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Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2022) 15:1028


3D Reservoir Modeling of the Farewell Formation and its Implications

on the Maui Gas Field Development, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
Kamalia Norjannah Kamalrulzaman1 · Md Aminul Islam1 · Surya Tejasvi Thota1 · Mohamed Ragab Shalaby1

Received: 9 March 2022 / Accepted: 29 April 2022

© Saudi Society for Geosciences 2022

This study aims to characterize the Farewell Formation by producing reservoir models based on the 3D seismic data, avail-
able well logs, and completion reports. Seven wells were penetrating the studied formation, but a complete well log dataset
was only available for three wells: MB-R(1), MB-V(3), and MB-P(8). The volume-based structural modeling was done using
Structural Framework (SF) and Corner Point Gridding (CPG). Sequential Indicator Simulation (SIS) and Object-Based
Modeling (OBM) algorithms were used to model lithofacies and depositional facies, respectively, for a better definition of
fluvial channels. GR responses and core descriptions were used for constructing facies models. The whole formation was
divided proportionally into 100 layers (K property layer), with each layer having approximately 2-m thickness. The field has
got NE-SW trending paleo-shoreline, and the whole formation experienced an overall transgressive depositional system,
with local regressions, marked by upward increasing marine influence. Petrophysical modeling was done using Sequential
Gaussian Simulation (SGS) algorithm. Structural, facies, and petrophysical models show that the potential areas are located
towards the southern and central parts of the field and better defined respectively within K property layers 38–71 and lay-
ers 37–100 of the formation. The distribution of effective porosity, permeability, and net-to-gross values range as high as
15–21%, 10–1000 mD, and 80–100% respectively, while the water saturation and volume of shale are as low as 0–20% and
0–10%, respectively. The aforementioned characteristics are often associated with shoreface (especially middle shoreface)
and fluvial channel sand deposits. This study hopes to contribute significantly to the Maui Gas Field development and also
laid the foundation for a basin-scale study of the Farewell Formation.

Keywords Maui Gas Field · Taranaki Basin · Seismic interpretation · Structural modeling · Facies modeling · Petrophysical

Introduction of New Zealand’s electricity. However, hydrocarbon deple-

tion in the field had led to a reduction in energy provided
Maui Gas Field is one of the largest hydrocarbon-producing and by 2005, with a production of 2.4 billion cubic meters
fields in the Taranaki Basin with an area of 150 square km. per year (Ministry of Economic Development Energy), and
Therefore, a lot of studies and research have been done in depletion was recorded to be about 90%, providing only 16%
this field. The major reservoirs found are Mangahewa, Kaim- of New Zealand’s electricity (Te Ara – The Encyclopedia of
iro, and the oldest Farewell Formation. In 2002, with a pro- New Zealand, 2006). This then took a good turn when the
duction of 4.6 billion cubic meters per year (Ministry of Eco- New Zealand government revised its estimated gas reserves
nomic Development Energy), Maui Gas Field provided 30% in 2014 and found that the reserves have been doubled. The
oldest gas producer, the Farewell Formation, was one of the
main contributors (Stuff New Zealand, 2014). Even though
Responsible Editor: François Roure the reserves have doubled, it is still below 30% of what they
used to produce. This forces the need for the development
* Kamalia Norjannah Kamalrulzaman of new wells.
The importance of seismic interpretation and reservoir
Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti modeling in the development of the field includes the abil-
Brunei Darussalam, Jalan Tungku Link, Gadong 1410, ity to locate further development and infill wells, undrained
Brunei Darussalam

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areas, reservoir heterogeneity, and carrying out reservoir run both onshore and offshore. The basin is divided into
characterization. Taranaki Basin has been studied inten- two components—the Western Platform and Eastern Mobile
sively by numerous researchers (Dong et al., 2018; Thota Belt. The Western Platform, separated by a large NE-SW
et al., 2021a & 2021b; Radwan et al., 2021 & 2022; Haque trending fault, the Cape Egmont Fault, could be found to the
et al., 2022; Radwan and Nabawy, 2022). Some studies done west of the Eastern Mobile Belt. The Cape Egmont Fault is
on the Maui Gas Field include the Integrated 3-D Geological accompanied by a zone of sub-parallel normal and reverse
Modeling of the Mangahewa C1 Sands Reservoir by Bry- faults. The Western Platform is also called the Western Sta-
ant et al. (1995), Structural Modeling of the Maui Gas Field ble Platform due to the lack or no tectonic activities happen-
by Haque et al. (2016a), Lateral distribution of Petrophysi- ing since the Cretaceous and experienced an overall regres-
cal properties on Clastic Mangahewa Formation by Haque sion depositional system due to regional subsiding seafloor
et al. (2016b), 3D modeling of the Mangahewa Formation (King and Thrasher, 1996). The Eastern Mobile Belt consists
by Haque et al. (2018), 3D Paleo-Environmental Facies and of multiple grabens with compressional structures including
Petrophysical Properties of Mangahewa Formation by Haque thrust and reverse faults, and inversion structures (reactiva-
(2018), and Integrated reservoir characterization and fluid tion from normal to reverse faults) (Knox, 1982). The East-
flow distribution of the Kaimiro Formation by Shalaby et al. ern Mobile Belt extends from the Cape Egmont Fault zone
(2020b). Most of the aforementioned studies focus on Man- to the N-S trending Taranaki Fault zone that uplifted a large
gahewa and Kaimiro formations, and there have been no stud- basement block at the east forming Wanganui Basin in the
ies published on the Farewell Formation in Maui Gas Field later stage. The Taranaki Fault is the largest, stretching more
regarding reservoir characterization and the implications of than 250 km with slight sinuosity and offsetting the base-
reservoir modeling on the field development. Some studies of ment by about 6 km (King and Thrasher, 1996).
the Farewell Formation in other fields include the petrophysi- The Maui Gas Field is located on the Eastern Mobile
cal and petrographical analyses of the Farewell Formation Belt (Fig. 1). The field is enclosed by two faults, the Whitiki
on basin scale by Jumat et al. (2018), Three-Dimensional Fault on the left and the Cape Egmont Fault on the right.
Petrophysical Modeling and Volumetric analysis to model the Structural inversions occurred on both faults that have led
Reservoir Potential of the Kupe Field by Qadri et al. (2019a), to the formation of structures and topography of Maui. The
1D and 3D modeling to establish the Farewell Formation as inversion structure of Maui was formed by fault-bend fold-
a self-sourced reservoir in Kupe South Field by Qadri et al. ing during the reactivation of the Whitiki Fault (King and
(2020), and sedimentological and well log analysis in the Thrasher, 1996). The major reservoirs of Maui Gas Field are
Kupe South Field by Qadri et al. (2021). Mangahewa, Kaimiro, and Farewell Formation which is the
Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the reservoir oldest known reservoir of the Kapuni Group. The reservoirs
potential of the Farewell Formation in the Maui Gas Field are capped by the regional Turi Shale (Fig. 2).
by applying several techniques and methods: (1) to utilize The Farewell Formation of the Palaeocene age formed
powerful tools such as structural, facies, and petrophysical the basement of the Kapuni Group that unconformably over-
modeling; (2) to manually interpret the lithofacies and depo- lies the marginal marine strata of the top Pakawau Group
sitional facies along the Farewell Formation interval based (Fig. 2). Up to 300 m of terrestrial to marine strata have been
on Gamma Ray (GR) responses and core descriptions; (3) penetrated by several wells including those in Maui Gas
to obtain important petrophysical parameters from Interac- Field. King and Thrasher (1996) described the strata found
tive Petrophysics (IP) and core analysis in the form of LAS within the Farewell Formation to be slightly finer-grained,
files to be imported into Petrel; and (4) to propose new well similar to the sediments found in the areas mainly controlled
locations in the Maui Gas Field. Hopefully, this study will by structures. Sand-rich coastal facies of the Farewell For-
contribute significantly to the case of Maui Gas Field devel- mation in the Maui Gas Field thicken northwards and inter-
opment and also lay the foundation for basin-scale study of finger laterally into mudstones of the Turi Formation.
the Farewell Formation.

