2022-Coronary Flow Assessment Using 3D Ultrafast Ultrasound Localization Micros

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-, 2022



Coronary Flow Assessment Using

3-Dimensional Ultrafast Ultrasound
Localization Microscopy
Oscar Demeulenaere, MS,a Zulma Sandoval, PHD,a Philippe Mateo, MS,a Alexandre Dizeux, PHD,a
Olivier Villemain, MD, PHD,a Romain Gallet, MD, PHD,b Bijan Ghaleh, PHD,b Thomas Deffieux, PHD,a
Charlie Deméné, PHD,a Mickael Tanter, PHD,a Clément Papadacci, PHD,a Mathieu Pernot, PHDa


OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study was to demonstrate 3-dimensional (3D) coronary ultrasound localization
microscopy (CorULM) of the whole heart beyond the acoustic diffraction limit (<20 mm resolution) at ultrafast frame rate
(>1000 images/s).

BACKGROUND Direct assessment of the coronary microcirculation has long been hampered by the limited spatial and
temporal resolutions of cardiac imaging modalities.

METHODS CorULM was performed in isolated beating rat hearts (N ¼ 6) with ultrasound contrast agents (Sonovue,
Bracco), using an ultrasonic matrix transducer connected to a high channel–count ultrafast electronics. We assessed the
3D coronary microvascular anatomy, flow velocity, and flow rate of beating hearts under normal conditions, during
vasodilator adenosine infusion, and during coronary occlusion. The coronary vasculature was compared with
micro-computed tomography performed on the fixed heart. In vivo transthoracic CorULM was eventually assessed on
anaesthetized rats (N ¼ 3).

RESULTS CorULM enables the 3D visualization of the coronary vasculature in beating hearts at a scale down to
microvascular structures (<20 mm resolution). Absolute flow velocity estimates range from 10 mm/s in tiny arterioles
up to more than 300 mm/s in large arteries. Fitting to a power law, the flow rate–radius relationship provides an
exponent of 2.61 (r2 ¼ 0.96; P < 0.001), which is consistent with theoretical predictions and experimental validations
of scaling laws in vascular trees. A 2-fold increase of the microvascular coronary flow rate is found in response to
adenosine, which is in good agreement with the overall perfusion flow rate measured in the aorta (control measure-
ment) that increased from 8.80  1.03 mL/min to 16.54  2.35 mL/min (P < 0.001). The feasibility of CorULM was
demonstrated in vivo for N ¼ 3 rats.

CONCLUSION CorULM provides unprecedented insights into the anatomy and function of coronary arteries at the
microvasculature level in beating hearts. This new technology is highly translational and has the potential to
become a major tool for the clinical investigation of the coronary microcirculation. (J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2022;-:-–-)
© 2022 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.

From the aPhysics for Medicine, Ecole Supérieure de Physique Chimie Industrielles de Paris, Institut National de la Santé et de la
Recherche Médicale U1273, CNRS UMR 8063, PSL University, Paris, France; and bInserm U955-IMRB, Equipe 03, Université Paris-
Est Créteil, Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort, Maisons-Alfort, France.
The authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welfare regulations of the authors’
institutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appropriate. For more information,
visit the Author Center.

Manuscript received August 2, 2021; revised manuscript received January 24, 2022, accepted February 17, 2022.

ISSN 1936-878X/$36.00 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcmg.2022.02.008

2 Demeulenaere et al JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. -, NO. -, 2022
Coronary Microcirculation Assessment by Ultrasound - 2022:-–-

