rural population density increases
constrained, owing primarily to data availability. deforestation in Africa, whereas log price has a significant
The previous studies investigated biodiversity loss in impact on deforestation in Latin America. Furthermore, in
various ways, including data, methodology and interpreta- Africa and Latin America, there is a hump-shaped relation-
tions. For example, a few indicators were used to represent ship between per capita income and deforestation. However,
biodiversity loss which were deforestation, the National the independent variables are insignificant in explaining
Biodiversity Risk Assessment Index (NABRAI) and the deforestation in Asia, which may be due to the importance
number of threatened species. Deforestation was attempted of forest plantations in this continent.
by Cropper and Griffiths (1994). On the other hand, the Kerr and Currie (1995) were, to the best of our knowl-
National Biodiversity Risk Assessment Index (NABRAI) edge, the first paper to use threatened species to assess
was developed by Reyers et al. (1998), which takes into biodiversity loss. In 90 countries, they assessed the effects
account indices of pressure, state and response. Last but not of human activity on global extinction risk. The findings
the least, the threatened species listed on the IUCN’s red list revealed that human population poses a significant threat
were used to assess biodiversity loss (Gren et al. 2015; Kerr to bird species, whereas per capita income poses a threat
and Currie 1995; Naidoo and Adamowicz 2001; Habibullah to mammal species. Similar finding on the former was also
et al. 2019; Habibullah et al. 2021). Human development found by Habibullah et al. (2016) indicating that increase
has directly resulted in habitat disturbances due to changes in population growth increases the number of threatened
in land use. Habitat disturbances include habitat loss due to plant species in 143 countries. Protected areas, on the other
reduction in area and habitat fragmentation, which occurs hand, have a strong correlation with mammalian population
when a large habitat is divided into small parts (Kong density. More importantly, there is no evidence to support
et al. 2021). the claim that species extinction is caused by habitat loss in
The consequences of habitat loss include population loss areas where the land-use pattern is statistically insignificant.
and a reduction in species richness (Butchart et al. 2010; Kerr and Burkey (2002) then conducted another study,
Pimm et al. 2014). A large number of species are expected this time focusing on the patterns of endemism and the
to decline or even become extinct as a result of habitat loss numbers of threatened birds and mammals in 42 countries
by 2050 (Powers and Jetz 2019). As a result, there is an with tropical moist forests. They reported that mammals
urgent need to examine biodiversity loss from the stand- are more threatened than birds in these countries, implying
point of land use. In fact, land can be classified into two that mammals are especially vulnerable to environmental
types: human-dominated land and natural-dominated land changes. In contrast to their previous study, Kerr and Currie
(Kong et al. 2021). Human-dominated land is used for (1995) asserted that protected areas do not correspond to
intensive human activities such as agriculture and urbanisa- threatened species because reserves are too small to provide
tion, whereas nature-dominated land, such as forests, grass- adequate protection for vertebrates, and reserve networks
land, water bodies and bare areas, are not directly altered are not related to threatened species at a large spatial scale.
by humans. The effects of conversion of nature-dominated Furthermore, human population growth rates and rising debt
land to urban land on biodiversity have been extensively levels in these countries should be prioritized for improve-
discussed (Güneralp and Seto 2013; He et al. 2014; Liu ment by developed countries.
et al. 2019). Given that the data on threatened species has recently
However, until recently, the effects of agricultural expan- become more readily available, an increasing number of
sion on habitat loss were not given enough attention in bio- studies are using them as a biodiversity loss indicator. Fur-
diversity hotspots (Kehoe et al. 2015; Molotoks et al. 2018). thermore, the importance of land-use factors is gaining
To some extent, it is argued that agricultural land provides attraction among academics, as habitat change is claimed to
important habitat for terrestrial species (Foley et al. 2011). be a primary driver of biodiversity loss. Naidoo and Adamo-
Despite this, agrochemical use and agricultural mechanisa- wicz (2001) have expanded the list of threatened species by
tion (Davis et al. 2017; Zermeño-Hernández et al. 2015), including plants, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fishes and
seasonality in agricultural production and uncertainty in invertebrates, as well as land-use factors. Using count-data
agricultural structural adjustments are detrimental to bio- regression, they examined the relationship between threat-
logical survival and reproduction (Kong et al. 2021). ened species and per capita income in 100 countries. In five

