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European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 50 (2015) 1e16

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A set of enhanced formulations for existing nonlinear homogenization

schemes and their evaluation
Amna Rekik a, *, François Auslender b, Michel Bornert c
Univ. Orl
eans, INSA-CVL, PRISME, EA4229, 45072 Orl eans, France
e Blaise Pascal, Institut Pascal, UMR CNRS 6602, BP 10448, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France
e Paris Est, Laboratoire Navier (ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS UMR 8205), ENPC, 6 et 8 avenue Blaise Pascal, 77455 Marne la Vall
ee Cedex, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: On the basis of non-biased comparative evaluations of various linearization procedures used in nonlinear
Received 8 March 2014 homogenization, performed both at the global and local scales for power-law composites (Rekik et al.,
Accepted 3 October 2014 2005, 2007, 2012), we propose in this paper six ad hoc enhancements of some of the linearization
Available online 22 October 2014
procedures considered in Rekik et al. (2007). Both “stressestrain” approaches (the secant and affine
formulations) or “variational formulations” (the tangent second-order method (Ponte Castan ~ eda, 1996))
are considered. The main idea consists in proposing alternatives for the usual reference strains used by
Nonlinear homogenization
the secant, affine and tangent second-order procedures. The new linear comparison composites gener-
Reinforced composites
Porous media
ated by the linearization step around the chosen alternative descriptors of the strain field statistics
explicitly account for either intraphase strain fluctuations or both inter- and intraphase strain fluctua-
tions. As a first illustration, the relevance and limitations of the enhanced linearization procedures are
tested for rigidly-reinforced and porous power-law composites. For isochoric loadings, it is shown that
two variants of the enhanced tangent second-order formulation lead to accurate estimates of the exact
effective response which are in good agreement with the efficient second-order scheme of Ponte Cas-
~ eda (2002a). Further, the modified secant formulation provides good results for strongly nonlinear
rigidly-reinforced composites away from low particulate volume fraction and the percolation threshold;
however some new inherent limitations of secant formulations are also established. At last, a very
discriminant situation is tested: it consists of a porous medium submitted to a pure hydrostatic loading
at low pore concentrations. It is shown that one variant of the proposed enhanced second-order for-
mulations leads to accurate estimates alike the efficient and more sophisticated formulations proposed
in Bilger et al. (2002); Danas et al. (2008).
© 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction behavior have been proposed. For the secant method (Berveiller
and Zaoui, 1979), the phases of the LCC are defined from the
Nonlinear homogenization techniques are powerful methods secant moduli (9)1 of the actual phases. For the affine formulation
allowing the derivation of bounds or estimates for the effective due to Masson et al. (2000), thermoelastic comparison materials
properties of heterogeneous nonlinear composites from both their are defined from tangent operators (9)2 of the phases. The classical
local constitutive laws and the statistical description of their secant and affine estimates are evaluated at the first-moment of the
microstructure. These techniques rely on two steps: the lineariza- strain field over the phases and yield too stiff responses (Gilormini,
tion and the linear homogenization. The first step, through the 1995; Rekik et al., 2007). To improve the affine formulation,
linearization of the phase constitutive relations defines a linear Chaboche and Kanoute  (2003) proposed to replace the tangent
comparison composite (LCC) whose microstructure is in general anisotropic operator by a softer isotropic simplification. Simulta-
taken to be similar to that of the nonlinear composite. In the neously, Brenner et al. (2001) proposed a “modified affine”
literature, several expressions of the corresponding local linearized formulation that accounts for the intraphase heterogeneity, by
analogy to the “modified secant” approach proposed by Suquet
(1995) for the special case of power-law materials. The latter is
* Corresponding author. equivalent to the variational approach developed by Ponte
E-mail address: (A. Rekik). Castan~ eda (1991) which consists in the use of an optimally
0997-7538/© 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
2 A. Rekik et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 50 (2015) 1e16

chosen LCC with reference to a variational formulation. It delivers and tangent operators associated with these approaches and thus
bounds exact to the first-order in the heterogeneities contrast. The to improve them since these procedures have been shown in Rekik
same author proposed in Ponte Castan ~ eda (1996) an alternative et al. (2007, 2012) to provide too stiff estimates of the effective
approach relying on a second-order expansion of the strain energy behavior. For the affine formulations (AFF-ANI and AFF-ISOT), it is
of a constitutive phase around a reference strain taken as the strain also proposed to make use of a shear modulus which is interme-
average over this phase. This model yields estimates that are exact diate between the standard secant mrsct ðεr Þ and tangent mrtgt ðεr Þ ones
to the second-order in the contrast but which can violate the for the perpendicular direction Fr of the tangent operator (B.3).
variational bounds in some special cases, as near the percolation Such a linearization aims to improve the classical and simplified
phenomenon (Leroy and Ponte Castan ~ eda, 2001). For this reason affine formulations especially for strong nonlinearities since nu-
Ponte Castan ~ eda (2002a) proposed an improved second order merical comparisons performed in Rekik et al. (2007) have shown
method that makes use of a generalized secant moduli incorpo- that the exact solution lies between the AFF-ANI and AFF-ISOT re-
rating both inter-and intra-phase strain fluctuations. However, one sponses. At last, for the tangent second-order procedure, we also
of the reference strain used in this new procedure is not fully propose to soften the secant shear modulus mrsct ðεreq Þ (resp. the
defined by stationary conditions relying on the nonlinear com- tangent shear modulus mrtgt ðεreq Þ) associated with the orthogonal
posite and thus induces some limitations for the second order direction Fr (resp. the parallel direction Er) of the tangent operator
variant proposed in Ponte Castan ~ eda (2002a). Accordingly, Idiart by evaluating it at the second-order moment of the strain field in
and Ponte Castan ~ eda (2005); Idiart et al. (2006a) introduced an each phase εeq (13)1 or at the strain descriptor b ε req (14)1.
alternative prescription for this reference strain in a new and third Then, in order to evaluate the efficiency of these proposed
variant of the second-order method which provides slightly enhanced linearization schemes, we present a first comparative
improved estimates for the effective and local responses in com- and non-biased study at the macroscopic scale with some of the
parison with the earlier prescription (Ponte Castan ~ eda, 2002a). The most used or famous linearization procedures, i.e. the secant, affine,
new prescription for the reference strain field does still not ensure second-order formulations as well as the Lahellec and Suquet
fully stationarity conditions. It is noteworthy that the second-order procedure. For that, we focus our attention on rigidly-reinforced
methods do not directly deliver an effective stressestrain relation and porous power-law materials. These materials are of extreme
but rather an effective strain-energy which needs to be differenti- heterogeneity in the contrast and therefore constitute discrimi-
ated. Moreover, the affine formulation is less accurate compared nating cases to study.
with the second-order methods. In particular, the affine scheme is The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we briefly
not exact to second order in the contrast and, more critically, is not recall the various linearization schemes which will be used in the
associated with an overall potential. To overcome these difficulties, sequel either to design new linearization procedures or for
Lahellec and Suquet (2004) proposed a new approximate scheme comparative purposes. In Section 3, relying on some relevant ob-
which closes the gap between the affine and the second order servations and conclusions derived from non-biased comparative
procedure and gives results exact to second order in the contrast. evaluations of the linearization schemes presented in Section 2,
As seen above, numerous linearization methods are available new and enhanced formulations are proposed. A first evaluation of
and their relative merits are not easy to understand to an unex- their performances at the macroscopic scale is carried out in Sec-
perienced user. However, they have been accurately evaluated by tion 4 where the new proposed linearization schemes are
different authors e e.g. Moulinec and Suquet (2004), Rekik et al. compared with some of the most used linearization procedures for
(2005, 2007, 2012), Lahellec and Suquet (2004) and Idiart et al. nonlinear two-phase composites made of identical spherical in-
(2006b) e without any ambiguity related to the approximations clusions e either pores or quasi-incompressible isotropic linear
induced by the linear homogenization estimates of the LCC. In elastic particles e embedded in a nonlinear isotropic matrix
particular, Rekik et al. (2005, 2007) proposed a methodology following a RambergeOsgood law. Conclusions are summarized in
allowing the evaluation of the sole effect of linearization schemes Section 5.
without the classical bias present in earlier evaluations such as the The tensor notation used herein is a fairly standard one. Prod-
use of linear homogenization schemes available in the literature for ucts containing dots denote summation over repeated indices. For
assessing the LCC behavior. It relies on an exact treatment of both example, L:ε ¼ Lijklεklei5ej and E::F ¼ EijklFklij where ei (i ¼ 1, 2, 3) is a
the nonlinear and linear homogenization problems using the finite time-independent orthogonal cartesian basis and the operation 5
element method. In Rekik (2006); Rekik et al. (2007, 2012), various denotes the classical tensorial diadic product.
nonlinear homogenization schemes such as the classical secant
scheme (referred to as SEC), the variational procedure (VAR), the 2. Reminder of general principles of nonlinear
original affine formulation (AFF-ANI) and its isotropic simplifica- homogenization schemes and their evaluation by a non-
tion (AFF-ISOT), the original (SOE-1) and improved (SOE-2) second- biased methodology
order procedures as well as the Lahellec and Suquet (LS) formula-
tion were compared with regard to their predictions in terms of 2.1. Nonlinear effective properties
overall responses and local field statistics for the special case of
power-law two-phase composites with different contrast between The main objective of homogenization is to predict the macro-
the phases ranging from the rigidly-reinforced composites to scopic behavior of composite materials in terms of the behavior of
porous materials. Based on the main results of these comparisons, their constituents and prescribed statistical information about their
we propose in this paper some improvements for existent microstructure. In this framework, we consider composite mate-
“stressestrain” approaches (SEC, AFF-ANI) or “potential-based” rials made of N different homogeneous constituents, each occu-
approaches such as the variational (VAR) and tangent second-order pying a volume vr:(r ¼ 1,…,N), “periodically or randomly” spatially
(SOE-1) formulations. The main idea consists in evaluating the distributed in a specimen occupying a volume V ¼ ∪N r¼1 Vr , and
secant shear modulus mrsct ðεr Þ of the secant (9)1 or tangent (9)2 submitted to mechanical loadings which are assumed to be mac-
stiffness tensor at a reference strain bε req (14)1 incorporating both the rohomogenous (Hill, 1967), thus making the scale transition
inter- and intra-phase strain fluctuations. Such an incorporation of possible. The constitutive behavior of each phase is characterized
both the inter- and intra-phase strain fluctuations is applied to the by a convex single potential or strain energy function wr, such that
SEC, AFF-ANI and SOE-1 approaches and aims to soften the secant the stress s and strain ε tensors are related by
A. Rekik et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 50 (2015) 1e16 3

