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Session: 2023-2024 Roll No.

This is to certify that of standard

12th CBSE of Modern Public School had been sincere and

hardworking throughout the practical and therefore he has

completed this project on the basis of the requirements of CBSE

rules and regulations.

………………………… …………………………

Internal Exam. Sign Principal’s Sign Stamp

………………………… …………………………

External Exam. Sign School stamp


SR NO. Contents

1. Acknowledgement

2. Programs
1. Python Programs
2. SQL Queries

3. Bibliography

I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to everyone who contributed
to the successful completion of this Python and SQL project for my class 12. This project
would not have been possible without the support and assistance of various individuals and

Firstly, I would like to thank my teacher, Mr. Anurag Sharma, for their guidance,
encouragement, and valuable insights throughout the project. Their expertise and
mentorship played a pivotal role in shaping the project's direction and ensuring its quality.

I am also thankful to my classmates and friends who provided assistance, feedback, and
moral support during the project's development. Their collaboration and camaraderie made
the project more enjoyable and productive.

Lastly, I extend my gratitude to my family for their unwavering support and understanding
during the project's duration.

This project has been a valuable learning experience, and I am grateful for the
opportunity to apply my knowledge and skills to a real-world problem. Thank you to
everyone who played a part in this endeavor.

Rafae Tanvir

In an age characterized by the proliferation of data and the increasing reliance on

technology, the ability to harness and manipulate information has become a fundamental
skill. It is within this context that we proudly present our Python and SQL project, an
endeavor born out of curiosity, creativity, and a desire to explore the synergy between
programming and data management.

This project represents a culmination of our journey in the world of computer science,
particularly focusing on Python, a versatile and widely-used programming language, and
SQL, the language of choice for managing and querying relational databases. Through the
pages of this project report, we invite you to embark on a voyage into the realms of data
manipulation, analysis, and visualization.

Our project is a testament to the power of Python and SQL in addressing real-world
challenges. We have designed and implemented a system that not only showcases technical
prowess but also demonstrates the practical application of these tools. Through this
endeavor, we aim to shed light on the potential of data-driven decision-making and

As you delve into this report, you will witness the meticulous planning, coding, and testing
that have gone into our project. We have endeavored to create a project that not only
fulfills the academic requirements of our class 12 curriculum but also has the potential to
benefit various fields and industries.

We would like to extend our gratitude to our teachers, mentors, and classmates whose
guidance and support have been invaluable throughout this project. Their encouragement
and constructive feedback have pushed us to strive for excellence.

We invite you to explore our Python and SQL project, and we hope that it serves as an
inspiration for future endeavors in the fascinating world of programming and data
management. Together, we embark on this journey of discovery, innovation, and learning.
Python Programs
1. Create a panda’s series from a dictionary of values and a

ndarray. # Create a panda’s series from a dictionary of values

and a ndarray

import pandas as
pd import numpy
as np
s=pd. Series (np. array
([1,3,4,7,8,8,9])) print(s)

# Create a dictionary
dictionary = {'X’: 10, 'Y’: 20, 'Z’: 30} # create
a series series = pd. Series(dictionary)

2. Write a Pandas program to perform arithmetic operations on two Pandas

Series. # Write a Pandas program to perform arithmetic operations on two

Pandas Series.
import pandas as pd
ds1 =pd. Series ([3, 6, 9, 12, 15])
ds2 = pd. Series ([2, 4,
6, 8, 10]) ds = ds1 + ds2
print ("Add two Series:")
print ("Subtract two
Series:") ds = ds1 - ds2
print ("Multiply two
Series:") ds = ds1 * ds2
print ("Divide Series1 by
Series2:") ds = ds1 / ds2

3. Write a Pandas program to add some data to an existing

Series. # Write a Pandas program to add some data to an

existing Series.

import pandas as pd
s = pd. Series (['S101', 'Amjad', 'C.Sc.', 'XII – A1', '450'])
print ("Original Data
Series:") print(s)
print ("\nData Series after adding some data:")
new_s = s. appends (pd. Series (['90.0',
'PASS'])) print(new_s)

4. Write a Pandas program to select the rows where the percentage greater

than 70. # Write a Pandas program to select the rows where the percentage

greater than 70.