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:63260–63276 63265

of the seven taxonomic groups studied, the number of threat- concentration is a critical factor affecting amphibians,
ened species was found to be related to per capita income. reptiles and bird species. Gren et al. (2015) concluded
In addition, land-use factors have a significant impact on that the effects of protected areas on biodiversity loss
threatened species. Protected areas are important in prevent- are mixed. Protected areas may reduce the number of
ing the extinction of amphibian species, whereas agricultural threatened mammals, amphibians and reptiles while
land is a threat to invertebrate species. increasing the number of threatened plant species. These
Asafu-Adjaye (2003) found that protected land areas could be the results of ineffective management (Watson
could save species from extinction, particularly mammal et al. 2014), and increasing urbanisation depletes biodi-
species, bird species and plant species, whereas land devel- versity in protected areas (Mcdonald et al. 2008). They
oped for agriculture and other uses only affects mammal also discovered that arable land contributes to biodiver-
species. Aside from that, economic growth, population sity loss. Kong et al. (2021) used the human land-use
density, number of tourists, good governance, exchange disturbance index (LDI) to assess habitat loss and frag-
rate and economic freedom all play a role in biodiversity mentation in global biodiversity hotspots from 1992 to
loss. According to Li et al. (2013), more arable land, higher 2015. Nonetheless, there is no evidence to support the
population density and economic growth will exacerbate claim that human development has a negative impact on
species loss in the long run. Perrings and Halkos (2015) habitats. According to the findings, developed countries
investigated the impact of agricultural productivity growth have not done a better job of conserving biodiversity
and agricultural land conversion on threats to mammalian, hotspots than developing countries. Despite this, rapid
bird and plant species in 27 Sub-Saharan African countries. urbanisation in Central Asia and the Himalaya will pose
They discovered that widespread agricultural expansion a significant challenge to biodiversity conservation in
is associated with increasing threats to biodiversity at all the future.
time scales. On long time scales, agricultural intensifica- Similarly, Cordier et al. (2021) used hierarchical meta-
tion is associated with a significant reduction in the threat analyses to assess the effects of land-use changes such as
to all species. agriculture, cattle ranching, urbanisation, deforestation,
Despite the fact that economic growth is commonly asso- silviculture and selective logging on amphibian and reptile
ciated with biodiversity declines, Dietz and Adger (2003) community richness. The only land-use change that had
and Gren et al. (2015) found no evidence to support this a significant negative impact on species richness in both
claim. Nonetheless, Dietz and Adger (2003) proposed that groups was urbanisation. Deforestation, silviculture and
protected land and regulations governing the trade in endan- urbanisation all had negative impacts on amphibian species
gered species are effective biodiversity conservation initia- richness, while cattle raising and urbanisation had a signifi-
tives. With respect to economic growth, on the contrary, cant negative impact on reptile richness. However, selective
Habibullah et al. (2016, 2018) found that economic growth logging had no effect on the richness of either group. Hu
showed negative impact on biodiversity loss in a sample of et al. (2021) concluded that agricultural expansion was the
over 140 countries. Furthermore, they also found that the primary cause of forest loss, with major losses occurring in
number of tourist arrivals impacted positively on the number Sundaland, Indo-Burma and Mesoamerica. In addition, the
of threatened species in these countries. forest losses occurred within protected areas. As a result,
Similarly, before further increases in economic pros- they advocated for more stringent and effective land-based
perity result in reductions in species threat, a certain level policies to prevent additional landscape fragmentation and
of institutional capacity (corruption and democracy) is preserve existing species richness in the world’s biodiversity
required (Gren et al. 2015). As a matter of fact, the work hotspots.
by Habibullah et al. (2016, 2019) indicated that countries In summary, the ongoing concern about rapid biodiversity
that practices good governance experienced decreasing loss has fuelled an increase in academic interest in determin-
level of biodiversity loss. Meanwhile, income inequality ing the possible factors that explain the extinction of various
would result in an increase in the number of threatened species. We revisit the drivers of biodiversity loss in South
species (Halkos 2011; Halkos and Tzeremes 2010; Mik- and Southeast Asian countries in this paper, focusing on the
kelson et al. 2007). land-use factors to capture habitat change. We also include
Although there are empirical studies that show the some control variables that have a significant impact on spe-
land-use change could lead to biodiversity loss, some cies extinction. Furthermore, biodiversity loss measures are
studies show conflicting results. Pandit and Laband extended to nine broad taxonomic groups, which include
(2007), for example, claimed that the relationship mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, plants, mol-
between species richness and protected land area is luscs, other invertebrates and the total number of threatened
not well established across 127 countries. Despite species. We use count-data estimation to generate evidence
this, empirical results show that human population for the causes of the region’s rapid biodiversity loss.

63266 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:63260–63276

Data and methodology BL is measured by eight taxonomic groups of threat-

GDPPC, PP, HC and CC are the regressors. GDPPC stands
A panel dataset of 16 South and Southeast Asian coun- for gross domestic product per capita (constant 2010 US
tries including Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, dollars), PP stands for total population (people) and CC
India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, the stands for control of corruption. The variable of interest
Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste is the indicator of habitat change (HC), which is proxied
and Vietnam from 2013 to 2018 was used. The selection by agricultural land (AGL) (­ km2), arable land (ARL) (hec-
of the time periods and countries was based on the data tares) and forest area (FA) (­ km2). The econometric model
availability. of biodiversity loss can be specified as follows:
The threatened species can be decomposed into eight BLit = β0 + β1 LGDPPCit + β2 LPPit + β3 LHCit + β4 LCCit + εit
taxonomic groups. These include the number of mammals (2)
threatened species (MAMMAL), birds threatened species
where i = 1,…, N denotes countries, t = 1,.., T denotes
(BIRD), reptiles threatened species (REPTILE), amphibians
time period and 𝜀 is the error term. All of the variables
threatened species (AMPHIBIAN), fish threatened species
were previously defined. Furthermore, all the explanatory
(FISH), molluscs threatened species (MOLLUSC), other
variables are in natural logarithm (L) to reduce the effect of
invertebrates threatened species (OTHER) and plants threat-
outliers on model estimates (Clausen and York 2008; Nai-
ened species (PLANT). The total number of threatened spe-
doo and Adamowicz 2001). The coefficients β1 and β2 are
cies (TOTAL) is the sum of MAMMAL, BIRD, REPTILE,
expected to have positive signs. On the other hand, control of
corruption (CC) ranges from − 2.5 (the most corrupt) to + 2.5
Various versions of the IUCN Red List of Threatened
(the least corrupt). This therefore suggests that countries
Species contain data for eight taxonomic groups of threat-
that enjoy higher level of control of corruption (low levels
ened species. Although the IUCN Red List does not cover
of corruption) are associated with low biodiversity threats.
all species information and is far from a worldwide species-
The expected impact of control of corruption (CC) on biodi-
by-species assessment, it provides the best available data on
versity loss is negative. In terms of habitat change influence,
threatened species information and is a valuable source of
agricultural land (AGL) and arable land (ARL) are expected
information on individual countries’ biodiversity loss status
to have a positive impact on biodiversity loss, whereas forest
(Clausen and York 2008; Naidoo and Adamowicz 2001).
area (FA) is expected to have a negative impact on biodi-
The World Bank’s World Development Indicators
versity loss.
(WDI 2021) database was used to obtain the habitat change
indicator variables such as agricultural land ­(km2) (AGL),
arable land (hectares) (ARL) and forest area (­ km2) (FA), as Negative binomial regression models
well as other explanatory variables such as gross domestic
product per capita (constant 2010 US$) (GDPPC) and total Since the regressand (number of threatened species per year)
population (PP). Control of corruption (CC) was obtained is count rather than continuous (Clausen and York 2008;
from the World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators Naidoo and Adamowicz 2001), using the ordinary least
(WGI 2022) database. square (OLS) estimator on a count response variable will
result in inefficient, inconsistent and biased estimates (Hoff-
mann 2004a; Long 1997). For modelling count data, Pois-
The model of biodiversity loss son regression model (PRM) and negative binomial regres-
sion model (NBRM) are frequently used as alternatives to
Land-related drivers such as land conversion, expan- OLS estimation. This is due to the fact that Poisson-based
sion of land use, land-use changes, land-cover changes, regression models are intended for dependent variables in
protected areas, forest cover and forest loss are largely the form of event count (Osgood 2000). Nonetheless, the
blamed for biodiversity threats (Bailey et al. 2016; Butch- standard Poisson distribution typically assumes the follow-
art et al. 2010; Cordier et al. 2021; Hu et al. 2021). Follow- ing: (i) that the conditional mean and variance are equal, also
ing previous studies (Asafu-Adjaye 2003; Gren et al. 2015; known as equidispersion (Cupal et al. 2015; Greene 2012;
Habibullah et al. 2019; 2021), the biodiversity loss model Osgood 2000; Varma et al. 2020; Winkelmann 1999), and
was specified as follows: (ii) that the occurrences of an event (regressand) are inde-
pendent (Hoffmann 2004b).
BL = (GDPPC, PP, HC, CC) (1) Due to the existence of overdispersion in the data,
the NBRM is far more compelling than the PRM.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:63260–63276 63267

