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Analyn Rubio Mendoza Louie Agustin

Trimex Colleges

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26483/ijarcs.v10i2.6378
ISSN No. 0976-5697
Volume 10, No. 2
2, March-April 2019
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science
Available Online at www.ijarcs.info

Analyn R. Mendoza Ana Rose Balbuena
College of Computer Studies College of Business & Accountancy
TrimexColleges, Biñan, Laguna, Philippines TrimexColleges, Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

Therese M. Santos Beverly Cabral

College of Business & Accountancy College of Business & Accountancy
TrimexColleges, Biñan, Laguna, Philippines TrimexColleges, Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

Louie F. Agustin
College of Computer Studies
Trimex Colleges, Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

Abstract:A A Point of Sale System is a enterprise solution primarily based on software program used to tune sales pastime and inventory
simultaneously. Manufacturers
cturers and outlets can both benefit from a comprehensive answer the place single transaction entry records,
quintessential client details, purchased products; rate and date are also updated. The gadget would be of awesome assist to tthe entire procedure
duee to the fact it serves as many customers as possible at a speedy tempo and helps to screen all kinds of data faster, less complicated
co and extra
conveniently. The Inventory Point of Sale System may be a computer-based
computer based way of checking and reviewing the comcompany's deals; it is speedier
and additional dependable than physically. The machine can minimize upgrading botches and can be gotten to effortlessly. Management
Mana can
effectively make consistent, reliable and timely determinations with the assistance of the System with Inventory. When it comes to getting get to
records, a computerized record is plenty better than a direct framework, due to the truth the pace at which this could be per
performed is speedier. If
documents are required, they can be gotten to in seconds
seconds by looking at the show for appropriate data. All the required insights necessary can be
saved in a single record, as unfriendly to reams of paper and exceptional files for each item requiring screening within the manual framework.

Keywords: Inventory; Point of Sale; System; Auditing; Business

I. INTRODUCTION dependable, and convenient choices. On the off chance that

records are required,
d, these can be gotten to in mere seconds
Point of Sale System with Inventory is a PC based by merely seeking significant data on the screen. All the
method for checking and examining offers of the business; it data can be put away in a single document, rather than
is quicker and more robust instead of physically. The having reams of paper and different records for every item
framework can diminish mistakes in altering and can be that would require filtering through to access
ac in the manual
effectively gotten to. Purpose of Sale System with Inventory framework.
makes the business increasingly gainful, proficient and The fundamental motivation behind this examination is to
helpful to the company and its clients. structure the Point of Sales with Inventory for ARM's food
The ARM'S Food and Delicacies is a privately-owned
privately and Delicacies that is progressively precise, increasingly
company. effective and produce reports of the exchanges quicker.
Since ARM's Food Delicacies still uses the standard
framework in their business exchanges, that makes them 1.1 POINT OF SALE LITERATURE REVIEW
experience a ton of issues like tedious in investigating rack
for the saleable things, physically looking at the lapse dates The proposed framework [1] is fundamentally associated
and of stock things, exchange hange records has no paper with processing, calculations, and the rundown of every
stockpiling and trouble in doing stock reports. single budgetary record of pay rates of the organization's
Our proposed framework would be a significant help to present labor.
all the procedure since it works at a quick pace in filling in As indicated by y the Author Point of Sale System with
however many clients as could be expected under the Inventory for ARM's Food and Delicacies [2] will lead to
circumstances es and helps screen a wide range of records in a decreasing the costs of the business which can be utilized in
faster, less demanding and increasingly advantageous ways. their different costs.
The framework is intended to enable the business to As indicated by the Author the examination [3] will
demonstrate progressively pertinent things to the clients, screen the accessibility
bility and the amounts of the stocks so as
planning to speed up and increment thee deals and above all to avoid under stocking.
to build the benefit of the company.
With the guide of Point of Sale System with Inventory, the
executives can without much of a stretch make predictable,
Analyn R. Mendoza et al, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 10 (2), March-April 2019, 23-29

