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1. What is the framework of de-development of rich countries all about?

The framework of de-development of rich countries is all about de-developing them instead of pushing

the poor ones to catch up with the developing ones. Because according to the data they gathered, 70% of

people in the middle- and high-income countries are keeping the world at risk. So, by doing this, we will not only

help poor countries get back on their feet soon, but also we might also help save our planet for the future


2. How is the de-development framework different from traditional frameworks of development?

The de-development framework suggests another way for development than the other past

suggestions. In this framework, the idea is to make the developed countries lessen their consumption so that

the less developed countries could catch up. Since high-income countries consume more of the earth’s

resources, then they are also responsible for putting almost every country in the world at risk.

3. According to Hickel, how can rich countries de-develop?

Rich countries can de-develop by encouraging them to lessen their daily consumption of the resources

and of material things. It is according to studies that buying luxury stuff can’t fully help you with your happiness.

Although some people feel better by buying luxury things, not all does especially with low- and middle-income

countries. With this in mind, less developed countries will be able to catch up without putting the world at risk.
4. Why does Hickel frown upon pundits using term such as zero growth, or de-development in describing

an alternative framework?

Because those terms mean different than what they really want to portray. De-development is another

term that should only be used on the alternative framework of making the rich ones adjust than the poor ones.

5. Some people might think that de-development is giving things up. How does Hickel explain that this

is not the case?

He explained that this is not the case by telling them that the idea of de-developing is not stopping you

to do what you want or buy what you want but just encouraging you to consume what you need more and

consuming what is enough. And by doing this does not necessarily mean that we are instantly compromising

your happiness, it will simply help everyone contribute more to reduce the overconsumption of the world’s

1 What isthe framework of de-development of rch countries all bout?
“The framework of the de-development of rich countries is that they are consuming too much
resources that may lead the planet and society at risk because we are growing too many and
the planet cannot cater anymore. And according to Hickel, economic growth is not a solution

2. How is the de-development framework ciferent from traditional frameworks of


‘The difference between the two frameworks is that the de-development framework seeing
people live a long, healthy, contented, and happy life no matter what class (lower, middle,
higher) you belong to. The traditional framework of development is that it is looking for more
‘economic growth to make our life more even better even though our world is overpopulated
and ithas 2 bad effect. For me, itis ike people who are not yet contented with what they have,
they are trying to look for better, | mean itis okay to look for more even better economy, but We
must consider that our world is overpopulated.

3. According to Hickel, how can rich countries de-develop?

‘According to Hickel, rich countries can de-develop by reducing their consumption of resources
and think of ways t0 get rich countries to catch down to the level of development, by living
cfficienty and happily.

4. Why does Hickel frown upon pundits using terms such as de-growth, zero growth, or de-
evelopment in describing an alternative framework?

= Hicke! frowned because the pundits used these terms which it gives @ negative impact on the
progress of the country itself. Hickel said these terms are technically accurate but for some
individuals its displeased who are not yet in to. And for him, itis ike asking people to stop
improving and growing and stop aiming for positivity in if

'5, Some people might think that de-development is about giving things up. How does Mickel
explain that ths is not the case?

- Hickel explained this by cheering up ourselves that its not about giving things up, but rather
‘to improve our lfe better and reach 2 higher level of understanding and consciousness. We
must consider and adapt the ways of how people live especialy the people of poor countries,

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