Overdispersion occurs when the regressand’s variance Results and discussion

exceeds the mean, var(y i ) > E(y i ) (Hoffmann 2004a;
Long 1997). Typically, overdispersion is mainly due to The summary statistics for the key variables used in the cur-
(i) the unobserved heterogeneity resulting from model rent study are presented in Table 1. The average total number
misspecification, omission of important predictor vari- of threatened species in South and Southeast Asian countries
ables and excess zero counts (Hosseinpour et al. 2014; was about 502.43, with a minimum of 20 (Timor-Leste) and
Mitra and Washington 2007). (ii) Contagion (com- a maximum of 1662 (Malaysia). Plant species suffered the
monly known as state dependence), a situation char- most, with the highest number of species threatened with
acterized by each event occurring, is not always an extinction (182.55) reported among all taxonomic groups.
independent event (Coxe et al. 2009). Therefore, sta- Other invertebrates, fishes, mammals and birds are next,
tus of one species is dependent on the status of other with a mean number of threatened species of 106.07, 66.76,
species (Shandra et al. 2009). For instance, there is 50.54 and 45.81, respectively.
an interrelationship between animals (fishes) in the Molluscs, amphibians and reptiles had the fewest threat-
ecosystem, indicating that big mammals (fishes) rely ened species on average, with 7.68, 19.25 and 23.60 species,
on smaller mammals (fishes) for food (Clausen and respectively. Furthermore, the variance of each threatened
York 2008). species is clearly larger than its mean. This indicates that a
As a result, the negative binomial distribution for yi is negative binomial regression model would be a better choice
( )( )𝛼−1 ( )yi than a Poisson regression model due to overdispersion. The
( ) r 𝛼 −1 + yi 𝛼 −1 𝜇i annual average GDP per capita in the 16 South and South-
P Yi = yi ||𝜇i , 𝛼 = ( )
r 𝛼 −1 yi ! 𝛼 −1 + 𝜇i 𝛼 −1 + 𝜇i east Asian countries was around $8124.05, ranging from
(3) $664.79 (Nepal) to $59,374.40 (Singapore). On the other
where Y is a random variable, y i is the number of hand, the average total population was 137 million people,
occurrences of threatened species, r(.) is the gamma inte- with a low population of 404,414 people (Brunei) and a
gral that specializes to a factorial for an integer argument, high population of 1400 million people (India). The agri-
α is a random parameter, µ i = exp(x iβ), x i is the vector cultural land (an average of 207,310.9 ­km2) and arable land
of independent variables, β is the vector of regression (an average of 15,185,026.0 hectares) were used in the study
coefficients and xiβ = β0 + β1GDPi + β2PPi + β3HCi + β4C to proxy habitat change indicator variables. Similarly, the
Ci. If the equality assumption is violated, the NBRM is average forest area is 185,030.9 ­km2.
preferred over the PRM. When σ2→ 0, the NB probabil- Table 2 shows the correlation coefficients of the regres-
ity function converges to the Poisson probability func- sors. The majority of the explanatory variables are weakly
tion, and the log likelihood ratio test is used to assess the correlated, implying that there is little or no multicollin-
validity of the equidispersion restriction (Winkelmann earity between them. Nonetheless, the variables of interest
and Zimmermann 1998). (LAGL, LARL and LFA) have a strong positive correlation,

Table 1  Summary statistics N Mean Std. Dev Minimum Maximum

MAMMAL 128 50.539 41.427 4.000 192.000

BIRD 128 45.805 34.648 6.000 166.000
REPTILE 128 23.602 16.770 2.000 71.000
AMPHIBIAN 128 19.250 23.630 0.000 75.000
FISH 128 66.758 60.863 3.000 240.000
MOLLUSC 128 7.680 11.420 0.000 42.000
OTHER 128 106.070 97.228 1.000 322.000
PLANT 128 182.547 211.189 1.000 993.000
TOTAL 128 502.430 428.441 20.000 1662.000
GDPPC 128 8124.050 14,538.380 664.794 59,374.400
PP 128 137,000,000.0000 319,000,000.0000 404,414.0000 1,400,000,000.0000
AGL 96 207,310.900 436,819.100 6.600 1,800,000.000
ARL 96 15,185,026.000 38,196,422.000 560.0000 160,000,000.000
FA 96 185,030.900 262,674.600 159.3000 968,804.000
CC 112 -0.193 0.860 -1.326 2.175

