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CHAPTER XI INTERNAL AIDS TO CONSTRUCTION SYNOPSIS a)me Short Title Long Title Use of Title for resolving ambiguity Umitation of Titie os internal aid to construction 6) PREAMBLE Limitation of Preamble as internal aid to construction DEFINITION OR INTERPRETATION CLAUSE Kinds of Definitions Restrictive or Exhaustive definition Inclusive or Extensive definition Exception to the general rule that “Nie Extensive" Effect of use of words 'means and includes" on scope of definition Effect of use of words "deemed fo include" on scope of definition Effect of use of worcs “includes and "shall not inciuae" on scope of definition Use of definition in resolving ambiguity Ambiguous definition Construction of ambiguous definition for removal of ambiguity Constnuction of definition having wide cenotation Constniction of a word not defined in the statute HEADING - Limitation of Headings as intemal aid 10 construction MARGINAL NOTES Use of Marginal Notes for resolving ambiguity Limitation of Marginal Notes as internal aid to construction PUNCTUATION MARKS Use of Punctuation Marks for resolving ambiguity Limitation of Punctuation Marks as internal aid to construction \LLUSTRATION Use of lllustrations for resolving ambiguity Umitation of liustrations as intemal aid te co: PROVISO cans is exhaustive" and Includes is juction ( 265 ) as ee eer eens mae od Sena aera circumstances ee ce amare a oe ce trap sins ce ees Sahar Sri a Tinie eee eee satan po Se a ete tn ah ot eater ar reGnr wan ve nn of ne ts a ef Del fae an Rapiotspacts of niin which meister ld to entation @ TITLE Gitte is an Hropostant px Es nk aaa eas “eter maidced tobe a potot emcee "Torte purposes of atarpetation, Bul now the STICE Si DAS observed, that it ix now well i “Act a and of aa ee throws it on its E hi sae (ke er bass ‘documents, the title of sere ae Hot Swank sere statute, ae ma a its fitle But it can neither be used. to ie pele gee eager memo oo effect on clear meaning of an % rma a yt and "bong 1 AiR i988 S072 . A ‘Short Ttte Short tte ay be conned wo be Seeman) Arti ye HERING, uy Ne Of Paciament bool have a sare tile ees a beer a re he Coe ok Cr, a ee Ptt ar cil Prosser, 1OnH" are short sles of "The sort itl is abray given on wb tp oie satiate Sk 2S pin yt eh he "ale ie i entenio sa a e ytat tan wm Ce ei, Say, tian Coma eS, 87 1 era th on Indian Act relating to omen Long Title "Th Lg til eto Se il snd bere ie preamble Sele Mero thn Act 7, For Camel, Criminal Procedure, 1973 rece feo an Act a wentiened ia the wat bok in ema eters "Te loom te generally, start ie tng le of the Code Comes eo comminal procedure”, The Supreme sent Sine Bers ig ile “an Rew autores MOE Somseme Court to ms of right tm ang ule of easumer Provection Act I a provide fo bela of Fase for he Consus Pret a and fr St Purge 10 MARE PIS en the interest of Concer Conncla and other authorities fo te ‘Steonsumer disputes an a Fthevewg Tee oo Ul of of consumes Sra eegure, WOE "An Act wo conde and amend 1 relating to the peoeedure of courts ofS eras be aan Teritenntely pressed 500 srubiguity fa nsetote. nthe pat, long tle was not cons sheutre was ant pu if category ot it NOI of Act an admis 95.00 8 to oF in Som Ace Acarding to, DONOVAN, 3 feomneing i : ‘here 28 12 Sooke into tp renlve that ambient tee soeanng of a ante cannot be narrows ‘down or restricted by reference to Tong ttle". “Use of Title for Resolving an Ambiguity "State of West Bengal Section 4 of West Becga! ca serene deck paca Coots) Act, 1949 was in SeHEo® SS ein Tr ie Ste Goverment to acide which parclar cone shuld 7 AR oss 80 Se per enare mice an eee ‘a) Tie hain role eBay wher te wd ang ae plain snd prion and bear oly ose saasige “70S Immense cena, Tilo be ie ia del when ht a any ee (c) Tie eannot be uand wo narow down or reste the pal rea of the language of the statute = — fl ‘d) Tile canst prevail over the clear meaning of an enactment (e) Troe mature sf mandate of law! Bas to be determine’ byt substance and not by title, “ - Gi) PREAMBLE Se oo tem al Paley assur See ee er in aaa as prema Baer a ee hats target ab avd, and what the fal sve rouble ix sid tobe & lope th mn Lgiabre wd s (Preae wate aid to