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Art APP- ● It means going a step further than

FINALS MIDTERMS simply adapting the text.

Soul-Making ● term used in advertising and
marketing and refers to the process of
● In the language that refers to all
adapting a message from one
activities concerning individual
language to another, while
expression through the arts,
maintaining its intent, tone and
○ is the deeper process known as
“soul- making.”
● To create a global marketing
● soul refers to the individual’s psyche.
campaign that evokes the desired
● “It is this activity of working through
response in every culture you target,
disintegration that I consider to be at
you need to recreate the
the core of the creative and
campaign–the words and the
therapeutic processes.
images–or every culture.
● I call this act “poesis” (following
● created for a particular culture,
Heidegger’s use of the Greek word for
○ is more of a content
poetry), and consider it to be at the
development process than a
center of human existence.
translation process. Sure,
● These creative activities can be best
transcreated content retains the
described as a death and rebirth of the
brand logo and mark, the
soul or what James Hillman
corporate colors, and so on.
○ What it doesn’t necessarily
Art Fusion keep is the message or
expression of sentiment.
● Art fusion is a product of industry and
➢ In arts, transcreation may take the
form of recreating an art form into
● occurs when an artist of any art form
another art form with the intent of
collaborates with a brand/company
changing the medium and nothing
(a product, service, fashion, charity) to
create a product that will benefit the
○ Examples would be changing
artist, the company and society as a
the music to text, text to dance,
dance to visual art, text to
● Art still has the power to influence the
theatre and text to cinema.
society’s capacity to grow and evolve.
● Art fusion Hybrid
○ can give an artist the ability to
● Hybrid is defined as having mixed
produce work that will reach a
origin that adds variety or complexity
new and wider audience.
to a system.
Transcreation ● Art Forms in the contemporary arts
explore the various media and
● Transcreation is a type of translation
techniques for innovation and
that also includes creation, or
experimentation in art creation.
● It may involve cross-breeding the ● Murphy’s Law states that in any field
art-making process with other of endeavor, anything that can go
disciplines like with the natural and wrong will go wrong.
physical sciences, industrial, etc.
● Contemporary artists are now free to
create art with whatever material or ● refer to artists whose works depended
technique they could think of. This for the most part on photographs.
freedom from rules paved the way for ● These artists would often project onto
new opportunities to express ideas, the canvas the images which would
beliefs and emotions. be replicated with precision and
● The movement began in the same
● Appropriation is borrowing. period as Conceptual art, Pop Art, and
○ the practice of creating a new Minimalism.
work by taking a pre existing ● Photorealism expressed a strong
image or material from another interest in realism in art, over that of
source like a book and idealism and abstraction.
combining it with new ones, ● complicates realism by combining
thus completely transforming that which is real and which is not.
the original. ● emphasizes the value of the
● A found object is an existing object traditional techniques of academic art
given a new identity as an artwork or again after years of spontaneous,
part of an artwork. accidental, and improvisational art
● Artists can re-create an object in many techniques.
ways like repainting it,altering its
Installation Art
style, they can also layer images and
redefine the images in a new context. ● Installation art is a modern movement
characterized by immersive,
larger-than-life works of art.
● is creating or performing something ● installation artists create these pieces
spontaneously or without preparation, for specific locations, enabling them to
or making something functional from expertly transform any space into a
whatever is available. customized, interactive environment.
● The skill to improvise can apply to ● Installation artists usually create these
many different areas, across all pieces for specific locations, enabling
artistic, scientific, physical, cognitive, them to transform the space into a
academic and non- academic customized, interactive environment.
disciplines. ● Installation art is characterized into
● There are things that no matter what three major characteristics:
people do, is just unpredictable and ○ immersive, large-scale and
cannot be controlled, the best that the site specific.
person can do is adapt and make use
of whatever is available to survive.
Applied Arts famous American and Filipino
● refers to the application of artistic
➢ During the liberation of Manila by the
designs and decorations to everyday
Americans in 1945 large portions of
utilitarian objects to make them
Intramuros and Manila were
aesthetically pleasing.
○ This includes industrial design,
fashion design, furniture design, ARCHITECTURE
and commercial art.
➔ Massive rehabilitation and
● Industrial design is a process of design
reconstruction was seen by the
applied to products that are to be
Philippine society in the post-war
manufactured through techniques of
mass production.
➔ Leandro Locsin designed the Cultural
● A key characteristic is that design
Center of the Philippines who earned
precedes manufacture: the creative act
of determining and defining a
product's form and features takes National Artist award.
place in advance of the physical act of
➔ Planting Rice, Amorsolo
making a product, which consists
➔ Rice Planters, Dela Rosa
purely of repeated, often automated,
Other architectural landmarks are Philippine
International Convention Center and
many other tall structures particularly in the
● Napoleon Abueva
Business Center of Makati City.
○ considered as first modern
Filipino sculptor. SCULPTURE
● His modernism was developed during ● Only a lone name stood out,
his studies in the United States. Noted Guillermo Tolentino, trained in the
works are Double Crucifix suspended classical style in Rome,
from the dome above the altar of UP ● Tolentino’s masterpieces include the
and Allegorical Harpoon at CCP Oblation in the University of the
Philippines and the Bonifacio
Monument in Caloocan City.
(after 1946) PRINTING