63268 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:63260–63276

Table 2  Correlation matrix LGDPPC LPP LAGL LARL LFA LCC

LGDPPC 1.000 -0.309 -0.635 -0.662 -0.523 0.794

LPP -0.309 1.000 0.773 0.820 0.637 -0.484
LAGL -0.635 0.773 1.000 0.983 0.934 -0.718
LARL -0.662 0.820 0.983 1.000 0.898 -0.766
LFA -0.523 0.637 0.934 0.898 1.000 -0.630
LCC 0.794 -0.484 -0.718 -0.766 -0.630 1.000

with rLARL,LAGL = 0.983, rLFA,LAGL = 0.934 and rLFA,LARL = measures for the effects of habitat change. Except for model
0.898, respectively. Due to the strong correlation results, we 7, the coefficients of agricultural land (LAGL) and arable
decided to separate the habitat change indicator variables land (LARL) in Table 3 (panels (a) and (b)) are positive and
into separate models to avoid the problem of multicollinear- significant. The findings suggest that habitat change caused
ity (Katircioglu et al. 2019). by land-use pressures, regardless of the indicators used, has
Table 3 presents the results of the NBRMs, whereas a similar direct effect on the number of threatened species
Table 4 presents the average marginal effects of the in South and Southeast Asian countries.
NBRMs. These tables use the NB estimator to examine the The average marginal effects shown in Table 4 are then
main effects of habitat change measures extracted from the used to calculate the instantaneous rate of change in a
World Development Indicator (WDI 2021): agricultural land regressand caused by a 1-unit change in regressor (Zame-
(LAGL), arable land (LARL) and forest area (LFA) on indi- nian et al. 2017). Both agricultural land and arable land
vidual taxonomic groups of threatened species (model 1 to coefficients have statistically different effects between taxo-
model 8) and an aggregate number of threatened species nomic groups. Other things being equal, a 1% increase in
(model 9). Meanwhile, the NBRMs include several regres- agricultural land will result in a rise of 0.022 to 1.110 total
sors, including GDP per capita (LGDPPC), population threatened species based on the average marginal effects
(LPP) and corruption control (LCC). Tables 3 (panel (a)) of panel (a) of Table 4. Meanwhile, the average marginal
and 4 (panel (a)) present the results for threatened species effects in Table 4, panel (b) indicate that a 1% increase in
and agricultural land, respectively, while panel (b) in Table 3 arable land is associated with an increase in total threat-
and panel (b) in Table 4 show the effects of arable land on ened species ranging from 0.024 to 1.340. Furthermore, our
threatened species, and panel (c) in Table 3 and panel (c) in findings show that the impacts of arable land expansion on
Table 4 present the results for threatened species and forest the number of threatened species in most taxonomic groups
area. are slightly greater than the impacts of agricultural land
The likelihood ratio test was used to evaluate the mod- development.
el’s goodness-of-fit. Rejection of the null hypothesis that Threatened plants are among the eight taxonomic groups
all parameter estimates are equal to zero implies that all that are most vulnerable to agricultural land and arable land
estimated models are statistically significant at the 1% level. expansion. Threatened reptiles, on the other hand, are less
As a result, the nine models fit the data well in all Table 3. vulnerable to agricultural and arable land expansions. For a
Table 3 (panel (a)) has a 𝜒 2 statistic with four degrees of more detailed discussion, average marginal effects suggest
freedom ranging from 57.05 to 201.70; panel (b) has a 𝜒 2 that with a 1% increase in agricultural land and arable land,
statistic ranging from 38.20 to 185.20; and panel (c) has a there are approximately 0.885 and 1.152 species increases in
𝜒 2 statistic ranging from 61.38 to 200.60. threatened plants, respectively. A 1% increase in agricultural
The likelihood ratio test results show that the null hypoth- land (arable land) will result in an increase of about 0.022
esis that 𝛼 = 0 is strongly rejected in all models, indicating (0.024) species of threatened reptiles.
that overdispersion exists. In all models from Table 3, the According to Newbold et al. (2015), land-use changes
p-values of the 𝜒 2 statistic with one degree of freedom are and related pressures reduced species richness, rarefied rich-
less than the level of significance. This suggests that the ness and total abundance by an average of 76.5%, 40.3%
NBRM is better suited than the PRM. As a result, the NB and 39.5%, respectively, in the worst-affected habitats.
estimates are used in the following discussions. NBRMs These changes resulted in a reduction of 13.6% (species
have previously been used in studies on biodiversity loss richness), 10.7% (total abundance) and 8.1% (rarefied rich-
(Clausen and York 2008; Mikkelson et al. 2007; Naidoo and ness) in local terrestrial biodiversity by 2005. Similarly,
Adamowicz 2001). Perrings and Halkos (2015) found that a 1% increase in
This study distinguished between agricultural land agricultural land conversion leads to a 2.2–3.7% increase in
(LAGL), arable land (LARL) and forest area (LFA) threatened endemic mammals, birds and plants. Naidoo and