construction of an_ ambiguous provision.] tisk or meaning of the enactment is not Pstted to explain it Ia view of this, ene eantot cette, the provisions of the Act but one can alyays refer to the Panes to explain the ambiguovs language of the Ast necoeding to LORD NORMAND, there may be no exact correspondence bet rie and enactment and the enactment may go beyond or i ‘Cereambte ie yd mean fi ‘eTown ates the oy ses ee ihe meaning of ie ee Ean Bl. 87 we clade nergy Li Central Electricity Regulatory Commision en ee ee er gilt should bo rend in the comes of Framble ee nangal Kunj Musliar x. Venkatachalam. ins held bythe nee te Tite ca be cd to kaow the aime apd ebm of Sh lila Th Ste Devi w State of Bhar wa kd eat preamble can be uted saa aid in ousting © provision, when ‘nc powiion eae “Lucknow Devlopinant Authority « MK. Gupta? the Supreme Coa cae Devers Bie can be = cll sanntance to ascertain eit LRN cot be used ta citot er gual the prin and ‘Seambiguous language of enactment Tn Maharashtra Land Development Corporation x. State of a ene aid that Preamble of the Ac is «guiding Wight oi {lerpretation. Th Mula Sahakari Sather Kerk was Hata Set the extring evidnes ofthe factual suntan is essential fx held that oe eieaing the ocunoots in ite cantare The words eae niedemaiteation® ave boon used in the preamble, based “laden” the respondent eought to coctend that thie document i nothing, Pern Tee of iadomnity The rectal in the preamble in question itelt ‘at a craic foundation ta interpret the document im question os Sinnet be (PS domnity ta the face a citeumstances of the case ecu characteristics of contract of gusradiae ae present. I inclades « cutie coreGiior, prmerpal dsbusr, written document, asoertaine! Fara, Sof chugetien qusrantecd, limitation, period af invocation and TO Store default and the clause when guarantor’ Uabaity arses, ‘The etroment of lasung or invoking the bani gvarcntce and the duration ot ‘the bane na also available fn thoco clauses. The appellant are tae ta Sctiled to enforce the said bank goarantee as the arrangement bad. v. Sate Bank of Indio? A asso 5 008, 2 (om 15 Soo sro 2 AIR 086 SC 248. 4 ass Supp. ©) 80 ov. ‘Samm oa se 7, 6 2ouo (i) SCALE ors. 300s Mh LI 29 Gon. HC DEL iy, i meats ihe parton The cedars, eto te merpeaton Sei, Prove the Tnveed and demanded te perirm “ae pein eel cid ae (ons demanded ¥y the splat Internal Ald to Construction ten Lad x, Municipal Commis “Carportion Act 1668 wae Sue or indo cocpied by a) Pree clear and precise 2 ita to only one meaning to) Prean cod to only when thelanguage oC revision in form of means and inl "lade ham sey se gee nes fro wiheintan of Fact proved Sataon 3 | sting incindegct of ene, rautive” prvided under Section 3 (10 of the {908 cays "Loyal Representative mean a perm ‘le estote af: dsonmed person tad inlades ay Che tho exe of Sh deceased and where pty Code of Civit Pro ‘who in law Tepreses person who intorecil Pere eal inn cepreventative character the person on whom the estate EUG ea ha death or the party 20 suing or sued "The definition employing both the words "means and include is te further nition Is pons to fe evhaustve fa natare “ty mentioned in the definition tel ince a word to mean "XY and to ictudo "> exclude IE and to considered toby the enumerntionsalrea However deGeition which defi sy and 7 cannot be applied in such @ manner 59 28 include only "Y and 2" te Bherat Coop. Bank (Mumbai Ltd x Coop, Bank Bmplorecs Union tne ene Gea elt ose of words “means” followed by the word an Soret fetinition is clearly indieative of legislative intent to make definition exibaustive. Tn Jagir Singh v. State of Bikar? it was beld thatthe vee of words ase 7 ane 2 a 2 aan 4 SCC 8 am iste 80 om sy ol iapatnd A. andr. Shanes Mosebanar dein’ (2) of omy ents Hote and Laing House ents Conga Act a Seeman etre ara ag ee os Mortgage tm possension was ot eaciaed frm the defnion fhe. ‘Use of Definition for Resolving Ambiguity In Garter. Bradber! Section 201 () of Licensing At, 1964 syuaton Thin ccton defines the tra “ba mri tis ect“ icdee. a" place. which te exlosvely end suing’ wand fir aul and ‘Sef utter yi imines sabe ‘ord “neha” swat the’ dafion i ot esclada what would Sndinarly be apoken