Data and Methods

Geological Setting
A 3D seismic areal coverage over Maui Gas Field is 150
Taranaki Basin is located along the west coast of New Zea- square km. The seismic cube provided by the Ministry of
land’s North Island about 400 km west of the Pacific-Aus- Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), New Zea-
tralian plate boundary (Fig. 1). The basin is about 100,000 land, consists of 1340 inlines and 4000 crosslines. Seven
square km big with up to 9-km thick of sediment. Large wells were penetrating the Farewell Formation: Maui-
parts of this basin can be found offshore, and the onshore 1, Maui-2, Maui-3, MB-R(1), MB-W(2), MB-V(3), and
region is known as the Taranaki Peninsula. Active faults MB-P(8) wells (Fig. 1a). Checkshots and deviation surveys

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a a

Fig. 1  Regional geological and structural setting of Taranaki Basin Cape Egmont Fault and Whitiki Fault. b Seismic lines of Maui Gas
modified after Crowhurst et al. (2002) and Haque et al. (2016a). a Field and wells of Farewell Formation
The studied area, Maui Field with 2 major NE-SW trending faults,

were available for those wells. Completion reports and well for MB-W(2), and 2963–3383 m for MB-P(8). Interactive
log data were also provided that include gamma ray (GR), petrophysics (IP) developed by LR senergy was used for
spontaneous potential (SP), neutron, density, resistivity evaluating petrophysical analysis. For this study, industry-
(deep and shallow), and sonic. However, the aforementioned standard Petrel software version 2015 of Schlumberger was
complete well log dataset was only available for three wells: extensively used for seismic interpretation and model gen-
MB-R(1), MB-V(3), and MB-P(8). Core samples were avail- eration. The coordinates given in the well completion reports
able at intervals 3516–3570 m for MB-R(1), 4109–4135 m were incompatible with Petrel; therefore, coordinates’

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Regressive sequence

Foredeep and distal

sediment starved shelf
and slope sequence

Late-rift and post-rift

transgressive sequence

Syn-rift sequence

Fig. 2  Generalized stratigraphy of the Taranaki Basin and the depositional sequence, modified after Shalaby et al. (2020b) and King and
Thrasher (1996)

conversion was done online through Land Information New (RMS) amplitude map was generated to show the locations
Zealand website https://w
​ ww.g​ eodes​ y.l​ inz.g​ ovt.n​ z/c​ oncor​ d/. of accumulated hydrocarbons. Seismic interpretation was
The workflow involved in this study is shown in Fig. 3. also done to create input for velocity and reservoir modeling.
A velocity model is necessary to convert inputs such as hori-
Seismic Interpretation zon and fault interpretations from time to depth domain.
Time surface maps created from horizon interpretation and
Depth for Farewell Formation top and bottom was provided well tops were converted to depth using the velocity model.
in the well completion reports of available wells and was
used for horizon interpretation. Well data provided was in Petrophysical and Well Log Analyses
the units of depth, and the seismic cube was in the two-way-
time format. In order to pick horizons and do interpreta- The main parameters for petrophysical analysis were poros-
tions properly, seismic-well tie is needed to be done first ity and permeability obtained from cores. The petrophysical
(Islam et al., 2021). Faults were also interpreted based on analysis was log-based (Qadri et al., 2019a; Shalaby et al.,
the seismic sections and coherence-variance time slice map 2020a) and done on Farewell Formation to determine the
(Haque et al., 2016a; Islam et al., 2021). Horizon interpreta- lithologies, fluid types, porous, and permeable beds (Jumat
tion was then used to generate surface maps with different et al., 2018). Well log data from MB-R(1), MB-V(3), and
attributes: time, depth, and thickness. Root-mean-square MB-P(8) were imported into IP to assess the quantity and

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quality of the hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs (Jumat et al.,

2018). The results comprised of important parameters
(Coordinate projection system; 3D seismic cube;
well tops; well logs; checkshots; deviation surveys) including effective porosity, water saturation, volume of
shale, and net-to-gross.
Horizon Interpretation Fault Interpretation The porosity was calculated from sonic, neutron, density,
and the combination of the neutron-density log. However,
neutron porosity might be affected by the presence of gas
Surface Map Generation
in the formation (decreasing values) and the effect of shale
Generate surface attribute
(increasing values) (Schlumberger – Oilfield Glossary).
(Time; depth; thickness; RMS) Therefore, neutron-density porosity is calculated to find the
most reasonable total porosity. The total porosity (ϕT) is the
total pore spaces in the rock that also includes the intercon-
nected effective porosity (ϕe) allowing fluid flow (Schlum-
Velocity Modeling

