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Listening Part 4

1. B ( I think if we want this sport to develop, this is the message we have to get
across )
2. C ( they’ve added an internal pocket for a water flask and a key clip )
3. A ( I feel there should have been more research into the scenic effects )
4. A ( We ought to take more exercise, I’m not active enough )
5. A ( Yeah, can you hear the waves )
6. B ( there were special grants for those having difficulty with the costs )
7. B
8. B ( don’t battle on with things on your own if you don’t need to )

Part 1

1. Do you take an interest in nature?

Of course ! I’m very interested in nature. Whenever I have a holiday, I really
prefer to go to a far-off destination, so I could get closer to nature and discover
the natural world.

2. Have you ever done anything to help the environment?

For sure! Last year, I took part in a local event in my hometown that
focused on protecting the environment. The greenhouse effect was deeply
discussed and I also learned about numerous global endangered species.
Part 2
Both of these pictures show environmental pollution. In the first photo, I can see
exhaust fumes from Industrial Zones that pollute the air. It is liable for causing
respiratory disorders and many people get sick who are exposed to air pollution
for a long time. Whereas the second one shows waste on the beach. There is a
lot of plastic rubbish in the foreground. In the background, I can see the sea.
The sea looks clean and peaceful, but there is a lot of rubbish in there which
pollutes it. In relation to the question, I guess the air pollution problem is the
most serious because for many health-related problems among citizens, and also
kills many people every year.

Part 3
1. What do you consider to be the most serious environmental issues in
the world today ?
Well I suppose climate change would be the most severe environmental
problem that humanity is facing. We’re experiencing long summer
heatwaves that lead to prolonged droughts every summer. In addition to
that, unstable climate causes rising sea levels, and therefore flash floods
occur more frequently. These consequences inflict enormous damage to
people and property.

2. What measures can individuals take to protect the environment ?

There are a lot of ways on how individuals can do to protect the
environment some of them are:

● Turn off appliances when you are not using them.

● Recycle and segregate your biodegradable and non-biodegradable
waste or better yet avoid creating trash by avoiding disposable
● Minimize your water and electricity consumption.
● Use a fuel-efficient car or if you are traveling in short distances, take
a walk or ride a bicycle.
These are just small things we can do to change our lifestyles, imagine
millions of other people doing the same thing. It can gradually make a

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