of a's bar in wow of this was eld that Uae counters Used for serving liquor were also “bar a CLT, AP». Taj Mahal Hote, Secunderabad? the dtaition o Pint! iin Sacto 1) fee as eto wa esd Sopreme Court. This a an indusive deaition which provides at plan? inclades’ vehicles, books, sclentiie apparatus” and ‘surgial eqtipsent purchased forthe purpose of te busines, profeason or vocation Referring Dthis dednition, JUSTICE GROVER abaarved, “tho vary fact, hat eve ok have been included, shows thatthe mennlag intend to be given to ‘Rinne’ in 'sery wide, ‘The word included i often used in Interpreatiaa cette in order to enlarge the meaning of the wards ocurrng inthe bly | SE'the’ tntate” When tis ao used, these words must be exsstred a Cimprehending not only such things as dey sigily according to, thei SERETYOC at those things which ftarprotation clause clare that they PRU Miclude” Te was eld tts enzo thatthe sanitary ftngs and pipeling ‘tang m8 bdig whch ol weal a wn te wot lant In Dethi Judiciol Service Association v. State of Gujarat the work including the power to paniah for contempt of tel? cocurig in Article 129 eludiee ees Etiam of fadia were oustrocd by the Supreme Coort, Thi ene cere preme, Court to be a Court of Record. ft was held that ae oes do not limit the inherent power of the Supreme Court t punish PRE Stotape of itself as lao of subordinate courts, In Lucknow Development Authority v. MK Gut. construction” was ‘stay ser fee af chang or ea st Sloclaie deficn it Sas ll that "be tlie Service Mator | Tn Commision of Ince Tex, Madras. ar tne worl “mst of trast © Sie by eoverl cineca Seton 2024) eet ite aan of ah clauee may yt constitute income 12 aiervse would ment ceding the overalclanoes as exhwoaive, Twas el mi ancy focal by a poripant i 8 mote Tay a Pete Tr not ial in ay ofthe claves in Section Tn Moholasmi Oit Mils x, State of Anus Pradesh the Supreme ‘Courtine ts deation sf base i tom 4 of Sst Schedule to the SCout PES cn alt Act 1044, Acerding to his defitiony “Teaco Bases oie tabaces waather carea cc uncured and whether De ee fea and incase the lea! salks and stems ofthe ‘abneco Siete qoctio was that in view of this dsfiniton, whether tbacon “oth Sittin the menting Of the tern “tbces Te waa held hat si Se as eatausive sad aly toca which was not covered within sept See” meaning of “means” part or watin the word mentioned 4 oe ce” oe of distan, shal be bejend the ambit aad soope of Princ Almera he tec wn ot al win hain are not mentioned in the incusive part Tn Black Diamond Beverages, Commercial Tax Offer, Central Section “ioe Caleta: Section 2 (a) of West Bengal Sales Tax Act 1964 semen td bythe Supreme Cour. This ection provides the dfiition of sea oon, both the words sscans” and “inclodes” have a this secon, "Sele Price means money consieraion ind "iludes any eum charged for containers ec, twas held a tote part ofthe definition cancot prevent the main provision re Patusal moaning, In view of this, the definition of eale 1a dfn in Mines Ae 3952 ric ae ht and delivery charges paid by eet OR sine 19 de Regen of Robt Sh cg eer rs hr mt ER et Me er ns rman eae is i tae ee eer et a ern ac ha ete “hoe tm miner ‘ca Ld. Bombay Resistor of ciara nets apa wat al One Mag footie Proprietary La? twa iva PME Wadhwani? i wan ld that ety in cae “nhics'> camaan weld ariee Se imarprating 8 word prawn ‘to the slatsaryaenition aaron Defines ving wie Deaton Coa in of gee fate nie ie ey ae ie fe becomes necessary that the mesning of wide ton cle tel was cmatroed by the eur a vide detain. Im occu Te cart may bn rected fo 1 the language therein Some examples sre | In Hearipr or Shukla A.D. Divehor the definition eetrenchment” 2 (oa of Indoein! Disp Ac, 1947 wat ascend by the 8 (Coast he language of Sec 2 (oo) rane SResrenchment = ination by ‘employer of the service of 8 srorkoman for sn acon tcoeverethorwieo than as panishment infictad Ip may ofa dincplnary action, bot dona not inclada.