import pandas as
pd import numpy
as np

exam_data = {'name': ['Aman', 'Kamal', 'Amjad', 'Rohan', 'Amit', 'Sumit',

'Matthew', 'Kartik', 'Kavita', 'Pooja'],
'perc': [79.5, 29, 90.5, np.nan, 32, 65, 56, np.nan, 29, 89],
'qualify': ['yes', 'no', 'yes', 'no', 'no', 'yes', 'yes', 'no', 'no',
labels = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'B', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J']

df = pd. DataFrame (exam_data, index=labels) print

("Number of students whoes percentage more than
70:") print(df[df['perc'] > 70])

5. Write a Pandas program to select the rows the percentage is between 70

and 90 (inclusive)

# Write a Pandas program to select the rows the percentage is between 70

and 90 (inclusive)
import pandas as
pd import numpy
as np

exam_data = {'name': ['Aman', 'Kamal', 'Amjad', 'Rohan', 'Amit', 'Sumit',

'Matthew', 'Kartik', 'Kavita', 'Pooja'],
'perc': [79.5, 29, 90.5, np.nan, 32, 65, 56, np.nan, 29, 89],
'qualify': ['yes', 'no', 'yes', 'no', 'no', 'yes', 'yes', 'no', 'no',
labels = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'B', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J']

df = pd. DataFrame (exam_data, index=labels) print

("Number of students whoes percentage more than
70:") print(df[df['perc']. between (70,90)])

6. Write a Pandas program to change the percentage in a given row by the

user. # Write a Pandas program to change the percentage in given row by

import pandas as
pd import numpy
as np

exam_dic = {'name': ['Aman', 'Kamal', 'Amjad', 'Rohan', 'Amit', 'Sumit',

'Matthew', 'Kartik', 'Kavita', 'Pooja'],
'perc': [79.5, 29, 90.5, np.nan, 32, 65, 56, np.nan, 29, 89],
‘qualify’: ['yes', 'no', 'yes', 'no', 'no', 'yes', 'yes', 'no', 'no', 'yes']}
labels = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'B', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J']

df = pd. DataFrame (exam_dic, index=labels) print

("\nOriginal data frame:")

ch = input ("Enter the index of row: ")

per = float (input ("Enter percentage to be
changed: ")) print ('\nChange the percentage
in row '+ch+ ' to’, per)
df.loc [ch, 'perc'] = per

7. Write a Pandas program to join the two given dataframes along rows and
assign all data.

# Write a Pandas program to join the two given dataframes along rows and assign
all data. import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

exam_dic1 = {'name': ['Aman', 'Kamal', 'Amjad', 'Rohan', 'Amit', 'Sumit',

'Matthew', 'Kartik', 'Kavita', 'Pooja'],
'perc': [79.5, 29, 90.5, np.nan, 32, 65, 56, np.nan, 29, 89],
'qualify': ['yes', 'no', 'yes', 'no', 'no', 'yes', 'yes',

'no', 'no', 'yes']} exam_data1 = pd. DataFrame(exam_dic1)

exam_dic2 = {'name': ['Parveen', 'Ahil', 'Ashaz', 'Shifin',

'Hanash'], 'perc': [89.5, 92, 90.5, 91.5, 90],
'qualify': ['yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes']}

exam_data2 = pd. DataFrame(exam_dic2)

print ("Original
print (" ")
print ("\nJoin the said two dataframes along rows:")
result_data = pd. concat ([exam_data, exam_data2])

8. Write a Pandas program to join the two given dataframes along columns and
assign all data.

# Write a Pandas program to join the two given dataframes along columns and
assign all data.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

exam_dic1 = {'name': ['Aman', 'Kamal', 'Amjad', 'Rohan', 'Amit', 'Sumit',

'Matthew', 'Kartik', 'Kavita', 'Pooja'],
'perc': [79.5, 29, 90.5, np.nan, 32, 65, 56, np.nan, 29, 89],
'qualify': ['yes', 'no', 'yes', 'no', 'no', 'yes', 'yes',

'no', 'no', 'yes']} exam_data1 = pd. DataFrame(exam_dic1)

exam_dic2 = {'name': ['Parveen', 'Ahil', 'Ashaz', 'Shifin',

'Hanash'], 'perc': [89.5, 92, 90.5, 91.5, 90],
'qualify': ['yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes']}

exam_data2 = pd. DataFrame(exam_dic2)

print ("Original
print ("
) print(exam_data2)
print ("\nJoin the said two dataframes along
rows:") result_data = pd. concat ([exam_data1,
exam_data2], axis=1)

9. Write a Pandas program to append a list of dictionaries or series to an

existing DataFrame and display the combined data.