vwðx; εÞ X
N where Lr{ε(x), x2V} and tr{ε(x), x2V} are chosen analytical func-
s¼ ; wðx; εÞ ¼ cr ðxÞwr ðεÞ; (1) tionals of the local strain field ε(x) of the local linear problem (5)1.
vε r¼1 This problem coincides with the so-called local problem associated
where v/vε denotes differentiation with respect to ε, and the char- with a fictitious linear composite usually called the Linear Com-
acteristic functions cr(x) serve to describe the microstructure, set to parison Composite (LCC) (Ponte Castan ~ eda, 1991). The behavior of
1 if the position vector x is in phase r, and 0 otherwise. This each of its individual constituents is linear thermo-elastic and
constitutive relation corresponds to a nonlinear elastic behavior defined by s ¼ Lr:ε þ tr.
within the context of small strain. Let <.> and <.>r denote the The second step, which consists of the linear homogenization
volume averages over the composite and over phase r, respectively. stage, aims at solving the local linear problem (5)1 and deriving its
Under the assumed condition of macrohomogeneity effective behavior by means of linear homogenization techniques.
<s:ε> ¼ <s>:<ε>, the effective behavior of the composite, which is At this stage, it should be emphasized that the effective behavior
defined as the relation between the average stress s ¼ < s > and associated with the approximate system (5) might be computed
the average strain ε ¼ < ε > can be characterized by an effective from two different ways. For linearization procedures that will be
~ such that
strain potential w, referred to in the sequel as “stressestrain approaches”, the
vwðεÞ macroscopic stress is evaluated as the average value of the local
s¼ ; e
wðεÞ ¼ inf 〈wðx; εðuÞÞ〉; (2) stress field within the LCC, i.e. s ¼ < s > with s(x) solution of the
vε u2kðεÞ
local linear problem (5)1. For linearization procedures called in
where what follows “potential-based approaches”, the effective stress is
kðεÞ ¼ fu continuous; εðuÞ ¼ 1=2ðVuþT VuÞ and < εðuÞ > ¼ εg. The defined according to Hill's theorem (2)1 with an effective potential
local strain field ε(u) solution of the variational theorem (2)2 is also ~ ¼ N r r r
wðεÞ r¼1 f < w ðεÞ > approximated by
solution of the so-called nonlinear local problem consisting of the
following set of equations e
wðεÞx f r wrapp ; wrapp ¼ wrapp fεðxÞ; x2Vg (6)
8 r¼1
> divðsÞ ¼ 0; cx2V
> XN
> cr ðxÞgr ðεðxÞÞ; where fr ¼ <cr> denotes the volume fraction of phase r and the
< sðxÞ ¼ r¼1
(3) quantities wrapp fεðxÞ; x2Vg, similarly to Lr{ε(x), x2V}, are chosen
> 1  analytical functionals of the local strain field ε(x) of the local linear
> εðuðxÞÞ ¼ VuðxÞþt VuðxÞ ; cx2V
> 2
: problem (5)1, consistent with the linearization stage. Note that for
< εðuÞ > ¼ ε; potential-based approaches the linearization of the constitutive
behavior yields two different types of relations. The first one de-
where gr(ε) ¼ vwr(ε)/vε denotes the constitutive law of phase r. fines the LCC constitutive behavior through Eq. (5)2 while the
Under the assumed condition of macrohomogeneity, the second defines the approximated per-phase energy wrapp as a
average stress s might be equivalently calculated either by means of nonlinear analytical functional of the local strain field of the local
the effective potential wðεÞ through Eq. (2)1 or by averaging the linear problem (see Eq. (6)2). Illustrations of the linearization stage
local stress field over the RVE, i.e. for potential-based approaches are given in Section Appendix B.2
for the tangent SOE-1 and improved SOE-2 second-order pro-
s ¼ <s>: (4) cedures as well as for the LS formulation.
Therefore, the derivation of the effective behavior by the po- Although the considered linearization schemes and the meth-
tential approach (2) or by the stressestrain approach (3), (4) is odology developed here could be applied to more general situa-
equivalent. tions, this work is restricted, for the sake of clarity, to composites
made of isotropic constitutive phases, with a strain energy poten-
2.2. Nonlinear homogenization: general principles tial of the form

The nonlinear problem, defined by Eqs. (3) and (4), can be 9  

uðεÞ ¼ kðεm Þ2 þ wdev εeq (7)
approached using nonlinear homogenization theories based on two 2
steps: linearization of the constitutive behavior of each phase pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
around some reference strains and linear homogenization of the where εm ¼ (i:ε)/3 and εeq ¼ 2=3εd : εd denote the isotropic part
resulting linear comparison composite. and the von Mises measure of the deviatoric part εd of the strain
Through the first step, which consists in linearizing the consti- tensor, respectively. Tensor i is the second-order identity tensor
tutive behavior, the nonlinear local problem (3) is approached by while wdev(εeq) is a nonlinear scalar function of its argument.
the following system Accordingly, the local constitutive behavior reads

8 9
> divðsÞ ¼ 0; cx2V >
> >
>   XN >
> s x ¼ cr ðxÞðLr : εðxÞ þ tr Þ;
cx2V >
< r¼1 >
local linear problem
1  >
> (5)
> εðuðxÞÞ ¼ VuðxÞþt VuðxÞ ; cx2V >
> 2 >
> >
> < εðuÞ > ¼ ε;
Lr ¼ Lr fεðxÞ; x2Vg; tr ¼ tr fεðxÞ; x2Vg; nonlinear relations
4 A. Rekik et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 50 (2015) 1e16

2 and therefore also accounts for both the inter- and intra-phase
sðεÞ ¼ sm i þ seq b
e ðεÞ with sm ¼ 3kεm ; strain fluctuations.
3 (8) From these strain descriptors, we also define the following
vudev εeq ε
seq ¼ ; b e ðεÞ ¼ d quantities which will be used hereafter
vεeq εeq
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  2   2 r
where sm ¼ s:i/3 and seq ¼ 3=2sd : sd are the isotropic part and ε req ¼
b ε rk þ b
b ε r⊥ ; drk ðεÞ ¼ b
ε rk  εreq ¼ E :: C rε ;
the von Mises measure of the deviatoric part sd of the stress tensor. rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (14)
The particular loading conditions, microstructure and form of the 2 r
ε r⊥ ¼
dr⊥ ðεÞ ¼ b F :: C rε ;
nonlinear relation seq ¼ g(εeq) considered in the numerical simu- 3
lations will be described in section 2.4. For isotropic phases asso-
ciated with strain energy potential (7), the secant Lsct(ε) and where drk ðεÞ and dr⊥ ðεÞ denote the parallel and perpendicular mea-
tangent Ltgt(ε) stiffness tensors are defined by sures of the fluctuations of the strain field in phase r, respectively.
The measures of the inter and intra-phase stress fluctuations can be
    seq εeq defined similarly as in Appendix (A). The four descriptors εr , εeq , bε rk ,
Lsct ðεÞ ¼ 3kJ þ 2msct εeq K with msct εeq ¼ b r
ε ⊥ provide very useful informations to describe the inter- and intra-
phase strain fluctuations and can be evaluated by mean-field ho-
v2 w     mogenization theories (for instance, see Ponte Castan ~ eda and
Ltgt ðεÞ ¼ ðεÞ ¼ 3kJ þ 2mtgt εeq E þ 2msct εeq F with (9)
vε 2 Suquet, 1998; Ponte Castan ~ eda, 2002a) without any recourse to
  costly numerical simulations. Accordingly, most of the linearization
  dseq εeq
mtgt εeq ¼ procedures available for nonlinear elastic composites with isotropic
3dεeq constitutive phases e which is the case of all the linearization
schemes considered in this work e linearize the constitutive
where msct(εeq) and mtgt(εeq) are the secant and tangent shear behavior around reference strain(s) corresponding to one or more of
moduli, respectively. Fourth-order tensors K ¼ IJ and J ¼ 1/3i5i these four descriptors of the strain field statistics. For such situa-
are the usual projectors on the subspaces of purely spherical or tions, the nonlinear relations (5)1 and (6)2 only depend on these four
deviatoric second-order tensors. The tensor I is the fourth-order descriptors, i.e. Lr, tr, urapp are known nonlinear analytical functions
symmetric identity tensor while fourth order tensors E(ε) and of these four descriptors. For brevity, their definitions as well as the
F(ε), defined respectively by main concepts of the linearization procedures to which they are
associated and on which all the enhanced linearization schemes
EðεÞ ¼ b
e ðεÞ5b
e ðεÞ; FðεÞ ¼ K  EðεÞ; (10) presented in Section 3 are based, are recalled in Appendix B.

are projectors which contract the deviatoric part of a second-order

2.4. Non-biased evaluation of linearization procedures
tensor respectively onto the parallel b
e ðεÞ and orthogonal directions
of the deviatoric strain εd.
As nonlinear homogenization schemes generate approxima-
tions for both the effective properties (overall responses or effective
2.3. Field fluctuations and descriptors potentials) and moments of various orders (first, second or higher
orders) of the local fields in nonlinear heterogeneous composites, it
The inter- and intra-phase strain fluctuations are respectively is important to evaluate their accuracy. However, such an evalua-
described by both the per-phase strain averages and per-phase tion can be either biased or non-biased. The main sources of bias
strain covariance tensors defined by are twofold: first, the use of different microstructures (Chaboche
and Kanoute , 2003) to evaluate the effective behavior of both the
εr ¼ < ε > r ; Cεr ¼ 〈ðε  εr Þ5ðε  εr Þ〉 : (11) exact nonlinear problem and the linear one related to the LCC
derived from the linearization procedure. The second main type of
For composite with isotropic constitutive phases, four de- bias is induced by the use of more or less accurate linear closed-
ε rk , b
scriptors, usually denoted εr , εeq , b ε r⊥ are often used in mean-field form estimates e which are not exact results e to evaluate the
nonlinear homogenization theories to describe the statistics of the effective properties of the LCC (Ponte Castan ~ eda, 2002a; Segurado
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi et al., 2002; Moulinec and Suquet, 2003; Idiart et al., 2006a). In
local strain field. The first two descriptors εr , εeq ¼ < ε2eq > r are
order to get rid of such bias in the comparisons, objective meth-
respectively the first and second-order moments of the strain field odology of comparison have been introduced recently and inde-
in phase r. The other two descriptors, derived from both the per- pendently by Moulinec and Suquet (2004) and Rekik et al. (2005,
phase strain averages and covariance strain tensors, account for 2007). The principle of this methodology is to evaluate the linear-
the intra- (and inter-) phase strain fluctuations. They are defined by ization procedures alone. For that, it relies on the analysis of
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi a heterogenous unit cell or a volume element e e.g. with simple
2 r 2 r (Rekik et al., 2005, 2007) or random “periodic” (Moulinec and
ε rk
b ¼ εreq þ E :: C rε ; ε r⊥
b ¼ F :: C rε ; (12)
3 3 Suquet, 2004; Lahellec and Suquet, 2004) microstructure e for
which both the nonlinear homogenization problem and the linear
with Er ¼ Eðεr Þ, F r ¼ KEr. Note that the second-order moment of
r homogenization problem associated with the chosen linear com-
the strain field εeq in phase r is a function of the other three de-
parison composite (LCC) can be solved for exactly the same
scriptors since
microstructure, the same loading conditions and with a similar or
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi high level of accuracy by using the same numerical method. So that
2  2  2   the effects of the sole linearization scheme can be evaluated
r 2
εeq ¼ < ε5ε > r :: K ¼ εreq þ b ε rk  εreq þ b ε r⊥
3 without ambiguity.
(13) In this paper, to design and evaluate new and enhanced
nonlinear homogenization schemes, use is made of the objective
A. Rekik et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 50 (2015) 1e16 5