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:63260–63276 63269

Table 3  Negative binomial regression results

(a) Agricultural land on threatened species

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
LGDPPC 0.447*** 0.306*** 0.374*** 1.222*** 0.713*** 1.110*** 1.426*** 1.342*** 0.854***
(8.35) (5.82) (5.78) (5.85) (9.17) (3.91) (7.86) (13.73) (14.98)
LPP − 0.00613 0.137*** 0.223*** − 0.0158 0.325*** − 0.723*** 0.639*** 0.111** 0.208***
(− 0.20) (4.55) (6.27) (− 0.12) (8.22) (− 2.58) (6.91) (2.18) (6.98)
LAGL 0.280 0.173*** 0.0988*** 0.638*** 0.0878** 1.306*** − 0.0373 0.432*** 0.220***
(10.00) (6.48) (3.11) (4.84) (2.52) (3.96) (− 0.56) (9.23) (8.46)
LCC − 0.215 0.0653 − 1.331*** − 1.838** − 2.052*** − 3.477*** − 3.474*** − 0.554 − 0.708***
(− 0.96) (0.28) (− 4.35) (− 2.22) (− 5.96) (− 2.70) (− 4.69) (− 1.49) (− 3.19)
C − 2.657*** − 2.949*** − 5.077*** − 13.97*** − 8.625*** − 9.509*** − 18.30*** − 12.62*** − 6.915***
(− 5.15) (− 5.84) (− 7.37) (− 6.77) (− 11.31) (− 2.95) (− 11.15) (− 13.08) (− 13.07)
Lɑ − 2.330 − 2.442 − 2.681 0.00971 − 1.873 0.456 − 0.369 − 1.163 − 2.155
LR(1) 404.12 259.19 57.41 1040.13 316.86 467.01 2465.54 3558.30 3754.19
(prob χ2) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
LR(4) 143.9 146.5 162.2 82.63 170.4 57.05 111.3 163.0 201.7 (0.000)
(prob χ2) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
R 0.156 0.164 0.208 0.113 0.173 0.108 0.105 0.139 0.147
N 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96
LL − 390.3 − 374.3 − 308.1 − 323.9 − 407.3 − 234.9 − 474.6 − 504.2 − 586.4
(b) Arable land on threatened species
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
LGDPPC 0.500*** 0.325*** 0.393*** 1.327*** 0.748*** 1.491*** 1.390*** 1.452*** 0.892***
(8.54) (5.76) (5.87) (5.74) (9.46) (4.67) (7.36) (12.63) (13.56)
LPP − 0.0836** 0.102*** 0.212*** − 0.0746 0.268*** − 0.230 0.683*** 0.0108 0.162***
(− 2.08) (2.66) (4.67) (− 0.42) (5.34) (− 0.90) (5.88) (0.14) (3.88)
LARL 0.353*** 0.202*** 0.106** 0.684*** 0.141*** 0.715*** − 0.0815 0.534*** 0.262***
(9.21) (5.63) (2.53) (3.84) (3.07) (2.73) (− 0.84) (7.16) (6.65)
LCC 0.154 0.255 − 1.272*** − 1.269 − 1.823*** − 3.106* − 3.634*** − 0.0825 − 0.480*
(0.62) (1.02) (− 3.82) (− 1.41) (− 5.04) (− 1.89) (− 4.62) (− 0.19) (− 1.90)
C − 3.850*** − 3.582*** − 5.519*** − 16.83*** − 9.014*** − 17.10*** − 18.01*** − 14.86*** − 7.851***
(− 6.86) (− 6.63) (− 8.01) (− 7.52) (− 12.02) (− 5.04) (− 10.81) (− 13.18) (− 12.94)
Lɑ − 2.204 − 2.330 − 2.607 0.119 − 1.913 0.688 − 0.375 − 0.951 − 1.973
LR(1) 525.66 311.97 63.53 1156.15 302.04 647.60 2393.64 6108.02 5808.50
(prob χ2) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
LR(4) 136.7 139.1 159.0 71.17 173.1 38.20 111.7 144.7 185.2
(prob χ2) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
R2 0.148 0.155 0.204 0.0974 0.176 0.0725 0.105 0.124 0.135
N 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96
LL − 393.8 − 378.0 − 309.7 − 329.7 − 406.0 − 244.4 − 474.4 − 513.3 − 594.7
(c) Forest area on threatened species
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
LGDPPC 0.309*** 0.230*** 0.333*** 0.914*** 0.680*** 0.702*** 1.427*** 1.146*** 0.760***
(8.20) (4.99) (5.26) (4.41) (9.64) (2.80) (8.03) (11.49) (14.26)
LPP 0.0850*** 0.194*** 0.252*** 0.436*** 0.328*** − 0.0951 0.636*** 0.319*** 0.294***
(4.89) (9.16) (10.23) (4.41) (12.23) (− 0.83) (7.98) (6.58) (12.13)

63270 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:63260–63276

Table 3  (continued)

LFA 0.313*** 0.196*** 0.123*** 0.224* 0.153*** 1.348*** − 0.0542 0.345*** 0.222***
(15.73) (8.27) (4.33) (1.84) (4.81) (6.77) (− 0.74) (6.12) (8.22)
LCC − 0.0646 0.124 − 1.260*** − 2.140** − 1.800*** − 1.639 − 3.475*** − 0.674* − 0.699***
(− 0.38) (0.58) (− 4.30) (− 2.39) (− 5.68) (− 1.39) (− 4.77) (− 1.66) (− 3.13)
C − 3.656*** − 3.683*** − 5.559*** − 14.97*** − 9.165*** − 18.19*** − 18.06*** − 13.89*** − 7.790***
(− 9.26) (− 7.65) (− 8.36) (− 6.60) (− 12.87) (− 6.38) (− 10.89) (− 12.31) (− 13.97)
Lɑ − 3.209 − 2.678 − 2.782 0.178 − 2.086 0.153 − 0.372 − 0.902 − 2.133
LR(1) 130.02 190.37 54.55 1142.94 231.68 441.76 2465.41 4490.96 3994.52
(prob χ2) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
LR(4) 200.6 164.3 171.0 61.38 183.9 86.81 111.6 138.8 200.2
(prob χ2) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
R2 0.217 0.184 0.220 0.0840 0.187 0.165 0.105 0.118 0.146
N 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96
LL − 361.9 − 365.4 − 303.7 − 334.6 − 400.5 − 220.1 − 474.4 − 516.3 − 587.2

t statistics in parentheses. *, ** and *** denote p < 0.1, p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively. L is the natural logarithm, Lɑ is the log-transformed
alpha, LR(1) is the likelihood ratio test of ɑ = 0 with one degree of freedom, LR(4) is the likelihood ratio test that all the regression coefficients
are zero with four degrees of freedom, R2 is the pseudo R2 and LL is the log likelihood

