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From the topic “Classroom Management” write brief short descriptions in which you have

experienced positive or negative situations in an English class, with the following elements:

· *Activities

The teacher only left an instruction for an activity to do at home and it wasn’t clear enough so us
students were left to interpret it by ourselves, a classmate said they had the teacher’s number and
would ask but the teacher didn’t respond and we all did the activity as each one of us understood

After we finished an activity there was no feedback whether we did it correctly or if we had any
mistakes, this doesn’t always need to take place, but there wasn’t even a final comment or
discussion and the activity on itself simply ended without any monitoring or closure.

The teacher had us do an activity only with written instructions at the beginning of the class and
left, some students finished earlier and left too.

· *Grouping and seating

Students were grouped randomly, and although this is not bad on itself, some classmates were
shyer when participating even on their own group so more outspoken students ended up doing all
the talking and didn’t incorporate shyer students that only listened.

The same thing as above but some students did not participate and others did all that needed to
be done in the project, the teacher from this case did nothing to interfere in this situation either.

Some students asked to make a larger group and the teacher accepted and each of them ended up
doing very few work.

The seating was arranged in a circle but the teacher only stood in one place, so the teacher didn’t
face some of them throughout the whole class.

Some students sat too far away and due to others talking in the back weren’t able to listen clearly.

· *Authority

The teacher was very softspoken and some students did not pay attention but he did nothing to
get their attention or call them out.

Students had a limited time to make presentations but a group took up far more time that
established, the teacher acknowledged they were taking too long but also didn’t urge them to
hurry up so the final group had very little time to talk.

The teacher had a hard time controlling the group because there were a lot of students and they
weren’t used to handling large groups so some students felt left out.

· * Critical moments

The teacher kicked rebellious students out instead of getting them to participate or have a talk
with them, and some students ended up behaving worse.
Students made fun of another student because of their pronunciation but the teacher was

The teacher was unenthusiastic about lessons and only sticked to all of what the book indicated so
students found their class monotonous and usually did not like it, and classes always started the

· *Tools and techniques

The board was dirty and the teacher had a very small writing so students had a hard time reading
the board.

The teacher wrote very fast and wanted students to simultaneously copy it all while he was
blocking the view so not everyone did the notes that the teacher wanted the students to have.

The teacher spoke a lot but it was redundant, so students became unengaged and since the
teacher spoke a lot, students didn’t participate because he was the only one that talked.

The teacher had a cd but the cd player was faulty, so the audio had interruptions and the teacher
did not change it or fix it.

· *Working with people

The teacher only wanted to work with students who were more fluid.

A student was feeling bad but the teacher paid no mind and they ended up passing out, and only
then the teacher called for help.

Students had a proposal that many agreed would be good but the teacher told them to stick to all
of what the teacher said and didn’t even listen.

Students gave each other the same feedback in an activity, similar phrases like ‘it was interesting’
or ‘I liked the presentation’ and the teacher didn0t tell them to add more or make suggestions.

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