comparison methodology presented by Rekik et al. and of its results where km and mm e are respectively the bulk and shear modulus of
(Rekik et al., 2007, 2012). In these works, the unit cell considered is the elastic part of the matrix constitutive law. Besides, m ¼ 1/n is
a cylinder with a circular basis composed of a single spherical in- the work-hardening parameter (n is the nonlinearity exponent)
clusion located at the cylinder's center and surrounded by the such that 0  m  1, ε0 is an auxiliary strain, s0 is the flow stress. The
matrix. As mentioned in Section 2, the nonlinear constituents are inclusions are assumed to be linear isotropic elastic with bulk and
isotropic and their behaviors are assumed to be governed by a shear moduli kp and mp. Note that such type of composite enables to
single potential (Eq. (1)). Matrix and inclusion are perfectly bonded. study the case of a rigidly-reinforced (resp. porous) material by
In the ensuing calculations, the unit cell is subjected to a monotonic assigning to the bulk and shear moduli of the inclusion (resp. pore)
axisymmetric macroscopic deformation along the third direction e numerical values close to infinity (resp. zero).
i.e. the cylinder axis e such that the overall strain is ε ¼ εm i þ iεeq b
3. Proposed enhanced linearization procedures
where b e¼b e ðεÞ is reduced here to the axisymmetric tensor
e35e3  ½(e15e1 þ e25e2) and i is equal to þ1 or 1. A detailed
Based on some relevant observations and conclusions obtained
expression of the BC is provided in Rekik et al. (2007). Since the
from the evaluations of the secant, affine and second order pro-
whole unit cell problem is fully invariant with respect to any
cedures defined in Appendix B, especially those carried out by the
rotation along the axis of the cylinder, the nonlinear local problem
non-biased comparative methodology of Rekik et al., we propose in
(3) associated with the heterogenous cylindrical unit cell is a 2D
this section to construct a set of six enhanced formulations for
axisymmetric problem. Accordingly, the macroscopic stress s is
these linearization procedures. The key idea relies on the change of
also axisymmetric and reads s ¼ sm i þ 2=3iseq b e where sm and seq
the reference strains used by these linearization schemes in order
are the overall hydrostatic and von Mises equivalent stresses.
to generate novel and softer LCCs. The proposed alternative refer-
At this stage, it should be emphasized that the 2D axisymmetric r
ence strains ε and b ε req (instead of εr ) account for both inter- and
problem to be solved is a structural problem and not a local prob-
intra-phase strain fluctuations. Note that this set of propositions is
lem associated with a real material. Indeed, there is no composite
not exhaustive and could be enlarged in future works. As a first
material made of a periodic repetition of a cylindrical unit cell with
numerical experimentation of “new” nonlinear homogenization
a circular basis. Of course, the considered 2D axisymmetric problem
schemes with low additional numerical expense, the proposed
can be viewed as an approximation of the classical 3D local problem
formulations in this paper are limited to the change of the tensor of
associated with a real two-phase periodic composite submitted to
moduli Lr in the phase of the LCC. Other formulations, more
an axisymmetric macroscopic strain and made of aligned spherical
enriched, can be obtained by proposing new polarization tensor tr
inclusions embedded in a matrix, these latter being distributed
as it is the case for the LS formulation.
according to a hexagonal network in the transverse plane and
In what follows, for each proposed enhanced formulation, we
aligned along the third direction. For such a two-phase periodic
first recall the limitations and advantages of the existent lineari-
composite, a cylinder with a hexagonal basis with a single spherical
zation schemes which have led to their definition and then report
inclusion located at the cylinder's center can be used as unit cell.
the (thermo-)elastic moduli for each individual constituents of the
In the following, all the linearization procedures will be tested
enhanced LCCs. Next, we consider the advantages and possible
on the 2D axisymmetric structural problem defined on the cylin-
limitations of the proposed linearization procedure. Their practical
drical unit cell with a circular basis. Namely, we compute the exact
efficiency is tested later in Section 4.1.
“up to numerical errors” solutions of both the nonlinear structural
problem and the linear structural problems obtained when line- 3.1. Modified secant formulation “SEC-Kcov”
arizing the constitutive behavior of the phase by means of the
different mean-field homogenization linearization procedures. The secant formulations, especially the classical one (SEC), were
Therefore, even though the linearization procedures are not eval- shown (Gilormini et al., 2001b, 2001a; Segurado et al., 2002) to
uated on a real composite but on a heterogenous cylinder with a yield too stiff overall estimates. Even though the proposed modified
circular basis, there is absolutely no bias in their evaluations since extension VAR e proposed as an alternative to the SEC model e
the results derived from the nonlinear homogenization schemes which takes the second moment of the strain field as the reference
and the reference solution related to the 2D nonlinear structural strain significantly improves the results of SEC since it provides a
problem are carried out on the same structure e i.e. the unit cell softer overall behavior, it still remains stiffer than the reference
constituted by the heterogeneous circular cylinder. Furthermore, solution consistently with the fact it yields an upper bound on the
since the exact effective behavior of the circular cylindrical unit cell effective potential. In order to further soften the prediction of such
yields an accurate estimate of the effective behavior of the real secant formulations, one may be tempted to choose a reference
above-described two-phase periodic composite with hexagonal strain that is even larger than the second moment. We propose here
unit cells (Koplik and Needleman, 1988; Michel et al., 1999) and r
to replace the second moment εeq of the strain field in phase r by
exhibits local field fluctuations very similar to those of the real the strain descriptor b r
ε eq which accounts for both the interphase
periodic composite, the comparison between the various classical and anisotropic intraphase strain fluctuations. It is easy to
and proposed enhanced linearization procedures performed with check that b
ε req is higher than εeq and εreq e the reference strains
these structural calculations will be representative of the relative of the VAR and SEC models, respectively e since ðb ε req Þ2 ¼
performances of theses linearization schemes applied on real qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
composites. By abuse of language the solutions related to the ðεeq Þ2 þ 2εreq 2=3E :: C rε . In addition, since the power-law
axisymmetric 2D structural problem will be referred to in the “stressestrain” relationship is concave, the inequality
sequel as the solutions of the periodic two-phase composite. ε req > εeq > εreq verified by the three strain descriptors implies the
For numerical applications, the constitutive law of the matrix is r
ε req Þ < mrsct ðεeq Þ < mrsct ðεreq Þ for the secant shear
following one mrsct ðb
assumed as in Rekik et al. (2007) to obey to a RambergeOsgood
moduli. Accordingly, the modified secant formulation, referred
equation defined by
hereafter to as “SEC-Kcov”, which makes use of an isotropic tensor of
elastic moduli for each individual constituents of the LCC given by
sm seq seq  
εm ¼ and εeq ¼ þ ε0 ; (15) ε req K;
Lr ¼ 3kr J þ 2mrsct b (16)
3km m
3me s0
6 A. Rekik et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 50 (2015) 1e16

and defines the overall effective properties by the averages of substituting the standard tangent operator (B.3)1 by the enhanced
strains and stresses in the LCC, should lead to softer estimates than one (17). Note that the choices a ¼ 0 and a ¼ 1 corresponds to the
those provided by the VAR formulation. AFF-ANI and AFF-ISOT formulations, respectively.
As defined previously (see Eqs. (12) and (14)), the strain The principle of this formulation is similar to that of some var-
descriptor b ε req requires the calculation of the parallel and perpen- iants of the tangent and classical secant schemes (Molinari and
dicular measures of the strain fluctuations in phase r which are Toth, 1994; Molinari et al., 1997; Abdul-Latif et al., 1998) based on
defined for an anisotropic phase r in the LCC. Accordingly, even the introduction of a multiplicative coefficient or a tuning param-
though the SEC-Kcov proposition apparently defines isotropic elastic eter in the phases/matrix interaction law allowing to improve the
phases as shown in Eq. (16), it implicitly requires the definition of self-consistent results for viscoplastic polycristalline metals.
anisotropic phases since it makes use of the measures of the strain Moreover, this tuning parameter is fitted to finite element results
fluctuations in the phases, the calculation of which by means of available in the literature. Eventually, even though this formulation
mean-field homogenization theories requires an anisotropic model is empirical, it does not lead to a bound, neither defines an effective
as shown for instance by formulae (8) and (9) in Idiart et al. potential, nor incorporates the intra-phase fluctuations of the local
(2006b). The SEC-Kcov approach may thus allow to improve the strain field. Furthermore, it leads to linear overall estimates for
VAR estimates, in the sense it generates softer estimates, at low isotropic porous materials under hydrostatic loading. However, it
additional analytical and numerical expenses only generated by the presents the advantage to be numerically easy to compute.
computation of the parallel and perpendicular measures of the
strain fluctuations in the phases.
3.3. Second enhanced affine formulation “AFF-ANI-Fcov”
Another advantage of this model is that it should not yield linear
overall estimates for porous materials under hydrostatic loading, as
As mentioned in Section 3.2, it was shown in Rekik et al. (2007)
it is the case for the SEC, AFF-ANI and AFF-ISOT schemes (Masson
that a “stressestrain” linearization procedure which makes use of
et al., 2000; Bornert and Ponte Castan ~ eda, 1998; Rekik et al.,
an anisotropic thermoelastic LCC moduli yields better estimates
2007). At last, note that the overall estimate of the proposition
than those relying on an elastic LCC with isotropic moduli (if
SEC-Kcov coincide with that of the VAR model in the case of isotropic
compared approaches include the same degree of information
porous material under pure hydrostatic loading. This can be easily
r regarding the statistics of the local fields).
deduced from the definitions of the strain descriptors εeq (see Eq.
r Moreover, for quasi-rigidly reinforced power-law composites
(13)) and bε eq (Eq. (14)) as functions of the covariance tensor Cεr (11)2
with strongly nonlinear matrix, the analysis of the parallel mea-
which does not vanish unlike the deviatoric tensor εrd which is
sures of the stress fluctuations over the matrix (Rekik, 2006; Rekik
identically null in this case. This model does however not lead to a
et al., 2012) have shown that they are significantly overestimated
bound neither to an effective potential.
by the secant formulations (SEC and VAR) ((i)-(a)) and strongly
underestimated by the affine version of the second-order proce-
3.2. First enhanced affine formulation “AFF-ANI-Fa” dure SOE-2 especially for m<0.15 ((i)-(b)) (for instance, see Fig. A.5-
a in Appendix A.2). However it was demonstrated that the LS and
Evaluative methodologies relying on comparisons between es- AFF-ISOT schemes provide good estimates for these fluctuations in
timates and available bounds (e.g. Masson et al., 2000) have shown the nonlinear composite ((i)-(c)), even though they slightly under-
that the classical affine gives too stiff estimates. This result was estimate them for strong nonlinearities. According to Eq. (A.2)1 and
confirmed by the objective evaluations carried out in Rekik et al. to the fact that the predictions of the measures of the strain fluc-
(2007) by Rekik et al. where it is observed that the original AFF- tuations in the parallel direction over the matrix are quantitatively
ANI formulation highly over-estimates the “exact” overall very similar for almost all linearization schemes (see Fig. A.6-a in
response for all ranges of the work-hardening exponent m. In the Appendix A.2 and Figure 11-(ii.a) in Rekik et al., 2007), it is possible
same study, it is shown that its simplified version AFF-ISOT gives to deduce from (i)-(a) that the secant shear moduli mrsct ðεreq Þ and
estimates in good agreement with the reference global response for r
mrsct ðεeq Þ are too stiff estimates for the shear modulus of a relevant
non-vanishing values of m but underestimates the reference global enhanced LCC in the parallel direction of the tangent operator in
response for strong nonlinearities thus showing that the AFF-ISOT the individual phases. In contrast, the shear modulus along the
is on a whole too soft. On the other hand, it was concluded in the projector Er in the generalized secant tensor (defined by equation
same study that a linearization procedure making use of an (B.5)) is a very soft estimate (see (i)-(b)) for this shear modulus. At
anisotropic thermoelastic LCC provides better results than those last, it appears that the tangent shear modulus mrtgt ðεreq Þ is a quite
relying on an elastic LCC with isotropic moduli. All these results
good estimate (see (i)-(c)) for the shear modulus along the pro-
suggest to define an enhanced intermediate affine version, denoted
jector Er in the tangent operator of the phase r in the LCC.
in the following by “AFF-ANI-Fa”, lying between the AFF-ANI and
On the other hand, the analysis of the orthogonal measures of
AFF-ISOT formulations by means of a linear combination of
the stress fluctuations over the matrix (see Fig. A.5-b in Appendix
both LCCs of the AFF-ANI and AFF-ISOT versions, i.e.
A.2) have shown that the AFF-ISOT scheme excessively un-
LrAFFANIFa ¼ aLrAFFISOT þ ð1  aÞLrAFFANI with a2[0,1]. The aniso-
derestimates them ((ii)-(a)) unlike the AFF-ANI and LS schemes
tropic thermoelastic stiffness tensor in each individual constituents
which strongly overestimate them ((ii)-(b)). Moreover, the affine
of the enhanced LCC reads then
version of the second-order (SOE-2) and VAR procedure provide
       the closest estimates to these fluctuations in the matrix of the
Lr ¼ 3kr J þ 2mrtgt εreq Er þ 2 amrtgt εreq þ ð1  aÞmrsct εreq F r
nonlinear composite ((ii)-(c)). According to Eq. (A.2)2 and to the fact
(17) that the orthogonal measures of the strain fluctuations over the
matrix are very close for all the linearization schemes considered in
where, in this study, a is empirically adjusted so as to minimize the this study (see Fig. A.6-b in Appendix A.2 and Figure 11-iii.a in Rekik
difference between the estimates of AFF-ANI-Fa and the exact et al., 2007), one can concluded that the tangent shear modulus
overall response for an extreme situation corresponding to strong mrtgt ðεreq Þ is a very soft estimate (see (ii)-(a)) for the shear modulus of
nonlinearities (0  m  0.2). The new polarization tensor tr is a relevant enhanced LCC in the orthogonal direction of the tangent
defined as for the AFF-ANI formulation by Eq. (B.3)2 but by operator of the phase r. This later also appears to be highly
A. Rekik et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 50 (2015) 1e16 7