# Write a Pandas program to append a list of dictioneries or series to an

existing # DataFrame and display the combined data.
import pandas as
pd import numpy
as np

exam_dic1 = {'name': ['Aman', 'Kamal', 'Amjad', 'Rohan', 'Amit', 'Sumit',

'Matthew', 'Kartik', 'Kavita', 'Pooja'],
'perc': [79.5, 29, 90.5, np.nan, 32, 65, 56, np.nan, 29, 89],
'qualify': ['yes', 'no', 'yes', 'no', 'no', 'yes', 'yes',

'no', 'no', 'yes']} exam_data1 = pd. DataFrame(exam_dic1)

s = pd. Series (['Sukhvir', 54,'yes'], index= ['name', 'perc','qualify'])

dicts = [{'name': 'Krish', 'perc': 45,'qualify':'yes'},

{'name': 'Kumar', 'perc': 67,'qualify':'yes'}]

print ("Original DataFrames:")

print("\nDictionary:") print(s)
# Add Series
combined_data = exam_data1.append(s, ignore_index=True,
sort=False) # Add Dictionary
combined_info = combined_data. append (dicts, ignore_index=True, sort=False)
print ("\nCombined Data:")
# Print Combined

10. Program to select or filter rows from a DataFrame based on values in

columns in pandas. (Use of Relational and Logical Operators)

# Program to select or filter rows from a DataFrame based on values in

columns in pandas. (Use of Relational and Logical Operators)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

exam_dic1 = {'name': ['Aman', 'Kamal', 'Amjad', 'Rohan', 'Amit', 'Sumit',

'Matthew', 'Kartik', 'Kavita', 'Pooja'],
'perc': [79.5, 29, 90.5, np.nan, 32, 65, 56, np.nan, 29, 89],
'qualify': ['yes', 'no', 'yes', 'no', 'no', 'yes', 'yes', 'no', 'no', 'yes']}

exam_data1 = pd. DataFrame(exam_dic1)

print ("Original
print(exam_data1) print
("\nUse == operator\n")
print(exam_data1.loc[exam_data1['name'] == 'Rohan'])

print ("\nUse < operator\n")

print(exam_data1.loc[exam_data1['perc'] < 40])

print ("\n Use! = operator\n")

print(exam_data1.loc[exam_data1['qualify']! =

print ("\n Multiple Conditions\n")

print(exam_data1.loc[(exam_data1['qualify']! = 'yes') & (exam_data1['perc']

11. Filter out rows based on different criteria such as

duplicate rows # Filter out rows based on different criteria

such as duplicate rows

import pandas as pd data= {'Name’:

'Sales’: [8500,4500,9200,8500,9200,9600,8400]}
DataFrame(data) # Find
duplicate rows
duplicated = sales [sales.
duplicated(keep=False)] print ("duplicate
Row:\n”, duplicated)

12. Importing and exporting data between pandas and CSV file.
# To create and open a data frame using ‘Student_result.csv’ file using Pandas.
# To display row labels, column labels data types of each column and the
dimensions # To display the shape (number of rows and columns) of the CSV

# Importing and exporting data between pandas and CSV file.

# To create and open a data frame using ‘Student_result.csv’ file using Pandas.
# To display row labels, column labels data types of each column and the
dimensions # To display the shape (number of rows and columns) of the CSV

import pandas as pd
import csv

#Reading the Data

df = pd. read_csv("student_result.csv")
# Display Name of Columns print
(df. columns)

# Display no of rows and column

print (df. shape)

# Display Column Names and their

types print ( ())

13. Read the ‘Student_result.csv’ to create a data frame and do the

following operation:
# To display Adm_No, Gender and Percentage from ‘student_result.csv’
file. # To display the first 5 and last 5 records from
‘student_result.csv’ file.