1.2 DESIGN OF THE STUDY Computerized Inventory System and POS Brothers

The development of innovation in the public area

makes existence simple; the fundamental weight that the
twentieth century has is the quickened way of existence and
carrying on with a functioning pace life. The
computerization of nearly each and every one of the
frameworks in the ordinary public has made all exchange
quick and secure. For eatery proprietors, monitoring
nourishment inventory may be the most essential errand
Figure.1 System Architecture they have to realize how to do. Information on how to take
sustenance inventory is the first line of defends in opposition
The figure above shows the various components of the to waste and consultant burglary. Luckily, you should
inventory point - of - sale system.There will be users such as clearly pursue a couple of simple advances, and you will
the administrator who manages user accounts and reports, possibly correctly tune waste and prepare for burglary.
the cashier who manages the transaction, the barcode We have a top notch deal of Transaction
scanner module to read the barcode of the product and the Processing System and one of this is the Computerized
receipt printer to generate the receipt of the customer. Inventory System and the exchange dealing with framework
is the first-rate approach to redesign the manual alternate in
an association. Presently in some other time of PC and
1.3 CONCEPT OF THE STUDY media transmission industry, the inventory can be made the
use of PC anyplace. This framework will push them to their
stock using the quickest and least demanding way making
use of the superior innovation.

Pharmacia Josefa’s Drug Store Inventory System

Deals and inventory framework is a product based

totally commercial enterprise arrangement used to at the
equal time music deals motion and stock. Makers and
alternate affiliates can both incomes by means of a careful
arrangement, where single trade area files essential
subtleties on the client, items bought, cost and date while
likewise clean inventory dimensions.
Utilizing mechanized offers and stock frameworks
take into consideration a lot more noteworthy precision in
stocking and item the executives. They energize the
simplicity of cooperation among employees and customers
as exchanges are dealt with and things pass from the
Figure.2 IPO Diagram business to the shopper. Modernized deals help supply
higher appreciation into which gadgets are normally famous.
It moreover considers upgraded showcasing, stocking and
The Conceptual Framework is created by info, procedure, oversight of basic deals targets.
and yield. Automated offers and inventory frameworks spare
The primary box comprises of all prerequisites are time for companies by accelerating exchanges while raising
considered in the advancement of the framework. These precision. This takes into account trust in bookkeeping and
prerequisites incorporate item records, following all through responsibility among employees as it is whatever but hard to
the items, deals report, produces receipt and coordination of test how a lot of cash and what time exchanges occurred.
standardized tag scanner. The product instrument utilized in They additionally take into account predictable
the advancement is XAMMP, Microsoft Windows 7, encounters as some distance as purchaser administration.
MySQL and VB .NET. Individuals recognize there is dependably a uniform
In the wake of recognizing the necessities, the arranging, cooperation at the register that requires supplying
examining, testing, plan, execution, and support are figured installment, taking a receipt and growth of duty for and
out how to guarantee the viability of the improvement and administrations. This produces believe in business and
use of the framework. ensures ongoing client connections. Electronic frameworks
The last item is the Point of Sale System with Inventory for are the most broadly recognized method for stock control
ARM's Food and Delicacies. The product is assessed and and deal preparing in retail advertisers.
adjusted depending on the inputs is given by the end clients. In utilizing this modernized deals and stock
framework you can set up the advantages you and your
business taking care of may also have. First are time reserve
II. RELATED WORKS funds. The measure of time that can be spared by means of
aenterprise is maybe the greatest gain of utilizing an

