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Risk Management & Release and Deployment Management

eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using

Descriptive Analytics for COERPA Builders Corp


Submitted by:

1X1 1X1 1X1


Abiog, Charlene Rabe, Kim C. Toledo, Eric

Eusobio, Darren Pradez, Fernando T
TB491 TB491

Laya, Hans Wayne

Alexis S
Submitted to:

Joferson L. Bombasi

July 2023


Construction management is both an art and a science, and it is typically difficult to

master. It's difficult since you have to consider a wide range of variables and try to predict what
influence each one will have on a construction job. In the administration and execution of
construction projects, this is a critical and hard activity. It entails selecting technology, defining
work tasks, estimating the resources and durations required for specific tasks, and identifying
any relationships between the various work tasks. People with detailed expertise of building
construction, such as civil engineers or architects, are ideally suited for construction
management. Some components of this activity, such as financial planning and procurement, can
be completed by people with no prior experience in building. eConstruct: An Online
Construction Management System Using Manufacturing Analytics for COERPA Builders Corp.,
is a multi-module system that includes; Appointment Management, Project Management,
Procurement Management, Schedule and Delivery Management, Task Management
(Installation), Billing and Accomplishment Management, Retention Management and Inventory
and Production Management and Manufacturing and Reports Management Modules for the
automation of the company’s organization. Different agencies in a project can handle
construction management. It can be done by the project's owners, the company's administrators,
the project's engineers, and other personnel involved in the company's daily transactions and
operations. The basic notion of construction project management is linked to technical aspects
such as billing, production, and task execution, but it also necessitates effective communication
among other parties involved. Managers can use the program to keep track of the schedule and
resources allocated to construction projects. Keeping an existing project on track and optimizing
resources on a daily basis becomes manageable.


The objective of the study is to develop an eConstruct: An Online Construction

Management System Using Manufacturing Analytics for COERPA Builders Corp. that will help

the business manage their transaction more efficiently.

1.1 Specific Objectives

In a more specific note, the study aims to fulfill the following objectives:

1. To develop a construction project management system that will help in the

organization and monitoring of each part of the project life cycle, from ideation to
completion especially in overcoming overheads, reducing required budgets,

achieving timely deliveries and preventing delays and discrepancies. This

includes the following features:

a. Appointment Management

b. Procurement Management

c. Production and Inventory Management

d. Schedule and Delivery Management

e. Task Management

f. Billing and Management

g. Retention Management

2. To develop a user account module that will manage the user credentials to access

to the system and apply appropriate restrictions for each account.

3. To perform manufacturing analytics for the COERPA to better understand and

improve their processes, identify and reinforce best practices, react quickly to

process events, and anticipate potential problems before they affect product

quality, yield, or cost to prevent losses both on the production and sales through

Manufacturing analytics that will determine the following:

● number of raw materials to procure from the supplier based on the

approved projects

● Delivery KPI that will indicate performance of client in terms of on time


● Sales analytics to gather sales data, gauge sales performance and forecast

sales through moving average method

4. To design data visualization that will help the management easily interpret the

results of data analysis.

5. To generate daily and weekly reports of the projects, inventories and sales to give

a solution to the problems that are faced by the company such as on-site theft,

missing products, damaged products and delay in accomplishments.

6. To assess and evaluate the quality of the system in terms of its functionality,

usability, reliability, performance and supportability (FURPS).


The creation of an online construction management system is the main emphasis of this

project. This chapter contains local and international literature and studies gleaned from many

sources such as websites, journals, essays, and other thesis works, all of which are critical to the

system's development and advancement. The information gathered is focused on the

advancement of eCONSTRUCT and its value to people and the organization where it would be


3.1 Local Literature

3.1.1 Integrated Sales and Inventory Management System

According to Cambronero, J. B., Labadan, N. A., Labio, H. K., Redoña, R. J., & Salarda, B.

J. (2013) Business industries encountered many problems in terms with their business process.

Jorona Aquatic Resources and International Trading,Inc. is a company for marketing aquatic

resources internationally and in domestic place here in the Philippines. Quality service, effective

marketing techniques, communication, and security were all challenges for the said company.
During the authors' assessment, they discovered flaws that slowed corporate procedures and may

have hindered the quick increase of revenue. They discovered that an Integrated Sales and

Inventory Management system addressed the company's present issues. They spoke about how

much the system would cost, how it would function, what advantages the organization would get

if they implemented it, and how it would affect the staff.

3.1.2 Procurement Practices

According to Plete, J. C., Velasco, A., and Ventura, R. A. (2011) procurement practices

aimed to assess and enhance the procurement practices of MM Steel Service Center Corporation

by evaluating the existing procurement practices implemented by the company as well as its

internal control. Benchmarking procurement processes with other steel firms and internal

controls were utilized to assess the client-competitiveness of the company to qualify as a world-

class business as explained in the article. The research included evaluation of quality control

techniques, engagement of consumers and suppliers, and the use of secondary data. The

researchers employed descriptive and comparative analysis in their research. It also includes a

benchmarking review of procurement methods. The use of data was also based on the existing

practices of organizations in the same industry, the steel industry.

3.1.3 Construction Estimation Management System

According to Magcawas, J. P. (2018) a web-based estimating management system that

would help the freelance contractor to estimate the overall project costs and applying descriptive

analytics; to develop the proposed construction estimating management system for small-

medium scale contractor that is accessible anytime and anywhere using open source technologies
such as PHP and MySQL; and to evaluate the acceptability of the proposed construction

estimating management system by gathering important feedback from users. Stated in the article

the project's functionality, dependability, performance, usability, maintainability, and security

were evaluated using ISO 25010. The system may allow the customer to examine and copy the

quote based on freelancers' replies. Revenue descriptive analytics assist the organization to

monitor the building process. Respondents had trouble utilizing the usual system for preliminary

estimates, managing prior projects, obtaining old information for new projects, and tracking firm

income. Login, logout, data report viewing, project search, project category, business revenue,

and help assistant are essential system features. Through study and contemporary technologies,

everyone must improve what we know from the past. The researcher advises that the established

Construction Estimating Management System (CEMS) be evaluated and improved in its function


3.1.4 Project Management

According to Ballesteros, R.. and Salud, R. (2001) identified the strengths and weaknesses of the

accounting system, meeting the company’s requirement in terms of efficient transaction processing and

controls, and enhancing internal control through the integration of computerization. It also tried to

recommend appropriate methods to successfully implement the accounting system. The system was

discovered to require modification, particularly in internal control in the article. Several opportunities for

improvement were discovered after a comprehensive system examination. The most obvious flaw was

that the patchwork of manual and semi-automated procedures could not automate the roll-up of financial

data, allowing top management to have a comprehensive financial picture of the firm whenever they

wanted it. Inadequate inventory management control was another issue that needed to be addressed. This

conclusion was supported by the findings of a poll of senior management and essential personnel, which

revealed that it was vital that the accounting system expands with the firm while maintaining robust
internal control. The company's problems were solved by eliminating several systems and implementing a

single accounting system. That one system may be modified or purchased off-the-shelf, depending on the

MCEI's financial resources.

3.1.5 Sales and Inventory System

According to Abacanin, J. (2012) Edmar Marketing currently does its sales and inventory

manually. As such, it takes time to locate certain files for reports and the entries in the

monitoring sheet are not clear, thus, creating confusion. The project as stated in the article is an

automated Sales and Inventory System with a variety of sales and inventory features that may be

very beneficial to the firm. Its goal is to keep files up to date and simple to find, resulting in more

accurate and organized data and information, which may give a speedier alternative or method of

doing inventory. Because the coming in and leaving out of goods are recorded in the system, it

may be more difficult to trick the system inventory. The warehouse staff is more precise in their

reports, and the technology allows them to save time. Because the system user has saved time,

the in-charge people may be more productive in terms of production, which would benefit the


3.2 Foreign Literature

3.2.1 Web-Based Project Management Systems for Construction Industry

Dr Patrick X.W. Zou and Bazlin A. Roslan (2011) in their study mentioned the Different

Perspectives Towards Using Web-Based Project Management Systems in Construction: Large

Enterprises Versus Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises The development of web-based project

management (WBPM) systems for construction has been some time and they hold great

promises in increasing productivity and project communication. But their actual application and
benefits are yet to be recognized widely by construction professions. This paper reports on

research into the current state of applications and the reasons for using or not using WBPM

systems in the Australian construction industry. Data were collected through survey

questionnaires and interviews. The results show that only some large construction organizations

are utilizing WBPM systems in some of their projects and most of them are using an application

service provider (ASP) rather than in-house development. The results also illustrate that the

employees in those companies have a positive attitude towards WBPM systems. On the other

hand, the results show that 89% of Australian construction organizations are not using WBPM

systems and 76% do not plan to use a WBPM system. This is mainly because they do not see the

need for such systems, plus their limited financial capabilities, small turnover and limited IT

skills. In order to fully utilize the potential of WBPM systems, it is necessary to lower the system

cost and increase employees' IT skills as well as their awareness of the benefits of such systems.

3.2.2 Web-Based Project Management

According to Sipes J. (2001) Web based Project Management Project managers can

assign task responsibilities and track project status across work groups to keep the project on

track. As manager, you can create schedules with task-specific calendars, remind your team of

deadlines, and automatically alert them if a task falls behind schedule or goes over budget.

Access to real-time information, such as the scheduled delivery of materials to a job site, or an

up-to-the-minute report from the field by your surveyor, gives project managers better control

over projects, and allows them to quickly identify and deal with potential problems that can

delay or disrupt a project. This approach can also shorten project workflow; in the past, project

tasks requiring input from multiple sources often meant delays as one person relayed information

to the next. With web-based software, information can be relayed to all team members instantly
with the push of a button. Principals in a firm often don't have time to keep up with project

activities, so access to detailed information may not be necessary. Instead, they may find it more

useful to be able to access summaries, status reports, schedules, and notes regarding current or

future activities.

3.2.3 Online Appointment Management System

According to Alaa A. Qaffas & Trevor Barker (2012) Online Appointment Management

System Booking an appointment online has grown in popularity over the past few years. Many

different types of businesses use some type of Web-based online appointment management

system to help make the appointments setting process more streamlined. An online appointment

management system allows students to register and book appointments with their advisers. This

paper gives details of the development process of an online appointment Web-based

management system to be used within a higher education Institution. We have conducted some

experimentation to show the effectiveness of our system.

3.2.4 Schedule Management System For General Contractors

According to Tserng, H.-P., Ho, S.-P., & Jan, S.-H. (2014), developing a BIM-assisted

as-built schedule management system for general contractors. Construction project control

attempts to obtain real-time as-built schedule information and to eliminate project delays by
effectively enhancing dynamic schedule control and management. Suitable platforms for

enhancing an as-built schedule visually during the construction phase are necessary and

important for general contractors. As the application of building information modeling (BIM)

becomes more common, schedule management integrated with the BIM approach becomes

essential to enhance visual construction management implementation for the general contractor

during the construction phase. To enhance visualization of the updated as-built schedule for the

general contractor, this study presents a novel system called the Construction BIM-assisted

Schedule Management (ConBIM-SM) system for general contractors in Taiwan. The primary

purpose of this study is to develop a web ConBIM-SM system for the general contractor to

enhance visual as-built schedule information sharing and efficiency in tracking construction as-

built schedule. Finally, the ConBIM-SM system is applied to a case study of a commerce

building project in Taiwan to verify its efficacy and demonstrate its effectiveness during the

construction phase. The advantages of the ConBIM-SM system lie in improved project control

and management efficiency for general contractors, and in providing BIM-assisted as-built

schedule tracking and management, to access the most current as-built schedule information

through a web browser. The case study results show that the ConBIM-SM system is an effective

visual as-built schedule management platform integrated with the BIM approach for general

contractors in a construction project.

3.2.5 Purchasing Management System with respect to total quality management,

Industrial Marketing Management

According to, Javier González-Benito, Angel R. Martı́nez-Lorente, Barrie G. Dale,

(2002) A study of the purchasing management system with respect to total quality management,

Industrial Marketing Management, One of the key elements of a total quality management

(TQM) policy is the assurance of an adequate supply of materials and components. The objective

of this paper is twofold. Firstly, it analyses the relationship between different purchasing system

variables and supplier quality assurance practices. Secondly, it explores both the connections

between supplier quality assurance practices and other quality assurance practices used for

internal processes, and examines the relationship of such practices with supply operational

results. Different hypotheses are tested using data obtained from a sample of 152 Spanish

automotive component suppliers. This data shows clear evidence of the importance of product,

supplier and company characteristics and highlights the importance of a company-wide

commitment to the application of quality assurance principles.

3.3 Local Studies

3.3.1 Managing the Construction Process for Government Projects in the


According to Maria Cabral, a project starts with selecting the contractor depending on

their reputation and competency. The design stage of a project is the next task in which the

project owners discuss the organization, budgeting, and selection of workers to be included in the

team. The project’s team hierarchy is seen with the project director at the top, followed by the

assistant project director, followed by the project managers and their project engineers and staff.

The project manager holds a high amount of responsibility within a specific project that includes

monitoring of work to ensure the project’s compliance with requirements, conflict resolving,
team coordination, reporting to the upper management, as well as conducting meetings with the

project’s team. The project engineer is described as the person with the responsibility to

supervise the implementation of tasks, testing of materials, and also assists the project manager

with the overall administration of the project.

Project planning included the activities of preparation of the project’s concept and the

scope of the project, The assessment of the construction site, preparation of schedules, as well as

the reporting of the project’s progress and completion. The project plan is followed with the

project’s financing which facilitates the resource allocation and budgeting within the project.