berger – Oilfield Glossary). Both porosities were calculated

Depth conversion Depth conversion of horizon
of seismic cube and fault interpretation from the neutron-density porosity model (Qadri et al.,
2019a). The study wells were subjected to a dual water satu-
ration model during the petrophysical analysis in IP. Hydro-
Structural Framework Modeling carbon saturation can be calculated based on the water satu-
ration values produced by IP. GR, neutron, and resistivity
Fault framework Horizon logs were used as the single indicators while neutron-density
modeling modeling porosity log was used as the double indicator to calculate the
shale content. The arithmetic averages from both indicators
produced the approximate equal to the actual values (Hakimi
Corner Point Gridding et al., 2012; Qadri et al., 2019a). Net pay identifies the zones
with hydrocarbons and is very important in evaluating the
Fault from structural Fault Pillar quality of the reservoir (Worthington, 2010). Net pay is
framework modeling gridding obtained by applying the cut-offs, ϕe less than 10%, Vsh and
Sw more than 50% during petrophysical analysis in IP. Jumat
Horizon et al. (2018) and Qadri et al. (2020) applied the same cut-offs
Layering Zones creation
modeling to investigate the same formation (Farewell Formation), and
other formations in the same basin were also evaluated using
the same cut-offs (Dong et al., 2018; Shalaby et al., 2020b;
Well Log Data Thota et al., 2021a). Net-to-gross is the decimal fraction or
percentage of selected rock interval calculated by dividing
Lithofacies Depofacies the net thickness by gross thickness (Shepherd, 2009) and
can be classified into three forms: net/gross sand, net/gross
Interpretation Interpretation

reservoir, and net/gross pay (Worthington, 2003). These net/

Data Preparation gross forms were calculated for this study.

Upscalling Data Analysis Reservoir Modeling

Reservoir modeling was divided into structural, facies,

Facies Modeling and petrophysical. The velocity model was used to convert
interpreted horizons and faults of time domain into depth
Sequential Indicator Object-based domain and were used as inputs for the volume-based
Simulation modeling structural modeling. Volume-based modeling (VBM)
algorithm is one of the most efficient techniques for
Petrophysical Modeling
generating an implicit structural model (Haque et al.,
2018). Fault framework was first created with Structural
Sequential Gaussian Simulation
Framework (SF) and then inputted into Corner Point
Gridding (CPG) to produce the final structural model that
Fig. 3  Workflow for seismic interpretation and reservoir modeling. was then populated with facies and petrophysical properties.
Subprocesses sequence from left to right then right to left Manual interpretations of lithofacies and depositional

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facies were carried out based on GR responses and core of faulting recorded during the Cenozoic were (1) Late to
descriptions for facies modeling. Sequential Indicator Paleocene rifting episode, (2) Late Eocene to Miocene com-
Simulation (SIS) and Object-Based Modeling (OBM) pressional faulting episode, and (3) Plio-Pleistocene com-
algorithms were used to build lithofacies and depositional pressional faulting (Southern Maui) and extensional faulting
facies models. SIS was chosen due to its robust algorithm, (Northern Maui) episode.
producing a reasonable model of facies inferred from Figure 5 shows the coherence-variance time slice map
limited data (Pyrcz and Deutsch, 2014; Deutsch, 1998). used to identify the location of faults, and Fig. 6 shows
OBM was also used for the depositional facies model to the final structural model by CPG of the Maui Gas Field.
show geobodies stochastically (Shepherd, 2009; Haque The horizon-fault connection was done to ensure a sealed
et al., 2018) such as fluvial channels. Quality checks were model (Haque et al., 2018). The field can be divided into
done and the number of layers was decided based on the two sections, Northern and Southern Maui, according to
thinnest lithologies. Effective porosity, water saturation, the structural trends seen (Haque et al., 2016a). The field
volume of shale and net-to-gross obtained from IP, and also has N-S with few NW-SE, and NNE-SSW trending faults
permeability from the core analysis were converted into in the northern and southern section, respectively (Fig. 7a).
LAS files and imported into Petrel to create petrophysical Thirteen interpreted faults including a known major fault,
models. The Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS) the Whitiki Fault, were interpreted for this study. The sub-
algorithm was used for the petrophysical model due to its parallel faults can be seen cutting through up to the Middle
algorithm producing a more realistic model as compared Eocene Mangahewa Formation with few reaching the base-
to other algorithms (Qadri et al., 2019a). Top, middle, and ment of the Middle Miocene Moki Formation. The average
bottom skeletons with 50×50 grid cells were decided for dip angle, dip direction (azimuth), and strike for each fault
the models to allow better representation of the smallest were calculated (Fig. 8).
geobodies (Shepherd, 2009). In the northern section, the faults are seen closely spaced
together and show normal movements with average dip
54–65° to the west, resulting in the formation of grabens
Results and mostly half-grabens (Fig. 9). Here, the beds are dipping
gently 10–15° both east and west. In the Southern section,
Depth Surface, Thickness, and Root‑Mean‑Square the largest fault identified, the Whitiki Fault, shows a reverse
(RMS) Maps movement with an average dip of 55° to the east as a result
of inversion, forming a fault-bend-fold (Fig. 10). Faults that
Two horizons (top and bottom Farewell) and 13 interpreted were reactivated during the inversion period have the same
faults were used for this study. Figure 4a shows the depth orientation as earlier faults indicating that the extensional
surface map of the top Farewell Formation that ranges and compressional forces were acting along the same fault
from 3160 to 3540 m TVDSS. The map shows that the plane (King and Thrasher, 1996; Haque et al., 2016a). The
shallowest depth (orange to red color scale) is towards monocline structure has beds dipping 15–20° west in the
the southern part of the Maui Gas Field. Figure 4b shows footwall sides which are higher compared to the northern
the depth thickness map of the Farewell Formation which and central parts of Maui.
ranges from 130 to 260 m. The map shows that the thickest Thinning and stretching of the lithospheric plate of the
area (light blue to purple) is located in the southern part of Maui Gas Field started due to the early rifting that occurred
the field. Figure 4c shows the depth RMS amplitude map during the Middle to Late Cretaceous. This stretching
of the Farewell Formation where the brightest areas (light resulted in the extensive normal faulting in the northern and
green to yellow color scale) are around the central and central parts of the field. Farewell Formation formed part of
southern parts of the field. The shallowest depth and the a transgressive depositional system of the Kapuni Group that
thickest area are associated with the monocline structure. sat on the older North Cape Formation leading to more thin-
The RMS amplitude map also suggests the presence of fluids ning and stretching (Haque et al. 2016a). The southern sec-
recognized by bright amplitude (greenish-yellow areas) tion of the field was less affected by these normal faulting.
around the monocline structure.
Fault Geometry and Mechanism
Structure of Maui Gas Field
Whitiki Fault is shown to have the largest fault throw and
Taranaki Basin experienced three stages of deformation displacement of about 280 and 360 m, respectively, against
(King and Thrasher, 1996; Reilly et al., 2015; Islam et al., the distance along the fault plane (Fig. 11). Fault throw is the
2021) which could also be seen to happen in the Maui vertical distance of the separation, and fault displacement is
Gas Field (Haque et al., 2016a). The three main episodes the distance along the fault plane. The difference between