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Analyn R. Mendoza et al, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 10 (2), March-April 2019, 23-29

electronic stock framework. In conditions the place a store trade which outcomes in un-sold costs. [1] Some prices have
keeps up all records physically, its supervisor must been not being recorded specially when the attendant or the
accommodate each and every deal receipt with every bit of proprietor desires to get a crisis requirement for the
bodily stock. Contingent upon the span of the basis and what business. Besides, the expenses do not have any
numbers of various gadgets are sold; this can be an unsupported straightforwardness records. [2] Records don't
overwhelming and tedious errand. In the match that that agree on the deals and the money available. The given
equal store, be that as it may, utilized a modernized reason depend or the recorded sums have their disparities
of offer or POS System, the ace inventory rundown would particularly in the recorded sums and the cash available.
be refreshed electronically each time a deal is made.
The foremost component a chief would want to do Inventory Management System
each day is print out the document providing the stock to be
restocked. Second is precision. An extra advantage of Stock administration is a testing difficulty territory
making use of an automated inventory framework is the in manufacturing networks the executives. Organizations
precision it guarantees. At the point when a stock rundown want inventories in stockrooms so as to fulfill client request,
is kept up by way of hand, the wiggle room broadens with in the interim these inventories have conserving expenses
every refresh. On the off risk that one numerical estimation and this is solidified reserve that can be lost. In this way, the
is not right or one grammatical error is made, calamity may errand of stock administration is to find out the amount of
additionally happen. What's more, in conclusion, is inventories that will satisfy the interest, keeping a strategic
consistency. A non-public undertaking works most distance from overloads. This paper suggests a contextual
proficiently when its processes are accomplished in a analysis for the metal fabricating enterprise (Small Scale
constant way. By using an automatic inventory framework, Industry) on inventory administration. The connection
an entrepreneur can ensures that all requests, reviews and between the inventory administration and friend’s execution
unique archives identifying with stock are uniforms in their was resolved structured on inventory days and earnings for
introduction, paying little respect to that has made them. resource (ROA) investigation. The exploration found that
This will permit the simplicity of perusing. Furthermore, enterprise X had a couple of inventory issues, for example,
consistency makes an professional appearance, which can chaotic inventory recreation plan, huge measure of
go a ways to awe partners, for example, attainable monetary inventory days/no cycle checking and no genuine documents
specialists. cash receivable to incompetent laborers. The examination
The enterprise Pharmacia Josefa Drugstore is a moreover tested that there was a indispensable connection
little drugstore that is overseen by means of one individual, between earnings for useful resource (ROA) and stock days.
the proprietor. The commercial enterprise moves special This paper moreover offers recommendation to the
things or gadgets like a frequent market that we can see all corporation and for similarly research.
over the place. Like some other lodging store, the
commercial enterprise does its physical tallying of shares Sales and Inventory System of Edmar Marketing
physically. In fact, Pharmacia Josefa Drugstore is just using
a manual framework that may additionally reason to As such, it takes time to stumble on sure archives for
duplication of archives and work excess. The business is reviews and the entries in the monitoring sheet are no longer
surely relying upon their manual posting of objects and clear, thus, creating confusion. The task is an automated
contributions of data which is doable to submit mistakes. Sales and Inventory System which has an array function
The commercial enterprise cannot see their official involving income and inventory that can be of very big
records of gives or pay in a given time. It moreover does not assist to the company. It goals to make documents updated
have its suitable postings of the item. In a few occurrences, and easy to locate, hence, data and statistics emerge as
lost things are certainly being not noted via the proprietor. accurate and orderly which may additionally provide a
Pharmacia Josefa Drugstore does not have any extra quicker alternative or capability in doing the inventory. The
representative today. Yet, previously, the commercial system inventory may additionally also be more difficult to
enterprise had one clerk at that time. Furthermore, cheat because the coming in and going out of stocks is
fundamentally, it diminished the income and energy to expel recorded in the system. The warehouse personnel are extra
representatives. Presently, the proprietor is the man or correct in their reports and can keep greater time by way of
woman who does all work in the business. the use of the system. Since the machine user has saved
Taking care of an entire commercial enterprise is a time, the personnel in-charge can then be greater productive
difficult undertaking to do, especially in the event that you in terms of output which can be advisable to the company.
are separated from everyone else. The proprietor is the
character who acknowledges the conveyances from the
provider, listing the gadgets conveyed, prepare the object on
the racks and some more. So it is conceivable that the
proprietor will get confounded, specifically if the customer
and the provider come in a similar time. For occasion when
there's a customer and a company came. The proprietor will
get confounded in mild of the fact that he will take care of
the requirements of the purchaser whilst tolerating the 2.1 HIERARCHAL INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT
conveyed items. (HIPO)
Their techniques for dealing with the offers and
inventory are that they bodily spare records, bills and their

