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Katarina 1

Springfield School

The Spoiled Brat of Catopia Valley

Keshia Katarina

AS Level English

Mr Spencer McGill

Katarina 2


Mr Spencer McGill

AS Level English


There once lived a black female cat by the name of Duchess in the splendour of Catopia

Valley, a charming town encircled by rolling meadows and whispering willows. She lived in an

opulent mansion with velvet couches and crystal chandeliers. Dulled beyond belief, the Duchess

lounged on plush pillows, ate the most delectable foods, and flaunted her ostentatious clothing

during the day—a life of luxury and excess.

However, Duchess, despite her luxurious existence, lacked the awareness to match her

privileged lifestyle. Her sassy, bratty and simple attitude often irritated the other creatures in
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Catopia Valley, for her sheltered life left her completely ignorant of the world beyond her


A sly and nimble cat by the name of Midnight lived on the edge of the town, hidden in

the shadows of the forest. Good-looking and charming, he was quite the talk of the town, even if

he lives on the edge of the town. Ever hungry and streetwise, Midnight had discovered the

spoiled cat and was often annoyed by the way she acted. Hungry and annoyed, Midnight came

up with a bold plan to entice the pampered black cat into the heart of the forest.

One calm night, Midnight stood outside to the mansion where Duchess lives and

pretended to be impressed of her unexplainable beauty.

"Oh, Duchess, you possess an unrivalled grace and elegance. I've always appreciated

your elegance and charm," Midnight said, hiding his true feelings and evil schemes beneath his

kind remarks. Like a fool, Duchess fell in love at first sight. His charm and looks made everyone

else on the universe disappear to her, even in their first meeting.

Captivated by the flattery and unaware of Midnight's hidden agenda, Duchess agreed to

go on an adventure with him into the forest, her thoughts racing with dreams of the admiration of

Midnight, not knowing that Midnight’s plan all along was to devour her..

Midnight changed as they travelled farther into the unknown.

With his gaze fixated on Duchess, Midnight snarled, "You foolish creature. Your

delicious meat will satisfy my appetite. I've been anticipating this day, waiting for this day to

come and stop all the annoyance you brought to everyone; the disturbance that everyone has to
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face every single day of their life. From day to night, days to months to years, how the cruel

world thinks about you. Yet, your actions were even more cruel. Have you ever realised that?"

Duchess ran away, startled and afraid of what had happened to her; her once-

indulged paws quivering on the strange surface. The sticky, brown mud was all over her

cared little paws. Midnight followed closely behind, his slender frame slicing through the

thicket. The resinous, damp, musty scent surrounding them continued as they both trailed

deeper into the forest, not knowing what is behead of them.

The pampered black cat, lost and confused, ended up in a foreign land far from her

estate's comfort and luxuries. She was being chased, and as she ran, panic took hold of her

and her stomach rumbled with hunger. Hours had passed and she hadn’t eaten anything to

fulfil her energy needs. Her pace slowly reduced.

At the end of the path, the road branches into two, a rocky road and a smooth road. Not

thinking twice with what she saw, Duchess ran towards the rocky road, letting her smooth paws

suffocated and ruin with every step she took. On the other hand, Midnight lost her and ended up

taking the smooth road. Not realising what happened, Duchess continued to run without looking


As she slowly lost her energy, she decided to stop running and look back. Midnight was

no longer behind her. Relieved, she walks down the trail, not knowing what was in front of her;

she didn’t know what to do nor think, everything was too unknown for her, she wasn’t even sure

whether she could go back home or not.

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Days went by, and Duchess's once-glamourous fur started to look messy and dishealved.

Her sarcastic manner faded, giving way to an overwhelming sensation of fear and desperation.

The normally tranquil and beautiful forest had become a maze of terror and uncertainty for the

confused cat.

Duchess was alone and weak from hunger, the once-spoiled black cat's fate seemed

sealed. Duchess's body was weak and her vitality depleted as she fell into the woodland floor,

gasping for air. Her body could no longer hold onto the starvation.

As time ticked by she sat on the trail, hopeless for her future. Her strength was no longer

there; the once bright eyes now faded, accepting her fate. Her time was ending soon.

Her mind took her back to the bittersweet moments of her life. Her cozy house, her

extraordinary life, her family. Everything. A life of luxury and ignorance came to an end as her

final hours passed, and she took her last breath before the darkness consumed her.

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