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a b

Fig. 4  Surface maps of Farewell Formation: a Depth surface map of Formation. Bright amplitude represented by greenish-yellow areas
top Farewell Formation, b depth thickness map of Farewell Forma- suggests the presence of fluids including hydrocarbons
tion, and c depth root-mean-square (RMS) amplitude map of Farewell

the throw and displacement values is not big, supporting the south of Maui Gas Field. All other faults show smaller throw
statement that the fault is dipping quite steeply (Blakeslee and displacement which are below 80 m. Histogram plots of
and Kattenhorn, 2013). The throw and displacement are the the faults also show that most of the faults have throw and
largest at the shorter distance along the fault which is to the displacement below 80 m with 64% and 57% having throw

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Fig. 5  Variance-coherence time slice map of Farewell Formation showing the location of the faults which could be recognized with red line pat-
terns seen on the map

Northern Maui

Southern Maui

Fig. 6  Final structural model by Corner Point Gridding (CPG). Maui Gas Field is separated into two sections: Northern and Southern Maui

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a b

Whitiki Whitiki
Fault Fault

Fig. 7  Faults displayed on maps: a Faults having N-S with few on depth root-mean-square (RMS) amplitude map. Bright amplitude
NW-SE, and NNE-SSW trends in the northern and southern section represented by greenish-yellow areas suggests the presence of fluids
of Maui Gas Field, respectively. The largest reversed fault, the Whi- including hydrocarbons
tiki Fault, can be seen in the southern section, and b Faults displayed

Fig. 8  Table on the left shows Average dip Average dip Average
the calculated average dip angle,
dip direction (azimuth), and the angle ° direction ° strike °
strike for 13 faults used in this 65 275 185
study with Whitiki Fault in the 55 112 22
red highlighted row. Stereonet
65 288 198
on the right shows the orienta-
tion of the 13 faults with Whi- 60 275 185
tiki Fault as the red line. Most 55 288 198
faults are showing N-S and
55 280 190 Fault
NE-SW trends with very few
showing NW-SE trend. Most 60 313 223
faults are dipping to the west 54 251 161
55 100 10
58 313 223
60 100 10
65 313 223
60 75 345

and displacement, respectively, below 10 m (Fig. 12). Most whole field suggesting that the juxtaposition between reser-
of the faults have a dip of 40–70° with 50.3% having the voir rocks created with low throw and displacement provides
highest dip of 50–60°. very less or no vertical sealing from the faults, especially in
The depth RMS amplitude map (Fig. 7b) of the Farewell the northern and central parts of the Maui Gas Field. This is
Formation shows good lateral distribution of fluids across the also supported by the structural study of the Maui Gas Field

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Fig. 9  Seismic section (crossline 3178) of two-way-time showing normal faulting in the Northern Maui where grabens and half-grabens formed


Whitiki Fault



Fig. 10  Seismic section (crossline 619) of two-way-time showing fault-bend-fold formed in the Southern Maui as a result of reversed faulting by
the Whitiki Fault. The monocline structure has beds dipping 15–20° west

by Haque et al. (2016a, b). In the Southern Maui, due to the Lithofacies Modeling
reverse movement of the Whitiki Fault, with the highest throw
and displacement, possible juxtapositions between reservoir Figure 13 shows the correlation between the GR responses
and the non-reservoir rocks in addition to the destroyed poros- and core photographs at depth 3552–3557.5 m for lithol-
ity along the fault zone, provide some sealing leading to more ogy interpretation of MB-R(1). The correlation will
accumulation of fluids towards this area. then be used to interpret lithofacies solely based on GR
responses from other wells that have limited or no core

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Whitiki Fault

Whitiki Fault

Fig. 11  Fault data plots: a Fault throw for all faults plotted against the the largest fault throw and displacement of about 280 and 360 m,
distance along respective faults and b Fault displacement for all faults respectively. All other faults show smaller throw and displacement
plotted against the distance along respective faults. Whitiki Fault has which are below 80 m

data. As a result, 7 lithofacies were identified for the Fare- are also shown in Fig. 26 where the change in lithofacies
well Formation. Based on the thinnest interpreted lithofa- along the Farewell Formation can be observed.
cies layers, the whole formation was divided proportion-
ally into 100 equal layers, represented by the K property Lithofacies Analysis
layer, having an approximate thickness of 2 m each layer.
Figure 20b shows the lithofacies model created by SIS. Figure 14a shows the vertical proportion curve (VPC) for
The I and J property layers with intervals of every 50 the lithofacies model. A VPC is a cumulative probability

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a b c
Probability of occurrence

Probability of occurrence

Probability of occurrence
Fault throw (m) Fault displacement (m) Fault dip (°)

Fig. 12  Histogram plots for faults: a fault throw against the probability of occurrence, b fault displacement against the probability of occurrence,
and c fault dip against the probability of occurrence. Most of the faults have throw and displacement below 80 m with dip 40–70°

Depth: 3552 – 3557 m

•3552 – 3554.1 m: Shale, grading in part to and interlaminated with
siltstone and inter-bedded with sandstone.
•3554.1 – 3557.5 m : Sandstone with occasional inter-bedded shale.


3528 – 3529 m:
Channel sand

3550.6 – 3550.9 m: Small

fault, throw 5 mm, dip 55º

3557 – 3557.4 m:
Sub-vertical fracture

3562.4 – 3562.8 m: Sub

-vertical fracture

Fig. 13  Correlation between the gamma ray (GR) responses and core photographs at depth 3552–3557.5 m for lithology interpretation of

