Hsmani Siiir

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You need the equation

e−i~σ.n̂θ = cos(θ) I − i~σ .n̂sin(θ)

where ~σ are the three Pauli matrices and n̂ is a unit vector and I is a 2x2 unit matrix.
If you do not know the derivation of this important equation make sure you learn it.
Yo can look it up in Quantum mechanics : Fundamentals by K. Gottfried and T.M.Yan
Chapter 3 and section 3. If you use this formula you will get the answer.
For your problem the time evolution is e−iHt with H = −µ B0 (σx + σy ) ( with
h̄ = 1 ) Thus

< σx > = < eiHt σx e−iHt > = (cos(µB0 t) + i(σx + σy )sin(µB0 t)σx ((cos(µB0 t) − i(σx + σy )sin(µB0 t))

Using σy σx σy = −σx one sees that < σx > changes with time. Similalry < σy > and
< σz > also change with time. I have skipped some steps. Hopefully you can fill them.
If not we can discuss this next Sunday ( 16th September )

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