# Read the ‘Student_result.csv’ to create a data frame and do the following

# To display Adm_No, Gender and Percentage from ‘student_result.csv’
file. # To display the first 5 and last 5 records from
‘student_result.csv’ file.

import pandas as pd

import csv
#To display Adm_No, Gender and Percentage from ‘student_result.csv’ file.
df = pd. read_csv ("student_result.csv”, usecols = ['ADM_NO','GENDER',

print ("To display Adm_No, Gender and Percentage from ‘student_result.csv’



#To display first 5 and last 5 records from

‘student_result.csv’ file. df1 = pd.
print (df1.head())
print (df1.tail())

14. Read the ‘Student_result.csv’ to create a data frame and do the

following operation:
# To display Student_result file with new column names.
# To modify the Percentage of student below 40 with NaN value in dataframe.

# Read the ‘Student_result.csv’ to create a data frame and do the following

# To display Student_result file with new column names.
# To modify the Percentage of student below 40 with NaN value in dataframe.

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

import csv

df = pd.

#To display Student_result file with new column

names. df1 = pd. read_csv ("student_result.csv”,
skiprows = 1,

names = ['Adno','Sex','Name','Eng','Hin',


print ("To display Student_result file with new column

names") print(df1)

# To modify the Percentage of student below 40 with NaN

value. df2 = pd. read_csv("student_result.csv")

print ("To modify the Percentage of student below 40 with NaN value.")
df2.loc[(df2['PERCENTAGE'] <40, 'PERCENTAGE')] = np.nan
15. Read the ‘Student_result.csv’ to create a data frame and do the
following operation:
# To create a duplicate file for ‘student_result.csv’ containing Adm_No, Name
and Percentage.
# Write the statement in Pandas to find the highest percentage and also print
the student’s name and percentage.

# Read the ‘Student_result.csv’ to create a data frame and do the following

# To create a duplicate file for ‘student_result.csv’ containing Adm_No, Name
and Percentage.
# Write the statement in Pandas to find the highest percentage and also print
the student’s name and percentage.

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

import csv

# To create a duplicate file for ‘student_result.csv’ containing Adm_No, Name

and Percentage.
df = pd. read_csv("student_result.csv") df.to_csv ('copyStudent_result.csv’,
# Display Copied Dataframe

# Find the highest percentage and also print the student’s name and
percentage. df1 = pd. read_csv("student_result.csv")
[df1.PERCENTAGE== df1['PERCENTAGE'].max ()]

16. Importing and exporting data between pandas and MySQL

database # Importing and exporting data between pandas and MySQL


import pymysql
import pandas as pd
import mysql. connector
from sqlalchemy import types, create_engine

# Create dataframe
dic= {
'EMPNO’: [7369,7499,7566,7654,7698,7782,7788,7839,7844,7900,7902,7934],


[7876,7876,7782,7900,7900 ,7900,7782,7876,7900,7782,7900,7876], 'HIREDATE’:
'2006/09/21','2007/03/13','2005/03/06', '2007/01/12','2009/07/19','2009/01/05',

'2004/11/30'], 'SAL’:
'COMM’: [4000,5000,5000,4000,2500,4000,2500,3000 ,3000,2500,2000 ,6000],
'DEPTT’: [20,30,20,30,30,10,20,10,30,30,20,10]

data = pd. DataFrame(dic)

print ('Our DataFrame
is:\n’, data)


" # create sqlalchemy

sqlEngine =
dbConnection = sqlEngine.connect()

# Exporting dataframe to SQl
frame = data.to_sql (tableName, dbConnection,

if_exists='fail'); except ValueError as vx:


except Exception as

ex: print(ex)


print ("Table %s created

successfully.\n"%tableName); finally:

# – Read a MySQL Database Table and write into a Pandas

DataFrame: sqlEngine =

create_engine('mysql+pymysql://root:@') dbConnection=


dframe = pd. read_sql ("select * from Company.employeedata", dbConnection);

print ("After importing data from MySql:\n")



17. Find the sum of each column, or find the column with the

lowest mean # Find the sum of each column, or find the column with

the lowest mean

import pandas as pd
Pass_Perc = {'Phy': {'2017':95.4,'2018':96.4,'2019':99.2,'2020':97.4},
'Che': {'2017':96.5,'2018':97.4,'2019':100,'2020':99.2},
'Maths': {'2017':90.2,'2018':92.6,'2019':97.4,'2020':98.0},
'Eng': {'2017':99.2,'2018':100,'2019':100,'2020':100},
'IP': {'2017':95.6,'2018':100,'2019':100,'2020':100}}

df=pd. DataFrame
(Pass_Perc) print(df)
print ()
print ('Column wise sum in datframe
is:') print(df.sum(axis=0))
# Print mean vaLue of each coLumn
print ()
print ('Column wise mean value
are:') print (df.
mean(axis=0). round (1))
# Returns CoLumn with minimum mean vaLue
print ()
print ('Column with minimum mean value is:')
print (df. mean(axis=0). idxmin ())

