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Customer Name:_______________________



Contact Name:_________________________
Tell:________________ Call Date: ______________
Application Data Sheet
Product Details:
1) Description of Product: ______________________________________________________________
2) Packaging: Not Wrapped Wrapped in plastic/paper Aluminium Foil Metallized Film
3) Product State: Dry Wet Sticky Deepfrozen
4) Direction of Travel: Product Details:

th L (mm)

W W (mm)
H (mm)

Product Weight
Throughput PCS/Min
Diameter Product Temp ⁰C

5) Bulk Loose Material: Product Height: __________ mm 6) Number of Items/Packs across Belt: ______________
7) Ambient Temp: ___________⁰C 8) Product Spacing: _______________________________________
9) Speed of Existing Belt ___________ 10) Width of Existing Belt __________

Metal Detector Details

1) Cleaning Method: Wipe Low Pressure Hose High Pressure Hose
2) Normal Operating Environment: Dry Wet 3) Sealing: _____________
4) Painted Stainless Steel 5) Suggested Aperture ________ mm Wide x ________ mm High

Conveyor Details
1) Belt Width: _________ 2) Belt Speed: _________ 3) Infeed Height: _________ 4) Outfeed Height: _________
5) Length Limitations or Requirements: ___________________ 6) Variable Speed Range: ________ to ________
7) Control Side when viewed from Infeed: Standard Right Left
8) Reject Method: Stop/Alarm Retracting Belt Air Blast Air Punch/Pusher End Flap
Outfeed Height of End Flap ___________________________ Other (Specify) ___________________________
9) Reject Towards Control Side: Other Specify: ______________________ 10) Reject Bin: Yes No
11) Power Supply Available: V I phase V3 phase 12) Sealing ____________
13) Environmental Conditions ____________________________ 14) Painted Stainless Steel
15) Other requirements: ______________________________________________________________

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