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A Research Proposal
Presented to
Mr. Reynaldo Vallejos Noya LPT, MAELT(CAR)
Senior High School Department
Aba Al-Khail Computer School
Gadongan Hayfah, Marawi City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements of
Practical Research II





School uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of
belonging within the student body. Without school uniforms, the potential for children to tease
and make fun of one another is increased. People use clothing to express themselves. Sadly when
a child expresses themselves differently to everyone else, it can create a point of difference
between one child, family, and another. Also without school uniforms children from poorer
backgrounds could feel isolated if their parents are unable to afford the latest styles of clothing
Rather than building a sense of community and equality with a school uniform allowing children
to wear what they like can create divisions between them. If a child feels like they don't fit in or
they don't have the latest and best clothing, it can be damaging to their confidence. When
students all wear the same clothing every day at school. It levels out the playing field. Children
of all socioeconomic backgrounds begin from the same starting point. Mandatory public school
uniform practice has been the primary focus in the recent educational policy of both developed
and developing countries. Proponents of such reform emphasize the advantages and
disadvantages of student uniforms on specific behavioral and Academic outcomes. School
uniforms are supposed to help stop issues of cliques, prevent gangs from forming, and help
students concentrate on their studies. Enabling a dress code helps to boost the students’ etiquette
and marks. Numerous school districts have embraced school uniforms as an innovative step to
add to safety and reduce aberration in schools. The consequence of school uniforms allowed
added security, a reduction in peer pressure, and an overall decline in diversion. Students should
be ignorant of social evils like money and the class system, and this is what school uniforms
focus on. This research thesis examined the impact of school uniforms on student behavior,
investigated the effect of school uniforms on student attendance, and examined the effect of
school uniforms on students’ achievement and attendance. This study attempts to examine the
Effects of School uniforms on achievement, Behavior, and Attendance in the Government
School of Odisha: A Case Study of the District’ This study focuses on the functioning of school
children after wearing school uniforms. This study investigated school students' opinions on the
benefits of wearing a school uniform review of related literature is provided along with results of
the opinions obtained from school students attending a public school in Mababanaba National
High School that had recently initiated a school uniform policy. Improvements in discipline data
and school police data were also examined. Results highlighted the perceived benefits of
Decreases in discipline, gang involvement, and bullying and increases in safety, ease of going to
school, confidence, and self-esteem of wearing a uniform to school, as reported by students
through a survey instrument. The results focus on gender, grade level, and racial/ethnic
differences in students' responses. Few significant differences were found. One benefit was
found between genders, six benefits between grade levels, and three benefits related to
racial/ethnic groups


This study would like to know the common attire of senior high school students in Aba Al Khail
Computer School Student it helps the teacher to encourage the students to wear the school
uniform, this study would like to know the answer to the following questions.) Profile of the
respondents1.1 Age1.2 Gender1.3 Strand 1.4 Address2.) What are the benefits of wearing a
school uniform? 3.) Why do students prefer wearing school uniforms?


One of the benefits of our research study is to know how students must wear school uniforms.
This study will give them a concept and data about wearing school uniforms, and it may also
serve as a guide for a new to be developed.


This study is limited to knowing the common attire that the student wears and also to knowing
the benefits of wearing school uniforms. Lastly, why students must wear the school uniform, will
be conducted in the school year 2023, focusing on senior high school students.


The following terms are defined for the better understanding of the student:

Self-confidence- An attitude about your skills and abilities.

Potential- Something that can develop or become actual.

Self-esteem- How we value and perceive ourselves.

School uniform- Special clothes worn by pupils at a particular school.

Confidence- Feeling sure of yourself and your abilities



This chapter presents Related Literature and Related Study that presents previous research and
discusses their techniques for the Benefits of Wearing School Uniforms Among Students.


The study conducted by Yueng (2009) shows that the requirement of school uniforms is one of
the most frequently suggested changes to the American educational system. Uniforms'proponents
contend that they can improve student achievement, promote school safety, and improve
attendance. Uniforms, according to their detractors, have not been scientifically demonstrated to
be effective and may even restrict young people's freedom of speech. This study investigates the
impact of school uniforms on student achievement using an economic methodology. Through the
use of numerous data sets and a value-added functional form, it addresses methodological issues.
The findings do not point to any conclusive link between achievement and school uniform
policy. Even though the findings do not conclusively support or refute either side of the uniform
argument. In the study conducted by Evans, Kremer, and Ngatia (2008) the authors evaluate the
impact of an educational intervention, in which a Kenyan non-governmental organization
distributes school uniforms to children in poor communities. The Nongovernmental organization
(NGO) used a lottery to determine who would receive uniforms. Although compliance with the
lottery was not perfect, we used winning the lottery as an instrumental variable to identify the
impact of receiving a uniform. The authors find that giving a school uniform significantly
reduces school absenteeism by 38 percent. Effects are much larger for poorer students who did
not previously own a uniform: a 64 percent reduction in school absenteeism. Preliminary data
suggest positive impacts of the uniform distribution on test scores in core subjects.


