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Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Introduction to Image Processing

Program Studi S-2 Inovasi Regional

Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Universitas Padjadjaran
Semester Ganjil 2022-2023
Citra Digital Ada Dimana-mana

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Cameras Everywhere [1]

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

e-KTP (Citizen ID) and Passport

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Searching keyword “ktp” using Google

Q200-2040 Image Analytics


Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Face Database

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Q200-2040 Image Analytics
Q200-2040 Image Analytics
Q200-2040 Image Analytics
DWI Database

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Biomaging Database

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Beberapa Penggunaan PCD

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Contoh Lain

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Contoh Lain
improve quality, remove noise etc
•Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002)

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Contoh Lain

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Contoh Lain

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Contoh Lain

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Surveilance of Active Volcano

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Industrial Inspection

• Human operators are

•Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002)

expensive, slow and

• Make machines do the
job instead
• Industrial vision systems
are used in all kinds of
• Can we trust them?

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Law Enforcement

• Image processing
techniques are used
extensively by law
– Number plate
recognition for speed
cameras/automated toll
– Fingerprint recognition
– Enhancement of CCTV
Q200-2040 Image Analytics
• Try to make human computer interfaces
more natural
– Face recognition
– Gesture recognition
• Does anyone remember the
user interface from “Minority Report”?
• These tasks can be extremely difficult

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Contoh Lain

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Contoh Lain

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Contoh Lain

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Contoh Lain

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Database Lontar AMADI-AMIRA

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Pusat Dokumentasi Sunda

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Trend Masa Depan
• Mobile Image Processing
• Augmented Reality
• Analisis Semantik Citra Dijital/Sistem Cerdas untuk
Penginterpretasian Informasi Pada Citra Dijital
Sistem Visi Komputer Untuk Komputasi

Q200-2040 Image Analytics


Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Rentang Waktu Perkembangan Citra Dijital
• Early 1920s: One of the first applications of digital
imaging was in the news-paper industry
• Mid to late 1920s: Improvements to the Bartlane system
resulted in higher quality images
• 1960s: Improvements in computing technology and the
onset of the space race led to a surge of work in digital
image processing
• 1970s: Digital image processing begins to be used in
medical applications
• 1980s - Today: The use of digital image processing
techniques has exploded and they are now used for all
kinds of tasks in all kinds of areas
– Image enhancement/restoration, Artistic effects, Medical
visualisation,Industrial inspection, Law enforcement, Human
computer interfaces, intelligent vision

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

“Potensi Teknologi Citra Digital itu Luar Biasa”

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Kategorisasi Pengolahan Citra

IE •Image Acquisition

IR •Image Processing

IA •Image Analysis

IU •Image Understanding

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Kategorisasi Pengolahan Citra

IE •Image Acquisition

IR •Image Processing

IA •Image Analysis

IU •Image Understanding

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Image Acquisition
• Image capture
• Convert from real world into digital form
• Contact and contactless method
• Device
– Scanner
– Camera
– 3D

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Kategorisasi Pengolahan Citra

IE •Image Acquisition

IR •Image Processing

IA •Image Analysis

IU •Image Understanding

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Image Processing
• Perform some operations on digital image, in
order to get an enhanced image
• Examples:
– Image enhancement
– Noise removal
– Restoration
– Compression

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Image Processing
• Image Enhancement
– Grayscaling
– Binarizing
– Resizing
– Cropping
– Inserting
– Color correction
– Background removal
– Etc.

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Gray Scale and Binarization

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Color Correction

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Invert and Resize

Q200-2040 Image Analytics



Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Langkah Umum Pengolahan Citra

IE •Image Enhancement

IR •Image Restoration

IA •Image Analysis

IU •Image Understanding

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Image Analysis
• Image analysis is the extraction of meaningful
information from images;
• Image Analysis Core tasks:

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Image Analysis : Detection
• Image or Object Detection is a computer
technology that processes the image and detects
objects in it.
• People often confuse Image Detection with Image
Classification. Although the difference is rather
clear. If you need to classify image items, you use
Classification/Identification .
• But if you just need to locate them, for example,
find out the number of objects in the picture, you
should use Image Detection.

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Image Analysis : Identification
• It is a process of labeling objects in the image –
sorting them by certain classes.
• For example, ask Google to find pictures of cats
and the network will fetch you hundreds of photos,
illustrations and even drawings with dogs.
• It is a more advanced version of Image Detection –
now the neural network has to process different
images with different objects, detect them and
classify by the type of the item on the picture.

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Image Analysis : Recognition
• Image recognition is the ability of AI to detect the
object, classify, and recognize it. The last step is
close to the human level of image processing.
• The best example of image recognition solutions is
the face recognition – say, to unblock your
smartphone you have to let it scan your face.
• So first of all, the system has to detect the face,
then classify it as a human face and only then
decide if it belongs to the owner of the
smartphone. As you can see, it is a rather
complicated process.

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

• Detection:
– Apakah ada objek di dalam gambar
• Identification
– Termasuk kelas apa objek yang ada di gambar
• Recogntion
– Siapa orang yang di dalam gambar?

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Q200-2040 Image Analytics


Street lamp

person seller

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Q200-2040 Image Analytics
Implementasi Pengolahan Citra

IE •Image Enhancement

IR •Image Restoration

IA •Image Analysis

IU •Image Understanding

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Image Understanding
• Image Understanding (IU) deals with the analysis
and interpretation of visual information
• Make computers understand images and videos.
• Emulate the human visual system and interpret our
3D world from 2D images or video
• Examples:
– Object recognition
– Motion tracking
– 3D shape from multiple 2D images

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Current Project Related to
Image Processing
– Kerjasama Indonesia-Perancis-Kamboja
• Facial Expression Analysis
– Kerjasama dengan Psikologi
• Sport Motion Analysis
– Kerjasama dengan Orkes UPI
• Live Stock Weight Prediction
– Kerjasama dengan Fakultas Peternakan
• Bionic Eye
– Kerjasama dengan Kedokteran

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

Tugas 1 Image Analytics
• Carilah sebuah gambar yang sesuai dengan
karakteristik pekerjaan bapak/ibu
• Analisis secara manual gambar tersebut
– Sebutkan proses detection yang terkait
– Sebutkan proses identification/classification yang
– Sebutkan proses recognition yang terkait
• Dikumpulkan di LIVE, batas 15 Maret 2023 Pukul
23:59. Jika belum ada LIVE bisa ke WA, tetapi
waktu pengiriman harus sesuai.

Q200-2040 Image Analytics

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