overestimated by the secant shear modulus mrsct ðεreq Þ (see (ii)-(b)). 3.4. Enhanced tangent second-order procedures SOE-1-Fcov,
ε req Þ, which incorporate both
Finally, the moduli mrsct ðεeq Þ and mrsct ðb SOE-1-Fmom2 and SOE-1-(E-F)cov
the inter- and intraphase strain fluctuations and respectively
correspond to the secant moduli along Fr in the LCC generated by As shown by the results obtained by Rekik et al. (2007) non-
the VAR and SOE-2 procedures, seem to be appropriate estimates biased methodology, the tangent second-order procedure SOE-1
(see (ii)-(c)) for the shear modulus along the projector Fr in the over-estimates the overall response for reinforced composite and
phase r of the LCC. porous media. Moreover, unlike the SOE-2 procedure, the tangent
The combination of these conclusions derived at the global and second-order scheme fails to reproduce the evolution of the exact
local scales from the study of the reinforced case, motivate the solution in the range of strong nonlinearities. It is recalled that such
proposition of new affine formulations (two variants) which define limitations were explained by the fact that SOE-1 does not explic-
an anisotropic LCC with the following stiffness tensors itly account for the intraphase strain fluctuations as it makes use of
    the classical tangent stiffness tensor for the actual phase in the LCC
ε req F r ;
Lr ¼ 3kr J þ 2mrtgt εreq Er þ 2mrsct b (18) taken at εr ¼ εr (Eq. (B.6)1). Accordingly, in order to soften the
overall estimates of the tangent second-order SOE-1, we propose,
or as for the affine formulation, to soften the standard secant shear
    modulus mrsct ðεreq Þ of the tangent operator in the orthogonal direc-
Lr ¼ 3kr J þ 2mrtgt εreq Er þ 2mrsct εeq F r : (19) tion for each individual phase of the LCC by substituting it with a
ε req Þ incorporating both inter-
softer shear modulus mrsct ðεeq Þ or mrsct ðb
Again, the polarization tensor tr is defined as for the AFF-ANI and intra-phase strain fluctuations. Moreover, for the same reasons
formulation by Eq. (B.3)2 but by substituting the standard tangent mentioned for the enhanced affine formulations, we choose in a
operator (B.3)1 by the enhanced one (18) or (19). first step to retain the standard shear tangent modulus mrtgt ðεreq Þ for
Since the first proposition (18) is expected to overestimate the the parallel direction of the tangent operator. Thus, the thermo-
exact nonlinear overall response and that the second one (19) elastic LCCs associated with the enhanced SOE-1 approaches are
should yield estimate stiffer than that of the proposition (18) e defined by Eq. (18) or (19) for their respective anisotropic stiffness
ε req Þ < mrsct ðεeq Þ, our attention will be only focused on
recall that mrsct ðb tensor Lr, and by Eq. (B.3)2 for their polarization tensor tr. Once the
the first formulation (18) which will be investigated in this work. In choice of the LCC is performed, to complete the design of enhanced
the sequel, the formulation corresponding to the tangent operator SOE-1 approaches we followed the same procedure as the one used
(18) will be denoted by “AFF-ANI-Fcov”. Note that this proposition by Ponte Castan ~ eda (1996) for the SOE-1 model. Accordingly, the
explicitly incorporates information on both the inter- and intra- strain potential wr in each phase r is approximated by a second-
phase anisotropic strain fluctuations in the phases. This could order Taylor expansion around a reference strain εr set to the
soften the evaluations of the classical affine which only in- strain average over the phase εr within the LCC such that
corporates the interphase strain fluctuations through their first-
vwr r
order moments. Moreover, when compared to the original AFF- wr ðεÞxwrapp ðεÞ ¼ wr ðεr Þ þ ðε Þ : ðε  εr Þ
ANI scheme, the proposition (18) requires low additional numeri- vε (22)
cal expenses. It should be noted that the “AFF-ANI-Fcov” formulation þ ðε  εr Þ : Lr : ðε  εr Þ
is close but not similar to the affine version of the SOE-2 approach. 2
Indeed, following Eq. (17)2 in Idiart and Ponte Castan ~ eda (2003), it
where Lr is defined by (18) or (19). The potential wrapp ðεÞ can be
is noted for the case of isotropic, incompressible phases that the rewritten as
shear modulus in the orthogonal direction (along Fr) in the tangent
operator (18) is identical to that defined by the SOE-2 scheme in the vwr r 1
same direction. However, this is no longer the case for the shear wrapp ðεÞ ¼ wr ðεr Þ þ ðε Þ : εr þ εr : Lr : εr
 r vε 2 
modulus in the parallel direction (along Er) since its definition (see (23)
vw r 1
Eq. (17)1 in Idiart and Ponte Castan ~ eda, 2003) is more complex for þ ðε Þ  L : ε : ε þ ε : Lr : ε :
r r
vε 2
the SOE-2 formulation e and also more relevant since it includes
the intraphase fluctuations (see paragraph below) e than for the As expected, the local constitutive law s ¼ vwrapp =vεðεÞ derived
“AFF-ANI-Fcov” approach (see Eq. (18)). from the potential wrapp ðεÞ corresponds to the behavior of the
On the other hand, since the deviatoric part of the phase aver- enhanced SOE-1 thermoelastic LCC characterized by s¼Lr:ε þ tr
ages of the strain field vanish for isotropic porous materials under with Lr and tr defined respectively by (18) or (19) and (B.3)2, since
hydrostatic loading, it is relevant to consider alternatives for these εr ¼ εr . The main difference with the SOE-1 model is that the
enhanced formulations based on the replacement of the standard stiffness tensor Lr of the derived LCC differs from the tangent
tangent shear modulus mrtgt ðεreq Þ along the projector Er by the stiffness tensor Lrtgt ðεr Þ ¼ v2 wr =vε2 ðεr Þ and is equal to (18) or (19).
r r Then, similarly to the SOE-1 model, the effective potential or
ε req Þ since the strain descriptors εeq
following ones mrtgt ðεeq Þ or mrtgt ðb
stored-energy function wðεÞ e of the nonlinear composite may be
and ε req
b do not vanish in this limiting case. For simplicity, we only approximated as follows
mentioned the alternative tangent operators to the AFF-ANI-Fcov !
formulation (Eq. (18)) which read: X
wðεÞ e app ðεÞ ¼ min
¼ min < wðεÞ > x w f r
< wrapp ðεÞ > r
    ε2kðεÞ ε2kðεÞ
ε req F r
Lr ¼ 3kr J þ 2mrtgt εeq Er þ 2mrsct b (20) r¼1
The optimal value of the effective potential wðεÞ e is obtained
ε req Er þ 2mrsct b
Lr ¼ 3kr J þ 2mrtgt b ε req F r (21) when the stationarity conditions of this potential with respect to
the parameters εr are ensured. These stationarity conditions are
These alternative propositions, which by definition are expected satisfied for εr ¼ εr which corresponds to the initial choice we made
to soften the results derived from the AFF-ANI-Fcov formulation, are to define wrapp ðεÞ in Eq. (22). Indeed, as shown in Ponte Castan ~ eda
left for future investigation. e
and Suquet (1998), the stationarity of wðεÞ with respect to εr reads
8 A. Rekik et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 50 (2015) 1e16

