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Discitis: Causes, Symptoms, and

• Symptoms
• Causes
• Risk factors
• Diagnosis
• Treatments
• Outlook
What is discitis?
Discitis, or diskitis, is inflammation that develops between the intervertebral discs
of your spine. These discs are located between your vertebrae. The spaces
between them are called intervertebral disc spaces. Swelling in these spaces can
put pressure on the discs, leading to pain.

Discitis is relatively uncommon. It mostly affects young children. It often

accompanies another condition called osteomyelitis. This is an infection that can
affect your bones and bone marrow.

Discitis is one of several kinds of spinal inflammation. Your spine’s surrounding

tissues, joints, and vertebrae can also become irritated and inflamed.

What are the symptoms of discitis?

If you have discitis, you’ll likely have significant pain in part of your spine. Your
lower and upper back may be affected. Other symptoms can include:

• changes in your posture

• stiffness in your back
• difficulty performing regular mobility tasks
• abdominal pain or discomfort
• fever

What causes discitis?

Viral or bacterial infections can cause discitis. An autoimmune disorder can also
cause it. The infection or autoimmune response leads to swelling and
inflammation, which results in pain and other symptoms.

Who is at risk of developing discitis?

You’re more likely to develop discitis if:

• you have an autoimmune disorder

• you have a weakened immune system
• you use intravenous drugs
• you’re recovering from surgery

Children under age 10 are also more likely to develop this condition.

How is discitis diagnosed?

Your doctor may use a number of different tests and tools to diagnose discitis,

• blood tests
• bone scans
• X-rays
• MRIs
• tissue analysis
Blood tests

Your doctor may order blood tests to help diagnose discitis. They’ll collect a
sample of your blood to send to a laboratory for analysis. Lab technicians can
use a variety of tests to check for signs of infection.

For example, a complete blood count is a very common blood test. Lab
technicians can use it to count the numbers of red and white blood cells in your
blood. That can help them identify signs of infection, including elevated levels of
white blood cells. They can also use an erythrocyte sedimentation rate test to
look for signs of inflammation.

Bone scans

Your doctor may use a bone scan to examine your vertebrae and the spaces
around them. It can help them assess the vitality of the bone and learn if you
have a bone infection.

A nurse or technician will inject radioactive material into one of your veins to
conduct the scan. It will travel through your blood and collect in your bones,
especially in areas where bone is growing or breaking down. They’ll ask you to
lie down on a special table where a scanning machine and camera will move
over your body. The camera will track the radioactive material as it works its way
through your body and bones.

Imaging tests

Your doctor may also order radiological imagining tests, such as an X-ray or MRI.
These tests can create pictures of your spine and surrounding tissues. Infection
and inflammation can potentially move from one area to another.
Tissue analysis

In some cases, your doctor may order a biopsy of your spinal tissue to collect a
sample for analysis. This can help them develop their diagnosis.

How is discitis treated?

If you’re diagnosed with discitis, your doctor will likely prescribe medications to
treat it. For example, they may prescribe antibiotics to treat a bacterial infection
or anti-inflammatory medications to treat an autoimmune reaction. In some
cases, they may also prescribe steroids to help relieve severe or chronic cases of
discitis. They may recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as
ibuprofen, to help relieve pain.

Your doctor may also recommend the following:

• bed rest
• changes to your daily activities
• wearing a back brace or other support equipment

In some cases of discitis, your doctor may recommend more invasive treatments.
In rare cases, you may need surgery to resolve problems stemming from discitis
and osteomyelitis. Your doctor may need to reconstruct areas of your spine to
improve its function and your mobility.

What is the long-term outlook for people with discitis?

The outlook for most people who have discitis is good. If you have a viral
infection, it may heal on its own. If you have a bacterial infection, it will likely
resolve with antibiotics. If an underlying autoimmune problem is causing your
condition, your doctor will focus on diagnosing and treating that issue, which may
be more persistent than your discitis.
Chronic back pain is a rare complication associated with discitis. You might also
experience unpleasant side effects from the medications that you take to treat it.
If your pain levels increase or return after your initial treatment, make an
appointment with your doctor. You may need additional treatments.

Ask your doctor for more information about your specific condition, treatment
plan, and long-term outlook.

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