The following stage in the project is the procurement of materials which includes the

selection of capable contractors. Various qualifications are described in the paper in order for a

contractor to be selected after which the construction project proceeds to the execution of the


The production stage covers monitoring and execution of the various planned activities

and tasks done in the project planning. It is possible to encounter changes to the project’s

progression such as delays in a task. Different members of the project team utilize manpower to

progress the project on the construction site. As the project’s progresses in this stage there is

always a report given back to the project manager which summarizes the overall performance of

the team and sees if the schedule is being followed. A crucial component of this stage is quality

assurance which oversees that the project follows a high standard of quality and that the team is

not only completing tasks. Quality assurance also facilitates the quality of the physical materials

used in a project. Overall, within a project’s timespan, there are multiple points of interest and

stages to be monitored with monitoring playing a crucial role in the success of the project.
3.3.2 Analysis of Inventory Management Systems of Selected Small-Sized

Restaurants in Quezon Province: Basis for an Inventory System Manual

According to Lea Baylen, management is included as a factor of production along the

machines and materials involved in the production process. There are multiple interlocking

functions that create value from an organization's resources. The resources are properly utilized

by organizing, planning, controlling them to meet the objectives of the business which returns

value to the company. Inventory management is not the most sophisticated but it can determine

whether a business will succeed or fail and with a bigger size of the inventory, the more crucial it

is to do inventory management. To ensure continuous operations of the business it is important to

keep track of the inventory as delays of supplies to business operations increase the time spent

within a business process, reducing production. An inventory policy control is responsible for

keeping an inventory up to standards and for keeping an accurate record of the inventory.

Movements in an inventory are frequent and keeping track of these movements of items in the

inventory whether it is inwards or outwards, it is crucial to record them.

3.3.3 Equipment Inventory Management System (EIMS)

According to Tapado and Delluza, inventory management systems are implemented in

companies wherein products developed are dependent on the amount of inventory stored. In

today's business environment businesses including smaller businesses are relying on software

systems such as the inventory management system to help with automating the tracking and

managing process of inventories which also help with keeping it accurate. These software
systems provide a faster, more accurate and, more effective way of utilizing the business'


3.3.4 Web-Based Billing and Collection System for a Municipal Water and Services


Pelandiana (2017) and Ado (2017) state that among businesses and consumers there are

numerous digital interactions between them. It is difficult to perform billing management

through the use of excel sheets so the researchers proposed the billing system to replace the old

method. Their system consists of the billing, collection of data, storing of data and records, and

its report generation for further information or summary of the stored data. They state that report

generation is particular in the system as it provides the user of the system for more information

in decision making. Reporting generation also provides monitoring for the transactions.

3.3.5 Development of Electronic Document Archive Management System (EDAMS):

A Case Study of a University Registrar in the Philippines

According to Las Caluza (2017), managing documents and records in the traditional way

such as in physical cabinets has its drawback to security and effective retrieval of those

documents. A digitized system can be used instead as it will aid in the transferring of information

and make work more effective and production higher. An information system provides a

business with accurate data processing and removes the need for an employee to do redundant

work when the information system can perform the said work automatically. This saves the

business time and money which create value for the business. Prioritized in their research are the

modules's functions, performance on load, and compatibility.

3.4 Foreign Studies

3.4.1 International Journal of Physical Distribution, Keith Howard 1 July 1974

According to Keith Howard, inventory management is generally recognized to be of

sufficient importance to warrant the appointment of a person to carry specific responsibility for

it; possibly along with other areas of the distribution function. Preferably, inventory should be

seen as one component of distribution, interacting as it does with all the elements contained

therein. This monograph has not been written for the analyst but rather for the person responsible

for taking inventory decisions. The aim is to present a general description of the main problem

areas and to describe procedures by which the problems can be resolved. Given a broad

appreciation a useful dialogue may then be set up with the analyst and more effective use made

of the large quantity of data which is invariably available in the distribution field.

3.4.2 A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)—

Fifth Edition

Based on PMBOK (2013) and Westland (2006) research, there are four major processes

to a project: initiating, planning, executing, and closing, which differs from Kerzner’s (2013)

processes: conceptual, planning, testing, implementation, and closure. The slight variations exist

because there is no one way to complete a project, and depending on which company or industry

one is examining, there will be discrepancies. These processes create what is known as the

project lifecycle. Figure 1 shows these processes through the lifestyle of a project. The amount of

time, money, and resources allotted to each of these processes depends on the complexity of the

project and the time constraints. “Project success originally consisted of the triple constraint

concept, known as the iron triangle, which consisted of time, scope, and cost” (Joslin & Müller,

2015, p.1378). Today the definition and the understanding of project success has evolved to 8

include measurement models that are capable of being tailored to different types of projects as
well as different aspects of project success (Joslin &Müller, 2015; Pinto & Slevin, 1988; Shenhar

et al., Shenhar et al., 2002; Hoegl & Gemünden, 2001; Turner & Müller, 2006). Cooke-Davies

(2002) differentiated project success from project management success as the outputs from the

project as opposed to the analysis of internal efficiencies relating to cost, time, and quality

(Joslin &Müller, 2015). “The success of a project is measured by the product and project,

quality, timeliness, budget compliance and degree of customer satisfaction (Project Management

Institute, 2013, p. 8). For this research study, success or project management effectiveness will

be measured solely by budget, time, and performance towards a measurable predetermined

objective, metric or known standard.

3.4.3 The Changing Bias of Project Management Research: A Consideration of the

Literatures and an Application of Extant Theory

Stephen A Leybourne, (2007) describes a perspective which sees project management as

an open value system that focuses on social and political aspects rather than on the tools and

procedures [ CITATION Ley10\l 16393]. These social and behavioral considerations have

expanded the discipline of project management.

3.4.4 Stevenson, B. (2010). Operations management (10th ed.). New York: McGrau

Hill Publishing

According to Stevenson (2010), Inventory Management is defined as a framework

employed in firms in controlling its interest in inventory. It includes the recording and observing

of stock level, estimating future requests, and settling on when and how to arrange. On the other

hand, Deveshwar and Dhawal (2013) proposed that inventory management is a method that
companies use to organize, store, and replace inventory, to keep an adequate supply of goods at

the same time minimizing cost.


We will create a multi-module system based on the company’s transaction flow. Overall

this proposed system can assist the company in implementing reduced paper bases transactions,

automation of the process and reducing human mistakes. Large and complicated projects will be

supported by the project management, task and accomplishment management, inventory

management and schedule and delivery management for faster and more organized project


COERPA Builders Corporation – the company will benefit from this study as this

would help them digitize their transactions and eliminate manual processing issues that cause

multiple problems with their operation.

Owner/s – The proposed project will give a user-friendly system that will efficiently

handle all the information needed by the owners by giving accurate reports and records to solve

the delay and other issues of the company.

Admin/s – paperless records and processing for the inventory and processing of materials and

allocation of labor persons.

Customers - Ease of access to the system and a much quicker process for creating a request with

the business.

Developers - The proponents will be able to enhance their programming skills specifically PHP

language, Database, and they will be able to improve their communication skills.
Future Researchers - The future researchers will benefit from this proposed project as a

reference to help and guide them develop a much better Inventory and Task Management

System for construction companies.


This Study will focus on the development and implementation of a project Management

System, the inventory and task management, Billing system, Features which will be performed

and implemented at Balagtas Bulacan COERPA Builders corp

The System covers the status of who is dedicated to each project, from the engineer to the

foreman and workers, to ensure that they have a record of the employees and can see the

available engineers and employees.

The system can easily access and compute the total revenue and profits of the company

which will be used to manage the progress projects and billing.

Construction Project Management Module Creating a Project management module

where the users will be able to enter and manage the Project’s information to achieve

predetermined project objectives. The President/OIC and all VPs have the access to manage the

records and status of each project that they handle. They execute the work in order to meet the

project’s requirements on time. In addition, the President and all VPs have the access to control

the progress of each category/division in each project, whereas this function will assist the

management in monitoring the project's development by divisions and overall. which consists the

following sub modules:

Appointment Management Module - The Appointments Management module will help

keep track of appointments created by the user and will also be helpful with letting the user know

which appointments will be coming up. The VP Marketing has the ability to create and manage

the information of scheduled meetings with the clients, site visit, project schedules and get

organized, saving time.

Procurement Management Module - Including sub modules under the Main Project

management module such as a Procurement Management Module this will help the company in

estimating construction budgets, overall project budget, cost monitoring of materials needed for

the production and recording of finished goods needed for the project. The VP on Finance and

treasury and Assistant Admin will be in-charge to manage and view certain supplies when

received. The module can store and retrieve the Purchase Order records of the COERPA. Keeps

track of the items that the company may have purchased from customers.

Production & Inventory Management Module - Production & Inventory Management

Module that will keep monitoring the company Finished Products, Raw materials and Display

the number of products on hand, Item description, deadline, and Status. The Treasury and

Assistant Admin and VP on Finance has the control on the product’s adding, deletion, editing,

and monitoring. also, can access and update the new products, products produced and sold.

Schedule and Delivery Management Module - Adding a schedule and delivery

management module for timely monitoring of the status of deliverables to avoid late and lost

deliveries. The Treasury and Assistant Admin has the access to manage, update, add a schedule,
dispatch, and organize delivery of orders. Updating and Scheduling of deliveries will be

manually inputted on the system. All deliveries within Luzon, will be done through in-house

delivery (truck delivery) and will be communicated to the office by the driver or the assigned

person who will deliver the items. The Assistant admin will update the records on this module

once the item is delivered, given there’s a photo of the delivery receipt signed by the person who

will receive the item/products.

Task Management Module - Adding a task management module for the allocation of

workers per project per site to keep track of performance and accountability. The Treasury and

Assistant Admin has the ability to Assign tasks to workers and monitor site status. The Treasury

and Assistant Admin can only update the task status and maintain the status of installation. The

Treasury and Assistant Admin has the access to assign each and every task with its respective

work, description, starting and ending dates and can edit or delete tasks they assign to other

workers and staff.

Billing and Accomplishment Management Module - Including a Billing and

Accomplishment management module where the users can check the status of accomplished

tasks for them to determine whether the percentage of the task needed for a certain time indicated

on the contract was met. This will also show the corresponding amount of money the

accomplished task is equivalent to for proper billing and collection of money. The Treasury,

Assistant Admin and VP Finance can manage the reports and details of bills transactions,

Payment, the customer's name, address, invoice number, and billing date entered. There are also
several fields here, including product name, quantity, price/amount, and accomplishment

installation status are also included.

Retention Management Module - including a Retention Management Module, which

will be the indicator that the project is entirely completed. This is where an assessment is made

to see if effective project retention can save an organization from productivity losses. The

Treasury, Assistant Admin and VP Finance will be in-charge on the sum of money retained by

the customer as a protection in case the contractor's work is substandard or non-conforming.

Other Application Modules:

User Account Management Module - The User Account Management Module allows a

superuser to manage users of the system where the superuser will be able to create, modify, or

remove user accounts from the system. The VP of Administration has the capacity to integrate

user accounts by adding, deleting and editing them. It can also be viewed; passwords can be reset

and the ability to allow certain roles or update users info

Reports Management Module - This Module usually has field notes and a list of things

in different reports from other modules that were done daily and weekly. As soon as construction

progress reports are shared, everyone involved in the project and admin will know where things

stand and what still needs to be done.

The daily and weekly reports will include:

● List of appointments

● Project name and status

● Procured items with cost

● Number of finished products

● Deliveries and status

● Retention Projects and status

● Billing and Accomplishment Reports

Manufacturing Analytics - This can be accessed by the Vp on Admin, Vp on Finance,

Vp on Marketing, Treasury and Assistant Admin where they can view data data to manage and

optimize production, including key functions such as quality, and planning. With accurate and

real-time data, where it can be used to help the company make better, faster decisions.

○ Data Visualization Module will be used are the Bar graph and Line

Graph to further illustrate the project timeline or progression of tasks and

also to inform the viewer of how a business is performing in comparison

to benchmarks that are in place for key business metrics such as revenue,

on-time deliveries and raw materials to be procured.

Only the Owners(President and VP), Assistant administrator and Treasury can access the system.

This does not give access to regular foreman and laborers. The system will not include any

payroll system and on-site live camera monitoring and it does not involve any health and safety

monitoring in construction sites. Also, the system does not cover accidents and insurance of the

Engineers and employees.

5.1 Delimitation
Procurement Module - This module delimits the automated pricing of materials needed

to be procured from each supplier present on this system. Since the prices of the materials vary

from time to time, COERPA Builders Corp, asked us to manually input the pricing of the

materials needed to be procured per supplier.

Discuss how the project works. Insert here a diagram (system architecture) that shows
interconnection of the elements of components for the project to work
The project design section includes numerous diagrams that depict various system flows.

6.2.1 System Architecture

Figure 23 System Architecture of the Developed System

Figure 23 shows the system architecture of the project management system for COERPA

builders corp. and the structure and functionality. Users will be able to connect to the internet

and visit the site using a device that has a browser installed. Users and servers are linked through

the internet. The user's queries that are entered into the browser are analyzed. Requests will be

forwarded to the web server, which will process the request and provide the data obtained from

the database to the user.


Administrator Dashboard Page

The Administrator Dashboard Page displays the different kinds of modules here in the

management system such as project management, bills management, inventory management,

appointment management schedule and delivery, production management, procurement and

lastly the retention.

Appointments Management Page

this shows the upcoming appointments for the day at the top of the as well as allows for

whether the appointment will be approved or not.

Requesting Appointment Modal

This is the page where the customer can request an appointment with COERPA. The user

can then check whether their appointment is approved or not with their appointment number.
Project Management Page

This displays the Project Management Page where you can view a list of projects. The

details that can be seen in this page are the following: the name of the project, the location of the

project, the deadline of the project.

Project Creation Page

it displays the needed information to create a new project. Fields with the asterisks are the

fields that are required and a submission with an empty required field will fail and the page will

notify the user that the field is required.

Procurement Management Page

shows the list of items to procure for a project. The information included in each row of a

procurement includes the materials needed, quantity, and the supplier where the material will be

procured from.
Creating Procurement Management Details Page

is the form for inserting the details of the new procurement. These details are the item

name, amount, and cost of the item.