! (i) “reinforced composites” composed of a nonlinear elastic

vw r r v2 wr r
ðεÞ ¼ f L  ðε Þ ðεr  < ε > r Þ ¼ 0; (25) matrix reinforced by linear isotropic quasi-rigid elastic
vεr vεvε particles,
(ii) “porous media” with a nonlinear elastic matrix.
thus leading to the choice εr ¼ εr . The latter reference strain allows
to estimate the effective potential of the nonlinear composite by All the considered nonlinear elastic individual constituents are
(B.4). As mentioned in Ponte Castan ~ eda and Suquet (1998), this assumed to obey RambergeOsgood constitutive equations as
estimation is available for any choice of the tensor of moduli Lr. For defined in Eq. (15).
the SOE-1 procedure, in order to determine an optimal choice for For all the FE computations (except for very low pore volume
the tensor Lr, Ponte Castan ~ eda tried to ensure the stationarity of fractions f p  1% where the mesh should be refined near the pores),
wðεÞ with respect to Lr. As the latter condition has not led to useful the number of finite elements inside the matrix Nm and inside the
results (Ponte Castan ~ eda, 1996; Bornert and Ponte Castan ~ eda, inclusion Np has been set to Nm ¼ 900 and Np ¼ 300, respectively.
1998), he made the choice of the tangent stiffness tensor (B.3). Such a mesh has been shown in Rekik et al. (2007) to be sufficiently
Other possible alternatives for this tensor are the propositions (18) refined to guarantee a good convergence of the numerical solution
or (19) stemming from the analysis of the results obtained by Rekik both in terms of the effective properties and local fields fluctua-
et al. in their evaluative studies (Rekik et al., 2007, 2012). At this tions. In the hereafter reported illustrative results, the material
stage, it should be emphasized that the reference strain ε associ- parameters have been chosen as indicated in Table 1. Additional
ated with proposition (19) is evaluated for an anisotropic thermo- parameters such as fp and m are specified when necessary.
elastic LCC e unlike the case of the VAR method for which the LCC is For the porous case the effective response is compressible, even
elastic and isotropic e following Eq. (13)2. At last, the method to if the matrix is almost incompressible, and is characterized by a
evaluate the effective response is similar to that followed for the two-dimensional relation ðsm ; seq Þ ¼ ~f ðεm ; εeq Þ since, as mentioned
SOE-1 method, i.e. based on the construction of an effective po- in Section 2.4, the macroscopic strain and stress are axisymmetric
P r r P
tential estimated by wðεÞx f wapp ðεr Þ ¼ min ε2kðεÞ ð f r ðwr ðεr Þþ and read ε ¼ εm i þ iεeq b e , s ¼ sm i þ 2=3iseq b
e , respectively. Since the
r r
P r local constitutive relations in their asymptotic behavior e i.e. for
1=2Lr :: 〈ðε  εr Þ5ðε  εr Þ〉r ÞÞ ¼ f ðwr ðεr Þ þ 1=2vwr =vεðεr Þ :
r large strain e are positively homogeneous function of the same
ðε  εr ÞÞ, from which the effective stress is obtained according to degree m (see Eq. (15)2), the above-mentioned two-dimensional
s ¼ vw=vεðεÞ. relation can be rewritten as sm ¼ b s 0 ðtε Þðεm =ε0 Þm or
Even though the proposed modified tangent second-order seq ¼ s ~0 ðtε Þðεeq =ε0 Þm and therefore restrict to one function b s 0 ðtε Þ
schemes partially satisfy the stationarity conditions e only that or s ~0 ðtε Þ, where the ratio tε ¼ εm =εeq is the macroscopic strain
with respect to εr as it is the case for the SOE-1 model but not with triaxiality ratio. Indeed, if the local constitutive relations were
respect to Lr, they are expected to soften the global response of the exactly positively homogeneous functions of the same degree m,
tangent second-order procedure and hence to improve on the re- the local strain solution of this problem would be a positively ho-
sults of this scheme since these propositions explicitly account for mogeneous function of degree one of the imposed strain ε, the local
the intraphase strain fluctuations in contrast to the SOE-1 model. stress a positively homogeneous function of degree m and so would
Hereafter, the energetic formulations associated with the affine be the overall stress (Ponte Castan ~ eda and Suquet, 1998). In prac-
schemes AFF-ANI-Fcov and AFF-ANI-Fmom2, respectively associated tice, s ~0 ðtε Þ is determined on the linear part of the evolution of
with the stiffness tensors defined by (18) and (19), are referred to as lnðseq Þ with respect to lnðεeq Þ for large enough εeq (for instance at
SOE-1-Fcov and SOE-1-Fmom2, respectively. εeq ¼ 0:04 under isochoric extension). The same methodology is
Other alternatives for these enhanced energetic formulations applied to determine b s 0 ðtε Þ.
are the second-order extensions of the enhanced affine formula- On the other hand, for a reinforced composite, the macroscopic
tions (20) and (21)1 where the standard tangent shear moduli behavior may be considered as almost incompressible, since the
1mrtgt ðεreq Þ along the projector Er have been replaced by the following bulk moduli kr will be chosen sufficiently large. As a consequence,
ε req Þ since the first-order moments of the
ones mrtgt ðεeq Þ and mrtgt ðb the sole overall quantity of interest is the deviatoric response seq ¼
~f ðεeq Þ ¼ s ~0 ðεeq =ε0 Þm which is characterized by a single scalar: the
strain over the phase εreq vanish for isotropic porous materials un-
effective flow stress s ~0 .
der purely hydrostatic loading unlike the strain descriptors εeq and For the computation of the effective behavior associated with
ε req .
b These alternative formulations are expected to provide better either the exact solution or the different tested linearization pro-
overall estimates e namely a pronounced nonlinear behavior e for cedures as well as the statistical descriptors of the local strain fields
porous materials under hydrostatic loading than the SEC, AFF-ANI, ε rk , b
εr , εeq , b ε r⊥ inside both the actual nonlinear composite and the
AFF-ISOT and enhanced affine formulations (Eqs. (18) and (19)). For various LCCs derived from the linearization procedures, the reader
the sake of simplicity, only the enhanced energetic formulation is advised to refer to (Rekik et al., 2007, 2012) where detailed and
associated with the affine formulation (21) and referred to as SOE- thorough explanations of these calculations are provided. We
1-(E-F)cov will be considered in the sequel. simply recall that the solutions of both the exact nonlinear problem
(3) and its approximations (5) derived from the different lineari-
4. A first evaluation of the performance of the proposed zation procedures are obtained by finite elements computations
enhanced formulations carried out through the FE code CAST3M (Cast3M ofal website).
Furthermore, the statistical descriptors of the strain fields within
4.1. Considered materials and numerical implementations

Numerical experiments of the proposed enhanced LCCs are Table 1

carried out for two different types of heterogeneous materials: Parameters used for the finite element calculations.

Material parameters Em nm sm
0 ε0 Ep np

1 Reinforced composites 75 GPa 0.3 300 MPa 100% 400 GPa 0.2
These extensions are generated in a way similar to the SOE-1-Fcov and
Porous media 75 GPa 0.3 300 MPa 100% e e
SOE-1-Fmom2 second-order procedures.
A. Rekik et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 50 (2015) 1e16 9

the LCC, which are used to determine the effective behavior, are not shear modulus mrtgt ðεreq Þ used in the SOE-1-Fcov formulation is
obtained from the derivation of the effective thermoelastic energy slightly stiffer than the shear modulus adopted by the SOE-2 pro-
of the LCC with respect to the local moduli or polarizations as it is cedure in the parallel direction Er of the stiffness tensor (see Eq.
usually the case in mean-fields theories but are computed by (17)1 in Idiart and Ponte Castan ~ eda, 2003). Second, the shear
spatially integrating the local fields in the phases, which is moduli in the orthogonal direction Fr of the stiffness tensors
numerically more efficient than the derivation of the effective en- respectively associated with the SOE-1-Fcov and SOE-2 procedures
ergy since the local fields are explicitly provided by the FE method. are identical.
Concerning the SOE-1-Fmom2 enhanced formulation, as reported
4.2. Results and discussions in Fig. 1-b, this approach provides accurate estimates for the overall
exact solution even though it slightly over-estimates this latter
4.2.1. Rigidly-reinforced composites when m vanishes (the absolute error is less than 4%). The SOE-
The evolutions with respect to the work-hardening exponent m 1-Fmom2 procedure improves on the results of LS and SOE-1 for all
of the normalized effective flow stresses derived from the proposed values of the work-hardening exponents m. Moreover, it yields
SEC-Kcov, SOE-1-Fcov, SOE-1-Fmom2 and SOE-1-(E-F)cov formulations stiffer results than the SOE-2 formulation which slightly under-
are reported in Fig. 1-a together with the ones associated with the estimates the exact overall solution. We deduce from these obser-
secant, affine and second-order procedures and with the nonlinear vations and from the fact that the tangent shear modulus mrtgt ðεreq Þ is
(NL) exact solutions. Similarly, Fig. 1-b depicts the evolutions with a quite good estimate for the shear modulus along the projector Er
respect to the work-hardening exponent m of the absolute differ- (see Section 3) and that the shear modulus mrsct ðεeq ) in the
ences s ~NL
~0  s sNL orthogonal direction of the tangent operator is a satisfactory esti-
0 =~ 0 between the normalized effective flow stresses
derived from the six enhanced proposed linearization schemes, the mate for low to moderate nonlinearity, i.e. m2[0.1,1], and should be
ones described in Sections Appendix B.1 and Appendix B.2 and the slightly softer for high nonlinearity, i.e. when the work-hardening
exact nonlinear solution. It is observed that the predictions of the exponent m vanishes, such as the shear modulus mrsct ðb ε req Þ used by
AFF-ANI-Fcov are, as expected, much softer than those provided by the SEC-Kcov and SOE-1-Fcov models.
the classical affine AFF-ANI formulation and the secant formula- It is observed that the SOE-1-(E-F)cov model provides a (too) soft
tions (SEC, VAR), especially for low values of the work-hardening estimate compared to the NL solution for m  0.1. As expected, this
parameter m. For strong nonlinearities, this enhanced model model is also softer than the SOE-1-Fcov since, by construction, the
yields estimates which are very close to those provided by the LS tangent shear modulus mrtgt ðεreq Þ along the parallel direction Er of the
and SOE-1 schemes. However it remains less relevant than these SOE-1-Fcov model is replaced by a softer tangent modulus mrtgt ðb ε req Þ
potential-based formulations for moderate to low work-hardening inside the SOE-1-(E-F)cov approach.
exponents since it over-estimates their predictions. Accordingly, it Fig. 1-b shows that the thermo-elastic anisotropic LCC used by
could be an alternative model to the LS and SOE-1 schemes in the the parametric AFF-ANI-Fa formulation e with an empirically
range of strong nonlinearity since it yields similar overall responses optimized value of the scalar parameter a set here to a0 ¼ 3/4 e
than these models and presents the advantage to be less difficult to yields good estimates for strongly nonlinear power-law compos-
implement. ites. It is observed (Fig. 1-b together with Fig. 1-a) that this
As observed in Fig. 1, the results derived from the SOE-1-Fmom2 formulation significantly improves on the predictions of the
and SOE-1-Fcov procedures again confirm the ability of the ener- “stressestrain” SEC, VAR and AFF-ANI procedures. It also corrects
getic formulations which linearize the local nonlinear behavior at the excessive under-estimation predicted by the AFF-ISOT approach
reference strains accounting for the intra-phase strain fluctuations for vanishing values of the work-hardening exponent m. Accord-
to provide satisfactory estimates. Regarding the SOE-1-Fcov proce- ingly, the shear modulus “amrtgt ðεreq Þ þ ð1  aÞmrsct ðεreq Þ” associated
dure, even though the overall responses provided by this formu- with the orthogonal direction of the tangent operator for the
lation slightly over-estimate the predictions of the SOE-2 approach optimized value a0 seems to be more appropriate than the shear
for moderate and low nonlinearities, they remain softer than the moduli mrsct ðεreq Þ and mrtgt ðεreq Þ. This model could however be criti-
“exact” ones. This result was expected for the two following rea- cized because it does not account for the intra-phase strain fluc-
sons. First, as implied by their respective definition, the tangent tuations and would probably provide poor results for other