C oronary microcirculation (ie, flow in allowed mapping microvascular flows at high spatial
AND ACRONYMS vessels smaller than 300 m m) plays a resolution (w10 mm), an order of magnitude
key role in the control of cardiac smaller than the ultrasound diffraction limit, and at
2D = 2-dimensional
perfusion. 1 Patients with coronary microvas- depths much greater than the traditionally
3D = 3-dimensional
cular disease (CMD) have poor prognoses frequency-limited imaging depth.8 However, coro-
CFR = coronary flow reserve
with significantly higher rates of cardiovas- nary network arrangement is complex and arbitrarily
CMD = coronary
cular events, including hospitalization for oriented in all 3 dimensions, which greatly limits 2-
microcirculation disease
heart failure, sudden cardiac death, and dimensional (2D) ULM assessed in cross-sections.
CorULM = coronary ultrasound
localization microscopy
myocardial infarction (MI).1 Likewise, micro- Furthermore, deformation of the heart as well as
vascular obstruction after reperfusion of a large and rapid out-of-plane motion induced by
ECG = electrocardiogram
MI, a phenomenon called no-reflow, is the physiological events, mostly cardiac and respiratory
IQ = in-phase and quadrature
most relevant predictor of adverse outcome. motions, create significant errors in localization9 and
LAD = left anterior descending
Up to date, although the anatomy of large cannot be efficiently corrected without 3-dimensional
LV = left ventricle
vessels can be easily assessed, only func- (3D) imaging.
LVP = left ventricular pressure
tional assessments of the coronary microcir- Here, we overcome these issues and demonstrate
MB = microbubble culation are available either through imaging coronary ultrasound localization microscopy
MI = myocardial infarction (positron emission tomography,2 cardiac (CorULM) for direct visualization and quantification
ULM = ultrasound localization magnetic resonance, 3 and contrast echocar- of the microvascular flows in beating perfused rat
diography4 ) or through invasive measure- hearts. Our approach relies on volumetric ultrafast
ments.5 These examinations can provide imaging with a matrix transducer connected to a high
hemodynamic information such as myocardial blood channel–count ultrafast electronics.10 3D-ULM is used
flow and coronary flow reserve (CFR) in response to to track the individual MB and quantify the flow ve-
the vasodilator adenosine. However, there is locity in the entire vasculature. 11 A multiscale 3D
currently no available tool to image directly the entire motion correction is applied on the localization cen-
coronary microcirculation in clinical or preclinical ter over a few tens of cardiac cycles, which enabled
settings, which in turn has limited considerably the reconstructing the microvascular anatomy, flow
knowledge on the coronary microcirculation patho- velocity, and flow rate of beating hearts (Central
physiology and the development of effective thera- Illustration) under normal conditions, during vasodi-
peutic strategies. Indeed, direct visualization of the lator adenosine infusion, and during coronary occlu-
full coronary architecture including complex micro- sion. Finally, we demonstrate the in vivo feasibility of
vascular network remains out of reach of current CorULM on closed-chest animals.
cardiac imaging modalities mainly because of the low
spatial and temporal resolutions or sensitivity limi- METHODS
tations.6 The association of anatomic and hemody-
namic exploration at the microscopic scale could LANGENDORFF ISOLATED PERFUSED HEART:
allow a better understanding of the adaptation of the EXPERIMENTAL MODEL. Sprague-Dawley male rats
coronary microcirculation to physiological conditions (189  18 g; N ¼ 6) were anesthetized using intra-
(aging, exercise) or to pathophysiological stresses peritoneal injection of ketamine (80 mg/kg) and
(proximal artery stenosis, O 2 consumption/perfusion xylasine (10 mg/kg). The heart was quickly removed
imbalance). Moreover, besides contrast echocardiog- and placed in oxygenated Krebs-Henseleit solution.
raphy, none of the examinations for the microcircu- The aorta was cannulated and perfused using the
lation evaluation can be easily repeated because of Langendorff method with oxygenated Krebs-
their availability, the risk of irradiation, and the risk Henseleit solution at constant pressure (60 mm Hg,
of complications for invasive assessment. Conse- temperature 37  0.2  C).12 A latex water-filled balloon
quently, we are currently lacking of a technique that was inserted into the left ventricular chamber and
would allow repeated anatomical and functional connected to a pressure transducer for continuous
evaluation of the coronary microcirculation to deter- measurement of isovolumic left ventricular pressure
mine the mechanisms of the functional alterations (LVP), end-diastolic pressure, left ventricle (LV)
but also to address the effect of the different developed pressure, and heart rate. All the parame-
treatments. ters were recorded using acquisition and analysis
Recently, ultrafast ultrasound broke the conven- software (Labchart, ADInstruments). The hearts were
tional resolution barrier via localization of single electrically stimulated at 350 beats/min via 2 silver
circulating microbubbles (MB) in the blood flow.7 Ul- wires; 1 on the right atria, 1 on the LV connected to a
trafast ultrasound localization microscopy (ULM) Function Generator (Tektronix).
JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Demeulenaere et al 3
- 2022:-–- Coronary Microcirculation Assessment by Ultrasound