Inventory Management and Production Page

it displays the Inventory Management Page where you can view all the inventory of the

project. It shows the items in the storage page where you can store the number, item name and

quantity in storage.
Schedule and Delivery Management Page

shows the deliveries for the day and below is the button for popping-out the form modal

for scheduling new deliveries and a table which lists the upcoming deliveries.

Creating Schedule and Delivery Details Page

shows the form for scheduling a delivery where the user inputs details such as the project,

location, and the date of the delivery.

Task Management Page

displays the installation tasks that are not yet completed while the completed tasks are

shown at another table at the bottom.

Creating Task Details Page

shows the “Task Details” form which pops-out when the add button is clicked. The form

modal requests the user for the details of the task such as the task name, Project Manager, Project

in Charge, and Laborers of the task, and the description of the task.

Billing Management Page

shows the table list of invoices made for each project.

Creating Billing Details Page

is a form for inputting the details of the invoice which include the project name,

transaction date, and the cost amount as well as the breakdown of the bill.

Retention Management Page

shows the table list for the retention status of projects where it shows whether the project

has been completed or not.

Creating Retention Details Page

is the pop-out when clicking the Add button. It requires the user to input the details of the

retention such as the project name, the retention cost, date of completion, and the end date of the

retention period.

Analytics Page

shows a quick status on operations and below are the reports that can be used to create

printable reports and below that are graphics of the analytics.

General Settings, User Management Sub Module Page

shows a table of users where the admin can edit the details of the user. There is an “Add”

button for popping-out the form modal for adding a new user.

Creating User Details Page

is the pop-out for adding a new user to the system. It requires the user credentials, email,

and sets the account type of the user.

User Login Page

shows the login screen for the system which requires the username and password of the


Suppliers Page

shows the suppliers page which has a list of suppliers which will be used in the creation

of a procurement.
Businesses Page

shows the businesses where a client can be selected as. The business has a representative

which will be required upon creation of the business.

Customers Page

shows the customers page which has the information of the customer.

Provide the following diagram: Functional Decomposition Diagram, Use Case, CFD, DFD
level 1, ERD, Sequence Diagram

The proponents collaborated closely with the system's intended recipients to ensure that

the required assistance was clearly discussed and that proposals were fully explained. Interviews

and site visits were used by the proponents to determine the company's needs, everyday

transactions, problems, and obligations.

With this new system in place, the business will be able to make the best use of available

resources, such as their people and current flow of transaction, to save time, optimize process,

and establish an efficient and effective operation within the company

Furthermore, by using the Project Management module, the company will become more

multi-purpose, which will benefit not only the clients but also their employees because it will

lessen issues such as project delay, loss of profit, missing products and errors, as well as avoid

unneeded problems.

The users of this new system will undergo training so they can easily adjust to the

automated process because it has been simplified and includes instructions to assist them with

their transition. It will improve the entire process and, most importantly, it will provide thorough

and organized data that is critical to the organization's operation using the Manufacturing

Analytics Applied

Overall, by establishing this Construction Management and bolstering multiple teams

from Marketing, Administration, Operations, and Finance, the firm will be able to uphold its
mission and ensure that all of its objectives are met within the time frame set.

Figure 21 Function Decomposition Diagram

This diagram depicts the overall functionality as well as the sub-functions required to

meet the project system's overall goal. The process of studying the connections and relationships

between all of the components of the proposed system is depicted in this diagram. The system

administrator has access to all modules of the proposed system, including Appointment

Management, Project Management, Procurement Management, Production Management

(Inventories) Module, Schedule and Delivery Management Module, Task Management Module,

Billing and Accomplishment Management Module, and Retention Management Module,

Manufacturing analytics and Reports.

Context Flow Diagram

Context Flow Diagram

at a brief look depicts the scope and boundaries of the system, including the other system

interface illustrates how the system is related to its other entities. To collect the required

information, this will show the system's specifics and bounds.

Data Flow Diagram

A data flow diagram depicts how information flows through a process or system. In this

case, the data flow diagrams below show how the data of each user of the system are processed

within the website.

Data Flow Diagram

shows data of the transaction that begins with the customer’s order for the project which

creates a project order for the system admin to process. After the admin has created the order for

the project’s raw materials and the production instructions, the two are sent to production after
which the quality of the output is checked and for items that have passed checking, the items are

tracked and are given delivery information. When installation of the EIFs are accomplished, the

billing and accomplishment module is used for the project’s closure.

Appointment Requesting Process DFD

shows the flow of data where the customer requests an appointment to submit the project

Project Details Process DFD

shows the flow of data which starts with the customer providing project details which

makes its way to the Admin.

Procuring Raw Materials Data Flow Diagram

shows the flow of data which originates from the admin who creates the order for raw

materials of the project which the source of the raw materials receives.
Raw Materials Receiving Data Flow Diagram

shows the flow of data of the newly received items which is stored in the database which

is then forwarded to the admin.

Production Data Flow Diagram

shows the flow of the materials information which the admin uses to create production

information which is tracked and the production status is stored to the database.
Delivery and Scheduling Data Flow Diagram

shows the flow of data that is sent to the database as the project status as well as the

Task Assignment Data Flow Diagram

shows the flow of data for assigning the installation of a product. After a task has been

assigned to, the task is stored in the task table.

Billing and Accomplishment Data Flow Diagram

shows the flow of data of the project’s billing information and is sent to the admin. The

data is also sent to the database as project status.

Retention Processing Data Flow Diagram

shows the flow of data for the processing of the project’s retention data which stores it in

the retention table of the database and notifies the admin of the project completion.

Analytics and Reporting Data Flow Diagram

shows the flow of data from the tables such as Schedules, Invoices, Retention, Project,

and Procurement to be analyzed and created a report with which is then forwarded to the admin.
User Account Management Data Flow Diagram

Figure 3. shows the flow of data to the database which originates from the admin who

creates, modifies, or removes account details.

Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram

these are use case diagrams and are necessary when developing a system to describe the

functional requirements of the system. A use case diagram skeletonized the program's usage

requirements, as well as stakeholders and use cases that classify a particular functionality of the

system by one or more stakeholders. The use case descriptions depict the series of events and

interactions that occur here between stakeholders and the system.

System Flowchart

System Flow Diagram

shows the admin process from login until managing everything within the management

system. The admin must first login to the system to access the dashboard which consists of all

project management and inventory management system

Hierarchy Graphics

shows the hierarchy graphics of the COERPA Corporation, it shows which are the modules and

flow of transactions that can be accessed by the admin and super admin such as the President, VP

Marketing, VP Finance, VP on Admin, VP on Marketing etc.

Entity Relationship Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

An Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram is a flowchart that shows how “entities” in a

system, such as people, items, or concepts, interact with one another. These are commonly used

to view the overall structure of the relational database.

Figure 39 System Flow Diagram

Figure 39 shows the admin process from login until managing everything within the

management system. The admin must first login to the system to access the dashboard which

consists of all project management and inventory management system



This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the collected data whose concern of the

study is to develop a Management System for COERPA Corporation with Appointment

Management, Procurement Management, Inventory Management, Schedule and Delivery

Management, Task Management, Billing and Schedule Management, and Retention

Management The results were obtained from a survey conducted by researches and given an in-

depth analysis and interpretation as basis of finding, conclusion and recommendation that

answers specifically, the following specific objectives that is given in the chapter 1 pages 21-22.

4.1 Presentation of Results

The proposed study “An Online Construction Management System Using

Manufacturing Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation” was evaluated in terms of its

functionality, usability, reliability, performance, and supportability. The proponents chose the 15

COERPA Employees, 15 IT experts and 20 customers to evaluate the system. Total of 50

respondents were given a survey form to help the proponents evaluate the system. The COERPA

Employees, IT Expert and Customer had the same set of questions for the given survey form and

it had a total of 25 questions.

Table 1 Likert Scale v2

Interpretation Weight Interval

Strongly Agree 5 4.21-5.00

Agree 4 3.41-4.20

Neutral 3 2.61-3.40

Disagree 2 1.80-2.60

Strongly Disagree 1 0-1.80

9.1.1 Test Case Results

Test case Results

Initially, as part of the Alpha system testing phase, the proponents have dedicated one (1)

of its members to evaluate the system by using test cases. The results are as follow:
Table 2 To test the User Account’s Login functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing

Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: User Login Test Condition: To test the User Account’s login
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/14/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Login Page PASS COERPA
2 Enter the username and Input of user The user credentials PASS
password of the user Credentials have been corrected
and are now
3 Click Account Settings to Redirect to Account User will successfully PASS
change display picture, to Settings page change display
view account details and picture, view account
to change the password details, and change
the account password
4 Click “choose file” to User can successfully System will update PASS
change the display import a file to change the account picture
picture the account picture once you refresh it
5 Click Logout button User can successfully Users can logout their PASS
logout their account account

Table 3 To test the Dashboard Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Dashboard Module Test Condition: To test the Dashboard Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/14/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Dashboard PASS COERPA Module
2 Click the Dashboard Redirect to Dashboard User can view all the PASS
Module Module page necessary
information such as
the Summary &
Statistics, Calendar,
and Analytics
3 Browse to the calendar Click the next or back User can successfully PASS
section in the Dashboard icon to show all the view all the month of
Module dates throughout the the year and see all
year the given project

Table 4 To test the Appointment Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Appointment Module Test Condition: To test the Appointment Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/14/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working PASS COERPA Appointment Module
2 Click the Pending Redirect to Masterlist User can successfully PASS
Appointment of Pending approve or
Appointment page disapprove all the
3 Click the Approved Redirect to Masterlist User can successfully PASS
Appointment of Approved discharge the
Appointment page Approved
4 Click the Disapproved Redirect to Masterlist User can successfully PASS
Appointment of Disapproved view all the
Appointment page Disapproved
5 Click the Discharge Redirect to Masterlist User can successfully PASS
Appointment of Discharge view all the
Appointment page Discharged
6 Click the information User can sort all of the User can successfully PASS
sorter throughout the given information to sort all of the given
modules alphabetical order information to
alphabetical order
7 Click the search bar entry User can search all the User can successfully PASS
appointments just by search all the
searching their unique appointments just by
info searching their
unique info
8 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time

Table 5 To test the Customer Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Customer Module Test Condition: To test the Customer Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Customer PASS COERPA Module
2 Click to Customer Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Customers page view the List of
Customer page
3 Click Edit & Delete icon User can freely edit the User can successfully PASS
in the Option section Customer information edit the Customer
nor delete it information nor
delete it
4 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the List of of information of the sort the information
Customer Module customer alphabetically
5 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Customer just by search the Customer
searching their unique just by searching
information their unique
6 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time

Table 6 To test the Client Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Client Module Test Condition: To test the Client Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Client PASS COERPA Module
2 Click to Client Module Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Customer/Client page view the List of
Customer/Client page
3 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the List of of information of the sort the information
Client/Customer Module Client/Customer alphabetically
4 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Client/Customer just by search the
searching their unique Client/Customer just
information by searching their
unique information
5 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time
Table 7 To test the Employee Module functionality
Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Employee Module Test Condition: To test the Employee Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Employee PASS COERPA Module
2 Click to Employees Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Employees page view the List of
Employees page
3 Click to Departments Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Employee Department view the List of
page Employee
Department page
4 Click to Positions Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Employee Positions view the List of
page Employee Positions
5 Click to Employee Roles Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Employee Roles page view the List of
Employee Roles page
6 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the Employees of information sort the information
Module and all of the Sub alphabetically
7 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Employees just by search the Employees
searching their unique just by searching
information their unique
8 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time
9 Click Edit & Delete icon User can freely edit the User can successfully PASS
in the Option section Employees information edit the Employees
nor delete it information nor
delete it
Table 8 To test the Business/Company Module functionality
Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Business/Company Module Test Condition: To test the Business/Company
Module functionality
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working PASS COERPA Business/Company
ses Module
2 Click to Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Business/Company Business/Company view the List of
Module page Business/Company
3 Click to Business Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Category Module Business Category page view the List of
Business Category
4 Click the Add Icon User can input all kind User can successfully PASS
of personal information create
such as Personal Business/Company
Details, Business
Details, logo etc.
5 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the of information sort the information
Business/Company alphabetically
6 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Business/Company just search the
by searching their Business/Company
unique information just by searching
their unique
7 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time
8 Click Edit & Delete icon User can freely edit the User can successfully PASS
in the Option section Business/Company edit the
information nor delete Business/Company
it information nor
delete it

Table 9 To test the Supplier Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Supplier Module Test Condition: To test the Supplier Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Working PASS COERPA Supplier Module
2 Click the Supplier Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Supplier page view the List of
Supplier page
3 Click the Add Icon User can input all kind User can successfully PASS
of personal information create Supplier
such as Personal
Details, Business
Details, upload photo
and logo
4 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the Supplier of information sort the information
Module alphabetically
5 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Supplier just by search the Supplier
searching their unique just by searching
information their unique
6 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time
7 Click Edit & Delete icon User can freely edit the User can successfully PASS
in the Option section Supplier information edit the Supplier
nor delete it information nor
delete it

Table 10 To test the Project Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Project Module Test Condition: To test the Procurement Module
Created By: Mark Edward R. Francisco Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date:10/16/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Project PASS COERPA Module
2 Navigate to Project Display different pages Displays the Project PASS
Module in sidebar Modules different
pages in sidebar
3 Click create project Display the create Different fields PASS
project page Displayed in Project
4 Click *Project name Can add project name Adds a Project name PASS
5 Click *Client type Will select a type of Client type selected PASS
client in drop down
6 Click *Select Client Input of client Client is added PASS
7 Click *Project type Project type drop down Project type added in PASS
will shown in field field
8 Click *Project subtype Add project Subtype Project Subtype is PASS
9 Click Price Field Will enter the Project Project price is PASS
price entered
10 Click Start date Can input the Start date The Start date of PASS
by Clicking Mini project is entered
calendar button in field
11 Click end date By selecting the Mini Project's end date is PASS
Calendar button in the provided.
box, you can enter the
end date.
12 Click *status will Add a status The status of the PASS
project added
13 Click address will enter a full address Can add the full PASS
of Project address
14 Click description will add description can add the PASS
about the project description