Adamowicz’s (2001) findings also indicated that land-use possible explanation for arable land’s negative impact is
variables appear to have a significant effect on the number that nations with a relatively large arable land area are
of threatened species in 5 of 21 NBRMs. In particular, an associated with a large number of species. Another, possi-
increase in protected areas reduces the number of threatened bly valid, reason is the extensive or intensive management
amphibians (in two models), whereas more domesticated of arable land use.
land (for agricultural use) has higher levels of threatened In contrast to other studies, some studies found no statisti-
invertebrates (in two models), and there is a nonlinear rela- cal evidence that agricultural land (Kerr and Currie 1995),
tionship between forest area and the number of threatened protected areas (Kerr and Burkey, 2002) or arable land (Li
mammal species (in one model). According to a recent study et al. 2013) posed more threats to biodiversity. Kerr and
by Tommasi et al. (2021), agricultural cover expansion is Currie (1995), for example, discovered that habitat loss (as
likely to reduce plant and pollinator richness by simplifying measured by agricultural land) is not a significant threat to
the landscape with less habitat, whereas land-use changes bird species. Kerr and Burkey (2002) found that protected
have a significant impact on amphibian and reptile richness areas have no effect on the number of threatened or endemic
(Cordier et al. 2021). bird and mammal species. At the global level, no correlation
Nonetheless, the parameter estimates for forest area was found between threatened mammals and protection, but
(LFA) in Table 3 (panel (c)) are significant in most mod- at the subecoregional level in California, a positive correla-
els, but of an unexpected sign. Despite significant efforts, tion was found between the number of threatened plants and
biodiversity loss remains significant, according to Butch- protection (Underwood et al. 2009).
art et al. (2010). These efforts include local successes, Other anthropogenic and socioeconomic activities, such
for example, continuous monitoring of protected areas, as per capita income and population size, have a signifi-
the sustainability of forest management, invasive spe- cant impact on species at risk of extinction. Kerr and Cur-
cies policies and biodiversity-related assistance. Gren rie (1995) discovered that the former was closely related to
et al. (2015), on the other hand, presented some intrigu- threatened mammals, whereas the latter appears to affect
ing findings regarding land-use variables. Arable land the number of threatened bird species. In panel fixed effect
had an unexpectedly negative and significant effect on all regression, Bhuiyan et al. (2018) found that GDP per capita
threatened species and five taxonomic groups of threat- and forest area are positively related, whereas population
ened species (mammals, birds, amphibians, plants and growth has no effect on forest area. GDP per capita has con-
reptiles). Another finding from Gren et al. (2015) was sistently positive effects and is statistically significant ( p <
that protected areas have yielded inconclusive results. 0.01) in all models for all tables in this study. A high level
More protected area has a negligible, albeit positive, of per capita income is associated with a greater number
impact on all threatened species; however, protected of threatened species. Based on average marginal effects,
area has a negative impact on mammals, birds and rep- a 1% increase in per capita income raises the number of
tiles and a positive impact on amphibians and plants. One threatened species in South and Southeast Asian countries

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:63260–63276 63271

Table 4  Marginal effects of negative binomial regression results

(a) Agricultural land on threatened species

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
LGDPPC 22.53*** 13.53*** 8.511*** 33.23*** 43.97*** 10.86** 169.0*** 274.7*** 431.4***
(7.39) (5.53) (5.49) (3.13) (7.67) (2.37) (5.12) (6.69) (10.57)
LPP − 0.309 6.058*** 5.083*** − 0.431 20.00*** − 7.078* 75.69*** 22.68** 105.2***
(− 0.20) (4.41) (5.94) (− 0.12) (7.20) (− 1.96) (4.63) (2.17) (6.48)
LAGL 14.10*** 7.658*** 2.247*** 17.36*** 5.409** 12.78** − 4.416 88.45*** 111.0***
(8.53) (6.03) (3.05) (2.87) (2.46) (2.36) (− 0.56) (5.59) (7.06)
LCC − 10.82 2.888 − 30.27*** − 49.99** − 126.5*** − 34.03** − 411.8*** − 113.4 − 357.6***
(− 0.96) (0.28) (− 4.27) (− 2.00) (− 5.58) (− 1.98) (− 4.11) (− 1.47) (− 3.16)
N 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96
(b) Arable land on threatened species
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
LGDPPC 25.59*** 14.46*** 8.977*** 39.62*** 46.39*** 16.48** 162.2*** 313.6*** 457.0***
(7.40) (5.45) (5.54) (2.82) (7.78) (2.21) (4.90) (5.94) (9.52)
LPP − 4.277** 4.559*** 4.840*** − 2.226 16.63*** − 2.542 79.71*** 2.331 82.94***
(− 2.05) (2.64) (4.56) (− 0.41) (5.10) (− 0.81) (4.48) (0.14) (3.84)
*** ***
LARL 18.05 9.012 2.419** 20.41** 8.752*** 7.909* − 9.510 115.2*** 134.0***
(7.75) (5.25) (2.48) (2.25) (2.94) (1.69) (− 0.85) (4.50) (5.65)
LCC 7.902 11.34 − 29.04*** − 37.89 − 113.2*** − 34.35 − 424.2*** − 17.82 − 246.0*
(0.62) (1.01) (− 3.78) (− 1.39) (− 4.84) (− 1.62) (− 4.18) (− 0.19) (− 1.91)
N 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96
(c) Forest area on threatened species
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
LGDPPC 15.47*** 10.22*** 7.603*** 21.07*** 42.31*** 9.231** 168.4*** 228.2*** 386.1***
(7.77) (4.85) (5.06) (3.02) (8.12) (2.15) (5.25) (6.12) (10.45)
LPP 4.253*** 8.624*** 5.764*** 10.05*** 20.42*** − 1.250 75.10*** 63.55*** 149.5***
(4.77) (8.21) (8.98) (3.22) (9.59) (− 0.84) (4.82) (4.98) (9.44)
LFA 15.67*** 8.685*** 2.805*** 5.156 9.526*** 17.73** − 6.402 68.78*** 112.7***
(13.30) (7.51) (4.18) (1.54) (4.47) (2.56) (− 0.75) (4.30) (6.83)
LCC − 3.233 5.486 − 28.80*** − 49.35** − 112.1*** − 21.55 − 410.2*** − 134.4 − 355.0***
(− 0.38) (0.58) (− 4.23) (− 2.14) (− 5.41) (− 1.31) (− 4.16) (− 1.64) (− 3.12)
N 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96