18. Locate the 3 largest values in a data frame.

# Locate the 3 largest values in a data


import pandas as pd
data= {'Name’: ['Aman','Rohit','Deepika','Kamal','Deva','Ramesh','Adnan'],
'Sales’: [8500,4500,9300,8600,9200,9600,8400]}
sales=pd. DataFrame(data)
# Find 3 Largest Value for MarksinlP Column print
(sales. nlargest (3, ['Sales']))

19. Subtract the mean of a row from each element of the row in a Data

Frame # Subtract the mean of a row from each element of the row in a

Data Frame
import pandas as pd
Pass_Perc = {'Phy': {'2017':95.4,'2018':96.4,'2019':99.2,'2020':97.4},
'Che': {'2017':96.5,'2018':97.4,'2019':100,'2020':99.2},
'Maths': {'2017':90.2,'2018':92.6,'2019':97.4,'2020':98.0},
'Eng': {'2017':99.2,'2018':100,'2019':100,'2020':100},
'IP': {'2017':95.6,'2018':100,'2019':100,'2020':100}}

df=pd. DataFrame
(Pass_Perc) print(df)
print ()

print ('Mean of each row

is:') print (df.
mean(axis=1)) print ()
print ('Datafranie after Subtracting mean value
of\ each row from each element of that Row is:')
print (df.sub (df. mean(axis=1), axis=0))

20. Replace all negative values in a data frame

with a 0. # Replace all negative values in a data

frame with a 0.

import pandas as pd

data = {'sales1’: [10,20, -4,5, -1,15],

'sales2’: [20,15,10, -1,12, -2]}

df = pd. DataFrame(data)

print ("Data
Frame") print(df)

print ('Display DataFrame after replacing every negative value with 0')


21. Replace all missing values in a data frame with

a 999 # Replace all missing values in a data frame

with a 999
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
Srec= {'sid’: [101,102,103,104,
'sname’: ['Amit','Sumit’,
np.nan,'Aman','Rama','Neeta','Amjad','Ram','Ilma','Raja'], 'smarks’: [98,67,
np.nan,56,38,98,67, np.nan,56, np.nan], 'sgrade’: [np.nan,
np.nan,'A1','C1','D','A1','B2’, np.nan,'B2','A2'],
'remark’: ['P','P','P','F’, np.nan,'P','P','F','P','P'], 'mobile’:
[9990009991,9990009992,9990009993, np.nan,9990009995, np.nan, 9990009997

9990009998, np.nan,9999010000]}
# Convert the dictionary into
DataFrame df=pd. DataFrame (Srec)
print ("\n- Dataframe Before Replacing NaN with
999-\n") print(df)

#Replace missing value with zeros

print ("\n-After Replacing missing value with
999-\n") df=df. fillna (999)

22. Given a Series, print all the elements that are above the 75th

percentile. # Given a Series, print all the elements that are above

the 75th percentile.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
s=pd. Series (np. array
([2,4,5,10,18,20,25])) print(s)
print ()
print ('75th Percentile of the
series is:') print(res)
print ()
print ('The elements that above the 75th
percentile:') print(s[s>res])

23. Create a Data Frame quarterly sales where each row contains the item
category, item name, and expenditure. Group the rows by the category and
print the total expenditure per category.