15 Click Create button Project details that is Project details added PASS
entered will be
16 Click Projects in sidebar will see Projects List Projects List appears PASS
17 Click drop down of The choice of whether The number of PASS
entries to display 50 users at entries for various
once or 100 users at Projects list details is
once is completely up displayed
to the user.
18 Click search bar Will search up the The Results Shown PASS
Projects list by using By The Search
the detailed information
they have
19 Click Procurement button Will display the list of List of procurements PASS
under option procurements is Displayed
20 Click delivery button Goes to List of schedule & PASS
under option List of schedule & delivery is displayed
21 Click edit button under Project details field Project details PASS
option will show updated
22 Click delete button under Project details will Project details deleted PASS
option delete
23 Click previous button will display the prior Various project PASS
projects details of details indicate
several entries
24 Click next button will display the Project details is PASS
following projects shown
information for several
25 Click project types in list of project types we can see the PASS
sidebar will show Project types page
26 Click add button Category/type details Category/type details PASS
will show fields are displayed
27 Click save button Category/type details Category/type details PASS
will save saved
28 Click Edit & Delete icon can edit or delete the successfully edit the PASS
in the Option section Project types categories information or delete
29 Click project subtype in list of project subtype project subtype page PASS
sidebar will show displayed
30 Click add button Category and type Fields for PASS
information will appear Category/Type
Details are shown
31 Click save button Categories and types saved category/type PASS
will save information
32 Click project status in See the project status project status details PASS
sidebar page is displayed
33 Click edit button will update the status of project status updated PASS
34 Click delete button Project details status can delete the project PASS
will delete details status

Table 11 To test the Procurement Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Procurement Module Test Condition: To test the Procurement Module
Created By: Mark Edward R. Francisco Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working PASS COERPA Procurement Module
2 Click the procurements Display the list of User is successfully PASS
module procurements shown the list of
3 Click the add Show form for adding User successfully PASS
procurement button adding procurements added a procurement
to the list
4 Click the *For projects Different projects are User selected a PASS
Field shown in a dropdown project for the
5 Click the *Material Field Different material types User selected a PASS
are shown in a material type for the
dropdown procurement
6 Click the *Supplier field Different suppliers are User selected a PASS
shown in a dropdown supplier for the
7 Click the *Quantity field Input the quantity of User inputted the PASS
the procurement quantity of the
8 Click the *Price field Input the price of the User inputted the PASS
procurement price of the
9 Click the *Status field Select the status of the User has selected the PASS
procurement status of the
10 Click the Description Input a description of User inputted a PASS
field the procurement description for the
11 Click the edit Can edit / update the The procurement has PASS
procurement button current data of a been successfully
procurement updated
12 Click the Delete Can delete a The procurement has PASS
procurement button procurement from the been successfully
list removed from the list
13 Click the Procurement Show a list of User is shown the list PASS
Materials procurement material of procurement
types materials
14 Click the add Add procurement form User is shown the add PASS
procurement material is shown procurement material
button form
15 Click the edit Update the details of User successfully PASS
procurement material the procurement updated the data of
material the procurement
16 Click the delete Delete the procurement User successfully PASS
procurement material material removed the
button procurement from the
17 Click the Procurement Show a list of User is shown the list PASS
Status Procurement statuses of procurement

Table 12 To test the Scheduling & Delivery Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Scheduling & Delivery Test Condition: To test the Scheduling & Delivery
Module Module functionality
Created By: Mark Edward R. Francisco Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date:10/16/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website Working Scheduling PASS of COERPA & Delivery Module
2 Click Scheduling & Display Display the PASS
Delivery module Scheduling & List of Scheduling &
Delivery Modules Delivery
3 Click add button of Schedule & Delivery Add Schedule & PASS
Scheduling & Delivery Details Field Show Delivery Details
Details by entering its
4 Click *For Project Field Different Projects Can add Project in PASS
shows in Drop down field
5 Click *Status Field Click Drop down for Status is Added PASS
6 Click *Quantity Field Input Quantity Number of The PASS
Details Quantity Added
7 Click *Supply Field Different Supply type Supply type is added PASS
shows in dropl down
8 Click *Upload DR Field Choose File Button Chosen file is added PASS
9 Click *Delivery Date Field Can input the The dd/mm/yyyy is PASS
Delivery Date by added
Clicking Mini
calendar in field
10 Click Description Field Can add any adds a Description PASS
11 Click Save Button Can save the details The details have been PASS
of Schedule & made
12 Click Edit Button under the Update the details Details is updated PASS
Click Delete Button under Can Delete the details Schedule & Delivery PASS
the action Details is Deleted
14 Navigate to Supply type Supply type page will List of supply type PASS
under Scheduling & show page shows
delivery Module
15 Click add button Add Category/type Category/type added PASS
by typing its details
16 Click Description Field Can add any adds a Description PASS
17 Click Edit Button under the Can update the Category/type is PASS
Option Category/type updated
18 Navigate to Status under Status details will We can see the PASS
Scheduling & delivery appear schedule & delivery
Module Status
19 Click drop down of entries Different numbers of Number of entries of PASS
entries will show different schedule
details shows
20 Click Edit Button under the Can update the status Status is updated PASS
21 Click previous button Will show the Different details PASS
previous Details of shows
Different Entries
22 Click Next Button Will show the Details Different details & PASS
of Different Entries Status shows
23 Click Search Button Can easily search the The Searched Details PASS
Details shows

Table 13 To test the Inventory & Production Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Inventory & Production Test Condition: To test the Inventory &
Module Production Module functionality
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Inventory & PASS COERPA Production Module
2 Click the Inventory & Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Production Module Inventory & Production view, add and edit the
page List of Inventory &
Production page
3 Click the Inventory & Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Production Status Module Inventory & Production view, add and edit the
Status page List of Inventory &
Production Status
4 Click the Add Icon User can input all kind User can successfully PASS
of personal information create a Inventory &
that is needed in the Production
Inventory & Production
Details Form
5 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the Inventory & of information sort the information
Production Module alphabetically
6 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Inventory & Production search the Inventory
and Status just by & Production and
searching their unique Status just by
information searching their
unique information
7 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time

Table 14 To test the Task Management Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Task Management Module Test Condition: To test the Task Management
Module functionality
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Task PASS COERPA Management Module
2 Click the Task Redirect to List of Task User can successfully PASS
Management Module page view, add and edit the
List of Task page
3 Click the Task Status Redirect to List of Task User can successfully PASS
Module Status page view, add and edit the
List of Task Status
4 Click the Add Icon User can input all kind User can successfully PASS
of personal information create a Task for the
that is needed in the employee
Task Details Form
5 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the Task of information sort the information
Management Module alphabetically
6 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Task and the Task search the Task and
Status just by searching Task Status just by
their unique searching their
information unique information
7 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time

Table 15 To test the Billing Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Billing Module Test Condition: To test the Billing Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Billing PASS COERPA Module
2 Click the Billing Module Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Billing page view and add the List
of Billing page
3 Click the Supply Type Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Billing Supply Type view, edit and add the
page List of Billing Supply
Type page
4 Click the Billing Status Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Billing Status page view, edit and add the
List of Billing Status
5 Click the Add Icon User can input all kind User can successfully PASS
of personal information create a Billing for
that is needed in the the customer
Billing Details Form
6 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the Billing of information sort the information
Module alphabetically
7 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Billing and the Billing search the Billing and
Status just by searching Billing Status just by
their unique searching their
information unique information
8 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time
9 Click Edit & Delete icon User can freely edit the User can successfully PASS
in the Option section Billing information nor edit the Billing
delete it information nor
delete it

Table 16 To test the Retention Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Retention Module Test Condition: To test the Retention Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Retention PASS COERPA Module
2 Click the Retention Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Retention page view the List of
Retention page
3 Click the Retention Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Status Module Retention Status page view the List of
Retention Status page
4 Click the Add Icon User can input all kinds User can successfully PASS
of personal information create a Retention
such as For Project,
Completion Date, End
of Retention, Retention
Status etc.
5 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the Retention of information sort the information
Module alphabetically
6 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Retention and the search the Retention
Retention Status just by and Retention Status
searching their unique just by searching
information their unique
7 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time
8 Click Edit & Delete icon User can freely edit the User can successfully PASS
in the Option section Retention information edit the Retention
nor delete it information nor
delete it

Table 17 To test the General Settings Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: General Settings Module Test Condition: To test the General Settings
Module functionality
Created By: Jonathan Gutierrez Reviewed By: Rolando Baruga
Created Date: 10/16/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working General PASS COERPA Settings Module
2 Click the User Redirect to the list of Admin successfully PASS
Managements user accounts accessed the user
management page
3 Click the add button The admin can add a Admin successfully PASS
user and input the created a user
details of the new user account
in the form
4 Click the update user The admin can edit the Admin successfully PASS
button current data of a user updated the data of a
account user
5 Click the Delete user The admin can remove Admin successfully PASS
button a user account from the removed a user
system account from the
6 Click the User Redirect to the list of Admin successfully PASS
Restrictions User restrictions per viewed the list of user
account role restrictions
7 Tick the checkbox for a The restrictions are The admin PASS
user account role going to be applied to successfully applied a
the account role restriction to a
account role

Table 18 To test the System Reports Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: System Reports Module Test Condition: To test the System Reports
Module functionality
Created By: Jonathan Gutierrez Reviewed By: Rolando Baruga
Created Date: 10/16/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working System PASS COERPA Reports Module
2 Click the reports module Redirect to the reports User successfully PASS
view for the selected accessed the list of
module (ex. project reports
3 Click on the projects Project reports is shown User is successfully PASS
report to the user shown the project
4 Click on the inventory Inventory reports is User is successfully PASS
report shown to the user shown the inventory
5 Click on the sales reports Sales reports is shown User is successfully PASS
to the user shown the sales
6 Click on Download Downloads the viewed User successfully PASS
Reports report downloads a report

Table 19 To test the Analytics Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Analytics Module Test Condition: To test the Analytics Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 11/16/2022 Reviewed Date: 11/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Analytics PASS COERPA Module
2 Click on analytics Redirect to the User successfully PASS
module analytics module navigate the list of
analytics such as the
sales, delivery KPI,
next month estimated
requirement for paint
and predicted
requirement for
3 Scroll down to navigate User can see the sales User can successfully PASS
the analytics part on the forecasting analytics distinguish the sales
analytics module all throughout the
month of January to
4 Scroll down to navigate User can see the User can successfully PASS
the analytics part on the delivery KPI analytics distinguish the
analytics module delivery KPI all
throughout the month
of January to
5 Scroll down to navigate User can see the User can successfully PASS
the analytics part on the predicted requirement distinguish the
analytics module for cement analytics predicted requirement
for cement all
throughout the mong
of January to
6 Scroll down to navigate User can see the next User can successfully PASS
the analytics part on the month estimated distinguish the next
analytics module requirement for paint month estimated
requirement for paint
all throughout the
mong of January to

9.2 Summary of Findings

The survey had five (5) categories which are functionality, usability, reliability,

performance and supportability. Questionnaire for all of the respondent such as twenty (20)

COERPA Employees, fifteen (15) IT Experts, and fifteen (15) Customers

Functionality with 5 statements - Functionality questions may be used to evaluate the

program's functionality, which involves testing the feature sets, capabilities, and security of the

software, as well as the product's fundamentals.

1. All the website's modules such as appointment, procurement, production and

inventory, task, schedule and delivery, billing and accomplishment, analytics and

reports and retention are all operational and work perfectly

Figure 9.1 Survey Statement 1

52% of our respondents agreed, while 46% strongly agreed, and 2% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 1 is 4.44, which means that the respondents

agreed that the website's modules do function just as intended.

1. The website's buttons are responsive

Figure 9.2 Survey Statement 2

60% of our respondents strongly agreed, while 36% agreed, and 4% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 2 is 4.56, which means that the respondents

highly agreed that the website's buttons do give the user feedback when clicked.

2. Users have complete input and output capabilities on the website

Figure 9.3 Survey Statement 3

54% of our respondents agreed, while 40% strongly agreed, and 6% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 3 is 4.34, which means that the respondents

agreed that the users of the website do have the required inputs for the system and create proper


3. The user can view and edit all the information in the modules

Figure 9.4 Survey Statement 4

50% of our respondents agreed, while 42% strongly agreed, and 8% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 4 is 4.34, which means that the respondents

agreed that the user does have the capabilities of viewing and modifying the information within

the modules.

4. The user can create and edit an account

Figure 9.5 Survey Statement 5

54% of our respondents agreed, while 34% strongly agreed, and 12% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 5 is 4.22, which means that the respondents

agreed that the users do have adequate capability to manage an account.

Table 25 Survey Result for combine IT Expert, COERPA Employee and Customer for the


System Evaluation Survey SD D N A SA TOTAL

All the website's modules such as 0 0 1 26 23 50

appointment, procurement, production
and inventory, task, schedule and
delivery, billing and accomplishment,
analytics and reports and retention are
all operational and work perfectly

The website's buttons are responsive 0 0 2 18 30 50

Users have complete input and output 0 0 3 27 20 50

capabilities on the website

The user can view and edit all the 0 0 4 25 21 50

information in the modules

The user can create and edit an account 0 0 6 27 17 50

Legends: SD – Strongly Disagree, D – Disagree, Neutral, A – Agree, SA – Strongly Disagree.