~0 =sm
Fig. 1. Reinforced composite: variation of (a) the normalized effective flow stress s 0 associated with the linearization procedures SEC-Kcov, SOE-1-Fmom2, SOE-1-Fcov and SOE-1-
(E-F)cov and (b) the absolute differences s ~NL
~0  s sNL
0 =~ 0 between the normalized effective flow stresses associated with the six enhanced linearization schemes and the exact solution
with respect to the work-hardening exponent m. Results derived from the linearization schemes defined in Sections Appendix B.1 and Appendix B.2 are also reported for com-
parison purposes. fp ¼ 0.3 and a¼3/4.
10 A. Rekik et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 50 (2015) 1e16

situations where significant intra-phase strain fluctuations are some particular combination of parameters. This establishes new
observed as it is the case for large inclusion volume fractions (Leroy inherent limitations for the secant formulations.
and Ponte Castan ~ eda, 2001). Moreover, it slightly over-estimates In contrast with the SEC-Kcov formulation, the predictions of the
the LS and SOE-1 predictions for low to moderate work- enhanced second-order formulations SOE-1-Fmom2, SOE-1-Fcov and
hardening exponents. Finally, the main advantage of this model is SOE-1-(E-F)cov are in good agreement with the exact effective flow
its simplicity and facility to be implemented as it does not require stress for all inclusion volume fractions even though the SOE-
the computation of intra-phase field fluctuations. 1-(E-F)cov estimate seems to underestimate NL for f p  0.3 similarly
As expected, it is observed in Fig. 1(a) that the modified secant to SOE-2 and SOE-1-Fcov. This result confirms the ability of these
formulation SEC-Kcov provides softer estimates than the VAR formulations to account for the intraphase strain fluctuations
approach. Moreover, this new formulation seems to capture the relevantly, even near the percolation limit. The performance of such
exact overall response of a rigidly-reinforced composite rather well, formulations are likely to be linked to the higher sophistication of
especially for vanishing work-hardening exponents m, and yields the linearization procedure, based on more parameters than the
better predictions, at least for these cases, than the AFF-ISOT secant one: two moduli and a polarization are required to define
formulation and “potential-based” approaches such as LS, SOE-1 anisotropic thermoelastic behaviors, while only one is used for an
and SOE-2. This result suggests that taking for reference strain isotropic linear secant one.
associated with the secant shear modulus in the orthogonal di-
rection (Fr) the strain descriptor b ε req e which accounts for both the 4.2.2. Porous media
first-moment of the strain field and the measure of the intra-phase The enhanced formulations presented in Section 3 are now
strain fluctuations over the phase e might enable to define a applied on a porous medium submitted to an axisymmetric iso-
relevant modified secant LCC. choric extension and their predictions are reported in Fig. 3, for a
Fig. 2 illustrates the evolutions of the normalized effective flow pore concentration f p ¼ 0.3. It is observed that the SEC-Kcov
stress as functions of the particulate concentration fp for strongly approach fails to predict accurately the overall response of the
nonlinear reinforced power-law composites (m ¼ 0.1). Note that porous material since it yields an excessively soft overall response
among the six proposed formulations, only the results of the SEC- and an almost linear dependance of the effective critical stress with
Kcov, SOE-1-Fmom2, SOE-1-Fcov and SOE-1-(E-F)cov are reported since respect to (m1). Such a behavior is also observed for the other
they have been seen to give the most satisfactory overall estimates secant formulations (SEC and VAR schemes), with different slopes.
for strongly nonlinear rigidly-reinforced composites. This figure An analytical proof of this property is provided in Appendix (C) and
confirms the trends observed in Fig. 1 when the particulate con- emphasizes a general limitation of secant formulations in such a
centration is less than 0.4. When fp exceeds this limit and tends to situation.
the percolation threshold, it is observed that, even if the SEC-Kcov The AFF-ANI-Fcov estimate (see Fig. 3) is seen to improve on the
approach improves on the results of the LS, SOE-1 and VAR for- results of the SEC and AFF-ANI procedures, probably because it
mulations, it still yields stiffer results than the exact solution and accounts for the intraphase strain fluctuations unlike the SEC and
SOE-2 schemes. Another surprising result with this secant formu- AFF-ANI formulations. Nevertheless, the AFF-ANI-Fcov estimate still
lation is observed for low volume fractions, below about 17%, where yields stiffer results than those provided by the VAR approach for
it turns out that the effective properties of the reinforced composite moderate and strong nonlinearities. This might be explained by the
as predicted by this model would be softer than those of the pure fact that the effect of the intraphase strain fluctuations are only
matrix: indeed the softening effect induced by the proposed new taken into account in the perpendicular direction (along Fr) of the
linearization is too strong with respect to the reinforcement effect stiffness tensor in the LCC while they are equally included in both
due to the presence of rigid inclusions. This unphysical result directions, along F r and E r, for the VAR scheme.
together with the previous one illustrate the limitation of a simple On the other hand, the AFF-ANI-Fa formulation, which does not
secant formulation, which can hardly be accurate in all situations: incorporate the intra-phase fluctuations of the strain field, im-
the SEC-Kcov formulation is too soft for low volume fractions, and proves on the results of the VAR approach for non-vanishing values
too stiff for higher ones, even though for intermediate ones, it of m (i.e. for m > 0.2) but, as expected, leads to poor results when m
captures well the dependance with nonlinearity. Any other speci- goes to 0, i.e. when the intraphase strain fluctuations become large.
fication for the reference strain associated with the secant modulus Note that this formulation has been applied with a¼3/4 since this
of the matrix, either lower or larger than b ε req , might also fail for value leads to accurate estimates for strongly nonlinear power-law

~ 0 =sm
Fig. 2. Reinforced composite: variation of the normalized effective flow stress s 0 associated with the linearization procedures SEC-Kcov, SOE-1-Fmom2, SOE-1-Fcov and SOE-1-(E-
F)cov with respect to the particle volume fraction fp. Results derived from the linearization schemes defined in Sections Appendix B.1 and Appendix B.2 are also reported for
comparison purposes. Full curves (a) and zoom (b). m ¼ 0.1.
A. Rekik et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 50 (2015) 1e16 11

(more than the SOE-1 or LS approaches but less than the SOE-2
procedure) to predict the overall behavior of both reinforced
composites or porous materials. Note that the SOE-1-(E-F)cov esti-
mate is not reported in Fig. 3 since, by its definition, it is expected to
be softer than the response of the SOE-1-Fcov procedure which is
already too soft.
The predictions of the following five enhanced formulations
(AFF-ANI-Fcov, SEC-Kcov, SOE-1-Fcov, SOE-1-Fmom2 and SOE-
1-(E-F)cov) are now tested on a very discriminant situation which
consists of a porous medium submitted to a pure hydrostatic
loading at a low pore concentration f p ¼ 0.01. Such a situation is
classically representative of problems of ductile fracture (Leblond
et al., 1994; Perrin and Leblond, 1990; Tvergaard, 1982). The effec-
tive predictions of these linearization procedures are depicted in
Fig. 4.
The results of the SEC, AFF-ANI, AFF-ISOT, SOE-1 and LS models
are not reported since they only make use of the first-order
moment of the strain field εreq when defining the stiffness tensor
Fig. 3. Porous material under isochoric extension: variation of the normalized effective
flow stresses s~0 =sm Lr in phase r in the LCC. For such a hydrostatic loading, εreq is close to
0 associated with the five enhanced linearization procedures with
respect to the work-hardening exponent m. Results derived from the linearization zero inside the matrix for the considered unit cell. Accordingly,
schemes defined in Sections Appendix B.1 and Appendix B.2 are also reported for these models lead to effective flow stresses which highly over-
comparison purposes. fp ¼ 0.3 and a¼3/4. estimate the NL solution. This confirm again the necessity to ac-
count for both inter and intraphase strain fluctuations when line-
arizing the nonlinear behavior of phase r as previously mentioned
reinforced composites as seen in the previous paragraph. Another
for instance in Masson et al. (2000); Pastor and Ponte Castan ~ eda
value of a would of course have generated other results. But it
(2002). Fig. 4 shows that, among all the proposed new formula-
would be of poor interest to have to adjust a parameter for each
tions, only the enhanced tangent second order formulation SOE-
combination of constitutive relation.
1-(E-F)cov delivers good estimates for the whole range of non-
The evaluation of the enhanced tangent second-order formu-
linearities including strong nonlinearities (i.e. when m vanishes).
lation SOE-1-Fcov confirms again its ability to reproduce the trends
Even though the SEC-Kcov model, like the SOE-2 procedure, highly
of the exact solution qualitatively and quantitatively. Indeed,
over-estimates the reference solution, it is consistent and even
although this enhanced SOE-1 formulation slightly under-
coincides with the rigorous variational bound VAR e since εreq x0
estimates the “exact” solution, it yields better estimates than r
those predicted by the “stressestrain” approaches and improves on ε req xεeq (see section (3.1)) e unlike the SOE-1-Fcov
and therefore b
the predictions of the LS and SOE-1 schemes for vanishing values of and SOE-1-Fmom2 models which also coincide since εreq x0 but lead
m. Furthermore, it is observed for this situation that it also slightly to very stiff estimates which violate the VAR response for m > 0.3.
improves on the SOE-2 procedure over the whole range of m values. At last, even though the AFF-ANI-Fcov model improves on the SEC,
The same trends are observed for the SOE-1-Fmom2 which turns out SOE-1, LS and existing affine formulations since it accounts for the
to provide the best estimate of the overall exact behavior among all intraphase strain fluctuations along the perpendicular direction F r,
tested formulations. This modified potential-based formulation it yields stiffer estimate than the enhanced secant SEC-Kcov and
provides as expected stiffer results than the SOE-1-Fcov approach second order SOE-1-Fcov, SOE-1-Fmom2 formulations. Accordingly it
since its secant shear modulus mrsct ðεeq Þ along the direction Fr is is not a satisfactory model when dealing with the prediction of the
stiffer than the one msct ðb
ε eq Þ used by the SOE-1-Fcov procedure. effective flow stress of porous materials under hydrostatic loading.
These tendencies confirm the relevance of the enhanced This evaluation underline the fact that standard mean-field
potential-based formulations SOE-1-Fmom2 and SOE-1-Fcov which homogenization theories fail to reproduce the reference
incorporate the intra-phase strain fluctuations in a moderate way nonlinear solution of a porous media under hydrostatic loading

b 0 =sm
Fig. 4. Porous media: variation of the normalized effective flow stress s 0 associated with the linearization procedures SEC-Kcov, AFF-ANI-Fcov, SOE-1-Fmom2, SOE-1-Fcov and SOE-
1-(E-F)cov with respect to the work-hardening exponent m. Results derived from VAR and SOE-2 linearization schemes defined in Sections Appendix B.1 and Appendix B.2 are also
reported for comparison purposes. Full curves (a) and zoom (b). f ¼ 0.01.
12 A. Rekik et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 50 (2015) 1e16

