Class 06 Worksheet 05

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The City School

Academic Year 2019-20

Topic: Fractions
Worksheet # 05
Class 6
Dear Students,You can do this worksheet on a prinout of this file. If you are not in a position
to obtain a printout, please write the worksheet number on a blank paper and answer the
worksheet according to the question number. Please keep your workings in a separate file
named 'Mathematics'.

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct value for the numerator or denominator, to represent
an equivalent fraction to the given fraction.

3 7 21 6 14 7
(a) = (b) = (c) = (d) =
4 12 9 13 39 18

2. Find the value of each of the following and fill the blank space provided.

1 1
(a) + =
2 3

1 3
(b) 5 2 - =

3 1
(c) 3 +2 =
4 2

5 3
(d) -7 + 6 =
8 5

6 3
(e) 4 – (-3 ) =
7 5

3 25
(f) × =
5 30

3 3
(g) ÷ =
8 4

5 1
(h) −2 ÷ 1 =
8 5
2 1
3. Father brought a cake. Ali ate 5 of the cake and Aliya ate 6 of it. Answer the following
questions. Write / type your answer in the place provided. Show your workings below.

(a) What is the total fraction of the cake eaten by Ali and Alisha? Answer :

(b) The fraction of the cake that their brother Adnan ate is equal to the difference of Ali’s
and Alisha’s pieces. What is the fraction that Adnan ate? Answer:

(c) What is the total fraction of the cake eaten by three children? Answer

(d) After being eaten by the three kids, the balance is kept for the parents. What is the
fraction of the cake left for parents? Answer :

(e) Father ate 3 out of the above balance of the cake. What is the fraction of the cake,
which was eaten by the father? Answer:

As an additional optional exercise to enjoy this online please type the link below on your web
browser (this link works in google chrome browser)
Let’s Revise:
You can revise the above concepts by clicking the YouTube link below (Optional)

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