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The Winner’s Guilt

On a very beauiful sports day that every athlete enjoyed their competitions,
one young athlete learned one of the hardest things in his life. After they had been
training for a long time to think about gold medals and taste of winning, it was time
for them to find the school’s best runner. Among them, Joe was the athlete who
had the most potential to win the race. He was not only playful but also famous for
his sportsmanship. All of his fans had cooperated closely in building a team to cheer
on him and this time also.
Then, when the referee’s gun was fired, every athlete ran off from the starting
line. Joe already knew he was winning the race when he was close to the finish line,
so he reduced his speed. Suddenly, when one competittor who wanted to defeat
Joe saw the boy in front of him reduce speed, he tried to speed up and finally came
in the first place. Joe was so panicked that he did something that made him lose his
sporting spirit. He decided to secretly pulled the boy’s jersey. That was enough to
disturb him and made Joe a winner in the last minute.
However, during the medal ceremony, Joe felt terribly sorry from the buttom
of his heart. He wanted to tell everyone what he had done. Unfortunately, while
everyone was celebrating his success, one of the spectators who saw what Joe had
done started to tell other people about Joe’s cheat. This scandal spread rapidly
among Joe’s fans, teachers and others. They were all disappoited in his
unsportsmanlike conduct.
In the end, Joe blamed himself for his cowardice. Above all, the bond of
friendship between Joe and his fans was cut off. He though if he had been brave
enough, the result wouldn’t have been terrible like this.

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