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(QUESTION WORDS; Complete the questions with the question words in the box. How Howmany What What kind When Where Which Who Why 1 A How _doyougo to work? 'B Bycar. A car do you drive? B AMini. A doyouwork? B Ina factory. A do you go to the gym? B On Tuesdays and Thursdays. 5 A_____doyouprefer, the cinema or the theatre? B The theatre, | think. A of music do you like? B Rock. A CDs do you have? B About a hundred. BA is your favourite singer? B Rihanna. A _______ doyou like her? B Because she has a great voice. IWORDORDER IN QUESTIONS) a Order the words to make questions. heavy /like | you / metal / Do _Do you like heavy metal the | do Jat / do / What | weekend | you kind / What | do /books / read J you / of drink| want / another | you | Do a/ Are / flight / you | attendant live | Where / do / Bristol / you /in is | favourite | Who | writer | your old | How / you / are iPad [have / you /an/ Do your | nice / Is salad ¥ b- Martin and Beth are new friends, They go for a drink. Complete the questions. ‘So, Beth,’ __wheredo you live _? ‘In North London. In a big flat. a with your parents? No, I live with my sister. any brothers and sisters? Ihave a sister. She's 23. ES. astudent? | No, she works. She's a shop assistant. work?

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