● Nicolas Bagay is one of the

➢ During the Post war, Philippine outstanding engravers who ran a
Architecture was dominated by the printing press and Francisco Suarez
American style. are both known for their designs in
➢ In this period the plan for the modern 1733 and for the 12 scenes depicting
city of Manila was designed with a representative life in theislands in the
large number of art deco buildings, by Murillo-Velarde Map. They signed
their works proudly writing Indio ● The making of santos are strictly
Tagalog after their signatures. supervised by the church authorities
for fear that the natives might include
pagan elements into the prescribed
iconography of the church.

➢ The year 1521 marks the dawn of the Mediums

first colonial power in the Philippines. ➢ Most of the santos had been carved
the Spanish period. out of wood. Ivory and animal bone
➢ For the Catholic faith to be were also used.
propagated successfully, it should be
Famous Sculptors
able to communicate well with the
educated as well as the uneducated, ★ Juan delos Santos
and the best way to achieve this is ○ carved several retablos for the
through art. Augustinian church in
➢ Religious paintings, sculptures, Intramuros.
literature, music, dance, and theatre ★ Lorenzo Flores
have all contributed to instilling the ○ carved the escudo of the
doctrines of the Catholic faith into the Franciscan Order found in front
hearts and minds of the early of the Tayabas Church.
Muslim Art
● Islamic art meshed with ethnic culture
● Fr. Antonio Sedeno introduced lime in and produced a Filipino Muslim art
the construction of buildings. He was that reflects the ethnic background
responsible for the construction of the and Islamic identity of the people.
first fortress, the Nuestra Senora de ● Okir
Guia Fort in Manila. ○ is a general name for the
colorful flowing designs which
Decorative Art
decorate any surface of the
● He was instrumental in the planning ● Muslim regions. It is an elaborate
and building of Manila's Secular curvilinear motif made by the Maranao
residences. Early painting and and Tausug tribes of Mindanao.
sculptural works for the church were ● The main motifs are the sarimanok,
largely given to the Chinese artisans the naga and the pako-rabong. These
living in a community outside are mainly used to decorate the
Intramuros called the Parian. houses of Sultans. Okir-a-datu are
SCULPTURE ornamental design for men and
okir-a-bay for women.
● Carving which began in the ● Dr. Nagasura Madale,
pre-Hispanic times in making the likha ○ in his book it explains that the
(a local deity), was redirected by the Okir has patterns which are
friars into the creation of santos used by the Maranao artists.
(sculptures of saints).
○ 1. Matilak (circle) Province art is divided into two kinds:
○ 2. Poyok (bud) the ritualistic and the decorative.
○ 3. Dapal (leaf)
The bulul,
○ 4. Pako (fern or spiral form)
○ 5. Todi (fern leaf with spiral at ● a carved male figure made of narra is
upper edge) seated while its crossed arms rest on
○ 6. Pako lungat (fern leaf with a its raised knees.
cut at one edge). ● Believed to guard rice crops, this
figure was traditionally bathed in pig’s
Other elements found by Dr. Madale were:
or chicken’s blood during rice planting
Naga, obid-obid binotoon, kianoko, pakonai
rituals in Ifugao.
and tialitali.


➢ is a depiction of an open-winged
legendary bird which stands on a fish
with another fish hanging from its
beak. It is usually positioned atop
bamboo poles at the center of
Maranao villages among decorative
flags during celebratory events.


➢ is a stylized dragon or serpent carved

in grave markers or elaborately in


➢ is a design technique usually see in

the Sulu Peninsula. Others consider it
a variant of the okir.
➢ It is a decorative design that is used in
carving, baskets, pottery and weaving.
It is a pattern like Western style
Arabesque and Art Nouveau.

Art of the Mountain Province

● Wood is the medium of choice in the

art of the Mountain Province.
● It is used in making shields, spoons,
ladles, bowls, and human and animal
● Woodcarving is considered an
important skill in all tribes. Mountain

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