-” Te wae hed hat the sword Sptenachistnt” ines nae inlade dachaage of Servees of all workmen nn real nal boos fic lomare of whala business, orem the business odertaiog be Sriie another employer In State of Moloravltoa w. Shig Dat and Sona it was cberved tht the wide defen o> “nuoctore® fm Bombay Sais Tax Act should be Interpret is reac al ed workable manner ad not tobe interpreted s © practically meaningless. In Iohchorur Indusriat Coop. Society Ltd. x. Competent Author, O "wan chscrved by the Supreme Court that LL 7. \ ScRipation ty the tenant Silnest weiies coma af landlord ‘Seprene {Gaunt by plain landlord and wha waa alleged to Soant witout landlord ceases could take bene of the proviso and sake eden ‘a Construction of a Word not Defined ia the Statute Where n word having diferst meanings has not ben defined in the seatule Such s word shld be constraed with rferance to Ui subject Seiten Chr Wor, ving ee te Naresh Kumar Modan, State of MP. it was beld that nce eee ern in one watt cannot ba done with reference 1 nteretatin fod in nnothor. A term of a word tay be interpreted isthe SiS Tir for fling the purport and objec mentioned therein In CCE Connaught Plaze Restaurant (P) Lids* 10n oe Satake having a diferent objec, purpose sod scheint definition of ont Shechanically to anather stale, Denis so now Eacl annot be spi Te lighly aad mechanically imported and pli ita focal statutes causing los of revenve. ann is soc 8 1 ais) «soc 70. Ne 4 Up and tie of the satin pavargecabes of caunesereoged wader Da only be taon when enacting TAD. UPJOHN. says that the ent, while construing, the At ma Cee ings os well au body of tho Act and that wil always be & Miser as we inteation of parame "perording vo LORD HODSON, the constuction f relevant, wction Acar eed ulseaily by consideration cf ros bending ore eve tation may be paid t Uae ‘N.C. Dioundil Union of India was bed st “Heading” canbe ee Dilan the Gost or enbiguiy in the icterpretatien of the oad cece the legalative intent, Tn Brikan Mumbai Elacrie Supply ond Transport Undertaking. Bina Pat Lad? the Supreme Court ld that the heading Me Piola, though nat normslly part of statutory provision, dow dntnion al Fert of the Blin wa a hat pies a4 oo lopetee fate bet ay camel ented socio pis aes (ovbortnitien, Protection at Hight ond Fall Femi) Sc lwo pny mca ae ho ean ed In Union of Ina ABN Amro Bank? i was bold thatthe heading of 1 section can ine rorared os hy to interpecttion of operative portion of si Se sripnly Sa the Langage ot oe proteins eH ‘Sheed In midsection strengthens that meaning dona BUSAN Note tats of Crd Vvaar Dine? iw bd Staten The bending of Ch X00, Cr: tent a ddr tnt te Staking cozaisance isthe date on which limitation period eommences In Novartis Ag v Union of India the sotional endings were relied on, while Interpreting So 5,20, 24 Xi) & Ge) and 83 of toe Patents Act, 1970 “ba Iho! Sinch Morwonh x. Meenakehi Marah, heading of Cha sex at he Coit ef Ciel Prceari819 wam in guetion wich te BPryiafone os to Dino Mieeting the Adminintation of ste’ Te was [eld that thous: sus poneeal re the Inngwage employed in a heeding cethot he ned 1) give ae tient flat to clear words of the section where ee eatnot be se doube a ta thelr ordinary meaning, but they aro not BeTSted ta she neve iizaduced into the Act merely fr the purpose of Sciying he enactments “They constitute am Smpertant part of the Act fectt and ‘may. be read not only as explaining, the sections which amedintely follow thom, a= a preamble to a etatute may be looked to fSiinn Its enactments, bot as afording a better key to the construction of Salone which follow fem than might be afforded by a mere preamble. The {act that the procoture for Sling « complaint in court has been provided in Ghapter SVE, the Cove of Criminal Procedure, 1978, with offences affecting Sdabnisration of justice is a lonr pointer to the legislative intent thnt the Offence committed shoold be of such type which ‘fete the seeneeafation of jostce, viz, which is committed after the document is Bekisood or given in evidence in court, Any offence committed with respect Pr dmsent at a tthe prior to its production or giving in evidence in cout ten oruictly speaking, be said to be an offence affecting administration of Sastice Goi 19 SOC 2 Gor 16 sc0 400 3 gor 2.800 62: AIR 2014 $0 418 gots 6 Sco 1: AIR 2013 $0 1911 & 005 4 SCC 870. Seoenreeas es “ryoumek ny n ¢en a Str a eee ieee rat Sea eto anacegee nam aa itp Sai ane eee “a0 waa in gestion. 