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Name : CLAMP STRAIN SF 98-094 Name : CLAMP STRAIN SF 98-092 Name : CLAMP STRAIN SF 98-091 Name : SF-JUS-38A Galvanized Steel Joist Hanger 2x6
Material : ALLUMINUM ALLOY Material : ALLUMINUM ALLOY Material : ALLUMINUM ALLOY Material: Galvanized steel
Used : An Over-head line conductors fitting that connects the Used : An Over-head Distribution system hardware that fixes conductors and Used : An Over-head Distribution system hardware that fixes conductors and Used : wooden structure building such as wooden house and
primary conductor to a dead end insulator . ground wires to insulators or link fittings . ground wires to insulators or link fittings . arbor, suitable for connecting pieces of keel and
beam, rotating type, wooden house, flower frame, ar
bor and light steel structure.

Name : CLAMP STRAIN SF 98-086 Name : CLAMP STRAIN SF 98-228 Name : CLAMP STRAIN SF 98-094 Name : CLAMP STRAIN SF 98-094
Material : Galvanized steel Material : Galvanized steel Material : ALLUMINUM ALLOY Material : ALLUMINUM ALLOY
Used : An Over-head line accessory that finds its application in Used : An Over-head line accessory that finds its application in crossarm Used : An Over-head line conductors fitting that connects the Used : An Over-head line conductors fitting that connects the
stay wire installation for tower support . installation. primary conductor to a dead end insulator . primary conductor to a dead end insulator .

swanid altanmia factory co.

for metal indystrial

Name : SF-TJ-11 Cold-formed Steel Angle Bracket Name : CLAMP STRAIN SF 98-228 Name : CLAMP STRAIN SF 98-042
Name : CLAMP STRAIN SF 98-186 Material : Galvanized steel Material : Galvanized steel Material: Galvanized steel
Material : Galvanized steel Used : wooden structure building such as wooden house and arbor, suitable for Used : An Over-head line accessory that finds its application in crossarm Used : An Over-head line accessory that finds its
Used :An Over-head line accessory that serves as a purpose of connecting pieces of keel and beam, rotating type, wooden house, flow installation. appli cation in double crossarm installation .
suspension insulator attachment . er frame, arbor and light steel structure.

Name : SF-AC-IR Strong Galvanized Steel Angle Bracket Name : CLAMP STRAIN SF 98-186 Name : SF-BCS-2651 Metal Angle Connector Name : CLAMP STRAIN SF 98-207
Material : Galvanized steel. Material : Galvanized steel Material : Galvanized steel Material : Galvanized steel
Used : wooden structure building such as wooden house and Used :An Over-head line accessory that serves as a purpose of Used : Light steel structure building Beams connection. Used : An Over-head line accessory that finds its application in
arbor, suitable for connecting pieces of keel and suspension insulator attachment . stay wire installation for tower support .
beam, rotating type, wooden house, flower frame, ar
bor and light steel structure.

swanid altanmia factory co.

for metal indystrial

Name : SF-AF-211R Tri-angle Hurricane Tie Name : SF-AF-211L Tri-angle Hurricane Bracket Tie Name : SF-AC-IL Galvanized Steel Reinforced Angle Bracket Name : CLAMP STRAIN SF 98-044
Material : Galvanized steel Material : Galvanized steel Material : Galvanized steel Material: Galvanized steel
Used : wooden structure building such as wooden house and Used : wooden structure building such as wooden house and arbor, suitable for Used : wooden structure building such as wooden house and arbor, suitable for Used : An Over-head line accessory that finds its application in
arbor, suitable for connecting pieces of keel and connecting pieces of keel and beam, rotating type, wooden house, flow connecting pieces of keel and beam, rotating type, wooden house, flow stay wire installation for tower support .
beam, rotating type, wooden house, flower frame, ar er frame, arbor and light steel structure. er frame, arbor and light steel structure.
bor and light steel structure.

Name : SF-BW-26331 Wooden Products Angle Connector Name : SF-JUS-38A Galvanized Steel Joist Hanger 2x6 Name : SF-PL-21515 Galvanized Steel L Post Strap Name : SF-TP-22721 Galvanized Steel T plated
Material : Galvanized steel. Material : Galvanized steel Material : Galvanized steel Material : Galvanized steel
Used : wooden structure building such as wooden house and Used :wooden structure building such as wooden house and Used : wooden structure building such as wooden house and Used : wooden structure building such as wooden house and
arbor, suitable for connecting pieces of keel and arbor, suitable for connecting pieces of keel and arbor, suitable for connecting pieces of keel and arbor, suitable for connecting pieces of keel and
beam, rotating type, wooden house, flower frame, ar beam, rotating type, wooden house, flower frame, ar beam, rotating type, wooden house, flower frame, ar beam, rotating type, wooden house, flower frame, ar
bor and light steel structure. bor and light steel structure. bor and light steel structure. bor and light steel structure.

swanid altanmia factory co.

