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The City School

Academic Year 2019-20

Topic: Integers
Worksheet # 04
Class 6

Dear Students,You can do this worksheet on a prinout of this file. If you are not in a position
to obtain a printout, please write the worksheet number on a blank paper and answer the
worksheet according to the question number. Please keep your workings in a separate file
named 'Mathematics'.

1. Represent the numbers mentioned on the number line, using arrows. Write the relevant
number below the arrow.

(a) 3 (b) 0.7 (c)-2.3 (d) 2 (e) -3.45

2. Rearrange the following values in the ascending order.

11 -17 7 2 -11

3. Fill in the blanks. Write the suitable number in the box.

(a) 5 + (-3) =

(b) 4 - (-7) =

(c) + (-5) = 5

(d) -8 - = -15

(e) - (-3) = -10

4. Find the value of the following. Write the correct answer on the blank line.
(a) 4 x (-6) = ____________

(b) 28 ÷ (-7) = _______________

(c) -6 –[ (-4) – (-5)] = _____________

(d) -24 ÷ [23- 6-(-2)] = ________________

5. Temperature in Pakistan is 16 degrees and the temperature in Iceland is -34. What is the
temperature difference between Pakistan and Iceland?

6. A diver was checking his altimeter and it mentioned as -31 meters below sea level. After
a while he dived upwards for 23 meters. What will be the value shown on his altimeter

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browser (this link works in google chrome browser)
Let’s Revise:
You can revise the above concepts by clicking the YouTube link below (Optional)

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