1 ‘onder preceding rule fo the lowing coniions. Tint ninja 43, They. have got the effect ‘conaidered on legitimate ete See ing eat control the plain een ee nngs remote eed ino the wordn are precise and Tee carta capable of ening en ome ean Cogn cant legitimately refered to nly when the Inngunge Se ee ts here tan one omtrocion de 1 of Font meaning ot the words weed therein. Healing, can neither cot dew nor extend 86 plain moaning (0 et gcope of the words used in the enacting part. (a) Headings camct contr) the’ cent and plnin meaning of the doubt or ambiguity to discern legislative intent. [aq zeverer punishment wt 1s tated im tangerdon eee apes - otf oc 2 ae Rules, 1960 wer» in question, Tt syaa held hatin the title to Role 49-6. 8 Wf kaly 0 ee eas, Si, LD be nubjected toll ja. while interpreting Se. 5. tien ander precoding rate tool i the Apex Court 0k seated that the pron 0 fhe fatowing fo ‘a Novartis Ag x, Union of Indi i, 1970, 63 of the Patents. A St nyt ae 42h Age tte oS ae eet ieee reson or arin Note Iter Aidt Cnoatrocton ioe oe meron 20 ny "te Marginal neten ar LORD MACNAGHTEN ina cago decided ty the Privy Count held ake good a to contraction: to mers tbe referee to for the Pannen of Conerecion Biot nndored to bo ‘be une for construing «provision LORD REID ent “in my view, side notes cannot be ued a9 an ai 2 nly thaws marginal notes ; ee Tio ierted with neeent of Lagisatt ‘onstruction, Tey ae mere enteh tons and T have never heaed oe that "ave been wostrog 0 protien —————— 2 ere a a ee sites ee Se ewer eee sie er Siren ee Seen ee ee t Eo ct don only to erina notes canbe sed for iterrtation of tat etion see ties Sar weeds, the Marinl Noten fom ven SESE isla anctter setin. Ce) nga! note comet rotate the ecto a lear provision fan amendment to alter aside note could be propowed in ether Howse ~~. 1 side notes eaint bo said to be enacted in the samme sense an the long ie Any part ofthe body ofthe ACL” In exceptional cates the Legislators Uhemselves insert the marginal notes. The marzinal notes so ingeread by the logisators are considered tbe ‘8 part of enactment and can be legitimately used am aid to construction of ‘REE Beetion, Inthe marsla of WhiGk they sxe penta In Benga! trinity Co. Led. % State of Bihar: it was held that the amarginal notes appended to Acticle 256 of the Constitution of India sre part of the Constitution tucause they prima fete farmish some ive to the ‘moaning and purpose of the Avice ‘Thus the marzinal notos appended to Articles of Cnstitation have been ‘held to constitute a part of Constitution as passed by Constituent Asaeriy land therefore have Been used in construing the Articles of the Constittion, Use of Marsinal Notes for Resolving Ambiguity fag w. State of UR? Section 324 of Indian Penal Code, “whoever, except in the enso provided for by Section 204, voluntarily enuses hurt by means of any inetrement for ahooting, stabbing oF cutting, or any insimmment which, used as a weapon of offence, ia ikely cause death, o= bys means offre or any heated substance, or by means of ny poison or any corrosive substance, or by means of any explosive substance ot _ By means of any substance which is deleterious to human body to inbale, to swallow or to rocciva into the Blood or by means of animal shall be punished With imprisonment of either deveription for a term which may extend to Ghree years or with 9 Sine or with both". The expression “any instrument which, used 25 a weapon cf offence, i likely to caure death’ was in question before the Supreme Court. The Marginal Note says "voluntarily causing hart by dangerous weapons or means’. Ie was held that this expression should be ‘in England, before 1850, there was no punctuation in the copy of any Act which was presented for Royal assent, and therefore [Goin 6 SCC 1? AMR 2018 SC 1811. - 00m) 6 SO Bae 2 AIR 1955 SC O51 4 PN rr z a ee enna aene words of the be wie a curtail expan the ambit of the section which alae forms ss eoacknen8 “e) hunteation canst ave te elit “ei ustratons aso Fie Win AEC proton. Co Sse SFiepoganney betwesn the ilustmtion and section it ie Une section, ae ae ncn coca of «sia hima gsi salt & soolmaarame ds a oo or repens eae eer tae ee me ee