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Cover Page

Company Certificate (Learning documentation)

College certificate

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed to the successful
development of the E-Commerce Mobile System project. Without their support, expertise, and
dedication, this project would not have been possible.

First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt thanks to our esteemed faculty members and mentors
who provided invaluable guidance and insights throughout the project. Your encouragement and
willingness to share your knowledge have been instrumental in shaping this endeavor.

I also wish to acknowledge the contributions of my fellow team members, [List Team Member
Names], who worked tirelessly to bring this project to fruition. Your commitment, collaboration,
and technical expertise have been crucial to the project's success.

I am deeply appreciative of the feedback and support received from our user community, who
helped us refine the system and make it more user-friendly.
Special thanks to our friends and family for their unwavering encouragement and understanding
during the project's demanding phases.

Lastly, we acknowledge the broader academic and professional community for the wealth of
resources, research, and tools that have enriched our project.

This project stands as a testament to the collective effort and commitment of all those involved.
Thank you for your support and contributions.

[Your Name] [Date]


Organization Profile
Project profile
Project Title: Mobile E-Commerce System

Project Description: The Mobile E-Commerce System aims to provide a seamless shopping
experience for users on their mobile devices. It facilitates the buying and selling of products or
services, and it includes features to manage user accounts, product listings, payments, and order
processing. The system will be accessible through a mobile application compatible with popular
mobile operating systems (e.g., iOS and Android).

Key Features:

1. User Registration and Authentication:

 Users can create accounts and log in securely.

 Authentication methods such as email/password, social media login, or biometrics

(e.g., fingerprint or face recognition) are supported.

2. Product Listings:

 Sellers can create listings for their products or services.

 Listings should include product images, descriptions, prices, and other relevant

3. Search and Filters:

 Users can search for products using keywords and apply filters (e.g., category, price
range) to refine their search results.

4. Shopping Cart:

 Users can add products to their shopping carts.

 They can view and edit the items in their carts before proceeding to checkout.

5. Checkout and Payments:

 Secure payment processing with multiple payment options (credit/debit cards,

digital wallets, etc.).

 Users can enter shipping information and review their orders before making a

6. Order Management:

 Users can track the status of their orders (e.g., processing, shipped, delivered).

 Sellers can manage and update order status.

7. User Reviews and Ratings:

 Users can leave reviews and ratings for products they have purchased.

 This helps build trust and guide other users in their purchasing decisions.

8. Notifications:
 Users receive notifications about order updates, promotions, and other relevant

9. User Profiles:

 Users can edit their profiles, update personal information, and view order history.
10. Security and Privacy:

 Implement robust security measures to protect user data and transactions.

 Ensure compliance with data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA).

11. Admin Panel (optional):

 An administrative interface for managing users, products, and resolving disputes.

 Monitor and analyze sales data and user activity.

12. Responsive Design:

 Ensure the mobile application is user-friendly on various screen sizes and


Technology Stack:

 Mobile App Development: Choose a suitable framework or technology for mobile app
development (e.g., React Native, Flutter, native development).

 Backend Development: Use a server-side language and framework (e.g., Node.js, Ruby on
Rails, Django).

 Database: Employ a relational or NoSQL database to store user data, product information,
and orders (e.g., PostgreSQL, MongoDB).

 Payment Gateway Integration: Integrate with a secure payment gateway like Stripe,
PayPal, or others.

 Cloud Hosting: Deploy the system on a cloud platform for scalability and reliability (e.g.,
AWS, Azure, Google Cloud).

 Security: Implement HTTPS, encryption, and best practices for securing user data.

Development Phases:

1. Planning: Define project requirements, scope, and timeline.

2. Design: Create wireframes, database schema, and user interface designs.

3. Development: Build the mobile app, backend, and database.

4. Testing: Perform thorough testing, including functional, usability, and security testing.

5. Deployment: Deploy the application to a production environment.

6. Maintenance: Ongoing monitoring, bug fixes, and feature updates.

Legal Considerations:

 Ensure compliance with local and international e-commerce and data protection

 Draft and display terms and conditions, privacy policy, and refund policies.

Monetization Strategies:

 Consider revenue streams such as transaction fees, subscription plans, or advertisements.