except some rare and more sophisticated models like the ones 5. Conclusions and perspectives
developed by Bilger et al. (2002, 2007) or Danas et al. (2008). In the
works of Bilger et al., a modified secant extension based on Driven by some relevant results of non-biased comparative
multilayered composite spheres e with a piecewise constant but evaluations of various “stressestrain” or “potential-based” lineari-
non uniform distribution of shear moduli in the matrix e is pre- zation procedures and their interpretation, we have proposed six
sented for porous media with perfectly plastic matrix. This enhanced formulations derived from the earlier so-called secant,
enriched model improves on the VAR estimate since it describes affine and tangent second-order linearization schemes. The key
more accurately the local plastic flow or deformation gradient point relies on the replacements of the reference strain(s) used by
along the radii around the pores. Another relevant model for such these schemes in order to generate “softer” LCCs and better account
situations was more recently designed by Danas et al. (2008) in for intraphase fluctuations of the strain field since it has been
such a way that it reproduces exactly the behavior of a viscoplastic shown that the secant, classical affine and initial second-order
porous material with a “composite-cylinder assemblage” micro- formulations provide too stiff estimates. For the sake of simplicity
structure in the limit of in-plane hydrostatic loading. The novel and as a first illustration, the modified linearization schemes have
reference stress prescribed by this model depends on the stress been tested on both a periodic rigidly-reinforced composite and a
triaxiality and the Lode angle (Kachanov, 1971) in stress space, the periodic porous media subjected to axisymmetric loading, making
latter being related to the third invariant of the macroscopic stress use of a non-biased evaluation procedure in which reference
tensor. This new reference strain allows to improve significantly on nonlinear composite and LCC exhibit the same microstructure and
the earlier VAR and second-order estimates, especially at high are numerically homogenized with an exact treatment.
stress triaxialities, low porosities and for high nonlinearities. A first conclusion of this objective evaluation is that the
The SOE-1-(E-F)cov model presented in this paper is shown in enhanced affine formulations, especially those incorporating more
Fig. 4 to give estimates in good agreement with the reference so- information about the intraphase strain fluctuations (i.e. AFF-ANI-
lution for the whole range of nonlinearities in the limit of porous Fcov and AFF-ANI-Fmom2), even though more difficult to implement
media for high triaxiality loading conditions. On the other hand, than the classical and simplified affine procedures, yield better
even though it improves on the estimates of the modified secant results than earlier affine models. Such “stressestrain” formula-
extensions (VAR and SEC-Kcov) and the second-order variants (SOE- tions might be useful for “two-potential” materials for which other
1, SOE-2, SOE-1-Fcov and SOE-1-Fmom2) under hydrostatic strain procedures such as the potential-based approaches are complex
loading, it is expected to be too soft under isochoric extension and and difficult to implement.
low triaxialities since, by construction, it is softer than the SOE-1- With respect to the AFF-ANI-Fa formulation, this parametric
Fcov approach which itself is softer (see Fig. 3) than the nonlinear approach might appear attractive due to its simplicity and ease of
solution for isochoric loadings. Accordingly, for such loadings, it is use. However, it presents the trivial limitations not to account for
more appropriate to apply the SOE-1-Fcov formulation. Indeed, ac- intraphase fluctuations and to require a reference solution in order
counting for the intraphase strain fluctuations in the parallel di- to fit the parameter a. Accordingly, this formulation is more a
rection Er added to the ones in the orthogonal direction, as it is the phenomenological approach than a micromechanical one due to its
case of the SOE-1-(E-F)cov model, highly softens the effective flow fitting parameter a and should thus be used with much care.
stress of a porous media under pure isochoric extension and low Indeed, the comparison of result of this model with reference so-
strain triaxialities. However, as observed in the evolution of the lution in two different situations shows the limitation of such an
SOE-1-(E-F)cov approach in Fig. 4, this work shows that it is empirical approach.
important to account for the intraphase strain field fluctuations in Our comparisons show also the limitations of secant lineariza-
the parallel direction at intermediate and high triaxialities. Espe- tions. Our attempt to soften the modified secant (or variational)
cially, for axisymmetric problems, the SOE-1-(E-F)cov scheme could formulation, by the use of a larger reference strain, turned out to be
be a good alternative for second-order formulations (SOE-1, SOE-2) unsuccessful. Even if the proposed SEC-Kcov approach allowed to
when dealing with porous media under moderate and high nicely capture the evolution of effective properties with nonline-
triaxilities. arity exponent m in some cases (for rigidly-reinforced composites
Finally, it should be noted that the SOE-1-(E-F)cov approach is at intermediate volume fractions), this approach was also found to
consistently defined even for the limit case of hydrostatic macro- be far too soft for porous media, and even to predict non physical
scopic strain loadings. Indeed, as induced by the definitions (8)4 results for rigidly reinforced composites at low volume fraction.
and (10)1, the second-order em ¼ b e ðεm Þ and fourth-order This limitation seems to show that LCCs that depend on a single
E ¼ 2/3e 5e tensors are well defined e unlike b
m m m
e ðεÞ ¼ εd =εeq parameter are not sufficient to capture the complexity of local in-
which is undefined for hydrostatic macroscopic strains e since it is teractions in nonlinear media. Secant formulations might however
numerically observed that εm eq is not zero. Because of the rotational be used as first approximations, because of their simpler imple-
invariance of the whole local problem e the cylindrical unit cell is mentations which sometimes even lead to analytical expressions,
axially symmetric along the third axis and the behavior of the as shown in Appendix (C) where a new closed-form expression of
constituents and the loading are isotropic e the preferential di- the effective flow stress has been obtained for power-law porous
rection em coincides with e35e3  ½(e15e1 þ e25e2). However, at materials.
this stage it should be emphasized that, for a porous medium with In contrast, the SOE-1-Fmom2 and SOE-1-Fcov procedures
an isotropic matrix and now an isotropic (instead of transversely showed their relevance to predict the overall behavior for both
isotropic) microstructure (or unit cell) submitted to a hydrostatic reinforced composites and porous media under low triaxiality
macroscopic strain loading, there is no additional preferential di- loading conditions, even in sharp situations, i.e. for strong nonlin-
rection since the associated nonlinear local problem (Eq. (3)) is fully earity or near the percolation threshold. They yield very close es-
isotropic. By symmetry arguments, the strain averages over the timates to the earlier second-order procedures SOE-2 which was
phases are isotropic and their deviatoric parts are zero. Accordingly, known to be accurate and efficient. They even provides sometime
the tensors em ¼ b e ðεm Þ and Em are undefined and so will be the more accurate predictions at least in terms of the macroscopic
SOE-1-(E-F)cov approach. This question remains opened for future properties (see Fig. 3). The SOE-1-Fmom2 procedure seems to be the
investigations. This remark also holds for the SOE-1-Fcov and SOE- more accurate and has the additional advantage to be easier to
1-Fmom2 formulations. implement than SOE-1-Fcov.
A. Rekik et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 50 (2015) 1e16 13

As few existing nonlinear mean-field homogenization theories with sr ¼ < s > r and Csr ¼ 〈ðs  sr Þ5ðs  sr Þ〉r . Note that the stress
(Bilger et al., 2002; Danas et al., 2008), the SOE-1-(E-F)cov procedure covariance tensor in phase r also reads Csr ¼ 〈s5s〉r  sr 5sr and
is shown to provide good estimates for the effective flow stress on a r r
therefore 3=2K :: Csr ¼ ðseq Þ2  ðsreq Þ2 with seq ¼ 〈s2eq 〉r . When the
very discriminant situation consisting of a porous medium under
intermediate or high triaxiality loading conditions at low pore uniform stiffness tensor Lr in phase r is given by the general form
concentrations. However, this model yields (too) soft estimates at Lr ¼ 3krJ þ 2mrFr þ 2lrEr e as it is the case of all the LCCs considered
low triaxiality and its extension to purely isotropic structures under in this paper e the relationships between the measures of the stress
hydrostatic loadings is openedFinally, it should be noted that all and strain fluctuations in phase r then read
modified linearization procedures presented in this paper are  
derived by only changing the definitions of the tensors of elastic drk ðsÞ ¼ 3lr drk ðεÞ ¼ 3lr bε rk  εreq ; ε r⊥
dr⊥ ðsÞ ¼ 3mr dr⊥ ðεÞ ¼ 3mr b
moduli of some of the (thermo-)elastic LCCs defined in Sections (A.2)
Appendix B.1 and Appendix B.2 while letting their polarization
tensors e when the LCC is thermoelastic e unchanged. Another since Csr ¼ ðLr 5Lr Þ :: Cεr for all (thermo)elastic linear constitutive
alternative, not treated in this paper, would consist to explore behavior, i.e. s(x) ¼ Lr:ε(x) ( þ tr).
“new” polarization tensors for thermoelastic LCCs. Such an alter-
native is left or a future investigation.
Appendix A.2. Results

Appendix A. Expressions of the stress field statistics We provide in this appendix additional results which comple-
ment those already published in Rekik et al. (2007) in order to
Appendix A.1. Definitions sustain the discussion reported in Section 3.3. Fig. A.5 depicts the
evolutions with respect to the work-hardening exponent m of the
Similarly to the strain fluctuations (Eq. (14)), the parallel drk ðsÞ parallel and orthogonal measures of the stress fluctuations over the
and perpendicular dr⊥ ðsÞ measures of the fluctuations of the stress matrix. Fig. A.6 illustrates the evolutions of the parallel and
field in phase r are defined by orthogonal measures of the strain fluctuations over the matrix as
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi functions of the inclusion volume fraction. The latter figure con-
3 r 3 r firms that the predictions of the measures of the strain fluctuations
drk ðsÞ ¼ srk  sreq ¼ E :: C rs ; dr⊥ ðsÞ ¼ sr⊥ ¼ F :: C rs
2 2 over the matrix are very close for all the linearization schemes
(A.1) considered in this study.

Figure A.5. Reinforced composite: variation of (a) the normalized parallel s m m bm
k  seq =s0 and (b) orthogonal s
⊥ =s0 measures of the stress fluctuations over the matrix with respect
to the work-hardening exponent m. f p ¼ 0.3.

FigureA.6. Reinforced composite: variation of (a) the normalized parallel bε m εm

k  εeq =εeq and (b) orthogonal b
⊥ =εeq measures of the strain fluctuations over the matrix with respect to
the inclusion volume fraction f p. m ¼ 0.1.
14 A. Rekik et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 50 (2015) 1e16

Appendix B. Classical linearization procedures affine and SOE-1 formulations unlike the per-phase stress averages
which differ according to the chosen formulation (see Masson et al.,
Appendix B.1. Stressestrain approaches 2000).

