2nd Assignment

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Suez Canal University

Faculty of Petroleum & Mining Engineering.

Petroleum Engineering Department
4th Year Students
Simulation H.W #2 Formulation

Consider the mathematical formulation of the two-phase flow of oil and gas. Identify the
unknowns of the problem and give the equations that need to be supplied for the solution.
Assume that sandface pressures are specified at the well locations.

You are given the function f(x)=3x +6x-5.
a. Calculate the value of at x = 1 using forward, backward and central difference
approximations using a grid spacing of X = 1. Compare your results against the exact value of
at x = 1.

b. Calculate the value of at x = 1 using central difference. Compare your result against the

exact value of at x = 1 and comment.


Consider the one-dimensional flow of an incompressible fluid in a homogeneous
reservoir which is inclined with respect to the datum plane as shown in the figure. Note
that flow is taking place in one-dimensional mode parallel to the bedding plane. (Flow
direction is indicated as x-direction.)
a. Write the partial
differential equation which
describes the flow problem
outlined above.
b. Obtain analytical
solutions to calculate the
pressure and potential at x
= 300 ft.

a H.W #2 Reservoir Simulation

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