Sooty as ea eis og Soran em cn ga ae he ooh a Ree es a ens T f hing Ue lgumgs f te Tor not ng the appeal within hat When a stat ~ ———_———— From ‘ennetmoat hich Dot Tae provien, wel within the p nent. In other’ words, the inten tan which a provi nrvo tan excopton eS TNS Ra i aga Om : See ee I eS eee esc abject matter of provieo Within the acipe of enacting part of the setion land Southern Maharatta Fix. Co. Lid. v. Benvoda Municipality” LORD MACMILLAN cbverved that. proper finetion of a proviso fs tn excop ont tp deol with a can which wonld atberwise fll, sHsp eer ie main enactment and it effet ia confined within the ger fn that ener Ta CLT, Ms Indo. Moreantle Bank [ed° JUSTICE. KAPUR lobserved that the proper function of proven in that it qualifies the [fenerality of the mein ennetment be providing nn exception and taking out [Ee it were, from the rnin evictment, n portion whieh, but for the proviso ‘tment ‘would fall within the main ¢ In Shah Bhojraj Kuveri Oil Mills and Ginning Factory w. Subhash itis, 5 on a0 2 are to10 0c & AiR 1800 90 715 Tn ALK BO State ‘2 ot there bat. Fey be treed ty previo (Cujarat Revente en cxcoptaon wo toe ih | Soca maine Te Pinhwonday Horiba Tambo nthe sae of totic nd acon ‘Dine elena pert in meting ‘real pose Ta Union of fod at nema ent er cane Feta en Chere enacine ox something ih fies or carves oot an exertion Seid be within the as impor nt enacing pe rt i smceple 1 ‘peri of the ribunal rent have bee 2 a may be comtoled by the Prvien. India v Sanjay Kumar Jain? th function of provse, wo" tthe main provision » = \ rowneraron oF susunes ein SSE arin ett ae pra anf : the apes eerste aes nou anime ¥: State of Haryana,* the ‘catrucd ia relation 12 tain privofan COW* Held Ut «proce ‘nent. Therela Import into enactagent, Therelore proviso to's secon caanat be used Co ‘ormly wood ine DAE Steiog whieh i ct therefore for such special cares weet cM® fram general enaciment and provide ‘Anvthing enactment cannot be excluded by involving te language of proviea aod te ‘exceptions mentioned in the proviso unless te matter fall within th scope ‘of proviso itself. This means that when a case is relating t some excepts to the main section and is required to be dealt with in scserdaace with the proviso, it is only then that the proviso comes into play, but forall ether fase, the interpretation of eoacting secon shall not be controled by the ‘exceptions provided in the proviso. The ambit and spe of enacting ation shall not be limited or restricted by the proviso. Proviso’ ia considered to sposk of last intention of the Lesslaturs: ‘Therefore, even when a proviee is direc repugnant to the enactment it will stand. ‘Sometime mare than one provisos are attached with the section. IF there is any repugnancy between the two provisos, the later shall prevail, Use of Proviso for Resolving Ambiguity In TM. Kanniyan ¥. LTO, Pondicherry? Asticle 240, (0, of the Const nace of India along with fia proviso wan construed by the Supreme ‘Rl calverta eu of vod deaions a wy ts ‘Goverainnt,bsuicat all met env 1 inde ping waar at steed by te raves, bao Ui "allway ora nealy So ax may bey Ses ‘Skee oa proving that a Tnwey Afsana stall 3 ‘Situ any fertber or adden secomuoiation wor which the talleay paring rough the lend ‘Cafe, ste dasa nen alway ws oP= vce ba realy Same 1 Sakina See reed yo ‘Scert on he SNSCLE dtr cot of ete ae of ee pen cea ee tose cert ne ope eae Un‘ 1996, he Provinl (ervidan the channel under Balto be waa SS ieee artee is dais, which joxtly nference ‘by High Court = “a Ii FE. (eos) 4 800 2 (Gain) 4 S00 <2. Govern pe eta Seas ears oie ea Sa ae east is ancbarge from sarees: The! Corser go ty ats ova oe “hat under ne Greumstance ee anny Adminiabaion Sedona an Service may not be can, employes > atures nis service dlopenuud with baped © re Peas £1 se fllaciou, since sub-section vith aoevce as well #8 £6 coon in rake as Internal Aid to Construction ch i appended. ment nln sin on sci or acs cnet Pin se ebm ate ae in of nia Spd rt arn os HE provi dn a tar can be uned to except any thing Dilesp Kumar Singh? it was ed that though ‘sppended, golden rae MN TERA ADS TO CONSTRUCTION = Hh fo reed th 7 de by a policsTelfions|in «_caseowich they ‘mutually ¢ 2» Incuive of the proviag in mich « manner thi Explanation —A report nde Ty iasin. of & non-comnizable OTe y fon each ether nnd result. in harmoni® verte vestigation, the commianin Of 8 Der tom wach "be deemed to be m complaint; oF construction "jo made shall be deemed to be the nee cease Prcwmne aun lg pea gituecaras ics tar tami os es something in jt jeation. When main provision is clear, a prod Teasiide Gorter cs Cot $8 corn clear, a cutaiied by-the TA careful reading of above examples would show that the S=RIGEe Gr (Proviso cannot be used to frustrate th i A are ey undgg-ctation are meant to further clarity the enact ie, ast wed to frat the real beet of the mil dg of the deine ara exnanaion is SOORSTS SS a the effect. such that it is i ri ‘enactment. he ‘an explanation is a — ee some it Forza to a section cannot be. : eng of word contained in, go someting n the ambit of main ae aes erg A ent or to exclude some thing from (Gx) EXPLANATION i bipifengat Teapots Oo isa section: In somo sections, explanation is appended after the statutay} p/iaidnld’be read together to know the trae provisions. For exa7 on 2 6) of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986) hit in yaaa Uni : } Evin eow'ot manner” ang down Mamet : ion (@ makes or manufactures any goods or parts thereof; or ‘to harmonize and clear up ambiguity to the provi Gi) doos not make or manufact a te harmon fan ahowd be interpreted according to its own terms = | | foo aot ate or manufetre any gods but enembie pu AM! ges cnet cme igen wa amt eh S| ees cea eae Teer 9 cone an expan tom anton ae Snead tion or rica is to explein and not to add or even alter. An explanation = (iii) puts or causes to be put his own mark on any goods made @r ins. “aietbe more than one reason for a. statutory ‘ oe TO a, Seema tomake emit Inanufactnired by any other manefactarer and elaims such goods to be goods made oF manufactured by himself = = Explanation. Whore a manufacturer dispatches any goods or Tse Or i ehecet ban branch office maintatoed hy him, rock bees tes eal Femoval of doubts" appen ! be deemed to be the manufacturer even though the parts so dispatched | or declaratory. Tt was held are assembled ot seh branch offiee and are sold or distributed from i ool a a eee branch office try or declaratory in nature. Though it began with words co Paes ePaoubta *, the same was not conclusive in nature. may be noted from this citation that where a person assembles : sean arise parts of goods made or manufactured by others and claims the end productl ica Tt is well settled that explanation added to statutory provision fo be goode manufactured by himself, he is covered within the definition tf *Sipstntive provision in any eense of term but as the plain reading of the manufacturer. However, by way of explanation, it is efaalf shows it is merely meant to explain or clarify certain ambiguities: branch office maintained by a manufacturer shall not fal within the scope aay have crept in the statutory Provisiong, as held in the case ‘ TSS Patobireman* ‘The abject of the explanation to any etinifon oven thourh parts are assembled at such branch office. A agheser exncapln ean bo seen in Seetion 2 () of the Code of Criminal Pa fure, 1973 w defines the word "complaint". The language of this scolnint moans any allegation. made orally oF in teats, with a view to his taking action under this Code, Ghat some person, whether Inown or unknown, has committed an offence, but does not include a police report. : et ©) When there is any a Mie chee, a chy or memantine ean fhe sae sd a ans a Sag ‘the dominant object which it seoma to subscrvel x ‘SEE cy, Maa nrc inn tah Sed (©) To provide aditinal ngpert tothe dinars ot ofthe a Sn tng it he Son dtrmion MEARE fer to make ie mentiogfl and purpose 1 Biman Basu v. Kallot Guna Thohura/st was tld thatthe (@) An explanation cannot ia eny way terre with or change the Setadalo Foraa tad Appendix, form part of Ove atte and or the ree ‘iincnent or any part thret bul ware same gap nut ach pM A maybe {S'televant for the purpose of explanation in order to supore ‘the mischief and advance the ebject of the Act it can baip of ‘sist the court in interpreting the true purport