© 2015-19, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 25

Analyn R. Mendoza et al, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 10 (2), March-April 2019, 23-29

Figure.3 Hierarchal Input Process Output

The prevalent design of the framework is reported

using HIPO graphs or structure outlines. The shape sketch is
related in look to an authoritative overview, but has been
altered to reveal extra detail. Structure outlines can be
Figure.5 Use case diagram Barcode Scanner Module
utilized to show a few sorts of data, yet are being used most
commonly to chart both statistics buildings and code
The clerk will check the items utilizing the Barcode
Scanner. The framework will show all the obtained details
The conventional plan of the framework is stated
together with their data and the aggregate sum.
using HIPO graphs or shape outlines. The shape design is
related in appearance to an authoritative overview, but has
been altered to exhibit more detail. Structure outlines can be
utilized to show a few sorts of data, yet are being used most
typically to chart either data structures or code structures.


Figure.6 Use case diagram POS Module

In this figure, the clerk is in charge of the business


Figure.4 Use case diagram Administrator Module

The figure demonstrates the overseer can get to stock that

incorporates include, erase and refresh record of the items.
The administrator can produce deals report; see the long
history of the clients and the business history. Just the
administrator can change the secret phrase and include the
new client.

Figure.7 Use case diagram Cashier Module

The clerk makes their record to the framework. It is to

record and screen their deals and exchanges. In the wake of
signing in to the POS, the clerk can begin serving the

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Analyn R. Mendoza et al, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 10 (2), March-April 2019, 23-29

Figure.8 Use case diagrams Cashier Module

In the wake of examining, the framework will create the

receipt of the acquired items, showing the item's data and Figure.9 Barcode Scanner Flow Chart
the aggregate sum.
The clerk should utilize the standardized identification
II. FLOW CHART scanner and tap to the item's standardized identification.
The framework will approve the standardized identification
After approval, the item's cost and data will show to the

Figure.8 Administrator Flow Chart

Log in to the account of the admin. If you go to the

inventory, the remaining product lists will be displayed.
Also included is the addition of products.
If you go to the Users, it will show the lists of the person
using the system. Users are also added, edited and deleted. Figure.10 Cashier Flow Chart
The list of current transactions is shown in the sales history.
There are also sales reports. The clerk will sign in first to the POS.
The customer management will display the customer lists The clerk is in charge of the business exchange.
and the products they have purchased. The log history The clerk can see records of the exchanges.
shows the system's current users. The clerk can see the stock to check for the items accessible.
The executive can sign in to the administrator account in the

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Analyn R. Mendoza et al, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 10 (2), March
April 2019, 23-29

In this figure, if the filtered item is not exactly the measure

of the client need, the framework will demonstrate a notice
to advise you that the issue is out of stock. This is to assi
the client in tracking the items that should be re-loaded.
re This
figure demonstrates that the analysts got the primary goal.

Figure 11 Receipt Printer Flow Chart

The data and the aggregate sum of the filtered items will
show to the screen. Figure 14Notifications
Notifications for Inventory
The clerk will get the installment from the client.
The framework will create a receipt. In the stock module, the framework will likewise
demonstrate a warning for the items that are leaving stock.
3.1 DATABASE SCHEMA This will keep away from under-stocking
stocking of the details.

Figure 12 Database Schema

Figure 15 POS
This database demonstrates the database design of the
proposed framework. The database name is Point of Sale This figure demonstrates the combination of standardized
System with Inventory for ARM's sustenance and Delicacies tag scanner on the purpose of the offer module; this is to
and is consists of 7 tables. help make the exchange quicker and to improve the clerk's

Figure.13Notification for out of stock products

16 Inventory
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Analyn R. Mendoza et al, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 10 (2), March-April 2019, 23-29

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