Zuhura Hamisi

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Impact Evaluation 2023

Tool 8_InAble Alumnus – KII

Sample for the KII

In each school, we shall have 6 InAble Alumni responding to this tool.

This KII is intended to generate data from InAble alumni

Date of interview 9/8/2023

County Nakuru
Name of the school Thika School for the Blind
Category of discussants (eg FGD) Alumni
Type of interview (eg FGD) KII
Gender of informants (eg male, Male
Language of interview English and Swahili
Mode of recording (eg recorder, Recorder
Time interview started 12.40 p.m.
Time interview ended 13.45 p.m.
Name of moderator Marciana Isiche
Name of note taker Marciana Isiche

Hello. I am Marciana Isiche from FoVET in partnership with In-Able seeking your consent to interview you as a respondent in this
evaluation. Your participation in this evaluation survey is entirely voluntary. Whether or not you decide to participate it does not
affect your relationship with the In-Able organization.
You were selected because you belong to this institution and are a key education stakeholder on matters of learning for people abled
differently. The interview will take approximately 1 hour.
The information you provide for this study will be treated confidentially and your identity will remain anonymous in the report. The
information you will share with us could be destroyed after it has been analyzed or it can be stored safely or used for future research.
We will be taking notes and recording the conversation as we proceed; thus, you have a right to participate or not. All information you
provide will be kept anonymous, that is, your name or other identification will not be reported along with your answers to the
questions. You can also stop the interview at any time or skip any of the questions that you do not want to answer.

Feel free to contact James (0728513129) to seek further clarification and information.

Before we begin, I will give you a chance to ask any questions you have. You are also free to ask questions during the course of the

Do you agree to participate in this discussion? [ ✔_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No

Do you agree to your data being stored after the evaluation? [_✔] 1 Yes [_] 2 No

If the participant declines you ask the reason for refusal and write it down


R# NAME Impairment Age Years in the Gender

1 Zuhura No impairment Was not willing 1 year Female
to say

No. Question Response Pre-analysis-

Researchers notes
Introduction Please introduce yourself and tell us I am Zuhura Hamisi from Likoni
where you come from (county), when you Mombasa county. I studied in Likoni for
joined school, and when you left? And 1 year just a computer program where we
what you are currently doing. If you are learned how to come up with a business
fine, also tell me what kind of disability plan yeah. I do not have any disability
you have (if any) and I do sell deras here in Mombasa.

1. Relevance a) Are you aware of InAble? How can a. I am aware of InABLE. I heard about
you describe inABLE? it in 2022 when we were selected among
b) Tell me about your experience using those who were to learn about how to
any of the digital devices (Hint: your create a business plan. InABLE is an
story on how you came to learn to use organization that helps people with
digital devices, when and how was disability to gain skills on Information
life before and after). Communication Technology and know
c) How did inABLE enable you to more about how to use it. The year 2022
learn? (Probe for the different was when I came to learn about InABLE.
initiatives by InAble, and how each
has addressed barriers faced by b. Life before was not easy because I
Children living with disability to didn’t even know how to use the
access learning,) computer and knowing that I was needy,
d) While at school which of the inABLE I couldn’t afford to pay for computer
activities did you appreciate the most classes. But right now, I find it easy
and why? because I can use it to write a plan for
e) After leaving school, how has my business and even use other aspects
inABLE engaged or interacted with of the computer including Microsoft
you ? (Probe for specific interactions office, word and excel.
and projects that has been involved
in, their benefits) c. I wouldn’t say InABLE helped me to
learn because I just learned about it when
and after completing high school. I was
in a school in Western called Shikoti
girls that is where I studied during my
high school years. I just interacted with
InABLE after high school.

d) The only InABLE activity I know of is

that of writing a business plan after form
four. I do not know about other activities
organized by InABLE. There might be
some activities organized that I am not
aware of.

d.) The only interaction I have had with

InABLE after completing school is that
of learning how to write a business plan.
Otherwise, I didn’t interact with InABLE
in the past when I was still in school.

2. Impact a) What effect did the inABLE a). That computer program of writing a
computer program have on your business plan has been really helpful in
computer skills? developing my computer skills. For
b) How have the skills you gained example, like right now, I can start,
helped you in life? (Probe which restart and shut down the computer. I can
skills are mostly used by the also open Microsoft word and type my
alumnus) business plan that has really improved.
c) What has been the impact of the After high school, I wasn’t even aware of
program on the community’s attitude how to operate a computer or a laptop
towards the education of Children and this is a plus from me when it comes
living with a disability? to the skills learned through InABLE.
b. I gained the business plan writing skill
d) What aspects of the inABLE and it has really helped me. After school,
computer program and other projects all I ever wanted was to start my business
do you think (i) worked well? (ii) because my parents were struggling a lot.
So, when I came to learn about the
What do you think did not work
business plan, I managed to use the
well? laptops that we were given during that
period to write it down. After that, I
e) Were there any unintended benefits
looked for capital to start that business. I
or negative consequences associated
do sell deras and one goes for 750
with the project?
currently but before the economic crisis I
used to sell them at ksh. 700. So the
knowledge I gained has really helped me
a lot. Unfortunately, we were not given
our personal laptops and we had to return
the ones that were using previously so
that others could also use.