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a b

Probability of occurrence

Fig. 14  Data analysis of lithofacies model: a vertical proportion curve and b histogram of lithofacies thickness against the probability of occur-

plot that shows the estimated facies proportions against thickness below 10 m. The thickest siltstone is 20–30 m
the K property layer of the Farewell Formation (Haque with about 1% probability of occurrence, and the highest is
et al., 2018). The layers also represent the depths, going about 7% with thickness below 10 m. The thickest sandstone
from the shallowest (layer 1) to the deepest (layer 100). and siltstone interbedded are 20–30 m with about 2% prob-
Shales are mostly found towards layers 0–30 and layers ability of occurrence which is also the highest probability.
89–100 of the Farewell Formation, with estimated facies Sandstone and siltstone interbedded with thickness 10–20
proportions reaching up to 50%. Sandstones can be found m also have the same probability of occurrence. The thick-
throughout the whole formation, but the biggest estimated est sandstone interbedded with shale is 30–40 m with about
facies proportions are along layer 38–89, reaching up to 3% probability of occurrence, and the highest is about 4%
80%. Siltstones can be found scattered throughout the with thickness below 10 m. The thickest shale with sand-
whole formation with estimated facies proportions reach- stone and siltstone is 30–40 m with about 1% probability of
ing up to 30%. Sandstones and siltstones interbedded are occurrence which is also the highest probability. Shale with
found along layers 41–80, with estimated facies propor- sandstone and siltstone with thickness below 10 and 10–20
tions reaching up to 40%. Sandstones interbedded with m also have the same probability of occurrence. The thickest
shale can be found along layers 60–82, but the biggest fluvial sandstone is only 10 m and below with about 15%
estimated facies proportions are towards the top layers, probability of occurrence.
reaching up to 60%. Shales with sandstone and siltstone
are mostly found towards layers 0–19, with estimated Depositional Facies Modeling
facies proportions reaching up to 22%. Fluvial sandstones
can be found along layers 29–100, with estimated facies Five depositional facies were also identified based on the
proportions reaching up to 24%. Overall, layers 0–29 con- GR responses and core descriptions available for the Palaeo-
tain the highest amount of shale and the lowest would be cene-aged Farewell Formation from MB-R(1) and MB-W(2)
along layers 38–71. (Figs. 15, 16, 17 18, and 19). Interpretation of depositional
Figure 14b shows the histogram of lithofacies thickness facies was done based on GR responses is done according to
against the probability of occurrence. The thickest shale Nazeer et al. (2016). The depositional facies interpretation is
and sandstone are 20–30 and 80–90 m, respectively. Both also correlated with the lithofacies interpretation. Any addi-
lithologies have about 1% probability of occurrence, and tional information about depositional facies mentioned here is
both also have the highest probability of about 13% with from the well completion reports. Figure 20a shows the final

1028 Page 14 of 29 Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1028

Fig. 15  Gamma ray (GR)

responses and core photographs
at measured depths 3556–3557
m from MB-R(1). Depositional
facies has been identified to be
inner shelf/estuarine where the
GR log has been characterized MD: 3556 m MD: 3557 m
to have an abrupt base with
fining upward trend according
to Nazeer et al. (2016). The
core photographs have shown
sandstones with some cross-


10 cm

Fig. 16  Gamma ray (GR)

responses and core photographs
at measured depths 4110–4111
m from MB-W(2). Depositional MD: 4110 m MD: 4111 m
facies has been identified to be
the transgressive inner shelf
where the GR log has been
characterized to have an ideally
rounded base and top accord- Bioturbation
ing to Nazeer et al. (2016). The
core photographs have shown
sandstones with some rare bio-
turbation and laminations as the
results of weak currents


10 cm

Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1028 Page 15 of 29 1028

Fig. 17  Gamma ray (GR)

responses and core photographs
at measured depths 3533–3535
m from MB-R(1). Depositional
facies has been identified to
be tidally influenced estuarine
channel sands where GR log has
been characterized to have sharp
top and base with consistent MD: 3533 m MD: 3535 m
trend according to Nazeer et al.
(2016). Core photographs have
shown sandstones with some
herringbone cross-beddings
Herringbone 10 cm

Fig. 18  Gamma ray (GR)

responses and core photographs MD: 4113 m MD: 4114 m
at measured depths 4113–4114
m and 4116 m from MB-W(2).
Depositional facies has been
identified to be lower to middle
shoreface where the GR log
has been characterized to have
an abrupt top and coarsen-
ing upward trend according to
Nazeer et al. (2016). Core pho-
tographs have shown sandstones
with some bioturbations and
siltstone with high GR response Bioturbation

10 cm

1028 Page 16 of 29 Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1028

Fig. 19  Gamma ray (GR)

responses and core photographs
at measured depths 3564–3565 MD: 3564 m MD: 3565 m
m from MB-R(1). Depositional
facies has been identified to
be fluvial channel at the base
where GR log has been charac-
terized to have fining upward
trend according to Nazeer et al.
(2016). Core photographs have
shown sandstones with some

10 cm

depositional facies model created by SIS and OBM to display depositional facies classification, inner shelf, and estuarine
the geobodies. The geobodies, which are the fluvial channels deposits were grouped due to similar GR responses and the
in this study, were generated based on the geometrical inputs absence of core descriptions from some wells to distinguish
studied by Reynolds (1999) and Gibling (2006). these two sand facies. Inner shelf and estuarine deposits have
wide a range of petrophysical values, and the values are also
Inner Shelf Sand Facies affected by transgression or tidal effect. Estuarine deposits
overlie fluvial deposits with transitional contacts. These facies
The sands have an abrupt base with fining upward trend are distinguished from fluvial facies by the presence of Ophio-
(Fig. 15). Inner shelf facies are frequently seen to overlie morpha burrows (well completion report). Bioturbation inten-
estuarine deposits with sharp, erosive contact. It is also sified in the upper parts of estuarine facies. These sediments
called the shallow marine greensand facies due to the high represent the onset of marine transgression. Figure 17 shows
content of glauconite (well completion report). Glauconite tidally influenced estuarine channel sands depositional facies
is a fine, green mineral that has very low weathering resist- with sharp top and base with a consistent trend. Core photo-
ance (Odin, 1988). The basal parts of the facies sometimes graphs measured at depths 3533–3535 m from MB-R(1) have
contain granule siltstone clasts and bivalve shell fragments. shown sandstones with some herringbone cross-beddings.
Bioturbation is rare in the sandstones of this facies. This
facies also separates the overlying shoreface facies from the Shoreface Sand Facies
underlying estuarine-fluvial-influenced facies. Figure 16
shows transgressive inner shelf depositional facies with an The sands have an abrupt top and coarsening upward
ideally rounded base and top. Core photographs measured at trend (Fig. 18). Core photographs measured at depths
depths 4110–4111 m from MB-W(2) have shown sandstones 4113–4114 m from MB-W(2) have shown sandstones with
with some rare bioturbations and laminations as an indica- some bioturbations. A core sample with siltstone lithol-
tion of weak currents. ogy at a depth of 4116 m is also correlated with a high
GR response. These are the reworked deposits from long-
Estuarine Sand Facies shore currents, along and parallel to the shoreline (Mode
et al., 2017), resulting in facies having NE-SW orienta-
The sands also have an abrupt base with fining upward trend tion. Wave action effects are stronger here compared to the
(Fig. 15). Core photographs measured at depths 3556–3557 other facies, making the shoreface facies the cleanest. The
m from MB-R(1) have shown some cross-beddings. For upper part of the GR log is the middle shoreface while the

Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1028 Page 17 of 29 1028

Fig. 20  Facies and petrophysical models of the Farewell Formation: a depositional facies, b lithofacies, c porosity, d permeability, e water satu-
ration, f volume of shale, and g net-to-gross

lower part is the lower shoreface (well completion report). lower shoreface. Generally, the shoreface deposits are
The middle shoreface represents a better reservoir than wave-dominated with a good winnowing effect (Mode
the lower shoreface due to the higher porosity and coarser et al., 2017).
sands. Alternation of sand and shale also occurred in the

1028 Page 18 of 29 Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1028

Fig. 21  K property layer 83: a Depositional facies model showing ▸

non-marine, fluvial dominated environment. Paleo-shoreline can a b
be identified having NE-SW trend, b lithofacies model, c porosity
model, d permeability model, e water saturation model, f volume of
shale model, and g net-to-gross model. Areas with high net-to-gross
often correlate with high porosity, high permeability, low water satu-
ration, and low volume of shale. Fluvial channel sand deposits show
mostly high porosity, high permeability, high water saturation, high
net-to-gross, and low volume of shale while the other facies have a
wide range of these petrophysical values

Fluvial Channel Sand Facies

The sands usually represent the lower part of subtle

fining upwards cycles (Fig. 19). Core photographs
measured at depths 3564–3565 m from MB-R(1) have
c d
shown sandstones with some cross-beddings. This
facies is dominated by subtle, low-angle cross-bed-
dings (well completion report). Fluvial also shows
aggradation and the cycles reflect waning energy flow.

Environment of Deposition

Maui Gas Field have been classified into having two main
environments of deposition: Marine dominated and non-
marine (fluvial dominated). Marine dominated environments
will have more deposits from the inner shelf, estuarine, and
shoreface. Marine associations are based on the presence
of mineralogical indicators such as glauconite or bioclasts. e f
Ophiomorpha burrows are often found in shallow marine
deposits (well completion report). Non-marine dominated
environment will have more deposits from fluvial channels
with a dominant NW-SE paleocurrent direction. These two
environments are separated by a NE-SW trending paleo-
shoreline with basinward and landward flows to the NW and
SE, respectively. Interfingering of marine and non-marine
sediments is often seen across the layers. The whole Farewell
Formation is predominantly non-marine and experienced an
overall transgressive depositional system, with local regres-
sions, marked by increasing marine influence up-sequence
(King and Thrasher, 1996). Figures 21, 22 and 23, 24 show
the transgressive sequence from K property layer 83 (bottom g
Farewell) to layer 47 (top Farewell) of the depositional facies
model, with the migration of paleo-shoreline landwards. The
changes in lithofacies and petrophysical properties can also
be observed for the selected layers. Fluvial channel sand
deposits show mostly high porosity, high permeability, low
water saturation, high net-to-gross, and low volume of shale
while the other facies have a wide range of these petrophysi-
cal values.

Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1028 Page 19 of 29 1028

Fig. 22  K property layer 60: a Depositional facies model. Paleo- ▸

shoreline can be identified having NE-SW trend, b lithofacies model,
a b
c porosity model, d permeability model, e water saturation model, f
volume of shale model, and g Net-to-gross model. Areas with high
net-to-gross often correlate with high porosity, high permeability,
low water saturation, and low volume of shale. Fluvial channel sand
deposits show mostly high porosity, high permeability, high water
saturation, high net-to-gross, and low volume of shale while the other
facies have a wide range of these petrophysical values

Reservoir Petrophysical Evaluation

The well log data from MB-R(1), MB-V(3), and MB-P(8)

were used to estimate the petrophysical parameters in IP.
The well log analysis was conducted for the Farewell For-
mation at measured depths 2095.5–3619.4 m for MB-R(1), c d
3571–3780.3 m for MB-V(3), and 3390–3621 m for
MB-P(8) to obtain the effective porosity, water saturation,
volume of shale, and net-to-gross (Fig. 25). GR, neutron
and density porosities, and a combination of these logs were
used to evaluate the petrophysical parameters. The petro-
physical models (Fig. 20c–f) represent the distribution of
petrophysical values obtained for the Farewell Formation.
Cut-offs were applied to produce the reservoir pay of the
formation which are 10% for effective porosity and 50% for
water saturation and volume of shale. As a result, porosity
values are less than 10%, and water saturation and volume of
shale greater than 50% were not considered as reservoir pay
zone. Petrophysical analysis of the three wells after cut-offs e f
has shown that the effective porosity is 17–19%, net-to-gross
is 12–16%, volume of shale is 11–12%, water saturation is
16–23%, and hydrocarbon saturation is 77–84% (Table 1).
MB-P(8) is the most prolific well. Permeability values were
obtained from core analysis of MB-R(1) at measured depths
3516.1–3521.6 m and MB-W(2) at 4109.1–4114.6 m for
the formation. The range of minimum, maximum, and aver-
age permeabilities are 0.02–0.03 mD, 1374–2304 mD, and
327.88–628.84 mD, respectively.

Effective Porosity Model

Figure 20c shows the effective porosity model created by g

SGS. Figures 27, 28, and 29 show three cross-sections
(west-east) from selected J property layers of the northern
(layer 850), central (layer 550), and southern (layer 200)
parts of the Maui Gas Field, respectively. The effective
porosity model ranges from 7 to 21%. Cross-sections of
the model (Figs. 27d, 28d, and 29d) have shown that the
effective porosity is the highest (green to red color scale)
towards the southern and central parts of the field, within
the middle and bottom layers of the formation, respectively.
The lowest effective porosity (blue color scale) can also be
found towards southern and central parts but both within the

1028 Page 20 of 29 Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1028

Fig. 23  K property layer 53: a Depositional facies model showing ▸

marine-dominated environment. Paleo-shoreline can be identified a b
having NE-SW trend, b lithofacies model, c porosity model, d per-
meability model, e water saturation model, f volume of shale model,
and g net-to-gross model. Areas with high net-to-gross often corre-
late with high porosity, high permeability, low water saturation, and
low volume of shale. Fluvial channel sand deposits show mostly high
porosity, high permeability, high water saturation, high net-to-gross,
and low volume of shale while the other facies have a wide range of
these petrophysical values

top layers. These high effective porosity values are mostly

associated with shoreface (especially middle shoreface) and
fluvial channel sand deposits while low values are associated
with shoreface (lower), transgressive inner shelf, and tidally
influenced estuarine channel sand deposits (Fig. 27b, 28b, c d
and 29b). Towards the top layers, shoreface deposits will
mostly be of the lower shoreface due to the overall transgres-
sion experienced by the whole Farewell Formation result-
ing in higher shale content. Northern Maui shows frequent
changes in effective porosity range across the layers.

