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Dr. Kenneth Boa

August 15, 2023

Dear Friends in Christ,

As I reflect on my fifty years of ministry, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for the role you have
played in making this milestone possible. My deep desire is to invest my remaining time with
eternal significance. For this reason, I pray that you would consider joining me in this work
by taking part in our annual Matching Grant Campaign 2023. Thanks to the help of some
generous friends of Reflections Ministries, the impact of your gift will be doubled. These donors
will match every dollar donated from September 1 – October 15, 2023 up to $275,000.

I am thus inviting you to partner with us in prayer and support as we seek to reach others
with the gospel of hope and show them what it means to be conformed to His image. Thanks
to your partnership over the past year, the work of Reflections Ministries has been enhanced and
expanded in the following ways:

• A new weekly podcast with my associate, Stuart McAllister, titled Explorers. Inspired by T.S.
Eliot’s apt phrase “old men ought to be explorers,” the podcast has already gained significant
traction and is proving to be a vital new means of reaching a younger generation of Christians
who desire to love, learn, and live well. You can check it out at Reflections Ministries on

• The expansion of the Reflections Ministries team, which includes younger voices like Cameron
McAllister, Jennie Brown, and Xandra Carroll who help me to bring the message of loving,
learning, and living well to younger audiences.

• Speaking engagements that have taken me everywhere from MIT to the historic church of St.
Philips in Charleston, South Carolina.

• I’ve also had the tremendous privilege of releasing three new books this year: Recalibrate Your
Life, Leverage, and The Angel and the Voyager. We plan to make each of these publications a
continuing priority in 2024 and to build events and material around them.

• It’s been deeply gratifying to see a new diversity in our audience. From Singapore to Ireland
to South Africa, many have reached out to let us know how helpful our website and resources
have been, not just in their own lives, but in their workplaces and spheres of influence.

None of this would be possible without the vital role you play on this team! Thank you for
your prayerful consideration of a matching gift to our campaign using the form provided. Kindly
make your gift no later than October 15th for it to be counted toward the 2023 Campaign. You
can make your donation online at

Ken Boa

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