Table 25 shows the tally of rates for each statement in the questionnaire for the respondents. The
statements are based on the objective to assess the project’s effectiveness. From the tally the weighted
mean was computed in each statement using the formula:

Weighted Mean = ((n0*5) + (n1*5) + (n2*5) + (n3*5) + (n4*5) / N), where n = frequency of the
answer, and; N = sample population.
Table 26 System Evaluation Survey for functionality

System Evaluation Survey LIKERT SCALE RESPONSE

All the website's modules such as appointment, 4.44 Agree

procurement, production and inventory, task,
schedule and delivery, billing and
accomplishment, analytics and reports and
retention are all operational and work perfectly

The website's buttons are responsive 4.56 Strongly Agree

Users have complete input and output 4.34 Agree

capabilities on the website

The user can view and edit all the information in 4.34 Agree
the modules

The user can create and edit an account 4.22 Agree

Legends: 0-1.49 Strongly Disagree, 1.50-2.49 Disagree, 2.50-3.49 Neutral, 3.50-4.49 Agree, 4.50-5.00
Strongly Agree
Figure 9.6 overall weighted mean average for functionality

Figure 75 shows that 46% of our respondent strongly agreed in the question from the

survey in the part of functionality while 52% agreed and only 2% are neutral
Usability with 5 statements - Human factors, aesthetics, consistency, and documentation are all

addressed in usability questions.

5. The website design and features are eye catching and pleasing to the users

Figure 9.7 Survey Statement 6

46% of our respondents agreed, while 42% strongly agreed, and 12% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 6 is 4.30, which means that the respondents

agreed that the website's designs are pleasing to the vast majority of the users.
6. The designs on the website are consistent

Figure 9.8 Survey Statement 7

56% of our respondents agreed, while 36% strongly agreed, and 8% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 7 is 4.28, which means that the respondents

agreed that the designs are consistent throughout the system for the vast majority of the users.

7. The website is accessible from a variety of devices and through a variety of browsers
Figure 9.9 Survey Statement 8

58% of our respondents strongly agreed, while 34% agreed, and 8% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 8 is 4.50, which means that the respondents

highly agreed that the website can be accessed with different types of devices for the vast

majority of the users.

8. The interface is easy to learn and navigate; buttons, headings and help/error

message are simple to understand

Figure 9.10 Survey Statement 9

50% of our respondents agreed, while 42% strongly agreed, and 8% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 9 is 4.34, which means that the respondents

agreed that the vast majority of users quickly picked up and learnt the navigation of the system.

9. Tasks are easy to accomplish quickly and with few or no user errors
Figure 9.11 Survey Statement 10

42% of our respondents agreed, while 40% strongly agreed, and 18% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 10 is 4.22, which means that the respondents

agreed that the vast majority of the users can complete a task easily and quickly.

Table 27 Survey Result for combine IT Expert, COERPA Employee and Customer for the


System Evaluation Survey SD D N A SA TOTAL

The website design and features are eye 0 0 6 23 21 50

catching and pleasing to the users

The designs on the website are 0 0 4 28 18 50


The website is accessible from a variety 0 0 4 17 29 50

of devices and through a variety of

The interface is easy to learn and 0 0 4 25 21 50

navigate; buttons, headings and
help/error message are simple to

Tasks are easy to accomplish quickly and 0 0 9 21 20 50

with few or no user errors
Legends: SD – Strongly Disagree, D – Disagree, Neutral, A – Agree, SA – Strongly Disagree.

Table 27 shows the tally of rates for each statement in the questionnaire for the respondents. The
statements are based on the objective to assess the project’s effectiveness. From the tally the weighted
mean was computed in each statement using the formula:

Weighted Mean = ((n0*5) + (n1*5) + (n2*5) + (n3*5) + (n4*5) / N), where n = frequency of the
answer, and; N = sample population.

Table 28 System Evaluation Survey for usability

System Evaluation Survey LIKERT SCALE RESPONSE

The website design and features are eye catching 4.30 Agree
and pleasing to the users

The designs on the website are consistent 4.28 Agree

The website is accessible from a variety of 4.50 Strongly Agree

devices and through a variety of browsers

The interface is easy to learn and navigate; 4.34 Agree

buttons, headings and help/error message are
simple to understand

Tasks are easy to accomplish quickly and with 4.22 Agree

few or no user errors
Legends: 0-1.49 Strongly Disagree, 1.50-2.49 Disagree, 2.50-3.49 Neutral, 3.50-4.49 Agree, 4.50-5.00
Strongly Agree

Figure 9.12 overall weighted mean average for usability

Figure 81 shows that 42% of the respondents strongly agreed in the question from the

survey in the part of usability while 46% agreed and 12% are neutral.

Reliability with 5 statements - Questions about reliability focus on failure frequency,

recoverability, predictability, precision, and mean time of failure.

10. The dashboard, appointment and project modules reflect data accurately
Figure 9.13 Survey Statement 11

44% of our respondents strongly agreed, while 38% agreed, and 18% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 11 is 4.26, which means that the respondents

agreed that the website does display data accurately from the dashboard, appointment, and

project modules.

11. Does the user's can successfully see the progress of their project

Figure 9.14 Survey Statement 12

60% of our respondents agreed, while 36% strongly agreed, and 4% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 12 is 4.32, which means that the respondents

agreed that a project's progress can be properly seen.

12. Does the user's experience any kind of system failure

Figure 9.15 Survey Statement 13

70% of our respondents strongly disagreed, while 24% disagreed, and 6% were neutral.

The weighted mean or average rating for statement 13 is 4.32, which means that the respondents

highly disagreed that system failure does not occur when using the website.
13. The website allows to print generated report

Figure 9.16 Survey Statement 14

56% of our respondents agreed, while 36% strongly agreed, and 8% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 14 is 4.28, which means that the respondents

agreed that the user does have the capability to properly print and generate a report.
14. The website displays message errors instead crashing as a result of improper user

actions or inputs

Figure 9.17 Survey Statement 15

60% of the respondents agreed, while 26% strongly agreed, and 12% were neutral while

2% disagreed. The weighted mean or average rating for statement 15 is 4.08, which means that

the respondents agreed that the user is properly informed on any improper inputs or actions.
Table 29 Survey Result for combine IT Expert, COERPA Employee and Customer for the


System Evaluation Survey SD D N A SA TOTAL

The dashboard, appointment and project 0 0 9 19 22 50

modules reflect data accurately

Does the user's can successfully see the 0 0 2 30 18 50

progress of their project

Does the user's experience any kind of 35 12 3 0 0 50

system failure

The website allows to print generated 0 0 4 28 18 50


The website displays message errors 1 0 6 30 13 50

instead crashing as a result of improper
user actions or inputs
Legends: SD – Strongly Disagree, D – Disagree, Neutral, A – Agree, SA – Strongly Disagree.

Table 29 shows the tally of rates for each statement in the questionnaire for the respondents. The
statements are based on the objective to assess the project’s effectiveness. From the tally the weighted
mean was computed in each statement using the formula:

Weighted Mean = ((n0*5) + (n1*5) + (n2*5) + (n3*5) + (n4*5) / N), where n = frequency of the
answer, and; N = sample population.

Table 30 System Evaluation Survey for reliability

System Evaluation Survey LIKERT SCALE RESPONSE

The dashboard, appointment and project 4.26 Agree
modules reflect data accurately

Does the user's can successfully see the progress 4.32 Agree
of their project

Does the user's experience any kind of system 1.36 Strongly Disagree

The website allows to print generated report 4.28 Agree

The website displays message errors instead 4.08 Agree

crashing as a result of improper user actions or
Legends: 0-1.49 Strongly Disagree, 1.50-2.49 Disagree, 2.50-3.49 Neutral, 3.50-4.49 Agree, 4.50-5.00
Strongly Agree

Figure 9.18 overall weighted mean average for reliability

Figure 87 shows that 44% of our respondents strongly agreed with the question from the

survey on reliability while 38% agreed and 18% were neutral.

Performance with 5 statements - Questions about performance center on speed, efficiency,

resource usage, throughput, and reaction time.

15. The website allows customer to check appointment status by entering reference


Figure 9.19 Survey Statement 16

56% of our respondents agreed, while 42% strongly agreed. The weighted mean or average

rating for statement 16 is 4.42, which means that the respondents agreed that the website does

allow the customer to check their appointment's status.

16. The website can easily read and understand the entered information

Figure 9.20 Survey Statement 17

56% of our respondents agreed, while 34% strongly agreed, and 10% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 17 is 4.24, which means that the respondents

agreed that the website can be received properly.

17. I find the website functioning smoothly and is well integrated

Figure 9.21 Survey Statement 18

48% of our respondents strongly agreed, while 34% agreed, and 18% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 18 is 4.30, which means that the respondents

agreed that the vast majority of the website is functioning smoothly and is well integrated.

18. I had no problem with learning how to use the system.

Figure 9.22 Survey Statement 19

54% of our respondents strongly agreed, while 32% agreed, and 14% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 19 is 4.40, which means that the respondents

agreed that the system's usage is easy to learn.

19. The website enables inventory management and optimization across several users
Figure 9.23 Survey Statement 20

42% of our respondents agreed, while 40% strongly agreed, and 18% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 20 is 4.22, which means that the respondents

agreed that the website does allow for inventory management and optimization.

Table 31 Survey Result for combine IT Expert, COERPA Employee and Customer for the


System Evaluation Survey SD D N A SA TOTAL

The website allows customer to check 0 0 0 29 21 50

appointment status by entering
reference number

The website can easily read and 0 0 5 28 17 50

understand the entered information

I find the website functioning smoothly 0 0 9 17 24 50

and is well integrated
I had no problem with learning how to 0 0 7 16 27 50
use the system.

The website enables inventory 0 0 9 21 20 50

management and optimization across
several users
Legends: SD – Strongly Disagree, D – Disagree, Neutral, A – Agree, SA – Strongly Disagree.

Table 31 shows the tally of rates for each statement in the questionnaire for the respondents. The
statements are based on the objective to assess the project’s effectiveness. From the tally the weighted
mean was computed in each statement using the formula:

Weighted Mean = ((n0*5) + (n1*5) + (n2*5) + (n3*5) + (n4*5) / N), where n = frequency of the
answer, and; N = sample population.

Table 32 System Evaluation Survey for performance

System Evaluation Survey LIKERT SCALE RESPONSE

The website allows customer to check 4.42 Agree

appointment status by entering reference

The website can easily read and understand the 4.24 Agree
entered information

I find the website functioning smoothly and is 4.30 Agree

well integrated

I had no problem with learning how to use the 4.40 Agree


The website enables inventory management and 4.22 Agree

optimization across several users
Legends: 0-1.49 Strongly Disagree, 1.50-2.49 Disagree, 2.50-3.49 Neutral, 3.50-4.49 Agree, 4.50-5.00
Strongly Agree

Figure 93 overall weighted mean average for performance

Figure 93 shows that 42% of our respondent strongly agreed in the question from the

survey in the part of performance while 58% agreed

Supportability with 5 statements - Testability, extensibility, adaptability, maintainability,

compatibility, configurability, serviceability, installability, localizability, and portability are

examples of supportability questions.

20. The website allow customer to book an appointment

Figure 9.24 Survey Statement 21

54% of our respondents strongly agreed, while 42% agreed, and 2% were neutral while

2% disagreed. The weighted mean or average rating for statement 21 is 4.48, which means that

the respondents agreed that the vast majority of the customers have the ability to book an


21. The website allows the creation, manage, and viewing of records for various data

that support the website (e.g. project details, billing details, inventory etc.)
Figure 9.25 Survey Statement 22

44% of our respondents strongly agreed, while 36% agreed, and 20% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 22 is 4.24, which means that the respondents

agreed that the website does allow for the creation, management, and viewing of records of

different modules.

22. The website provides relevant schedules and analytics on the dashboard
Figure 9.26 Survey Statement 23

34% of our respondents agreed, while 30% agreed, and 34% were neutral while 2%

strongly disagree. The weighted mean or average rating for statement 23 is 3.90, which means

that the respondents agreed that the website does provide the relevant schedules and analytics on

the dashboard.

23. The website allows to restrict access of each role

Figure 9.27 Survey Statement 24

52% of our respondents agreed, while 32% strongly agreed, and 16% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 24 is 4.16, which means that the respondents

agreed that the website does allow for modifying the restrictions for a user role.

24. The website provided great overall performance

Figure 9.28 Survey Statement 25

48% of our respondents strongly agreed, while 48% agreed, and 4% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 25 is 4.44, which means that the respondents

agreed that the website does provide great performance.

Table 33 Survey Result for combine IT Expert, COERPA Employee and Customer for the


System Evaluation Survey SD D N A SA TOTAL

The website allow customer to book an 0 1 1 21 27 50


The website allows the creation, manage, 0 0 10 18 22 50

and viewing of records for various data
that support the website (e.g. project
details, billing details, inventory etc.)

The website provides relevant schedules 1 0 17 17 15 50

and analytics on the dashboard
The website allows to restrict access of 0 0 8 26 16 50
each role

The website provided great overall 0 0 2 24 24 50

Legends: SD – Strongly Disagree, D – Disagree, Neutral, A – Agree, SA – Strongly Disagree.

Table 33 shows the tally of rates for each statement in the questionnaire for the respondents. The
statements are based on the objective to assess the project’s effectiveness. From the tally the weighted
mean was computed in each statement using the formula:

Weighted Mean = ((n0*5) + (n1*5) + (n2*5) + (n3*5) + (n4*5) / N), where n = frequency of the
answer, and; N = sample population.

Table 34 System Evaluation Survey for supportability

System Evaluation Survey LIKERT SCALE RESPONSE

The website allow customer to book an 4.48 Agree


The website allows the creation, manage, and 4.24 Agree

viewing of records for various data that support
the website (e.g. project details, billing details,
inventory etc.)

The website provides relevant schedules and 3.90 Agree

analytics on the dashboard

The website allows to restrict access of each role 4.16 Agree

The website provided great overall performance 4.44 Agree

Legends: 0-1.49 Strongly Disagree, 1.50-2.49 Disagree, 2.50-3.49 Neutral, 3.50-4.49 Agree, 4.50-5.00
Strongly Agree

Figure 9.29 overall weighted mean average for supportability

Figure 99 shows that 54% of our respondent strongly agreed in the question from the

survey in the part of supportability while 42% agreed and only 2% are disagreed
Figure 9.30 overall weighted mean average for functionality, usability, reliability,

performance and supportability

Figure 9.30 the figure shows the overall weighted mean for functionality, usability, reliability,

performance and supportability and total average.


