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AIM:. Report on problem in your finding job after engineering


Sr. List of problems in finding job after
No. engineer

Competition for positions: The

engineering field is highly
competitive, and there may be
many qualified candidates
applying for the same job.

1 What are the problems anLimited job opportunities: Some

engineer faces while tryingareas may have a shortage of
to get jobs? engineering jobs, making it more
difficult to find employment.

Lack of experience: Engineers

who are just starting out may lack
the experience needed to secure a
job, making it harder

Measures to solve unemployment

problems include changes in
industrial techniques, policies
regarding seasonal

unemployment, change in the

education system, expansion of
employment exchanges, more
assistance to self-employed
people, emphasis on full and
more productive employment, an
increase in production rate,
Engineers face problems
while searching for jobs
because they have just cleared
2 some theoretical exams
during their graduation.

What is the current job They dont have skills which

situation of engineer? are required to work in any
organisation .
They have opted wrong
branch. Like there are a few
chances that you got a better
job after completing degree
like mechanical, civil or
electronics engineering.
Always opt for IT or CSE , if
are going to persue degree
from some private college.
Because in IT sector all you
need skills .like coding
We are seeking to hire a
Solutions Engineer to work
hand in hand with our sales
team. A Solutions Engineer
must have strong
interpersonal skills to
maintain relations with
clients, support them when
needed, and develop a solid
understanding of their needs
to provide highly customized
It can be tough to keep up
with the demands of your
coursework while also trying
to find time for social life and
maybe even a part-time job.
But believe it or not, you are
not alone in feeling this way.
Academic pressure is one of
the most common problems
faced by engineering students.
For instance,
you can overcome exam
Lack of job experience anxiety with a good night's
sleep, taking deep breaths,
3 and other techniques.
However, some causes of
stress in engineering life are a
tad challenging.
You cannot overlook extra-
curricular activities and
maintain the attendance levels
at your college.
Stay balanced. Be sure you are
taking time to get enough
sleep, to eat well and exercise,
to maintain friendships, and to
engage in other activities that
recharge your batteries. Take
time to relax. Spend some
time each day on activities
that can help reduce your
By providing an excess of
details, it can sometimes
become unclear which details
are important and which are
not. your communication
skills or feel that there is a
lack of strong communication
in your personal relationships,
consider talking with the
other person about your
concerns and commit to
finding new techniques that
can make you both better
4 communicators and
listeners.This can be a
particular issue when
communicating with a more
general audience, who might
get lost in an abundance of
The following
communication rules can
improve problem solving:
1. State your problem and
interests. ...
2. Listen to the other parties
and know their interests.
3. Offer an apology when
4. Stay in the present and
the future. ...
5. Stick to the present topic.
6. Look for areas of area..
Debate and discussion for
several years. Critics argue
that the traditional
engineering curriculum
outdated curriculum and new
in India places excessive
technology emphasis on theoretical
knowledge while often
5 neglecting practical skills
and real-world

Defining goals and

understanding your audience
tend to be intertwined. As you
develop your goals and
desired outcomes for the
curriculum, think critically
about who you are making it

It may be helpful to create a

persona of your average
student, noting their key
demographics, learning goals,
and learning styles

RESULT: I have list out any evaluated various career path and choose in
job finding after engineering

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