Conclusion: A mobile e-commerce system project involves developing a user-friendly and secure
platform for buying and selling products or services via mobile devices. Successful execution of this
project requires careful planning, robust technology choices, and a commitment to user
satisfaction and data security.
Existing System

Proposed System

Development Tools and Technology

1. Mobile App Development Frameworks:

 React Native: A popular cross-platform framework for building mobile apps using
JavaScript and React. It allows you to develop for both iOS and Android simultaneously,
saving time and resources.

 Flutter: Google's UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and
desktop from a single codebase. It offers a rich set of pre-designed widgets and is known
for its fast performance.

 Native Development: For a native experience, you can use Android Studio with Java or
Kotlin for Android app development and Xcode with Swift or Objective-C for iOS app

2. Backend Development:

 Node.js: A runtime environment for building scalable and efficient server-side applications.
It's often used with frameworks like Express.js for building APIs.

 Ruby on Rails: A web application framework that's known for its simplicity and speed of

 Django: A high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean,
pragmatic design.

3. Database Management:

 Relational Databases: Options like PostgreSQL, MySQL, or Microsoft SQL Server are
suitable for managing structured data, user accounts, and transaction records.

 NoSQL Databases: MongoDB, Cassandra, or Firebase Realtime Database can be used for
managing unstructured or semi-structured data, such as product descriptions and user-
generated content.

4. Cloud Services:

 AWS (Amazon Web Services), Azure, or Google Cloud: These platforms offer scalable cloud
infrastructure, hosting services, and serverless computing options.

5. Version Control:

 Git: Essential for tracking changes in your codebase and collaborating with other

6. IDEs (Integrated Development Environments):

 Visual Studio Code: A versatile and widely used code editor that supports multiple
programming languages and has numerous extensions.

 Android Studio: If you're developing for Android, this is the official IDE, specifically
designed for Android app development.

 Xcode: The official IDE for iOS app development, providing a complete set of tools for
building, testing, and debugging iOS apps.

7. Frontend Technologies:

 HTML/CSS: For designing the user interface and web views.

 JavaScript/TypeScript: For frontend logic and interactivity. Frameworks like React,
Angular, or Vue.js can be helpful.

8. API Integration:

 RESTful APIs: Commonly used for connecting to payment gateways, external services, and
retrieving data.

9. Payment Gateway Integration:

 Stripe, PayPal, or Square: These popular payment gateways offer SDKs and APIs for
integrating secure payment processing into your app.

10. Authentication and Security:

 OAuth: For secure user authentication and authorization.

 JWT (JSON Web Tokens): Useful for securing data transmission and user authentication.

 HTTPS: Ensures secure communication between the mobile app and server.

11. Testing and Quality Assurance:

 Automated Testing Tools: Tools like Jest, Appium, or Detox can help automate testing
across various devices and platforms.

12. Analytics and Monitoring:

 Google Analytics, Firebase Analytics, or Mixpanel: These tools help track user behavior,
gather insights, and improve user experience.

13. DevOps Tools:

 Jenkins, Travis CI, or CircleCI: For continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)
System Flow Diagram
1. User Registration and Login:

 Users can register for an account or log in using their credentials.

 The system verifies user information and grants access upon successful

2. Product Browsing:

 Registered users can browse product listings.

 The system retrieves and displays product information, including images,

descriptions, and prices.

3. Search and Filters:

 Users can search for products using keywords and apply filters (e.g., category, price

 The system filters and displays relevant search results.

4. Product Details:

 Users can view detailed information about a selected product.

 The system displays additional product details, reviews, and seller information.

5. Adding to Cart:

 Users can add products to their shopping cart.

 The system updates the cart with selected items and quantities.

6. Shopping Cart Management:

 Users can review and edit items in their shopping cart.

 The system calculates the total order amount.

7. Checkout Process:

 Users proceed to checkout after reviewing their cart.

 The system prompts users to enter shipping details and payment information.

8. Payment Processing:

 Users provide payment information (e.g., credit card, digital wallet).

 The system securely processes the payment and sends a confirmation.

9. Order Confirmation:

 Users receive an order confirmation with order details.

 The system records the order and updates the order status.

10. Order Management (Admin):

 Admin users can manage and update order statuses.

 The system notifies users about order updates (e.g., processing, shipped).

11. User Reviews and Ratings:

 Users can leave reviews and ratings for products they have purchased.
 The system stores user-generated content and displays it on product pages.

12. User Profiles:

 Registered users can access and edit their profiles.

 The system stores user information and order history.