The proponents used methods to gather the information and data needed for the proposed

study. The preparation of the instruments, such as gathering information from Several parts of

literature and studies enabled the proponents in gaining a better understanding of how to carry

out the proposed study. To assist them evaluate their respondents' opinions and evaluations of the

proposed study, the proponents used various data-gathering instruments such as conferences,

evaluation forms, exploration, and questionnaires. Diagrams and other analytical tools are used
to assist the proponent to visualize how the proposed construction management system

application will function in order to gather the data required for further system development.

Based on the information gathered, the proponent's case led to the following results:

The respondents were 47, composed of 20 IT Experts, 15 individuals from the client

company, and 15 prospective customers of coerpa. the proposed study “eConstruct: An Online

Construction Management System Using Manufacturing Analytics for COERPA Builders Corp”

was assessed using the evaluation components:

For Functionality - The respondents evaluate the proposed system by Using this may test

the functionality of the software, which includes examining its feature sets, capabilities, and

security—basically, the system basics. All of the statements attained a score of 4.38% indicating

that the system functions the way it is expected.

For Usability - The respondents evaluate the proposed system by general attractiveness,

consistency and documentation are tested when determining the system usability. All of the

statements attained a score 4.33% indicating that the proposed system has excellent usability

based on the results.

For Reliability - The respondents evaluate the proposed system by testing the intensity of

failure, its fixability, the likelihood, and accuracy of the system. All of the statements attained a

score of 4.32% concluding that the system is reliable and capable of performing its functions.

For Performance - The respondents evaluate the proposed system by monitoring the

software's performance in real time, evaluating the speed of its processing and the reaction time.

All of the statements attained a score of 4.32% indicating that the proposed system performs

For Supportability - The respondents evaluate the proposed system by checking how

well the software can be tested, how closely, and whether it can be maintained. All of the

statements attained a score of 4.24% This shows that, based on different factors, the proposed

system can be supported.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the collected data whose concern of the

study is to develop a Management System for COERPA Corporation with Appointment

Management, Procurement Management, Inventory Management, Schedule and Delivery

Management, Task Management, Billing and Schedule Management, and Retention

Management The results were obtained from a survey conducted by researches and given an in-

depth analysis and interpretation as basis of finding, conclusion and recommendation that

answers specifically, the following specific objectives that is given in the chapter 1 pages 21-22.

4.1 Presentation of Results

The proposed study “An Online Construction Management System Using

Manufacturing Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation” was evaluated in terms of its

functionality, usability, reliability, performance, and supportability. The proponents chose the 15

COERPA Employees, 15 IT experts and 20 customers to evaluate the system. Total of 50

respondents were given a survey form to help the proponents evaluate the system. The COERPA

Employees, IT Expert and Customer had the same set of questions for the given survey form and

it had a total of 25 questions.

Table 6 Likert Scale v2

Interpretation Weight Interval

Strongly Agree 5 4.21-5.00

Agree 4 3.41-4.20

Neutral 3 2.61-3.40

Disagree 2 1.80-2.60

Strongly Disagree 1 0-1.80

4.1.1 Test Case Results

Test case Results

Initially, as part of the Alpha system testing phase, the proponents have dedicated one (1)

of its members to evaluate the system by using test cases. The results are as follow:

Table 7 To test the User Account’s Login functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing

Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: User Login Test Condition: To test the User Account’s login
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/14/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Login Page PASS COERPA
2 Enter the username and Input of user The user credentials PASS
password of the user Credentials have been corrected
and are now
3 Click Account Settings to Redirect to Account User will successfully PASS
change display picture, to Settings page change display
view account details and picture, view account
to change the password details, and change
the account password
4 Click “choose file” to User can successfully System will update PASS
change the display import a file to change the account picture
picture the account picture once you refresh it
5 Click Logout button User can successfully Users can logout their PASS
logout their account account

Table 8 To test the Dashboard Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Dashboard Module Test Condition: To test the Dashboard Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/14/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Dashboard PASS COERPA Module
2 Click the Dashboard Redirect to Dashboard User can view all the PASS
Module Module page necessary
information such as
the Summary &
Statistics, Calendar,
and Analytics
3 Browse to the calendar Click the next or back User can successfully PASS
section in the Dashboard icon to show all the view all the month of
Module dates throughout the the year and see all
year the given project

Table 9 To test the Appointment Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Appointment Module Test Condition: To test the Appointment Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/14/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working PASS COERPA Appointment Module
2 Click the Pending Redirect to Masterlist User can successfully PASS
Appointment of Pending approve or
Appointment page disapprove all the
3 Click the Approved Redirect to Masterlist User can successfully PASS
Appointment of Approved discharge the
Appointment page Approved
4 Click the Disapproved Redirect to Masterlist User can successfully PASS
Appointment of Disapproved view all the
Appointment page Disapproved
5 Click the Discharge Redirect to Masterlist User can successfully PASS
Appointment of Discharge view all the
Appointment page Discharged
6 Click the information User can sort all of the User can successfully PASS
sorter throughout the given information to sort all of the given
modules alphabetical order information to
alphabetical order
7 Click the search bar entry User can search all the User can successfully PASS
appointments just by search all the
searching their unique appointments just by
info searching their
unique info
8 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time

Table 10 To test the Customer Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Customer Module Test Condition: To test the Customer Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Customer PASS COERPA Module
2 Click to Customer Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Customers page view the List of
Customer page
3 Click Edit & Delete icon User can freely edit the User can successfully PASS
in the Option section Customer information edit the Customer
nor delete it information nor
delete it
4 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the List of of information of the sort the information
Customer Module customer alphabetically
5 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Customer just by search the Customer
searching their unique just by searching
information their unique
6 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time

Table 11 To test the Client Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Client Module Test Condition: To test the Client Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Client PASS COERPA Module
2 Click to Client Module Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Customer/Client page view the List of
Customer/Client page
3 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the List of of information of the sort the information
Client/Customer Module Client/Customer alphabetically
4 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Client/Customer just by search the
searching their unique Client/Customer just
information by searching their
unique information
5 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time

Table 12 To test the Employee Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Employee Module Test Condition: To test the Employee Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Employee PASS COERPA Module
2 Click to Employees Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Employees page view the List of
Employees page
3 Click to Departments Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Employee Department view the List of
page Employee
Department page
4 Click to Positions Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Employee Positions view the List of
page Employee Positions
5 Click to Employee Roles Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Employee Roles page view the List of
Employee Roles page
6 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the Employees of information sort the information
Module and all of the Sub alphabetically
7 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Employees just by search the Employees
searching their unique just by searching
information their unique
8 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time
9 Click Edit & Delete icon User can freely edit the User can successfully PASS
in the Option section Employees information edit the Employees
nor delete it information nor
delete it

Table 13 To test the Business/Company Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Business/Company Module Test Condition: To test the Business/Company
Module functionality
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working PASS COERPA Business/Company
ses Module
2 Click to Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Business/Company Business/Company view the List of
Module page Business/Company
3 Click to Business Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Category Module Business Category page view the List of
Business Category
4 Click the Add Icon User can input all kind User can successfully PASS
of personal information create
such as Personal Business/Company
Details, Business
Details, logo etc.
5 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the of information sort the information
Business/Company alphabetically
6 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Business/Company just search the
by searching their Business/Company
unique information just by searching
their unique
7 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time
8 Click Edit & Delete icon User can freely edit the User can successfully PASS
in the Option section Business/Company edit the
information nor delete Business/Company
it information nor
delete it

Table 14 To test the Supplier Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Supplier Module Test Condition: To test the Supplier Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Working PASS COERPA Supplier Module
2 Click the Supplier Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Supplier page view the List of
Supplier page
3 Click the Add Icon User can input all kind User can successfully PASS
of personal information create Supplier
such as Personal
Details, Business
Details, upload photo
and logo
4 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the Supplier of information sort the information
Module alphabetically
5 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Supplier just by search the Supplier
searching their unique just by searching
information their unique
6 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time
7 Click Edit & Delete icon User can freely edit the User can successfully PASS
in the Option section Supplier information edit the Supplier
nor delete it information nor
delete it

Table 15 To test the Project Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Project Module Test Condition: To test the Procurement Module
Created By: Mark Edward R. Francisco Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date:10/16/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Project PASS COERPA Module
2 Navigate to Project Display different pages Displays the Project PASS
Module in sidebar Modules different
pages in sidebar
3 Click create project Display the create Different fields PASS
project page Displayed in Project
4 Click *Project name Can add project name Adds a Project name PASS
5 Click *Client type Will select a type of Client type selected PASS
client in drop down
6 Click *Select Client Input of client Client is added PASS
7 Click *Project type Project type drop down Project type added in PASS
will shown in field field
8 Click *Project subtype Add project Subtype Project Subtype is PASS
9 Click Price Field Will enter the Project Project price is PASS
price entered
10 Click Start date Can input the Start date The Start date of PASS
by Clicking Mini project is entered
calendar button in field
11 Click end date By selecting the Mini Project's end date is PASS
Calendar button in the provided.
box, you can enter the
end date.
12 Click *status will Add a status The status of the PASS
project added
13 Click address will enter a full address Can add the full PASS
of Project address
14 Click description will add description can add the PASS
about the project description

15 Click Create button Project details that is Project details added PASS
entered will be
16 Click Projects in sidebar will see Projects List Projects List appears PASS
17 Click drop down of The choice of whether The number of PASS
entries to display 50 users at entries for various
once or 100 users at Projects list details is
once is completely up displayed
to the user.
18 Click search bar Will search up the The Results Shown PASS
Projects list by using By The Search
the detailed information
they have
19 Click Procurement button Will display the list of List of procurements PASS
under option procurements is Displayed
20 Click delivery button Goes to List of schedule & PASS
under option List of schedule & delivery is displayed
21 Click edit button under Project details field Project details PASS
option will show updated
22 Click delete button under Project details will Project details deleted PASS
option delete
23 Click previous button will display the prior Various project PASS
projects details of details indicate
several entries
24 Click next button will display the Project details is PASS
following projects shown
information for several
25 Click project types in list of project types we can see the PASS
sidebar will show Project types page
26 Click add button Category/type details Category/type details PASS
will show fields are displayed
27 Click save button Category/type details Category/type details PASS
will save saved
28 Click Edit & Delete icon can edit or delete the successfully edit the PASS
in the Option section Project types categories information or delete
29 Click project subtype in list of project subtype project subtype page PASS
sidebar will show displayed
30 Click add button Category and type Fields for PASS
information will appear Category/Type
Details are shown
31 Click save button Categories and types saved category/type PASS
will save information
32 Click project status in See the project status project status details PASS
sidebar page is displayed
33 Click edit button will update the status of project status updated PASS
34 Click delete button Project details status can delete the project PASS
will delete details status

Table 16 To test the Procurement Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Procurement Module Test Condition: To test the Procurement Module
Created By: Mark Edward R. Francisco Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working PASS COERPA Procurement Module
2 Click the procurements Display the list of User is successfully PASS
module procurements shown the list of
3 Click the add Show form for adding User successfully PASS
procurement button adding procurements added a procurement
to the list
4 Click the *For projects Different projects are User selected a PASS
Field shown in a dropdown project for the
5 Click the *Material Field Different material types User selected a PASS
are shown in a material type for the
dropdown procurement
6 Click the *Supplier field Different suppliers are User selected a PASS
shown in a dropdown supplier for the
7 Click the *Quantity field Input the quantity of User inputted the PASS
the procurement quantity of the
8 Click the *Price field Input the price of the User inputted the PASS
procurement price of the
9 Click the *Status field Select the status of the User has selected the PASS
procurement status of the
10 Click the Description Input a description of User inputted a PASS
field the procurement description for the
11 Click the edit Can edit / update the The procurement has PASS
procurement button current data of a been successfully
procurement updated
12 Click the Delete Can delete a The procurement has PASS
procurement button procurement from the been successfully
list removed from the list
13 Click the Procurement Show a list of User is shown the list PASS
Materials procurement material of procurement
types materials
14 Click the add Add procurement form User is shown the add PASS
procurement material is shown procurement material
button form
15 Click the edit Update the details of User successfully PASS
procurement material the procurement updated the data of
material the procurement
16 Click the delete Delete the procurement User successfully PASS
procurement material material removed the
button procurement from the
17 Click the Procurement Show a list of User is shown the list PASS
Status Procurement statuses of procurement

Table 17 To test the Scheduling & Delivery Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Scheduling & Delivery Test Condition: To test the Scheduling & Delivery
Module Module functionality
Created By: Mark Edward R. Francisco Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date:10/16/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website Working Scheduling PASS of COERPA & Delivery Module
2 Click Scheduling & Display Display the PASS
Delivery module Scheduling & List of Scheduling &
Delivery Modules Delivery
3 Click add button of Schedule & Delivery Add Schedule & PASS
Scheduling & Delivery Details Field Show Delivery Details
Details by entering its
4 Click *For Project Field Different Projects Can add Project in PASS
shows in Drop down field
5 Click *Status Field Click Drop down for Status is Added PASS
6 Click *Quantity Field Input Quantity Number of The PASS
Details Quantity Added
7 Click *Supply Field Different Supply type Supply type is added PASS
shows in dropl down
8 Click *Upload DR Field Choose File Button Chosen file is added PASS
9 Click *Delivery Date Field Can input the The dd/mm/yyyy is PASS
Delivery Date by added
Clicking Mini
calendar in field
10 Click Description Field Can add any adds a Description PASS
11 Click Save Button Can save the details The details have been PASS
of Schedule & made
12 Click Edit Button under the Update the details Details is updated PASS
Click Delete Button under Can Delete the details Schedule & Delivery PASS
the action Details is Deleted
14 Navigate to Supply type Supply type page will List of supply type PASS
under Scheduling & show page shows
delivery Module
15 Click add button Add Category/type Category/type added PASS
by typing its details
16 Click Description Field Can add any adds a Description PASS
17 Click Edit Button under the Can update the Category/type is PASS
Option Category/type updated
18 Navigate to Status under Status details will We can see the PASS
Scheduling & delivery appear schedule & delivery
Module Status
19 Click drop down of entries Different numbers of Number of entries of PASS
entries will show different schedule
details shows
20 Click Edit Button under the Can update the status Status is updated PASS
21 Click previous button Will show the Different details PASS
previous Details of shows
Different Entries
22 Click Next Button Will show the Details Different details & PASS
of Different Entries Status shows
23 Click Search Button Can easily search the The Searched Details PASS
Details shows