Many public schools in the United States have started implementing dress codes or uniform
policies to deal with different issues within the schools, literature on the effects of school
uniforms was found to be somewhat limited and most of the research done was inconclusive. The
research discussed below first starts with articles dealing with the history of school uniforms and
legal issues. The research further goes into recent studies conducted starting with the main
reasons for the implementation of school uniforms and continuing with other impacts uniforms
have. The search ends with disputes against school uniforms and studies that show their
ineffectiveness. The literature review ends with suggestions on how to successfully implement a
uniform policy for schools. (Sanchez, Yoxsimer, Hill- 2012)Since the early 1990s, student
uniform policies have been used as safety measures to help stop gang violence in schools. Also
implemented uniform policies in hopes of helping students focus on school. Also, schools
implemented uniform policies in hopes of helping students focus on school, saving parents
money on school clothes, helping identify who belongs to the school and who does not, boosting
student self-perceptions, and heightening school pride. While school uniforms are rising in
popularity, their effectiveness remains unclear. Most of the data that has been collected is either
perceptual or quantitative. Urban public schools have recently implemented school uniform
policies to counter-balance gang-related activity and rappers' dress codes (Dussel, 2005). There
have been several experiences of uniform codes in both several experiences of uniform codes in
both public and private schools. Dussel (2005) argues that “contemporary America is the
experience of the regulation of the bodies of more advantaged social groups with adopted
vestimentary codes that it called the ‘preppy look’, which consisted of Khahi of gray trouser,
oxford shirts with button down collars in white or light blue.” This style of uniform is seen today
in modern public school uniform policies. The idea that how one dress affects how one behaves
and performs is not a new concept. Schools in the 1950s had campaigned to try and curb juvenile
delinquency and slogans such as “Dress right, act right” were heard throughout schools
(Anderson, 2022)



This chapter reveals the methods of the research to be employed by the research in conducting
the study including the Research design, Research locale, Respondents of the study, Sampling
Techniques, Data Gathering, and Research Instrument.

This study investigated SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL student's opinions on the benefits of wearing a
school uniform this helped the study to describe and understand the specific data set by giving
short summaries about the sample and measures of the data. The purpose of the study was to see
what effect uniforms had on student’s academics and behavior. Also, the researchers chose ABA
AL KHAIL COMPUTER SCHOOL to ensure that all the questionnaires will be collected so the
respondents understand the question clearly and answer all their questions in the survey


This study was conducted at Aba Al Khail Computer School. This study tackled the benefits of
wearing a school uniform among senior high school students.


The respondents of this study composed of 30 students of Senior high school students from ABA


Senior High school students must wear school uniforms. This study uses total research sampling
in choosing the respondents of Senior High School Students


set of printed or written questions with a choice of answer for obtaining statistically useful or
personal information from individuals. It is most appropriate because a questionnaire is one of
the most used examples of instruments. After all, it’s easy and applicable to use it in our topic
SCHOOL STUDENTS” Lastly questionnaire consists of a set of questions that aimed to be
answered by the respondents.


procedure the purpose of this study was to examine school uniforms and how they affect
students’ achievement, attendance, discipline referrals, and perceptions based on grade level and
gender regarding the mandatory school policy. The researcher designed a questionnaire to be
used in the data collection of this study. After the pilot testing the questionnaire underwent the
reliability test and all necessary modifications, after that the researchers asked permission from
the respondents to ensure that they were not forced to answer the questionnaire. The handling of
questionnaires was done personally by the researchers and facilitated the retrieval of responses.
After answering the questionnaire it was collected by the researcher.


After the data gathering, the researchers will be going to analyze and tabulate the data to find out
what are the most common problems of SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL students in wearing school
uniforms because there must aesthetic outfits rather than school necessary modifications, the
researchers ask permission from the respondents to ensure that they are not forced in answering
the questionnaire. The handling of questionnaires was done personally by the researchers and
facilitated the retrieval of responses. After answering the questionnaire it was collected by the


After the data gathering, the researchers will be going to analyze and tabulate the data to find out
what the most common problems of Senior High School students in wearing school uniforms
because they must wear aesthetic outfits school uniforms

Statical tools

To interpret the data effectively, the researcher will use the following statical treatment.

1. Average weighted mean and this will be used to determine the assessment of the
respondents about their profiles

Formula X=Fx/N x is the weighted mean

F is the frequency x is the weight of each item N is the number of case

Rating Interpretation Range

3 Always 2:50-3:50
2 Frequently 1:50-1.49
1 Sometimes 0.50-1.49
0 Rarely 0.00-0.49

2. Regression Analysis A regression analysis is used to investigate the overall strength of

the association or relationship in detail. To analyze the effect of demographic profile
including the impact of social media on the mental health of senior high students the
researchers use regression analysis.
Where, X
The explanatory variable Y is the dependent variable the slope of the line is b and a is the
intercept (the value of y when x = 0).

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