t statistics in parentheses. *, ** and *** denote p < 0.1, p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively

by about 0.085 to 4.314 species in Table 4 (panel (a)); 0.090 shelter and other services. The expanding human popu-
to 4.570 species in panel (b); and 0.076 to 3.861 species in lation may endanger tropical forests through alternative
panel (c). human activities such as agricultural expansion, hunting,
In 19 of the 27 models (Table 3 from panel (a) to logging and other human settlement (Giam 2017). Crop-
panel (c)), the coefficient for total population (LPP) has per and Griffiths (1994) show that in Africa, every 100
a positive and significant effect. This suggests that rapid persons per 1000 hectares increase in rural population
population growth is more likely to exacerbate species density reduces deforestation by about 0.33 percentage
threats and threaten biodiversity loss. Similar positive points, whereas each 100 persons increase in population
impact of population growth on threatened species was density raises the threat to mammal species by about one
found by Habibullah et al. (2016). According to Asafu- percentage point and the threat to bird species by about 0.5
Adjaye (2003), increased population causes habitat loss percentage points in model 2 and model 3 (McPherson and
due to increased demand for human needs such as food, Nieswiadomy 2005).

63272 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:63260–63276

Table 5  Poisson regression results

(a) Agricultural land on threatened specie

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
LGDPPC 0.405*** 0.317*** 0.269*** 0.431*** 0.540*** 0.832*** 1.116*** 0.884*** 0.684***
(17.34) (12.17) (6.74) (10.44) (20.47) (13.48) (45.77) (65.23) (81.30)
LPP 0.0156 0.145*** 0.210*** 0.202*** 0.300*** − 0.581*** 0.420*** 0.0600*** 0.169***
(0.98) (9.19) (8.49) (7.75) (18.57) (− 8.13) (34.84) (7.69) (35.80)
LAGL 0.268*** 0.158*** 0.0900*** 0.266*** 0.139*** 0.832*** 0.00484 0.374*** 0.210***
(18.21) (11.24) (4.03) (11.32) (10.09) (11.54) (0.53) (57.03) (53.48)
LCC − 0.222** − 0.176 − 0.994*** 0.541*** − 0.940*** − 1.057*** − 2.241*** 0.646*** − 0.187***
(− 1.99) (− 1.40) (− 4.88) (2.73) (− 6.87) (− 3.72) (− 17.65) (10.20) (− 4.53)
C − 2.576*** − 3.042*** − 3.863*** − 7.005*** − 7.214*** − 4.058*** − 12.21*** − 7.239*** − 4.683***
(− 9.96) (− 10.54) (− 8.45) (− 14.10) (− 21.63) (− 5.65) (− 38.61) (− 43.34) (− 46.15)
LR(4) 1866.7 (0.000) 1549.8 (0.000) 831.0 1415.3 4016.6 (0.000) 516.0 6852.3 (0.000) 14,226.0 (0.000) 27,026.7
(prob χ2) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
R2 0.612 0.606 0.552 0.456 0.780 0.355 0.667 0.757 0.846
N 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96
LL − 592.3 − 503.9 − 336.8 − 844.0 − 565.7 − 468.4 − 1707.3 − 2283.3 − 2463.5
(b) Arable land on threatened species
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
LGDPPC 0.445*** 0.341*** 0.286*** 0.488*** 0.569*** 0.850*** 1.201*** 0.945*** 0.733***
(18.71) (12.80) (7.11) (10.73) (22.31) (12.75) (47.22) (63.40) (82.17)
LPP 0.00411 0.146*** 0.222*** 0.336*** 0.241*** − 0.118** 0.550*** 0.138*** 0.218***
(0.23) (7.61) (7.39) (10.19) (12.30) (− 2.30) (33.00) (14.12) (35.54)
LARL 0.262*** 0.145*** 0.0721*** 0.118*** 0.183*** 0.342*** − 0.111*** 0.270*** 0.150***
(16.22) (8.62) (2.74) (4.33) (11.13) (7.49) (− 8.41) (31.66) (28.80)
LCC − 0.0306 − 0.166 − 1.039*** − 0.105 − 0.682*** − 0.966*** − 3.330*** 0.121 − 0.561***
(− 0.25) (− 1.21) (− 4.68) (− 0.42) (− 4.71) (− 2.58) (− 21.63) (1.50) (− 11.23)
C − 3.617*** − 3.684*** − 4.304*** − 8.712*** − 7.585*** − 8.068*** − 13.65*** − 9.034*** − 5.909***
(− 14.18) (− 12.83) (− 9.68) (− 15.88) (− 24.38) (− 10.62) (− 41.66) (− 49.45) (− 55.22)
LR(4) 1738.0 (0.000) 1489.7 (0.000) 821.7 1287.8 4034.0 (0.000) 316.6 6924.6 11,658.0 (0.000) 24,955.8
(prob χ2) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
R2 0.570 0.582 0.546 0.415 0.784 0.218 0.674 0.620 0.781
N 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96
LL − 656.7 − 534.0 − 341.4 − 907.8 − 557.0 − 568.2 − 1671.2 − 3567.3 − 3498.9
(c) Forest area on threatened species
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
LGDPPC 0.310*** 0.259*** 0.238*** 0.437*** 0.484*** 0.666*** 1.130*** 0.787*** 0.633***
(13.17) (9.86) (5.84) (9.16) (18.01) (10.30) (45.13) (54.04) (71.42)
LPP 0.0742*** 0.186*** 0.240*** 0.403*** 0.330*** − 0.204*** 0.430*** 0.210*** 0.250***
(6.73) (16.37) (14.58) (20.63) (29.55) (− 5.58) (45.16) (33.71) (67.50)
LFA 0.340*** 0.187*** 0.0972*** 0.0906*** 0.166*** 0.730*** − 0.00688 0.327*** 0.197***
(24.77) (14.34) (5.24) (4.64) (13.91) (14.53) (− 0.80) (49.53) (50.63)
LCC − 0.105 − 0.153 − 1.007*** − 0.309 − 0.916*** − 0.781*** − 2.351*** 0.183*** − 0.430***
(− 0.96) (− 1.24) (− 5.12) (− 1.39) (− 7.10) (− 2.59) (− 20.64) (2.73) (− 10.30)
C − 3.783*** − 3.700*** − 4.259*** − 8.795*** − 7.662*** − 8.512*** − 12.39*** − 8.765*** − 5.658***
(− 15.37) (− 13.33) (− 9.96) (− 16.12) (− 25.35) (− 12.56) (− 41.94) (− 51.12) (− 56.30)
LR(4) 2197.5 1636.5 842.6 1291.2 4115.3 571.0 6852.6 (0.000) 13,269.1 26,784.8
(prob χ2) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
R2 0.720 0.640 0.560 0.416 0.799 0.393 0.667 0.706 0.838
N 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96
LL − 426.9 − 460.6 − 331.0 − 906.0 − 516.4 − 440.9 − 1707.1 − 2761.7 − 2584.4