Table 18 To test the Inventory & Production Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Inventory & Production Test Condition: To test the Inventory &
Module Production Module functionality
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Inventory & PASS COERPA Production Module
2 Click the Inventory & Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Production Module Inventory & Production view, add and edit the
page List of Inventory &
Production page
3 Click the Inventory & Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Production Status Module Inventory & Production view, add and edit the
Status page List of Inventory &
Production Status
4 Click the Add Icon User can input all kind User can successfully PASS
of personal information create a Inventory &
that is needed in the Production
Inventory & Production
Details Form
5 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the Inventory & of information sort the information
Production Module alphabetically
6 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Inventory & Production search the Inventory
and Status just by & Production and
searching their unique Status just by
information searching their
unique information
7 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time

Table 19 To test the Task Management Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Task Management Module Test Condition: To test the Task Management
Module functionality
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Task PASS COERPA Management Module
2 Click the Task Redirect to List of Task User can successfully PASS
Management Module page view, add and edit the
List of Task page
3 Click the Task Status Redirect to List of Task User can successfully PASS
Module Status page view, add and edit the
List of Task Status
4 Click the Add Icon User can input all kind User can successfully PASS
of personal information create a Task for the
that is needed in the employee
Task Details Form
5 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the Task of information sort the information
Management Module alphabetically
6 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Task and the Task search the Task and
Status just by searching Task Status just by
their unique searching their
information unique information
7 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time
Table 20 To test the Billing Module functionality
Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Billing Module Test Condition: To test the Billing Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Billing PASS COERPA Module
2 Click the Billing Module Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Billing page view and add the List
of Billing page
3 Click the Supply Type Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Billing Supply Type view, edit and add the
page List of Billing Supply
Type page
4 Click the Billing Status Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Billing Status page view, edit and add the
List of Billing Status
5 Click the Add Icon User can input all kind User can successfully PASS
of personal information create a Billing for
that is needed in the the customer
Billing Details Form
6 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the Billing of information sort the information
Module alphabetically
7 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Billing and the Billing search the Billing and
Status just by searching Billing Status just by
their unique searching their
information unique information
8 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time
9 Click Edit & Delete icon User can freely edit the User can successfully PASS
in the Option section Billing information nor edit the Billing
delete it information nor
delete it
Table 21 To test the Retention Module functionality
Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Retention Module Test Condition: To test the Retention Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 10/15/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Retention PASS COERPA Module
2 Click the Retention Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Module Retention page view the List of
Retention page
3 Click the Retention Redirect to List of User can successfully PASS
Status Module Retention Status page view the List of
Retention Status page
4 Click the Add Icon User can input all kinds User can successfully PASS
of personal information create a Retention
such as For Project,
Completion Date, End
of Retention, Retention
Status etc.
5 Click the information User can sort all kinds User can successfully PASS
sorter in the Retention of information sort the information
Module alphabetically
6 Click the search bar entry User can search the User can successfully PASS
Retention and the search the Retention
Retention Status just by and Retention Status
searching their unique just by searching
information their unique
7 Click the show number User can freely edit User can successfully PASS
entries whether the user edit the show number
wanted to show 50 user entries bar
at a time or 100 user at
a time
8 Click Edit & Delete icon User can freely edit the User can successfully PASS
in the Option section Retention information edit the Retention
nor delete it information nor
delete it
Table 22 To test the General Settings Module functionality
Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: General Settings Module Test Condition: To test the General Settings
Module functionality
Created By: Jonathan Gutierrez Reviewed By: Rolando Baruga
Created Date: 10/16/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working General PASS COERPA Settings Module
2 Click the User Redirect to the list of Admin successfully PASS
Managements user accounts accessed the user
management page
3 Click the add button The admin can add a Admin successfully PASS
user and input the created a user
details of the new user account
in the form
4 Click the update user The admin can edit the Admin successfully PASS
button current data of a user updated the data of a
account user
5 Click the Delete user The admin can remove Admin successfully PASS
button a user account from the removed a user
system account from the
6 Click the User Redirect to the list of Admin successfully PASS
Restrictions User restrictions per viewed the list of user
account role restrictions
7 Tick the checkbox for a The restrictions are The admin PASS
user account role going to be applied to successfully applied a
the account role restriction to a
account role

Table 23 To test the System Reports Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: System Reports Module Test Condition: To test the System Reports
Module functionality
Created By: Jonathan Gutierrez Reviewed By: Rolando Baruga
Created Date: 10/16/2022 Reviewed Date: 10/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working System PASS COERPA Reports Module
2 Click the reports module Redirect to the reports User successfully PASS
view for the selected accessed the list of
module (ex. project reports
3 Click on the projects Project reports is shown User is successfully PASS
report to the user shown the project
4 Click on the inventory Inventory reports is User is successfully PASS
report shown to the user shown the inventory
5 Click on the sales reports Sales reports is shown User is successfully PASS
to the user shown the sales
6 Click on Download Downloads the viewed User successfully PASS
Reports report downloads a report

Table 24 To test the Analytics Module functionality

Project Name: eConstruct: An Online Construction Management System Using Manufacturing
Analytics for COERPA Builders Corporation
Module Name: Analytics Module Test Condition: To test the Analytics Module
Created By: Rolando Baruga Reviewed By: Jonathan Gutierrez
Created Date: 11/16/2022 Reviewed Date: 11/17/2022
1 Navigate to Display the website of Working Analytics PASS COERPA Module
2 Click on analytics Redirect to the User successfully PASS
module analytics module navigate the list of
analytics such as the
sales, delivery KPI,
next month estimated
requirement for paint
and predicted
requirement for
3 Scroll down to navigate User can see the sales User can successfully PASS
the analytics part on the forecasting analytics distinguish the sales
analytics module all throughout the
month of January to
4 Scroll down to navigate User can see the User can successfully PASS
the analytics part on the delivery KPI analytics distinguish the
analytics module delivery KPI all
throughout the month
of January to
5 Scroll down to navigate User can see the User can successfully PASS
the analytics part on the predicted requirement distinguish the
analytics module for cement analytics predicted requirement
for cement all
throughout the mong
of January to
6 Scroll down to navigate User can see the next User can successfully PASS
the analytics part on the month estimated distinguish the next
analytics module requirement for paint month estimated
requirement for paint
all throughout the
mong of January to

4.2 Summary of Findings

The survey had five (5) categories which are functionality, usability, reliability,

performance and supportability. Questionnaire for all of the respondent such as twenty (20)

COERPA Employees, fifteen (15) IT Experts, and fifteen (15) Customers

Functionality with 5 statements - Functionality questions may be used to evaluate the

program's functionality, which involves testing the feature sets, capabilities, and security of the

software, as well as the product's fundamentals.

1. All the website's modules such as appointment, procurement, production and

inventory, task, schedule and delivery, billing and accomplishment, analytics and

reports and retention are all operational and work perfectly

Figure 70 Survey Statement 1

52% of our respondents agreed, while 46% strongly agreed, and 2% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 1 is 4.44, which means that the respondents

agreed that the website's modules do function just as intended.

1. The website's buttons are responsive

Figure 71 Survey Statement 2

60% of our respondents strongly agreed, while 36% agreed, and 4% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 2 is 4.56, which means that the respondents

highly agreed that the website's buttons do give the user feedback when clicked.

2. Users have complete input and output capabilities on the website

Figure 72 Survey Statement 3

54% of our respondents agreed, while 40% strongly agreed, and 6% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 3 is 4.34, which means that the respondents

agreed that the users of the website do have the required inputs for the system and create proper


3. The user can view and edit all the information in the modules

Figure 73 Survey Statement 4

50% of our respondents agreed, while 42% strongly agreed, and 8% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 4 is 4.34, which means that the respondents

agreed that the user does have the capabilities of viewing and modifying the information within

the modules.
4. The user can create and edit an account

Figure 74 Survey Statement 5

54% of our respondents agreed, while 34% strongly agreed, and 12% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 5 is 4.22, which means that the respondents

agreed that the users do have adequate capability to manage an account.

Table 25 Survey Result for combine IT Expert, COERPA Employee and Customer for the


System Evaluation Survey SD D N A SA TOTAL

All the website's modules such as 0 0 1 26 23 50

appointment, procurement, production
and inventory, task, schedule and
delivery, billing and accomplishment,
analytics and reports and retention are
all operational and work perfectly

The website's buttons are responsive 0 0 2 18 30 50

Users have complete input and output 0 0 3 27 20 50

capabilities on the website

The user can view and edit all the 0 0 4 25 21 50

information in the modules

The user can create and edit an account 0 0 6 27 17 50

Legends: SD – Strongly Disagree, D – Disagree, Neutral, A – Agree, SA – Strongly Disagree.

Table 25 shows the tally of rates for each statement in the questionnaire for the respondents. The
statements are based on the objective to assess the project’s effectiveness. From the tally the weighted
mean was computed in each statement using the formula:

Weighted Mean = ((n0*5) + (n1*5) + (n2*5) + (n3*5) + (n4*5) / N), where n = frequency of the
answer, and; N = sample population.
Table 26 System Evaluation Survey for functionality

System Evaluation Survey LIKERT SCALE RESPONSE

All the website's modules such as appointment, 4.44 Agree

procurement, production and inventory, task,
schedule and delivery, billing and
accomplishment, analytics and reports and
retention are all operational and work perfectly

The website's buttons are responsive 4.56 Strongly Agree

Users have complete input and output 4.34 Agree

capabilities on the website

The user can view and edit all the information in 4.34 Agree
the modules

The user can create and edit an account 4.22 Agree

Legends: 0-1.49 Strongly Disagree, 1.50-2.49 Disagree, 2.50-3.49 Neutral, 3.50-4.49 Agree, 4.50-5.00
Strongly Agree
Figure 75 overall weighted mean average for functionality

Figure 75 shows that 46% of our respondent strongly agreed in the question from the

survey in the part of functionality while 52% agreed and only 2% are neutral
Usability with 5 statements - Human factors, aesthetics, consistency, and documentation are all

addressed in usability questions.

5. The website design and features are eye catching and pleasing to the users

Figure 76 Survey Statement 6

46% of our respondents agreed, while 42% strongly agreed, and 12% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 6 is 4.30, which means that the respondents

agreed that the website's designs are pleasing to the vast majority of the users.
6. The designs on the website are consistent

Figure 77 Survey Statement 7

56% of our respondents agreed, while 36% strongly agreed, and 8% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 7 is 4.28, which means that the respondents

agreed that the designs are consistent throughout the system for the vast majority of the users.

7. The website is accessible from a variety of devices and through a variety of browsers
Figure 78 Survey Statement 8

58% of our respondents strongly agreed, while 34% agreed, and 8% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 8 is 4.50, which means that the respondents

highly agreed that the website can be accessed with different types of devices for the vast

majority of the users.

8. The interface is easy to learn and navigate; buttons, headings and help/error

message are simple to understand

Figure 79 Survey Statement 9

50% of our respondents agreed, while 42% strongly agreed, and 8% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 9 is 4.34, which means that the respondents

agreed that the vast majority of users quickly picked up and learnt the navigation of the system.

9. Tasks are easy to accomplish quickly and with few or no user errors
Figure 80 Survey Statement 10

42% of our respondents agreed, while 40% strongly agreed, and 18% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 10 is 4.22, which means that the respondents

agreed that the vast majority of the users can complete a task easily and quickly.

Table 27 Survey Result for combine IT Expert, COERPA Employee and Customer for the


System Evaluation Survey SD D N A SA TOTAL

The website design and features are eye 0 0 6 23 21 50

catching and pleasing to the users

The designs on the website are 0 0 4 28 18 50


The website is accessible from a variety 0 0 4 17 29 50

of devices and through a variety of

The interface is easy to learn and 0 0 4 25 21 50

navigate; buttons, headings and
help/error message are simple to

Tasks are easy to accomplish quickly and 0 0 9 21 20 50

with few or no user errors
Legends: SD – Strongly Disagree, D – Disagree, Neutral, A – Agree, SA – Strongly Disagree.

Table 27 shows the tally of rates for each statement in the questionnaire for the respondents. The
statements are based on the objective to assess the project’s effectiveness. From the tally the weighted
mean was computed in each statement using the formula:

Weighted Mean = ((n0*5) + (n1*5) + (n2*5) + (n3*5) + (n4*5) / N), where n = frequency of the
answer, and; N = sample population.

Table 28 System Evaluation Survey for usability

System Evaluation Survey LIKERT SCALE RESPONSE

The website design and features are eye catching 4.30 Agree
and pleasing to the users

The designs on the website are consistent 4.28 Agree

The website is accessible from a variety of 4.50 Strongly Agree

devices and through a variety of browsers

The interface is easy to learn and navigate; 4.34 Agree

buttons, headings and help/error message are
simple to understand

Tasks are easy to accomplish quickly and with 4.22 Agree

few or no user errors
Legends: 0-1.49 Strongly Disagree, 1.50-2.49 Disagree, 2.50-3.49 Neutral, 3.50-4.49 Agree, 4.50-5.00
Strongly Agree

Figure 81 overall weighted mean average for usability

Figure 81 shows that 42% of the respondents strongly agreed in the question from the

survey in the part of usability while 46% agreed and 12% are neutral.

Reliability with 5 statements - Questions about reliability focus on failure frequency,

recoverability, predictability, precision, and mean time of failure.

