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ROLL NO: ME-19224
BATCH: 2019
Table of Contents
1. NEWTON FORWARD INTERPOLATION: .................. 3
2. THEOREMS ........................................................... 4
3. APPLICATIONS: ..................................................... 5
4. APPLIED ENGINEERING PROBLEMS: ...................... 6

Newton's forward interpolation is a numerical method used to approximate the values of a
function between a set of equally spaced data points. It allows us to estimate the value of a
function at a given point within the range of the known data points.

The forward interpolation method was developed by Sir Isaac Newton and is based on the
idea of using a polynomial to represent the function between data points. The polynomial is
constructed using the divided difference formula, which calculates the differences between
consecutive data points.

f f2 = f(x2)
f1 = f(x1) f3 = f(x3)
f0 = f(x0) fN = f(xN )
x0 x1 x2 x3 xN
0 1 2 3 N (i)

h = interval size

• Forward differences are now defined as follows:

0 fi  fi (Zeroth order forward difference)

fi =fi + 1 -fi (First order forward difference)

2 fi = fi+2 - 2fi+1 + fi (Second order forward difference operator)

K fi = K-1 fi+1 -K-1 fi (kth order forward difference)

i fi  fi  2 fi  3 fi  4 fi

0 fo  fo = f1 – f o  2 fo =  f1 –  fo 3fo = 2f1 – 2fo 4 fo = 3f1 – 3 fo

1 f1  f1 = f2 – f 1 2f1 = f2 – f1 3f1 = 2f2 – 2f1

2 f2  f2 = f3 – f 2 2f2 = f3 – f2

3 f3  f3 = f4 – f 3

4 f4

Newton's forward interpolation uses a polynomial to estimate the values of a function
between data points and is based on the divided difference formula. While Newton's
forward interpolation has no explicit theorems, it is based on fundamental ideas and notions
from polynomial interpolation and calculus. Here are a few essential polynomial
interpolation theorems and notions that are crucial to Newton's forward interpolation

2.1 Lagrange's Interpolation Theorem: Lagrange's Theorem asserts that for

each collection of different data points (x0, y0), (x1, y1) ..., (xn, yn), there exists a
unique polynomial P(x) of degree n or less that passes through all of the data
points. This theory is the basis for polynomial interpolation, which includes
Newton's forward interpolation.

2.2Divided Difference Theorem: The divided difference theorem is used to

compute the divided differences, which are required for the forward
interpolation polynomial to be constructed. Divided differences are finite
differences between successive data points that may be calculated recursively.
According to the theory, the kth divided difference nky0 may be stated as
follows in terms of lower-order divided differences:
n−1 k−1 𝑌0 − n−1 k−1 𝑌1
 nk
y0 = , where n denotes the order of the divided
(𝑥0 −𝑥𝑘 )
difference and k denotes the index of the divided difference.

2.3 Error Bound for Interpolation: Error bound theories such as the Remainder
or Lagrange Error Bound can be used to estimate the error in polynomial
interpolation. These theorems define the maximum absolute error between the
true function and the interpolating polynomial. They aid in determining the
interpolation method's correctness and dependability.

Newton's forward interpolation offers a wide range of practical uses. Among the most
popular uses are:

3.1 Numerical Calculation: When an approximate value of a function is required

at a position within a range of known data points, Newton's forward
interpolation is frequently utilised in numerical computations. It enables rapid
and efficient estimate without the need for sophisticated mathematical

3.2 Function approximation: It's frequently used to approximate functions

within a particular range. Newton's forward interpolation, which uses a
polynomial to interpolate between known data points, provides a handy
approach to estimate function values at intermediate locations, making it
valuable in fields such as curve fitting and data analysis.

3.3 Financial Analysis: Newton's forward interpolation is used in finance and

economics, namely asset pricing models and option value. It can be used to
forecast future values of financial indicators or to interpolate missing data points
in order to aid in financial analysis and decision-making.

3.4 Interpolation of Tables: Large tables of data with discrete values are
frequently accessible in engineering and scientific applications. Newton's
forward interpolation allows for the estimate of intermediate values between
tabulated data points, allowing for smoother and more continuous data

3.5 Time-Series Analysis: Interpolation methods are frequently used to capture

patterns or trends in time-series data. Newton's forward interpolation may be
used to fill gaps in time-series data and interpolate missing values, allowing for a
more thorough and consistent analysis.
Newton's forward interpolation may be used to solve a variety of engineering challenges
involving the estimation of values between known data points. Here are several applications of
Newton's forward interpolation in engineering:

4.1 Sensor Calibration: Sensors are frequently employed to quantify physical

quantities in engineering applications. Calibration entails identifying the link
between sensor readings and physical values. To interpolate sensor calibration
data, Newton's forward interpolation can be employed, allowing for reliable
calculation of physical values at intermediate sensor readings.

4.2 Finite Element Analysis: Finite element analysis (FEA) is a numerical

approach for analysing and solving complicated problems in structural and
mechanical engineering. Within FEA, Newton's forward interpolation may be
used to interpolate nodal values in finite element models, allowing for realistic
modelling and simulation of physical systems.

4.3 Signal Processing: Newton's forward interpolation can be used to interpolate

missing data points in signal processing applications such as picture or audio
processing. This is especially beneficial when there are gaps or missing samples
in a signal, allowing reconstruction and analysis of the entire signal.

4.4 Energy Consumption Estimation: Newton's forward interpolation can be

used in energy management and optimisation to estimate energy usage at
certain time periods based on past data. This interpolation approach predicts
energy consumption between accessible data points, assisting in energy planning
and optimisation efforts.

4.5 Fluid Dynamics: Interpolation techniques, such as Newton's forward

interpolation, are used in fluid dynamics simulations to estimate variables such
as pressure, velocity, or temperature at locations on a computing grid. This aids
in the production of continuous and accurate representations of fluid behaviour.

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