# Create a Data Frame quarterly sales where each row contains the item
category, #item name, and expenditure. Group the rows by the category and print
the total #expenditure per category.
import pandas as pd

# Initialize list of lists

data = [['CAR','Maruti',1000000], ['AC','Hitachi',55000],
['AIRCOLLER','Bajaj',12000], ['WASHING MACHINE','LG',15000],
['CAR','Ford',7000000], ['AC','SAMSUNG',45000], ['AIRCOLLER ','Symphony',20000],
['WASHING MACHINE','Wirlpool',25000]]

ure'] # Create the pandas DataFrame

qrtsales = pd. DataFrame (data, columns=Col)

# print dataframe.
print (qrtsales)

qs=qrtsales. groupby('itemcat')
print ('Result after Filtering
sum ())

24. Create a data frame based on e-commerce data and generate

descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, quartile, and variance)

# Create a data frame based on ecommerce data and generate descriptive

statistics # (mean, median, mode, quartile, and variance)

import pandas as pd
sales = {'InvoiceNo': [1001,1002,1903,1004,1085,1006,1007],
'Quantity': [2,1,2,1,2,1,1], 'Price’:
print ("Mean price of Item:", df['Price']. mean (). round (2))
print ("Median price of Item:", df['Price']. median (). round (2))
print ("Mode of price:\n", df[['Price']]. mode ())
print ("Quartile of price:\n”, df[['Price']]. quantile ([.1,.25,.5,.75], axis=0))
print ("Variance of Price:\n”, df[['Price']]. var ())

25. Given the school result data, analyses the performance of the
students on different parameters, e.g subject wise or class wise.

# Given the school result data, analyses the performance of the students on
#different parameters, e.g subject wise or class wise.
# x-axis is showing the subject and
y -axis # shows the markers in each
# import pandas and matplotlib
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib. pyplot as plt

# Simple Line Chart with setting of Label of X and Y axis,

# title for chart line and color of line
subject = ['Physic','Chemistry','Mathematics', 'Biology','Computer']
marks = [80,75,70,78,82]
# To draw line in red colour

plt. plot (subject, marks,'r’, marker ='*')

# To Write Title of the Line Chart

plt. title ('Marks Scored')

# To Put Label at Y Axis

plt. xlabel('SUBJECT')
# To Put Label at X Axis

plt. ylabel('MARKS')
plt. show ()
SQL Queries

1. How do you retrieve all records from a table named "customers"?

SELECT * FROM customers;

2. Can you find the total number of orders in the "orders" table?


3. Retrieve the names and email addresses of customers who have

made a purchase in the last month.

SELECT name, email FROM customers WHERE purchase_date >= DATE_SUB (NOW


4. How can you update the price of a product with ID 1001 to $19.99?

UPDATE products SET price = 19.99 WHERE product_id = 1001;

5. Retrieve the top 10 products with the highest sales quantities.

SELECT product_name, sales_quantity FROM products ORDER BY

sales_quantity DESC LIMIT 10;

6. Find the average salary of employees in the "employees" table.

SELECT AVG (salary) FROM employees;

7. Retrieve the orders made by a specific customer with ID 5002.

SELECT * FROM orders WHERE customer_id = 5002;

8. How can you add a new category named "Electronics" to the

"categories" table?

INSERT INTO categories (category_name) VALUES ('Electronics');

9. Find the total revenue generated from all orders.

SELECT SUM (order_total) FROM orders;

10. Retrieve the products that are out of stock (quantity is 0).

SELECT * FROM products WHERE quantity = 0;

11. How do you delete a customer with ID 3001 from the "customers" table?

DELETE FROM customers WHERE customer_id = 3001;

12. Retrieve the employee names and their managers' names from

the "employees" table.

SELECT e. employee_name, m.

manager_name FROM employees e

LEFT JOIN employees m ON e. manager_id = m. employee_id;

13. List the customers who have spent more than $100 in total.

SELECT c. customer_name, SUM(o. order_total) AS

total_spent FROM customers c

INNER JOIN orders o ON c.customer_id = o.customer_id

GROUP BY c.customer_name

HAVING total_spent > 100;

14. Retrieve the most recent order for each customer.

SELECT customer_id, MAX(order_date) AS most_recent_order_date

FROM orders

GROUP BY customer_id;

15. How do you find the products with names containing the word "camera"?

SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_name LIKE '%camera%';



1. Gaddis, Tony. (2020). "Starting Out with Python." Pearson.

2. Celko, Joe. (2016). "Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming."
Morgan Kaufmann.

3. PYTHON(CBSE). “Informatics Practices.’’ Sumita Arora

4. ARIHANT(CBSE). “All in one Informatics Practices”


1. - Official Python Website.

2. W3Schools - SQL Tutorial.

3. Scribd – Official Scribd Website.

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