and intendmeat erences ‘mere, while onsen garni hm azponaton aac to ee eee eee a Durpooe tor whish It was created. Ybe explanation shuld swt tw ucetched Ear cine leptin Ha Wo ern as wit wo elenion of cae ce tun wi ind eee enogry of oocien ad oot + SST SS See Reale cgay ter are sate aac nan nt cnt should be sen fo whic claus apo Th Zot Begum Shanas Ali was eld tan expanatin aa sexta ey Beet ead ts arose with ed coe oP S07 Se ae ra Sate! and normaly not to widens eit i), xplatiation cannot curtail or ealarge the scope of tho wetion! [iy Explanation canst contr the plain meaning’ of words of the gucl seca rulk cvees toy bo dito A et Pte tee oo 9 "AEE Bolo SO HMB 20 ( SCL 6rs. O) tae kes to Sreatiad in att oe enlarge the p Seer Preamble? cose of ami Same aad to 5 by Legislature ive to Preamble. Thou legislative intent, But Taniruage of enact of provision is Fea the enacting per: and colour of 31 the Act In case of prevail, If the pri reamble, then thorn Definition or, meaning of the word: ia ‘cnt ambit mn tuted Tn inert ty Hs stan a 5 6 CUS (ies a statement given inthe station in © Spay et depen of the atte, Ti fst eflngislapure When Ube language of an Ad roared at where the mening is doobttl Fig scplan it Ogu cannot start with pea el tg oe og ti fae air oe it, Presmble can Conakly capable of alterna een ihe meaning interpretation ee Tae yeomuttons ty nthe Act et a eafD ott attempt me sin ir groan eke tn he Teer Sit Pires im whch the mare ot Toy a nei Stace See ch a ie ee aed ae Seiten won They ere ale I tee ir nt ta ot re oe Leese forded tewes to oe He Oe tne nan, am nti oc exis Seino ihe meaning of deine ort Te . ee =n ieler cul down nor mised tha sass snc so seamen Pas cx __ SEIS snc Ts tank aks Pen ett Oran nape sth cine po a Marginal notes—Tho notes printed oa ts A Lea i Ses free epee vanes ylang Sete eet ay etka pete Sate meee geet oe oy melee po ere een cag were rarer Heeler een eae re cae a Sa eee eae Re ae eel =a iias somthing by © oe es rea ae as aa 2 vething y rth samo set of words might gut reversed. The puncbtin mars ‘Some light on the intanded seaning of that provision. When the tate Stroflly punctuated snd ere in some doubt about ie seaning, id be iven to punaustion az t can provide wmbeassatance {he intention of Legislature, Punctuation ia considered to be agnor ee ii Gonseruction ofa statute. But some jurists have opibed tat p 2 retsrmal ids to sonstruction aod fe isa error to SFP Cantrary to plain intention of the sala, Presence or absence of comma may bo disregarded: Punctuation mari Ferre est down mor extend the plain meaning aad scope of the words pene cat Ging part Pasctantion marks cannot contra the daar aad pl _anganing of the words of an enactment. a ca lustration—Sometimes illustrations are appendod toa retin of statute in order to, "dhe provisions of Inw contained ia that cst explain . 1 eRe ss to taake te mronong ofthe section abunden ‘The purpose of Wastrat ———- marks are of 50 fon them, However, The PePeing examples, Ilnstrations ary cnt lea ving ems cidae the principle of the soctian. Thay dno as thay Delp to oir of relevance and value jn tho contruction oh vere psa oe = of dhe soction. Therefore lustration sal hs bom erated fer be eetched besa that inguinal ld ae eee They cannot be ignored & SP ee ced to cota or enlarge ta scope ve ast, Ica mater soe ina ning of were of te acc nr can hav on els dba language ofthe section, a Tang statutes, the Schedules are added in the ead of Sena Sedules are couere ac a part of the stable, They snackeStjow caine under the Act can be enforced or as vo how the language : ein, Iuarations to modify the language of the coe aration cannot cart 310 INTERPRETATION OF STATUTES powers vested by virtue of the statute are to be exercised and con prescribed forms for working out the policy underlying the sections of th stafute..The purpose of attaching Schedules in an enactment is to avoid epeumbering the sections with matters of excessive details. Much importaz is not attached to Schedules but where the words in a statute are doubtfu and uncertain in meaning, Schedule may be used for Sena light on th section to determine its meaning.

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