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9th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents

acerca de la utilidad de ACT en el tratamiento de la after full adoption, i. e., after the court decision and
problemática infanto-juvenil. deliberation, despite the growing scientific and clinical
recognition of the strong family need of specialized
support at this stage. As far as we know, the scientific
S9 "AND AFTER THE ADOPTION?": NEEDS literature on intervention in the post-adoption phase is
AND INTERVENTIONS AS SEEN BY FAMILIES still very insuffcient. Thus, the present study, based on
AND PROFESSIONALS a qualitative methodological approach with semi-struc-
Chair/Coordinador: Rangel Henriques, M. tured interviews with 21 professionals working in one
Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal of the main adoption services in Portugal, aimed to
analyze the view of those adoption professionals on
This Symposium focuses on post-adoption and the need to maintain the intervention with families
aims to accrue knowledge in the field, bridging after full adoption, as well as its conceptualization
the domains of clinical psychology and the child regarding the nature, functioning and intervention of
protection. The challenges to being an adoptive post-adoption services. The results highlighted the
family are multiple, and everyone involved in the maintenance of parental and child diffculties, the
process knows the risk of the family' rupture after construction of adoptive identity and the impact on
the child goes to live with the new family. The work family reorganization as the main reasons for con-
of the professionals during the pos-adoption is tinuing the intervention. The following characteristics
very complex once it acts on different levels, giving regarding post-adoption services emerged with par-
support to the family and simultaneously assessing ticularly relevance: open follow-up service, systemic
the well-being of the child, the adequacy of parents' clinical nature, specialized in adoption, networking,
practices, and the quality of ties. The Symposium multi and inter-disciplinary; intervention focused on
will include two empirical studies centered in the
identification of diffculties and support for overcoming
needs of the post-adoption life. The first study
them; identity issues; adoption communication. The
lays out the professionals’ perspective about the
emerging theories of professionals about intervention
families’ needs and their experiences with the
in the post-adoption phase, constitute, therefore, a
intervention during this period. The second one
contribution to the deepening of scientific knowledge
describes the adoption parent’s perspective about
on the subject, as well as to the development of inter-
the post-adoption, to identify parenting strengths,
vention with adoptive families in post-adoption phase,
weaknesses, and needs. These studies will provide
framed in post-adoption services.
important clues to improve post-adoption services,
which in Portugal, despite being previewed in the
law, the practices lack systematized and well-de- CS35 ADOPTIVE PARENTS’ VOICES ON
veloped programs. The third communication intro- PARENTING STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES AND
duces a new intervention approach, consisting in NEEDS – WHAT CLUES FOR A POST-ADOPTION
a Mindful Parenting Model for Portuguese adoptive SERVICE?
parents. The symposium closes by putting forward San Payo, E. (1); Narciso, I. (1); Venâncio, C. (1); Rangel-
some practices usually implemented within the first Henriques, M. (2)
months of the child arriving at the new family and (1) Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, (2) Universida-
illustrating specific intervention strategies in this de do Porto, Porto, Portugal
period, namely with a LGBT+ adoption families. A
collaborative approach between professionals and Many studies reveal that the majority of adoptive
families will also contribute to the openness of families and, more specifically, children, develop within
communication in the system and the coherence normative standards. Such adaptive results draw atten-
of the adoptee's narrative identity, related to the tion to the imperative of directing the scientific gaze to
child's well-being. the post-adoption phase and, thus, understanding the
subjective experience of the adopted child in a contex-
tualized way in the family dynamics, investigating fac-
tors and processes of the new family reality that lead to
CS34 EMERGING THEORY ON THE RELEVANCE restorative adoptions from an adverse past or, on the
OF POST-ADOPTION SERVICES – A contrary, more fragile and, therefore, less capable of
QUALITATIVE STUDY WITH PROFESSIONALS OF promoting resilience trajectories. Recently, it has been
A PORTUGUESE ADOPTION SERVICE demonstrated that the way in which the relationships
and challenges related to adoption are experienced
Narciso, I. (1); Venâncio, C. (1); San Payo, E. (1); Rangel- in the post-adoption period is extremely relevant for
Henriques, M. (2)
adjustment, and may even be a better predictor than
(1) Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, (2) Universida- the relational and biological inheritance of the child or
de do Porto, Porto, Portugal its condition of adoptability per se. Thus, the present
The development of adoptive families includes study, based on a qualitative methodological approach
a wide range of tasks and challenges, expected or with semi-structured interviews with 24 adoptive par-
unexpected, both for the parents and the adopted ents, had as main objectives to analyze the parents'
children, throughout two phases: pre-adoption and experience in relation to family functioning, parenting
post-adoption. Adoption services tend to consider that difficulties and overcoming difficulties, as well as their
their intervention with adoptive families is complete beliefs about differences and similarities between


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