for metal indystrial
‫‪ALUMINUM WORKS‬‬ ‫أعمال االلمنيوم‬

‫معالجة األسطح المعدنية‬ ‫معالجة المنتج حراريا‬ ‫صب منتجات األلمنيوم السبائكي‬
‫تخضــع مســبوكات األلمنيــوم العمليــة معالجــة‬ ‫األلمنيــوم‬ ‫ســبائك‬ ‫مصبوبــات‬ ‫اغلــب‬ ‫تخضــع‬ ‫طريقــة التصنيــع المتبعــة لدينــا علــى تقنيــة الصــب بالضغــط تعتمــد‬
‫األســطح باســتخدام كــرات الصلــب بعــد المعالجــة‬ ‫للمعالجــات الحراريــة الالزمــة الكســبها صفــات‬ ‫المنخفــض ‪ ،‬وهــي طريقــة حديثــة فــي الصناعــات المعدنيــة األساســية‪،‬‬
‫الحراريــة لتعطــي المنتــج ســطحة نظيفــة والمعــة‬ ‫ميكانيكيــة مثــل الصالبــة والمرونــة وتحمــل قــوة‬ ‫حيــث تتميــز المصبوبــات الناتجــة عنهــا بكثافــة أعلــى وجــودة أفضــل‬
‫أكثــر كثافــة ‪،‬‬ ‫الشــد والتــأكل والحــرارة وغيرهــا ‪.‬‬ ‫بكثيــر ممــا لــو تــم الصــب بواســطة احــدى الوســائل التقليديــة المعروفــة‬
‫‪ ،‬وتســتخدم هــذه التقنيــة لصــب أصعــب المســبوكات المعدنيــة وأكثرهــا‬


‫‪Aluminum castings are subjected to a surface‬‬ ‫‪most of the aluminum alloy castings are also‬‬ ‫‪The casting process used by us is based on the low pressure casting‬‬
‫‪treatment process using steel balls after heat treat-‬‬ ‫‪subjected to the necessary heat treatments to gain‬‬ ‫‪technology, which is a modern method. The resulting castings are char-‬‬
‫‪ment to give the product a clean, shiny and denser‬‬ ‫‪better mechanical properties such as hardness,‬‬ ‫‪acterized by a higher density and much better quality than if casting‬‬
‫‪surface.‬‬ ‫‪flexibility, tensile strength, corrosion, heat, etc..‬‬ ‫‪was done by one of the well-known traditional methods. That is why‬‬
‫‪this technique can be used to cast the most difficult and complex metal‬‬

‫‪swanid altanmia factory co.‬‬

‫‪for metal indystrial‬‬
‫‪ALUMINUM WORKS‬‬ ‫أعمال االلمنيوم‬

‫اختبارات الجودة‬ ‫فريق تنفيذ األعمال‬ ‫أعمال الحديد‬

‫لتحقيــق الجــودة المطلوبــة لدينــا ‪ ،‬فــإن جميــع‬ ‫يقــوم بتنفيــذ جميــع تلــك المهــام فريــق متكامــل‬ ‫خــط ألعمــال الحديــد ليشــمل عمليــات التشــكيل والقــص تــم تخصيــص‬
‫منتجاتنــا تخضــع لالختبــارات الالزمــة فــي كل مرحلــة‬ ‫مــن العمالــة الفنيــة الماهــرة باســتخدام أحــدث اآلالت‬ ‫والطعــج والتخريــم واللحــام والفبركــة‪.‬‬
‫مــن مراحــل اإلنتــاج باســتخدام أجهــزة معــدة لهــذا‬ ‫والمعــدات واألجهــزة ويقــوم بتنفيــذ جميــع تلــك‬
‫الغــرض وذلــك للتأكــد مــن مطابقتهــا للمواصفــات‬ ‫المهــام فريــق متكامــل مــن العمالــة الفنيــة الماهــرة‬
‫المطلوبــة ‪.‬‬ ‫باســتخدام أحــدث اآلالت والمعــدات واألجهــزة ‪.‬‬


‫‪To achieve the required quality, all of our products‬‬ ‫‪all these tasks are carried out by an integrated team‬‬ ‫‪Steel Works including forming , cutting, bending, piercing , Welding‬‬
‫‪are subject to the necessary tests at each stage of‬‬ ‫‪of skilled technical workers using the latest‬‬ ‫‪and fabricating,‬‬
‫‪production, using equipment designed for this‬‬ ‫‪machinery, equipment and devices.‬‬
‫‪purpose and to make sure that they comply with‬‬
‫‪the required specifications.‬‬

‫‪swanid altanmia factory co.‬‬

‫‪for metal indystrial‬‬
‫إدارة الجودة األيزو ‪: 9001‬‬
‫تحــرص شــركة ســواند التنميــة للصناعــات المعدنيــة‬
‫علــى توفيــر جميــع المنتجــات و الخدمــات بجــودة‬
‫عاليــة وذلــك لتحقيــق اهدافهــا بتقديــم كافــة‬
‫المنتجــات و الخدماتوفــق معاييــر الجــودة‪ ،‬و توجيــه‬
‫جميــع الجهــود التلبيــة احتياجــات العمــاء بشــكل‬
‫يفــوق توقعاتهــم او تلتــزم شــركة ســوائد التنميــة‬
‫للصناعــات المعدنيــة بتبنــي و تطبيــق سياســة‬
‫الجــودة مــن خــال تطبيــق المواصفــة العالميــة‬
‫لنظــام إدارة الجــودة األيــزو‬


‫‪Swanid Altanmia Co. For Metal Industriesis com-‬‬
‫‪mitted to adopting and implementing the quality‬‬
‫‪policy through the application of the international‬‬
‫‪standard, ISO 9001:2015 quality management‬‬
‫‪swanid altanmia factory co.‬‬
‫‪for metal indystrial‬‬
‫شركة سواند التنمية‬
‫للصناعات المعدنية‬
swanid altanmia factory co.
for metal indystrial

‫ صناعية الشمال بابها‬- ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬

Saudi Arabia - Abha - Alshamal Industrial Zone
C.R.: 5850049958

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