t statistics in parentheses. *, ** and *** denote p < 0.1, p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively. LR(4) is the likelihood ratio test that all the regression
coefficients are zero with four degrees of freedom, R2 is the pseudo R2 and LL is the log likelihood

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:63260–63276 63273

Finally, in Tables 3, 4 and 5, the control of corruption Previous research has found that the effects of habitat change
(LCC) appears to have a negative and significant (p < 0.01) are closely related to land-use changes.
effect on all types of threatened species. This suggests that This study adds to the body of knowledge about biodi-
good governance can help to reduce biodiversity loss if cor- versity decline due to habitat change by incorporating three
ruption is kept under control. These findings are consistent land-use indicator variables: agricultural land, arable land
with those of other studies (Dietz and Adger 2003; Gren and forest land, as well as several anthropogenic and socio-
et al. 2015; Pandit and Laband 2009). Pandit and Laband economic factors. Furthermore, developing countries have
(2009) discovered a link between the extinction of mam- experienced severe biodiversity declines, particularly in
mals and vascular plant species and economic freedom. South and Southeast Asia, where much of the biodiversity
They also discovered evidence of the effects of corruption is concentrated, so we have limited this study to the coun-
on the extinction of birds and reptiles. Similarly, Dietz and tries in this region. This study also provides a more in-depth
Adger (2003) found that democracy has a significant impact examination of the biodiversity loss indicator, which is used
on species richness in both linear and hyperbolic equations. as a dependent variable. This includes mammals, birds, rep-
Gren et al. (2015) discovered that a certain level of institu- tiles, amphibians, fish, molluscs, other invertebrates, plants
tional capacity (as measured by corruption and democracy) threatened by extinction and total threatened species. As a
is required before further increases in economic growth will result, the current study seeks to contribute to the existing
result in a decrease in threatened species. literature on biodiversity loss by investigating habitat change
as one of the major drivers of biodiversity loss in South and
Southeast Asian countries from 2013 to 2018.
Robustness checks Poisson-based regression models are intended for mod-
elling count data with counts of events as the regressand.
We report the Poisson regression results using the same However, the negative binomial regression models may be
explanatory variables in the robustness checks. In agree- the best estimation option because it can account for over
ment with Table 3, all models in Table 5 produce similar dispersion. Furthermore, regardless of the types of threat-
results. Table 5, panels (a) and (b), show that agricultural ened species or habitat change measures, the Wald test indi-
land (LAGL) and arable land (LARL) remain positive and cates the goodness-of-fit for the estimated models. Moreo-
significant with p < 0.01 in all models except model 7, ver, the likelihood ratio tests show statistically significant
indicating that the land-use effect exists in the majority of overdispersion in the estimated models.
threatened species. These findings are robust regardless of Using different taxonomic groups to characterize the
the habitat change measures and estimations used. response of individual threatened species, it was discovered
However, with the exception of model 7, another land-use that threatened species increased with an increase in agricul-
effect—forest area (LFA)—has unexpectedly positive and tural and arable land. Nonetheless, the effects of arable land
significant impacts on the number of species threatened. In on threatened species are slightly greater than those of agri-
most models, the parameter estimates for income per capita cultural land. Among taxonomic groups, threatened plants
(LGDPPC) and total population (LPP) variables have a posi- outnumber other types of threatened species as a result of
tive and significant influence on the number of threatened agricultural land and arable land expansion, whereas threat-
species. As a result, it is noteworthy to suggest that biodi- ened reptiles are among the less vulnerable to agricultural
versity loss is responsive to anthropogenic factors. Finally, land and arable land expansion. Forest area is another factor
reducing corruption has the potential to reduce threats to that contributes to a higher number of threatened species.
species. Overall, the results of Table 5 are entirely consistent Surprisingly, the number of threatened species
with those of Table 3. increased as available forest area increased. Aside from
habitat change, other anthropogenic and socioeconomic
factors are important drivers of biodiversity loss. In South
Conclusions and Southeast Asian countries, income per capita and total
population had a significant and positive effect on the
Biodiversity loss appears to be the most serious environmen- number of threatened species. Finally, good governance,
tal concern confronting the world today. South and Southeast as represented by high levels of corruption control, can
Asia outnumber other Asian regions in terms of the number help to reduce biodiversity loss. In terms of robustness,
of threatened species encountered between 2013 and 2018. the empirical results appear to be robust across different
Furthermore, some South and Southeast Asian countries types of threatened species, habitat change measures and
experienced a significant decline in biodiversity richness Poisson-based regressions.
for a period of time. Most biodiversity hotspots are under On top of that, this study employs the panel data, and the
threat from habitat change, which may be the primary driver. inference is for regional perspectives as overall findings and

63274 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:63260–63276

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countries are composed of two blocks of regional coopera- Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
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