c. The program has had a lot of impact

when it comes to the attitudes of the
community in regards to the education of
children with disability. When in Likoni
primary for that 1 year, I realized that we
also had some children with disabilities
and they are just learning like the rest of
us. So, when the community saw that
InABLE is training children with
disabilities on how to use the computer,
they changed their attitudes, because they
noticed that even children who have
disabilities can use the computer like the
rest of us. So, I think that the community
attitude has really changed.
d.) That aspect of business plan worked
well for me. However, I wouldn’t say it
worked well for everyone who was
involved because you know some of the
students, we were together with couldn’t
even afford to start their business. At first
we thought that after the training we
would be given capital to start our
business, at least that is what we were
told. However, in the end, after
completing the program, no one even
followed up to see how were doing.
Some students even gave up and felt that
the training was all for nothing because it
is not helping them as of now. They are
just in their homes and aren’t doing
anything meaningful. If I didn’t have the
capital to start my business, I would be
just like them, at home with nothing else
to do. And after school you know one
feels like they are a burden to their
parents. That was my main reason of
starting this business. To fend for myself
and it worked.
a) Do you think your parents have given a.) Yes, I would say that my parents
3. Effectiveness you enough support in regard to your tried their best to support me in
studies? (Probe for kinds and gaps in regards to my education. They
struggled and ensured that they
the support noted)
paid my school fees. They also
b) Do you think the community gives tried to buy some reading and
writing materials and they even
enough support for the education of
borrowed some books from
children living with disabilities?
(Probe for kinds and gaps in the neighbors whose children had
support noted) already completed school. That
was really a good support. In
times when they had no money,
they just told me to go to school
and they would pay later. That
happened until I completed my
education and now, I can fend for
myself. I feel that they really tried
their level best.

b. I think the community is trying to

accept children with disability. Even
other members of the community are
pushing parents to stop hiding their
children and ensure they go school. This
particularly happened when InABLE
came with this program of teaching
learners who had completed school in
other learning institutions and
incorporated them into the program. In
addition, we were learning with other
people who had disability. With this the
community was really encouraged and
felt the need to encourage parents to take
their children to school instead of hiding
c) Do you think the school gives enough
support for the education of children
Yes. I think the school is doing well so
living with disabilities? (Probe for far. Like here in Likoni, I see that those
kinds and gaps in the support noted) who are visually impaired are given
braille papers. I have also heard that they
d) Do you think InAble has done enough
to support the education of children do study computer programs but I am not
living with disabilities? (Probe for sure about that because I was just here
kinds and gaps in the support noted. for the business plan writing program.
For the time that I have been here I
Probe for what could have been done
haven’t seen any gaps. I think the school
differently) is doing enough. The only problem is
that there are no enough computers for
all the learners.
4. Challenges a. What are the challenges you have So, far, during the time that I have been
faced so far? (Probe for challenges in Likoni, I have not faced any
related to students, teachers, school, challenges relating to the students. The
and community) students support each other. Even us who
we could see helped those who were
totally blind to ensure that they were not
left behind. At school the challenge I
faced is that we were supposed to return
the laptops that we were given during the
training. At first, we thought that the
laptops had been given to us but later on
we realized that others were supposed to
use them too.

In the community there is a big challenge

especially due to the economic
challenges. Like right now, I do buy the
deras I sell at 700 and in the past, I could
even buy them for Ksh. 500. So when I
buy them at ksh. 700, I can’t even get
profit because I only sell at 750. So, I
only get a profit of ksh. 50. The reason
why I am saying that this is a challenge,
it is because the ksh. 50 that I get for
profit cannot even cater for my transport
to go and pick another stock. I am not
really a person with disability so I can’t
say challenges related to disability. But I
can say that there are still some people
here in the community who still look
down on those youth with disability. It’s
like they do not exist to them. Some
can’t even help them find their way when
they get lost. On the other hand, I can say
that a large number of people in the
community care for those with disability
and are supporting them in every way

5. Recommendation What are your suggestions on how to For parents, all I can say is that they
s sustain and improve the education of should be enlightened and be open
children living with disabilities? minded when it comes to these programs
(Probe for suggestions to parents, school, that InABLE offers. By doing so, they
community, and inAble) can find the right opportunity for their
children. In addition, parents should also
stop hiding their children who have
disability and start taking them to school
because they have ability just like regular
children and some can even surpass those
without disabilities. This is my plea to
the parents.
When it comes to the community, I
recommend that they should treat
children with disabilities just like any
other children and even find ways of
supporting them in terms of education an
even out here in the community. They
should not look down on any of them
because it was not their fault, and no one
just wants to become blind. That is all
God’s plan.

We have come to the end of our discussion, Thank you so much for your time and information.
Thank you all for your time and insights.

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