13. Security and Data Protection:

 The system ensures data security and protection of user information throughout
the process, including secure payment processing.

14. Notifications:

 The system sends notifications to users about order updates, promotions, and
other relevant information.

15. Feedback Loop:

 User feedback and data collected from the system can inform improvements and
UML Diagram/ Data Flow Diagram
UML Use Case Diagram:

A UML Use Case diagram represents the interactions between users (actors) and the system in
terms of specific actions or use cases. Here's a simplified version for an e-commerce mobile system:


In this diagram:

 User can perform actions like "Browse Products," "Search Products," "Add to Cart,"
"Checkout," and "Leave Product Review."

 Admin can "Manage Orders" and "Manage Products."

 Use cases describe specific functionalities or actions within the system.

Data Flow Diagram (DFD):

A DFD provides a high-level view of how data flows within a system. Here's a simplified context-
level DFD for an e-commerce mobile system:


In this diagram:

 External Entities represent entities outside the system, such as users and administrators.

 The E-Commerce Mobile System is the main focus.

 Processes represent activities or functions within the system. In this case, we have "Order
Processing," "Product Management," and "User Management."

 Data Stores are where data is stored, such as user profiles, product information, and order

 Data Flows indicate how data moves between external entities, processes, and data stores.
Entity Relationship Diagram:

In this simplified ERD:

1. User:

 Represents registered users of the system.

 Attributes: User_ID (Primary Key), First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, Phone,
Address, User_Type (e.g., Customer, Admin).

2. Product:

 Represents products available for purchase in the e-commerce system.

 Attributes: Product_ID (Primary Key), Product Name, Description, Price, Stock

Quantity, Category_ID (Foreign Key).

3. Category:

 Represents product categories or types.

 Attributes: Category_ID (Primary Key), Category Name.

4. Cart:

 Represents a shopping cart associated with a user.

 Attributes: Cart_ID (Primary Key), User_ID (Foreign Key), Status (e.g., Open,

5. CartItem:

 Represents individual items added to a user's shopping cart.

 Attributes: CartItem_ID (Primary Key), Cart_ID (Foreign Key), Product_ID (Foreign

Key), Quantity.

6. Order:

 Represents a customer's order.

 Attributes: Order_ID (Primary Key), User_ID (Foreign Key), Order Date, Total
Amount, Status (e.g., Processing, Shipped).

7. OrderItem:

 Represents individual items within an order.

 Attributes: OrderItem_ID (Primary Key), Order_ID (Foreign Key), Product_ID

(Foreign Key), Quantity, Unit Price.

8. Review:

 Represents product reviews and ratings submitted by users.

 Attributes: Review_ID (Primary Key), Product_ID (Foreign Key), User_ID (Foreign
Key), Rating, Review Text, Date.
Data Dictionary / Table Design
1. User Table:

 Description: Stores user account information.

Field Name Data Type Description

User_ID INT (PK) User ID (Primary Key)

First_Name VARCHAR(50) First Name

Last_Name VARCHAR(50) Last Name

Email VARCHAR(100) Email address

Password VARCHAR(100) Encrypted password

Phone VARCHAR(20) Phone number

Address TEXT User's address

User_Type VARCHAR(20) User type (e.g., Customer, Admin)

2. Product Table:

 Description: Stores information about products available for purchase.

Field Name Data Type Description

Product_ID INT (PK) Product ID (Primary Key)

Product_Name VARCHAR(100) Product name

Description TEXT Product description

Price DECIMAL(10, 2) Price of the product

Stock_Quantity INT Available stock quantity

Category_ID INT (FK) Category ID (Foreign Key)

3. Category Table:

 Description: Stores product categories or types.

Field Name Data Type Description

Category_ID INT (PK) Category ID (Primary Key)

Category_Name VARCHAR(50) Category name

4. Cart Table:

 Description: Stores shopping cart information.

Field Name Data Type Description

Cart_ID INT (PK) Cart ID (Primary Key)

User_ID INT (FK) User ID (Foreign Key)

Status VARCHAR(20) Cart status (e.g., Open, Closed)

5. CartItem Table:

 Description: Stores individual items in a user's shopping cart.

Field Name Data Type Description

CartItem_ID INT (PK) Cart Item ID (Primary Key)

Cart_ID INT (FK) Cart ID (Foreign Key)

Product_ID INT (FK) Product ID (Foreign Key)

Quantity INT Quantity of the product in the cart

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