Appendix B.1.1Classical secant formulation (SEC)

For this formulation, the LCC is elastic (tr ¼ 0). The local Appendix B.2.2. Second-order procedures: improved versions
constitutive behavior in phase r of the LCC reads: s(x) ¼ Lr:ε(x), For the improved second-order formulation SOE-2, based on
where Lr is defined as the isotropic tensor of secant moduli (9)1 stationarity conditions related to the evaluated effective energy
evaluated at a reference strain εr defined as the equivalent phase (Ponte Castan~ eda, 2002a), Lr is defined by means of a generalized
average of the strain εreq in the LCC such that secant relation
Lr ¼ 3kr J þ 2mrsct εreq K: (B.1) vwr  r  vwr r  r 
ε0  ðε Þ ¼ Lr : b
ε 0  εr : (B.5)
vε vε

Appendix B.1.2. Modified secant extension (VAR) The first reference strain εr is set to εr . Under the simplifying
This formulation proposed in Suquet (1995) is identical to the assumption that the generalized secant tensor Lr takes on the
classical secant formulation except for the fact that the reference simple anisotropic form Lr ¼ 3krJ þ 2mrFr þ 2lrEr, to satisfy the
strain εr is now defined as the second-order moment of the strain remnant stationarity conditions the additional reference strain b ε r0
field in phase r εeq such that is defined such that ε r0k ¼ ð2=3b
its “parallel” b ε r0 Þ1=2
ε r0 : Er : b
  and “perpendicular” b ε r0⊥ ¼ ð2=3b
ε r0 : F r : b
ε r0 Þ1=2 components to
Lr ¼ 3kr J þ 2mrsct εeq K: (B.2) r
e ¼b
b r
e ðε Þ, respectively satisfy the following relations b ε r0k ¼ b
ε rk and
The modified secant extension coincides with the variational ε r0⊥ ¼ b
b ε r⊥ where the strain descriptors b
ε rk , b
ε r⊥ have already been
~ eda (1991).
approach of Ponte Castan defined in Eq. (12). Finally, the effective stress is again obtained
by means of Hill's theorem (1) for an effective potential approxi-
P r r P r r r
Appendix B.1.3. Classical affine formulation (AFF-ANI) ~
mated by wðεÞx ε r0 Þ ¼
f wapp ðεr ; b ε 0 Þ þ 1=2vwr =vεðεr Þ :
f ðw ðb
r r
In the original affine approach proposed by Masson et al.
(Masson et al., 2000), the LCC is thermo-elastic. Tensors Lr and tr are ε r0 ÞÞ where the strain field descriptors εr and b
ðεr  b ε r0 (or equiva-
r r 2
respectively defined by Lr ¼ Lrtgt ðεr Þ ¼ v2 wr =vε2 ðεr Þ and tr ¼ vwr/ ε k, b
lently b ε ⊥ ) are derived from the LCC. Note that a third version of
vε(εr)  Lr:εr for a reference strain εr set to εr . Unlike the secant the second order procedure SOE-3, very similar to the SOE-2
methods, Lr is anisotropic so that the tensors characterizing the LCC version, is also proposed in Idiart and Ponte Castan ~ eda (2005);
read Idiart and Ponte Castan~ eda (2007). For the sake of simplicity, we
    will only consider the SOE-1 and SOE-2 second-order procedures
Lr ¼ Lrtgt ðεr Þ ¼ 3kr J þ 2mrtgt εreq Er þ 2mrsct εreq F r ; based on a strain potential w(ε).
vwr r
tr ¼ ðε Þ  Lr : εr :

Appendix B.2.3. The Lahellec and Suquet scheme (LS)
The Lahellec and Suquet formulation LS (Lahellec and Suquet,
Appendix B.1.4. Simplified affine formulation (AFF-ISOT) 2004) retains the energetic framework of the tangent second-
To simplify the original affine formulation which is anisotropic order formulation and modifies it in such a way that the
and to soften its prediction, Chaboche and Kanoute  (2003) have “stressestrain” formulation (s ¼ < s > ) is in exact agreement with
proposed a new variant referred to as AFF-ISOT with an isotropic e
the potential-based formulation (s ¼ vw=vεðεÞ). The following ex-
tensor of elastic moduli defined by Lr ¼ 3kr J þ 2mrtgt ðεr ÞK where pressions are generated for the constitutive relations of the LCC
εr ¼ εreq .
vwr r 1
Appendix B.2. Potential-based approaches Lr ¼ Lrtgt ðεr Þ; tr ¼ ðε Þ  Lr : εr þ Nr ðεr Þ :: Cεr ; with
vε 2
v3 wr
Appendix B.2.1. Second-order procedures: initial tangent N r ðεÞ ¼ ðεÞ:
The initial second-order formulation also called the tangent
second-order procedure and referred to in this study as SOE-1, is Calculations made in Rekik (2006) show that Nr ðεr Þ :: Cεr ¼
based on a second-order Taylor expansion (Ponte Castan ~ eda, 1996) ð2dmrtgt ðεreq Þ=dεeq ðb ε r⊥ Þ2 Þb
ε rk  εreq Þ2 þ 4=3dmrsct ðεreq Þ=dεeq ðb ε rk ,
e , where b
of the strain potential wr in each phase r (r ¼ 1,2) around a reference ε r⊥ are defined by Eq. (12) such that Lr and tr only depend on three
strain εr equal to the average strain in phase r within the LCC. While ε rk , b
statistical descriptors εr , b ε r⊥ of the local strain field within the
the derived LCC is exactly the same as the one of the affine LCC. Finally, the effective strain-potential is approximated by
formulation, the method to evaluate the effective response is P r r r
wðεÞx f ðw ðε Þ þ 1=2vwr =vεðεr Þ :: Cεr Þ and the macroscopic stress
different from the one associated with stressestrain approaches r
and relies on the construction of an effective potential estimated by s might be evaluated either as the average value of the local stress
X X   field within the LCC or by means of Hill's theorem through Eq. (2)1.
1 vwr r
wðεÞx f r wrapp ðεr Þ ¼ f r wr ðεr Þ þ ðε Þ : ðε  εr Þ ;
r r 2 vε
(B.4) 2
To derive closed-form expression of wrapp as functions of b ε rk , b
ε r⊥ (and not of b
ε r0 ),
more information about the phase constitutive laws should be available. See for
from which the effective stress is obtained according to instance (Ponte Castan ~ eda, 2002b) where closed-form expressions of
s ¼ vw=vεðεÞ. The estimated local strain fields are the same in the ε rk ; b
wrapp ðεr ; b ε r⊥ Þ are given for rigidly reinforced composites and porous materials.
A. Rekik et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 50 (2015) 1e16 15

Appendix C. Additional analytical result regarding secant compute the expressions of Am, gr and g for the considered overall
linearization schemes (SEC, VAR, SEC-Kcov) for power-law load ε, from the linear model defined for an arbitrary value of mm.
porous materials Now for the special case of a power-law matrix, it is well known
(Ponte Castan ~ eda and Suquet, 1998) that the effective behavior
This appendix provides an analytical proof of the almost affine follows a power-law with same exponent
evolution of the effective flow stress s ~0 with respect to the work-  m
hardening exponent m, for power-law porous material under εeq
~0 ðtε ; b
seq ¼ s eÞ (C.6)
pure deviatoric extension, observed in Fig. 3. ε0
The proposed proof applies even to a somewhat more general
This result is also a direct consequence of the homogeneity of
situation: we consider a porous material with an isotropic incom-
degree one of the dependence of the local strain fields in the porous
pressible nonlinear elastic matrix, with a nonlinear behavior
material with respect to the macroscopic strain.
characterized by the work-hardening curve seq ¼ sm(εeq), from
Putting together equations (C.6), (C.4) and (C.1), one finally
which the secant modulus mm m
sct ðεeq Þ ¼ s ðεeq Þ=3εeq can be defined.
The matrix is assumed insensitive to the third invariant of the
strain. This porous material is subjected to an overall strain ε, with m1
~0 ðtε ; b
s e Þ ¼ ð1  f p Þgðtε ; b
e Þs0 ðgm ðtε ; b
e ÞÞ : (C.7)
deviatoric part εd , von Mises equivalent strain εeq , triviality ratio tε
and direction be¼b e ðεÞ. For the situation considered in Fig. 3, the triaxiality ratio tε is
A special case would be a power-law type behavior, such that null and the overall load is always proportional to
e ¼ e3 5e3  1=2ðe1 5e1 þ e2 5e2 Þ. However, strictly speaking, in
  s0 εeq m1 Fig. 3, the matrix is not incompressible but follows a Ram-
sct εeq ¼ : (C.1) bergeOsgood relation (15)2 with a finite initial elastic shear
3ε0 ε0
modulus and a finite elastic bulk modulus. But when the elastic part
The microstructure of the porous material does not need to be of the total strain in the matrix is negligible e i.e. for sufficiently
specified: the result is not restricted to the particular geometry large strain e which is actually the case in our study since the
considered throughout the paper. macroscopic constitutive law (C.6) of the reinforced composite is
When a secant linearization scheme is considered, the LCC is evaluated from the asymptotic behavior for large strains, the pre-
made of the same arbitrary microgeometry and is subjected to the vious result for purely incompressible power law matrix almost
same overall strain ε. The linear behavior of the matrix in the LCC holds true. Accordingly, the effective flow stress provided by a
depends on the sole shear modulus mm, which takes various values secant linearization and its derivative with respect to the work-
depending on which secant scheme is considered. The essential hardening exponent m read
property on which the final result relies on, is however that the
local strain field in the LCC, for a fixed overall prescribed strain ε, m1
~0 zð1  f p Þgs0 ðgm Þ
s ;
does not depend on the value of this shear modulus mm. We refer to v~s0 m1
Appendix D of Rekik et al. (2012) for a straightforward proof of this s0 lnðgm Þ ¼ ð1  f p Þgs0 lnðgm Þ ðgm Þ
z~ : (C.8)
vm |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
property. Since the localization problem in the LCC is linear, one can
does not depend on m
classically define a fourth order localization tensor Am relative the
matrix such that εm ¼ Am : ε, which does not depend on mm. In The slope v~s0 =vm is almost independent on the exponent m, as
addition, one can define the following ratios, which do not depend ~0 does not deviate strongly from its value for m ¼ 1, as observed in
on mm either Fig. 3. This results from the fact that gm is never significantly
different from 1. As a consequence one observes a quasi-affine
eq εr dependance with m of the effective flow stress predicted by all
gðtε ; b
eÞ ¼ and gr ðtε ; b
eÞ ¼ (C.2) secant models.
εeq εeq
The slope is however strongly sensitive to the considered secant
where εr is the scalar reference strain in phase r used to compute extension, through the value of gm which depends only on the
the secant modulus, and defined, for the three considered secant linear local problem. Indeed, if gm < 1 then v~ ~0 de-
s0 =vm < 0 and s
schemes, by: creases with increasing values of m as observed for the SEC and VAR
overall responses (see Fig. 3). If gm > 1 then v~ ~0 in-
s0 =vm > 0 and s
      creases with m as observed for the SEC-Kcov overall predictions on
εr ¼ εreq SEC ; εeq VAR or ε req SEC  Kcov :
b (C.3)
Fig. 3. The slope is essentially related to whether the reference
strain is larger or not than the overall equivalent strain.
For all these secant schemes, the overall deviatoric stress in the
nonlinear porous material is obtained by averaging the stress in the
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