Book 1

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MO AsantewaaRichmond Pamella Moftaw Sandra Matthew

Mock 2
Mock 3
Mock 4
Mock 5
Mock 6
Mock 7

Items Qty Pr. Qty Unit Price Total
book 299 99 GHC 15.00 1,784.00
pensil 455 344 GHC 10.00 3,895.00
eraser 53 45 GHC 5.00 278
sharpener 634 594 GHC 10.00 6,574.00
pen 423 322 GHC 20.00 1,430.00
ruler 231 109 GHC 11.00 20,824.00


Name of Employees Basic Salary Rent Allowance (38% of basic) Medical Allowance (25%) of Rent
0.38 0.25
a 10000 3800 950
b 11000 4180 1045
c 12000 4560 1140
d 13000 4940 1235
e 14000 5320 1330
f 15000 5700 1425
g 16000 6080 1520
h 17000 6460 1615
i 18000 6840 1710
j 19000 7220 1805
k 20000 7600 1900
l 21000 7980 1995
m 22000 8360 2090
n 23000 8740 2185
o 24000 9120 2280
p 25000 9500 2375
q 26000 9880 2470
r 27000 10260 2565

Subject Test 1 (30) Work (20)
/30 /20
Career Technology 26.30 17.40
Composition 26.33 15.67
Comprehension 25.00 18.33
Creative Arts 28.67 19.00
English Language 26.75 16.73
French 19.00 13.54
GA 20.30 12.87
Grammar 28.33 16.67
History 17.00 18.33
I.C.T 22.30 17.80
Mathematics 23.19 18.00
Our World our people 26.00 16.33
Religious And Moral Education 24.63 18.08
Science 25.88 18.71
Social Studies 27.50 19.60
Joy Prosper Rahman Tatal

Medical Allowance (25%) of Rent Calculate Gross Incom15% Tax on Gross GRA
0.25 0.15
950 14750 2212.5
1045 16225 2433.75
1140 17700 2655
1235 19175 2876.25
1330 20650 3097.5
1425 22125 3318.75
1520 23600 3540
1615 25075 3761.25
1710 26550 3982.5
1805 28025 4203.75
1900 29500 4425
1995 30975 4646.25
2090 32450 4867.5
2185 33925 5088.75
2280 35400 5310
2375 36875 5531.25
2470 38350 5752.5
2565 39825 5973.75

Term- Over All

Project Class 30% of end 70% of Total =
Work(20 Test 2 Score Class Exam(10 Term End 30% +
) (30) (100) Score 0) Exam 70%
/20 /30 /100 30% /100 70% 100%
18.00 25.20 86.90 26.07 71.60 50.12 76.19
16.67 26.67 85.34 25.60 67.88 47.516 73.12
17.00 24.67 85.00 25.50 76.25 53.375 78.88
17.67 22.67 88.01 26.403 78.98 55.286 81.689
15.47 25.70 84.65 25.395 66.00 46.2 71.595
15.00 20.79 68.33 20.499 69.70 48.79 69.289
12.53 23.90 69.60 20.88 32.92 23.044 43.924
17.67 26.33 89.00 26.7 81.68 57.176 83.876
14.44 29.33 79.10 23.73 66.67 46.669 70.399
19.47 24.90 84.47 25.341 80.08 56.056 81.397
18.04 26.50 85.73 25.719 78.37 54.859 80.578
20.00 26.33 88.66 26.598 86.67 60.669 87.267
19.10 23.00 84.81 25.443 83.21 58.247 83.69
18.33 27.88 90.80 27.24 82.74 57.918 85.158
19.40 23.80 90.30 27.09 87.40 61.18 88.27
MO AsantewaaRichmond Pamella Moftaw Sandra Matthew Joy Prosper Rahman Tatal

Mock 2
Mock 3
Mock 4
Mock 5
Mock 6
Mock 7

Items Qty Pr. Qty
book 299 99 GHC 15.00 1,784.00
pensil 455 344 GHC 10.00 1,784.00
eraser 53 45 GHC 5.00 1,784.00
sharpener 634 594 GHC 10.00 1,784.00
pen 423 322 GHC 20.00 1,784.00
ruler 231 109 GHC 11.00 1,784.00


Name of Employees Basic Salary Rent Allowance (38% of basic) Medical Allowance (25%) of Rent Calculate Gross Income 15% Tax on Gross GRA
0.38 0.25 0.15
r 10000 3800 950 14750 2212.5
q 11000 4180 1045 16225 2433.75
p 12000 4560 1140 17700 2655
o 13000 4940 1235 19175 2876.25
n 14000 5320 1330 20650 3097.5
m 15000 5700 1425 22125 3318.75
l 16000 6080 1520 23600 3540
k 17000 6460 1615 25075 3761.25
j 18000 6840 1710 26550 3982.5
i 19000 7220 1805 28025 4203.75
h 20000 7600 1900 29500 4425
g 21000 7980 1995 30975 4646.25
f 22000 8360 2090 32450 4867.5
e 23000 8740 2185 33925 5088.75
d 24000 9120 2280 35400 5310
c 25000 9500 2375 36875 5531.25
b 26000 9880 2470 38350 5752.5
a 27000 10260 2565 39825 5973.75

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column9 Column10

Over All
Class 30% of 70% of Total =
Group Project Score Class Term-end Term End 30% +
Subject Test 1 (30) Work (20) Work(20) Test 2 (30) (100) Score Exam(100) Exam 70%
/30 /20 /20 /30 /100 30% /100 70% 100%
Career Technology 26.30 17.40 18.00 25.20 86.90 26.07 71.60 50.12 76.19
Composition 26.33 15.67 16.67 26.67 85.34 25.60 67.88 47.516 73.12
Comprehension 25.00 18.33 17.00 24.67 85.00 25.50 76.25 53.375 78.88
Creative Arts 28.67 19.00 17.67 22.67 88.01 26.403 78.98 55.286 81.689
English Language 26.75 16.73 15.47 25.70 84.65 25.395 66.00 46.2 71.595
French 19.00 13.54 15.00 20.79 68.33 20.499 69.70 48.79 69.289
GA 20.30 12.87 12.53 23.90 69.60 20.88 32.92 23.044 43.924
Grammar 28.33 16.67 17.67 26.33 89.00 26.7 81.68 57.176 83.876
History 17.00 18.33 14.44 29.33 79.10 23.73 66.67 46.669 70.399
I.C.T 22.30 17.80 19.47 24.90 84.47 25.341 80.08 56.056 81.397
Mathematics 23.19 18.00 18.04 26.50 85.73 25.719 78.37 54.859 80.578
Our World our people 26.00 16.33 20.00 26.33 88.66 26.598 86.67 60.669 87.267
Religious And Moral Education 24.63 18.08 19.10 23.00 84.81 25.443 83.21 58.247 83.69
Science 25.88 18.71 18.33 27.88 90.80 27.24 82.74 57.918 85.158
Social Studies 27.50 19.60 19.40 23.80 90.30 27.09 87.40 61.18 88.27


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