Permeability Model

Figure 20d shows the permeability model created by SGS.

The permeability model ranges from 0.1 to 1000 mD. Cross-
sections of the model (Fig. 27e, 28e, and 29e) have shown
that the highest permeability (yellow to red color scale)
is towards the southern and central parts of the Maui Gas e f
Field, within the middle and bottom layers of the Farewell
Formation, respectively. The lowest permeability (purple
color scale) can also be found towards southern and central
parts but both within the top layer of the formation. These
high permeability values are mostly associated with shore-
face (especially middle shoreface) and fluvial channel sand
deposits while low values are associated with shoreface
(lower), transgressive inner shelf, and tidally influenced
estuarine channel sand deposits (Fig. 27b, 28b, and 29b).
Northern Maui shows frequent changes in permeability
range across the layers.

Water Saturation Model g

Figure 20e shows the water saturation model created by

SGS. The water saturation model ranges from 0–100%.
Cross-sections of the model (Figs. 27f, 28f, and 29f) have
shown that the highest water saturation (blue color scale)
is towards the southern and central parts of the Maui Gas
Field, both within the bottom layers of the Farewell Forma-
tion. The lowest water saturation (red to yellow color scale)
can also be found towards southern and central parts but
both within the top to middle layers of the formation. These
high-water saturations are mostly associated with transgres-
sive inner shelf and tidally influenced estuarine channel sand

Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1028 Page 21 of 29 1028

Fig. 24  K property layer 47: a Depositional facies model show- ▸

ing marine dominated environment, b lithofacies model, c porosity a b
model, d permeability model, e water saturation model, f volume of
shale model, and g net-to-gross model. Areas with high net-to-gross
often correlate with high porosity, high permeability, low water satu-
ration, and low volume of shale. Fluvial channel sand deposits show
mostly high porosity, high permeability, high water saturation, high
net-to-gross, and low volume of shale while the other facies have a
wide range of these petrophysical values

deposits while low values are associated with shoreface and

fluvial channel sand deposits (Figs. 27b, 28b, and 29b).
Northern Maui shows frequent changes in water saturation
range across the layers.

c d
Volume of Shale Model

Figure 20f shows the volume of shale model created by

SGS. The volume of shale model ranges from 0–35%.
Cross-sections of the model (Figs. 27g, 28g, and 29g)
have shown that the highest volume of shale (green
color scale) is towards the southern and central parts
of the Maui Gas Field, both within the top layers of the
Farewell Formation. The lowest volume of shale (red
to yellow color scale) can also be found towards the
southern and central parts but within the middle and
bottom layers of the formation, respectively. These high
volumes of shale values are associated with shoreface e f
(lower), transgressive inner shelf, and tidally influenced
estuarine channel sand deposits while low values are
associated with shoreface (especially middle shoreface)
and fluvial channel sand deposits (Figs. 27b, 28b, and
29b). Northern Maui shows frequent changes in volume
of shale range across the layers.

Net‑to‑Gross Model

Figure 20g shows the net-to-gross model created by SGS.

The net-to-gross model ranges from 0 to 100%. Cross-
sections of the model (Figs. 27h, 28h, and 29h) have
shown that the highest net-to-gross (red color scale) is g
towards the southern and central parts of the Maui Gas
Field, within the middle and bottom layers of the Fare-
well Formation, respectively. Areas with high net-to-
gross often correlate with high porosity, high permeabil-
ity, low water saturation, and low volume of shale. The
lowest net-to-gross (blue color scale) can also be found
towards the southern and central parts but both within
the top layers of the formation. These high net-to-gross
values are associated with shoreface (especially mid-
dle shoreface) and fluvial channel sand deposits while
the low values are associated with shoreface (lower)
and tidally influenced estuarine channel sand deposits

1028 Page 22 of 29 Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1028

Fig. 25  Well log analysis with well-log data including gamma ray petrophysical parameters including the effective porosity, water satu-
(GR), spontaneous potential (SP), neutron, density, resistivity (deep ration, volume of shale, and net-to-gross. Permeability values were
and shallow), and sonic using IP were conducted for the Farewell obtained from core analysis of MB-R(1) at measured depths 3516.1–
Formation at measured depths 2095.5–3619.4 m for MB-R(1), 3571– 3521.6 m and MB-W(2) at 4109.1–4114.6 m for the formation
3780.3 m for MB-V(3), and 3390–3621 m for MB-P(8) to obtain the

Table 1  Estimated values of important parameters obtained from log- voir pay of the formation which are 10% for effective porosity and
based petrophysical analysis of the Farewell Formation for MB-R(1), 50% for water saturation and volume of shale
MB-V(3), and MB-P(8). Cut-offs were applied to produce the reser-

Well name Thickness N/G (%) Vsh (%) ∅e (%) Sw (%) Sh (%)
Top Bottom Gross Net reservoir Net pay

MB-R(1) 2095.5 3343.0 1523.9 478.7 242.3 15.9 11.0 17.5 22.1 77.9
MB-V(3) 3572.0 3780.3 208.3 71.5 25.6 12.3 8.2 17.0 22.2 77.8
MB-P(8) 3390.0 3621.0 231.0 94.1 31.2 13.5 11.6 18.3 16.6 83.4

(Figs. 27b, 28b, and 29b). Northern Maui shows frequent for maximum oil and gas recovery (Jian, 1999). The
changes in net-to-gross range across the layers. flexibility of the 3D models also allows companies to
identify the upside and downside cases. 3D models
3D Reservoir Modeling Implications on Field generated in this study can aid in the development of
Development the Maui Gas Field by identifying locations for infill
wells and undrained areas, providing visualization of
A 3D reservoir modeling is growing in popularity reservoir heterogeneity, and carrying out reservoir
within the oil and gas companies as a tool in making characterization. Infill wells are wells that are positioned
critical decisions for field development. The methods in spaces between existing wells where hydrocarbons
used in generating the models can quantify and reduce were unreachable, increasing production. The 2 proposed
uncertainties making the field development plan more areas for new wells are introduced in Fig. 30 which
robust, for instance, designing well positions and paths are in the southern and central parts of the Maui Gas

Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1028 Page 23 of 29 1028

Fig. 26  I and J property layers of the Farewell Formation with an interval of every 50 for lithofacies

