1.challenge Your Thinking

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swtt23, 10:31 AM Part 2: Challenge Your Thinking |ASRC iGlebe UTS Part 2: Challenge Your Thinking Welcome to Part 2 of the program 0 Below is an example of thought challenging. The eight questions help you to identify the problems of the negative causal thought. You will be using these eight questions to attack the negative thoughts that you selected in the opening questionnaire of this program. Let's look at an example. It might be a good idea to print out this page. Other people will think I'm stupid if | stutter. | have no evidence for this thought. | often feel lke the thought is true, but | simply don't have any evidence that it's true. This is an example of ‘emotional reasoning.’ Nobody has ever told me that | am stupid because | stutter. Nobody has ever told me that others are thinking this. ‘And anyway, how could I have evidence for this thought i's predicting the thinking of people in situations that haven't even happened yet. I's a good example of ‘mind-reading,’ To begin with, lots of people who stutter have achieved great things. For example, Aesop (writer of famous fables), Aristotle (famed thinker), Lewis Carroll (author of Alice in Wonderland), Winston Churchill (English PM during WWII), Claudius (Roman Emperor), Nat King Cole (singer), Richard Condon (Novelist - Prizz''s Honour, Manchurian Candidate), ntpssIiglebeapp.asre.edu aulpar_2Ichallenge_exarple 19 swvii23, 10:31 AM Part 2: Challenge Your Thinking |ASRC iGlebe Charles Darwin (Theory of Evolution), King George VI (King of England), Henry James (novelist), Thomas Jefferson (US President), Lenin (Russian Communist Leader), Louis I! (King of France), Isaac Newton (scientist - Law of Gravity), Alan Turing (founder of computer science), Virgil (Roman poet), George Washington (US President), Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean’), Jake Eberts (flm producer - Gandhi, Dances with Wolves), Noel Gallagher (guitarist - Casis), Ben Johnson (athlete), Harvey Keitel (actor), Sam Neill (actor), and Carly Simon (singer). Clearly, people didn't think they were stupid. And | know that people close to me don't think 'm stupid, | have had great performance reviews at workischool 1. would tell him that it simply isnt true. 2. | would point out that if someone did think you're stupid because you stutter, s/he is the one who is stupid, 3. Why do you care what people think in the first place? What's the point? Why worry about what other people are thinking and doing? Just get on with your own life. Who cares what they think? They don't have any power over how bright you are. If you stutter, you stutter - nothing worse than that, You really don't need to care if someone thinks you're stupid, because deep down you know you're not. | can't change what people think of me. Worrying about what people think of me is not going to ‘change thelr opinions. So no, there isn't any point to this type of worry. People will think whatever they want, just as | do about others. Well, it gives me a stomach-ache and | feel ike | have to throw up. It makes me anxious Whenever | think it. It keeps me out of social situations; it makes me avoid new people and new places. It robs me of opportunities in fe. | cannot see any helpful thing about this thought. Itis. wholly destructive and has the potential to significantly damage my life. nitpsciglebeapp.asr.ed.aulpar_2/challange example 20 swvii23, 10:31 AM Part 2: Challenge Your Thinking |ASRC iGlebe Well, | wouldn't feel sick in my stomach anymore. My life would be more relaxed since | ‘wouldn't be worrying all the time about my interaction with other people. What a relief that ‘would be, And the world would open up to me. | would put myself forward at work and when | meet people. | wouldn't be afraid to ask people out. I'd start to get the things | want from life. ‘The worst scenario is that on rare occasions somebody would think I was stupid because | stutter. But | guess that isnt all that traumatic when | really think about it. My friends and family know very well that | am not stupid, | know that | am not stupid. So i's probably nat as bad as | thought, and this is the worst case scenario! Continue >> nitpsciglebeapp.asr.ed.aulpar_2/challange example an

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