10. The dashboard, appointment and project modules reflect data accurately

Figure 82 Survey Statement 11

44% of our respondents strongly agreed, while 38% agreed, and 18% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 11 is 4.26, which means that the respondents

agreed that the website does display data accurately from the dashboard, appointment, and

project modules.

11. Does the user's can successfully see the progress of their project
Figure 83 Survey Statement 12

60% of our respondents agreed, while 36% strongly agreed, and 4% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 12 is 4.32, which means that the respondents

agreed that a project's progress can be properly seen.

12. Does the user's experience any kind of system failure

Figure 84Survey Statement 13

70% of our respondents strongly disagreed, while 24% disagreed, and 6% were neutral.

The weighted mean or average rating for statement 13 is 4.32, which means that the respondents

highly disagreed that system failure does not occur when using the website.

13. The website allows to print generated report

Figure 85 Survey Statement 14

56% of our respondents agreed, while 36% strongly agreed, and 8% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 14 is 4.28, which means that the respondents

agreed that the user does have the capability to properly print and generate a report.

14. The website displays message errors instead crashing as a result of improper user

actions or inputs
Figure 86 Survey Statement 15

60% of the respondents agreed, while 26% strongly agreed, and 12% were neutral while

2% disagreed. The weighted mean or average rating for statement 15 is 4.08, which means that

the respondents agreed that the user is properly informed on any improper inputs or actions.

Table 29 Survey Result for combine IT Expert, COERPA Employee and Customer for the

System Evaluation Survey SD D N A SA TOTAL

The dashboard, appointment and project 0 0 9 19 22 50

modules reflect data accurately

Does the user's can successfully see the 0 0 2 30 18 50

progress of their project

Does the user's experience any kind of 35 12 3 0 0 50

system failure

The website allows to print generated 0 0 4 28 18 50


The website displays message errors 1 0 6 30 13 50

instead crashing as a result of improper
user actions or inputs
Legends: SD – Strongly Disagree, D – Disagree, Neutral, A – Agree, SA – Strongly Disagree.

Table 29 shows the tally of rates for each statement in the questionnaire for the respondents. The
statements are based on the objective to assess the project’s effectiveness. From the tally the weighted
mean was computed in each statement using the formula:

Weighted Mean = ((n0*5) + (n1*5) + (n2*5) + (n3*5) + (n4*5) / N), where n = frequency of the
answer, and; N = sample population.

Table 30 System Evaluation Survey for reliability

System Evaluation Survey LIKERT SCALE RESPONSE

The dashboard, appointment and project 4.26 Agree

modules reflect data accurately

Does the user's can successfully see the progress 4.32 Agree
of their project

Does the user's experience any kind of system 1.36 Strongly Disagree

The website allows to print generated report 4.28 Agree

The website displays message errors instead 4.08 Agree

crashing as a result of improper user actions or
Legends: 0-1.49 Strongly Disagree, 1.50-2.49 Disagree, 2.50-3.49 Neutral, 3.50-4.49 Agree, 4.50-5.00
Strongly Agree

Figure 87 overall weighted mean average for reliability

Figure 87 shows that 44% of our respondents strongly agreed with the question from the

survey on reliability while 38% agreed and 18% were neutral.

Performance with 5 statements - Questions about performance center on speed, efficiency,

resource usage, throughput, and reaction time.

15. The website allows customer to check appointment status by entering reference


Figure 88 Survey Statement 16

56% of our respondents agreed, while 42% strongly agreed. The weighted mean or average

rating for statement 16 is 4.42, which means that the respondents agreed that the website does

allow the customer to check their appointment's status.

16. The website can easily read and understand the entered information
Figure 89 Survey Statement 17

56% of our respondents agreed, while 34% strongly agreed, and 10% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 17 is 4.24, which means that the respondents

agreed that the website can be received properly.

17. I find the website functioning smoothly and is well integrated

Figure 90 Survey Statement 18

48% of our respondents strongly agreed, while 34% agreed, and 18% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 18 is 4.30, which means that the respondents

agreed that the vast majority of the website is functioning smoothly and is well integrated.

18. I had no problem with learning how to use the system.

Figure 91 Survey Statement 19

54% of our respondents strongly agreed, while 32% agreed, and 14% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 19 is 4.40, which means that the respondents

agreed that the system's usage is easy to learn.

19. The website enables inventory management and optimization across several users
Figure 92 Survey Statement 20

42% of our respondents agreed, while 40% strongly agreed, and 18% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 20 is 4.22, which means that the respondents

agreed that the website does allow for inventory management and optimization.

Table 31 Survey Result for combine IT Expert, COERPA Employee and Customer for the


System Evaluation Survey SD D N A SA TOTAL

The website allows customer to check 0 0 0 29 21 50

appointment status by entering
reference number

The website can easily read and 0 0 5 28 17 50

understand the entered information

I find the website functioning smoothly 0 0 9 17 24 50

and is well integrated
I had no problem with learning how to 0 0 7 16 27 50
use the system.

The website enables inventory 0 0 9 21 20 50

management and optimization across
several users
Legends: SD – Strongly Disagree, D – Disagree, Neutral, A – Agree, SA – Strongly Disagree.

Table 31 shows the tally of rates for each statement in the questionnaire for the respondents. The
statements are based on the objective to assess the project’s effectiveness. From the tally the weighted
mean was computed in each statement using the formula:

Weighted Mean = ((n0*5) + (n1*5) + (n2*5) + (n3*5) + (n4*5) / N), where n = frequency of the
answer, and; N = sample population.

Table 32 System Evaluation Survey for performance

System Evaluation Survey LIKERT SCALE RESPONSE

The website allows customer to check 4.42 Agree

appointment status by entering reference

The website can easily read and understand the 4.24 Agree
entered information

I find the website functioning smoothly and is 4.30 Agree

well integrated

I had no problem with learning how to use the 4.40 Agree


The website enables inventory management and 4.22 Agree

optimization across several users
Legends: 0-1.49 Strongly Disagree, 1.50-2.49 Disagree, 2.50-3.49 Neutral, 3.50-4.49 Agree, 4.50-5.00
Strongly Agree

Figure 93 overall weighted mean average for performance

Figure 93 shows that 42% of our respondent strongly agreed in the question from the

survey in the part of performance while 58% agreed

Supportability with 5 statements - Testability, extensibility, adaptability, maintainability,

compatibility, configurability, serviceability, installability, localizability, and portability are

examples of supportability questions.

20. The website allow customer to book an appointment

Figure 94 Survey Statement 21

54% of our respondents strongly agreed, while 42% agreed, and 2% were neutral while

2% disagreed. The weighted mean or average rating for statement 21 is 4.48, which means that

the respondents agreed that the vast majority of the customers have the ability to book an


21. The website allows the creation, manage, and viewing of records for various data

that support the website (e.g. project details, billing details, inventory etc.)
Figure 95 Survey Statement 22

44% of our respondents strongly agreed, while 36% agreed, and 20% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 22 is 4.24, which means that the respondents

agreed that the website does allow for the creation, management, and viewing of records of

different modules.

22. The website provides relevant schedules and analytics on the dashboard
Figure 96 Survey Statement 23

34% of our respondents agreed, while 30% agreed, and 34% were neutral while 2%

strongly disagree. The weighted mean or average rating for statement 23 is 3.90, which means

that the respondents agreed that the website does provide the relevant schedules and analytics on

the dashboard.

23. The website allows to restrict access of each role

Figure 97 Survey Statement 24

52% of our respondents agreed, while 32% strongly agreed, and 16% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 24 is 4.16, which means that the respondents

agreed that the website does allow for modifying the restrictions for a user role.

24. The website provided great overall performance

Figure 98 Survey Statement 25

48% of our respondents strongly agreed, while 48% agreed, and 4% were neutral. The

weighted mean or average rating for statement 25 is 4.44, which means that the respondents

agreed that the website does provide great performance.

Table 33 Survey Result for combine IT Expert, COERPA Employee and Customer for the


System Evaluation Survey SD D N A SA TOTAL

The website allow customer to book an 0 1 1 21 27 50


The website allows the creation, manage, 0 0 10 18 22 50

and viewing of records for various data
that support the website (e.g. project
details, billing details, inventory etc.)

The website provides relevant schedules 1 0 17 17 15 50

and analytics on the dashboard
The website allows to restrict access of 0 0 8 26 16 50
each role

The website provided great overall 0 0 2 24 24 50

Legends: SD – Strongly Disagree, D – Disagree, Neutral, A – Agree, SA – Strongly Disagree.

Table 33 shows the tally of rates for each statement in the questionnaire for the respondents. The
statements are based on the objective to assess the project’s effectiveness. From the tally the weighted
mean was computed in each statement using the formula:

Weighted Mean = ((n0*5) + (n1*5) + (n2*5) + (n3*5) + (n4*5) / N), where n = frequency of the
answer, and; N = sample population.

Table 34 System Evaluation Survey for supportability

System Evaluation Survey LIKERT SCALE RESPONSE

The website allow customer to book an 4.48 Agree


The website allows the creation, manage, and 4.24 Agree

viewing of records for various data that support
the website (e.g. project details, billing details,
inventory etc.)

The website provides relevant schedules and 3.90 Agree

analytics on the dashboard

The website allows to restrict access of each role 4.16 Agree

The website provided great overall performance 4.44 Agree

Legends: 0-1.49 Strongly Disagree, 1.50-2.49 Disagree, 2.50-3.49 Neutral, 3.50-4.49 Agree, 4.50-5.00
Strongly Agree

Figure 99 overall weighted mean average for supportability

Figure 99 shows that 54% of our respondent strongly agreed in the question from the

survey in the part of supportability while 42% agreed and only 2% are disagreed

Figure 100 overall weighted mean average for functionality, usability, reliability,

performance and supportability

Figure 100 the figure shows the overall weighted mean for functionality, usability, reliability,

performance and supportability and total average.


The proponents used methods to gather the information and data needed for the proposed

study. The preparation of the instruments, such as gathering information from Several parts of

literature and studies enabled the proponents in gaining a better understanding of how to carry

out the proposed study. To assist them evaluate their respondents' opinions and evaluations of the

proposed study, the proponents used various data-gathering instruments such as conferences,

evaluation forms, exploration, and questionnaires. Diagrams and other analytical tools are used

to assist the proponent to visualize how the proposed construction management system

application will function in order to gather the data required for further system development.
Based on the information gathered, the proponent's case led to the following results:

The respondents were 47, composed of 20 IT Experts, 15 individuals from the client

company, and 15 prospective customers of coerpa. the proposed study “eConstruct: An Online

Construction Management System Using Manufacturing Analytics for COERPA Builders Corp”

was assessed using the evaluation components:

For Functionality - The respondents evaluate the proposed system by Using this may test

the functionality of the software, which includes examining its feature sets, capabilities, and

security—basically, the system basics. All of the statements attained a score of 4.38% indicating

that the system functions the way it is expected.

For Usability - The respondents evaluate the proposed system by general attractiveness,

consistency and documentation are tested when determining the system usability. All of the

statements attained a score 4.33% indicating that the proposed system has excellent usability

based on the results.

For Reliability - The respondents evaluate the proposed system by testing the intensity of

failure, its fixability, the likelihood, and accuracy of the system. All of the statements attained a

score of 4.32% concluding that the system is reliable and capable of performing its functions.

For Performance - The respondents evaluate the proposed system by monitoring the

software's performance in real time, evaluating the speed of its processing and the reaction time.

All of the statements attained a score of 4.32% indicating that the proposed system performs


For Supportability - The respondents evaluate the proposed system by checking how

well the software can be tested, how closely, and whether it can be maintained. All of the
statements attained a score of 4.24% This shows that, based on different factors, the proposed

system can be supported.


This chapter presented the conclusions drawn from the outcome and the

recommendations we observed from this study. This research aims to develop a project

management system with procurement management, inventory management, schedule and

delivery management, task management, billing and retention management, appointments

management, calendar integration and analytics. The objective of this work from the beginning

was to identify the factors that are so critical for the company, and this was achieved through the

development of our project eConstruct.

The start and end points of each phase of the project life cycle are important because they

are the central decision points of the project. Between the various phases, it is the decision point

where an explicit decision is made whether to proceed with the next phase. Whether the previous

stages are properly completed as planned from the beginning. The proponents therefore conclude

that the developed system, eConstruct, can help our client, COERPA Builders Corp. in managing

the Appointments, Procurements, Productions, Inventories, Scheduling and Delivery of their

products, Billing and the Retention aspects in each of their Projects.

The said aspects were also supported by the Reports Feature, Analytics and Calendar

Integration where they can easily visualize the and see the overview and details of their projects.

The developed system allows administrators to create, edit, view, and delete any records that are

system must-haves. We also conclude that the successful identification of problems and issues

faced by a company has led us to successfully developed a system like eConstruct not just to
eliminate the paper based transaction but to make sure the system will help the client to organize

and address all the issues and problems faced by them and also adapt to the evolving technology

and be at par with the other construction companies’ innovations. With an overall average of

4.32%, the system has proven to be functionally acceptable in our respondent’s perception.


Overall this proposed system can assist the company in implementing reduced paper

bases transactions, automation of the process and reducing human mistakes. Large and

complicated projects will be supported by the project management, task and accomplishment

management, inventory management and schedule and delivery management for faster and more

organized project supervision.

● In the future the system can also be updated to have features like payment

management or an integrated payment system to easily accommodate all payment

transactions for proper accounting.

● A spend analytics feature can also be added to help them identify more where

they can save money and improve decisions in cost cutting.

● A feature where they can forward purchase requests t o their suppliers for easier

procurement of their raw materials can also be added for faster procurement process

and inventory replenishment if needed.

● A Mobile application can also be created so they can also access this easily wherever

they are since there were also COERPA users that were always onsite. Though our

system is accessible online, through a laptop/computer browser or a mobile browser,

it will be beneficial for the client to have a mobile app as an added value to their



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