Field where there are lacking of existing production Conclusions

wells. The structural model shows that the good vertical
seal created by the possible juxtaposition between the The integrated 3D modeling scheme to characterize the res-
reservoir and non-reservoir rocks in addition to the ervoir quality of the Farewell Formation has come to the
destroyed porosity is towards the southern part of the following conclusions:
field, where the faulted monocline can be found. Here,
the depth for top Farewell is the shallowest, and this area (1) Farewell Formation has a thickness that ranges from
is the thickest. The RMS amplitude map also shows the 130 to 260 m with the thickest area towards the south-
brightest anomaly. Petrophysical and well log analyses ern part of Maui Gas Field where the monocline struc-
can tell us whether the reservoir is of good quality or ture can be seen. RMS amplitude map also shows the
not. Facies and petrophysical models show that the good brightest amplitude anomaly around this area.
target areas are towards the southern and central parts of (2) The 13 interpreted faults in the Maui Gas Field have
the field, within the K property layers 38–71 and layers N-S with few NW-SE, and NNE-SSW trends in the
37–100 of the Farewell Formation respectively, where the northern and southern section, respectively. Faults
effective porosity, permeability, and net-to-gross without show normal movement with low throw and displace-
applying the cut-offs are high (15–21%, 10–1000 mD, ment (both below 10 m) in the northern and central
and 80–100%, respectively), while the water saturation parts of the field and reverse movement forming fault-
and volume of shale are low (0–20% and 0–10%, bend-fold, the Whitiki Fault, in the southern part, with
respectively). These characteristics are often associated the highest throw and displacement (up to 280 m and
with shoreface (especially middle shoreface) and fluvial 360 m, respectively).
channel sand deposits. (3) Seven lithofacies have been identified for the Farewell
Formation based on the GR responses and core descrip-
tions. K property layers 0–29 of the formation contains

1028 Page 24 of 29 Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1028

a b

c d

e f

g h

Fig. 27  J property layer 850 (Northern Maui): a Maui Gas Field of shale model, and h cross-section of the net-to-gross model. Areas
showing cross-section line X’-X” (west-east), b cross-section of dep- with high net-to-gross often correlate with high porosity, high perme-
ositional facies model, c cross-section of lithofacies model, d cross- ability, low water saturation, and low volume of shale. Northern Maui
section of porosity model, e cross-section of permeability model, f shows frequent changes in petrophysical values across the layers
cross-section of water saturation model, g cross-section of the volume

Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1028 Page 25 of 29 1028

a b

Y’ Y”

c d

Y” Y”

Y’ Y’

e f

Y” Y”

Y’ Y’

g h

Y” Y”

Y’ Y’

Fig. 28  J property layer 550 (Central Maui): a Maui Gas Field show- are within the K property layers 37–100 of the Farewell Formation
ing cross-section line Y’-Y” (west-east), b cross-section of depo- where the porosity, permeability, and net-to-gross without applying
sitional facies model, c cross-section of lithofacies model, d cross- the cut-offs are high (15–21%, 10–1000 mD, and 80–100%, respec-
section of porosity model, e cross-section of permeability model, f tively), while the water saturation and volume of shale are low (0–20
cross-section of water saturation model, g cross-section of the volume and 0–10%, respectively). These characteristics are often associated
of shale model, and h cross-section of the net-to-gross model. Areas with shoreface (especially middle shoreface) and fluvial channel sand
with high net-to-gross often correlate with high porosity, high perme- deposits
ability, low water saturation, and low volume of shale. Good areas

1028 Page 26 of 29 Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1028

a b Z”


c Z” Z”

Z’ Z’

e Z” Z”

Z’ Z’

Z” h Z”

Z’ Z’

Fig. 29  J property layer 200 (Southern Maui): a Maui Gas Field within the K property layers 38–71 of the Farewell Formation where
showing cross-section line Z’-Z” (west-east), b cross-section of dep- the porosity, permeability, and net-to-gross without applying the cut-
ositional facies model, c cross-section of lithofacies model, d cross- offs are high (15–21%, 10–1000 mD, and 80–100%, respectively),
section of porosity model, e cross-section of permeability model, f while the water saturation and volume of shale are low (0–20% and
cross-section of water saturation model, g cross-section of the volume 0–10%, respectively). These characteristics are often associated with
of shale model, and h cross-section of the net-to-gross model. Areas shoreface (especially middle shoreface) and fluvial channel sand
with high net-to-gross often correlate with high porosity, high perme- deposits
ability, low water saturation, and low volume of shale. Good areas are

Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1028 Page 27 of 29 1028

a b

Whitiki Whitiki
Fault Fault

Fig. 30  Surface maps of Farewell Formation with faults displayed: a meability, net-to-gross are high, and water saturation and volume of
depth surface map of top Farewell Formation with proposed areas and shale are low according to the petrophysical models. Bright amplitude
b depth root-mean-square (RMS) amplitude map of Farewell Forma- represented by greenish-yellow areas suggests the presence of fluids
tion with proposed areas. The proposed areas are to the southern and including hydrocarbons
central parts of the Maui Gas Field where the effective porosity, per-

the highest amount of shale and the lowest is along is 16–23%, and hydrocarbon saturation is 77–84%. The
layers 38–71. minimum, maximum, and average permeabilities from
(4) Five depositional facies have been identified for the the core analysis are 0.02–0.03 mD, 1374–2304 mD,
Farewell Formation based on the GR responses and and 327.88–628.84 mD, respectively.
core descriptions that are also correlated with lithofa-
cies interpretation. The Maui Gas Field has a NE-SW
trending paleo-shoreline, and the whole formation Acknowledgements The first author is grateful to the Universiti Bru-
nei Darussalam (UBD) for funding this study in the form of Brunei
experienced an overall transgression depositional Government Scholarship as part of the graduate research project under-
system, with local regressions, marked by increasing taken at the Department of Geosciences. The authors would like to
marine influence up-sequence. thank the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE),
(5) Structural, facies, and petrophysical models show that New Zealand, for providing dataset containing 3D seismic, well logs,
and associated reports required for this study. Schlumberger and LR
the effective porosity, permeability, and net-to-gross Senergy are greatly acknowledged for the support with Petrel G&G
are high (15–21%, 10–1000 mD, and 80–100%, respec- software version 2015 and Interactive Petrophysics, respectively. The
tively), while the water saturation and volume of shale authors also would like to thank UBD Department of Geosciences for
are low (0–20% and 0–10%, respectively). With applied providing the workstation amenities and logistic support for this study.
cut-offs (10% for effective porosity, 50% for water sat-
uration, and volume of shale), petrophysical analysis Declarations
from MB-R(1), MB-V(3), and MB-P(8) have shown
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
that the effective porosity is 17–19%, net-to-gross is interest.
12–16%, volume of shale is 11–12%, water saturation

1028 Page 28 of 29 Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1028

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