The perfusion system (isolated heart system, Emka defining a single device containing 1,024 channels in
Technologies) was used to control the perfusion transmission and reception. An ultrafast Doppler
pressure and flow rate. In constant pressure mode, imaging sequence consisting of 9 plane waves defined
the device automatically adapted the coronary flow by pair of angles (i,j) with i and j in (-5.7 , 0 , 5.7  ) as
by changing the peristaltic perfusion pump velocity. depicted in Figure 1A was transmitted at a pulse
The perfusion flow rate was computed from the pump repetition frequency of 20 kHz during 270 ms. Back-
velocity after calibration. Cardiac arrest was obtained scattered echoes of cardiac tissues and circulating
by decreasing temperature of solution containing the MBs were received by each element of the transducer
heart and perfusion solution from 37 C to 4  C. and the radiofrequency signals were stored in mem-
Contrast agent (Sonovue, Bracco) at 0.33% dilution ories. Receive beamforming and coherent com-
was added in the perfusion solution. Vasodilation was pounding10 were performed on radiofrequency data
obtained by adding adenosine at 10 mol/L under a to obtain in-phase and quadrature (IQ) demodulated
constant pressure of 120 mm Hg. Occlusion of the left volumes at an effective imaging rate of 2,220 vol-
anterior descending (LAD) artery was performed by umes/s. The high temporal volume rate is paramount
ligating the artery at the basal-mid level of the LV. In for accurately quantifying the flow velocity. Volumes
this experiment, the flow rate was maintained con- of 24  13  13 mm 3 were reconstructed (depth and
stant and the perfusion pressure was automatically lateral directions, respectively) with a voxel size of
adapted by the system. 0.862  0.197  0.197 mm 3.
IN VIVO EXPERIMENTS. Transthoracic in vivo imag- Blocks of w100 frames (w50 ms) were then
ing of 3 Sprague-Dawley males (208  2.3 g) selected in diastole using both LVP signal and axial
was performed under 2% isoflurane anesthesia in tissue velocity. This selection is described in more
0.8 L/min 70% O 2/30% air. Before positioning the detail in the Supplemental Methods. Each block of IQ
matrix transducer, a conventional transthoracic data was filtered using a spatio-temporal clutter-filter
echocardiography was performed with a 12 MHz (singular value decomposition) 14 by removing the
linear array (Superlinear 20-6, Aixplorer, SuperSonic first 30 eigenvectors. This sequence was repeated 100
Imaging). MBs were injected by insertion in the times, each repetition being synchronized with the
caudal vein of a 25-gauge catheter connected to a LVP signal at the beginning of the systolic phase.
syringe positioned on a syringe withdraw. Electro- In vivo imaging. The same methods were used for
cardiogram (ECG) and breathing were recorded using in vivo acquisitions. In addition to the ECG synchro-
subcutaneously positioned electrodes for ECG and a nization, a gating was performed on breathing pres-
spirometer connected to an anesthesia face mask for sure to trig the acquisition at the R-peaks and when
breathing and the signals were computed in real-time breathing pressure was low (end of exhalation). The
to synchronize the ultrafast imaging acquisition. All rat heart rate was about 300 beats/min so that each
animals received humane care in compliance with the block covered at least 1 complete cardiac cycle. The
2010 European Communities Council Directive (2010/ data were selected in a 37 ms time window in early-
63/EU), and the study was approved by the institu- diastole.
tional and regional committees for animal care 2D ULTRAFAST ULTRASOUND IMAGING. Nonbeating
(Comité d’Ethique number 59 “Paris Centre et Sud,” isolated hearts were prepared by cooling the perfused
APAFIS#27733-2020101822261518v2). solution down to 4  C. The probe was placed in long
3D ULTRAFAST ULTRASOUND IMAGING. Isolated axis view of the left ventricle. 2D imaging was per-
perfused hearts imaging. The hearts were immersed in formed using a linear probe (128 elements, 0.11 mm
the Krebs-Henseleit solution in a pool covered by a pitch, centered at 15.6 MHz) driven by a research
latex membrane. The transducer was positioned in electronics (Vantage 256, Verasonics) using 128 of 256
the apical view orientation and ultrasound gel was channels in transmission and in reception. The ul-
applied between the membrane and the transducer trafast imaging sequence consisted in 8 plane waves
(Figure 1A). The placement of the transducer was transmitted at angles (-7  ; -5  ; -3  ; -1  ; 1  ; 3  ; 5  ; 7  ) at a
controlled using real-time B-mode imaging. A pulse repetition frequency of 6,400 Hz and a frame
customized, programmable, 1,024-channel ultrafast rate of 800 Hz during 625 ms. This sequence was
ultrasound system described previously 10,13
was used repeated 960 times giving a total accumulation time
to drive a 32 x 32 matrix-array probe centered at 9 of 10 min.
MHz (60% bandwidth@6dB). The system was 3D-CorULM PROCESSING AND MOTION CORRECTION.
composed of 4 research electronics (Vantage, Vera- The basic principle of 3D-CorULM along with a lay-out
sonics), which were assembled and synchronized, of the approach used to image the hearts is depicted
4 Demeulenaere et al JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. -, NO. -, 2022
Coronary Microcirculation Assessment by Ultrasound - 2022:-–-


Microbubbles 3D Ultrasound Localization Microscopy

corULM of the rat
contrast agent
3D Ultrasound IQ volume After SVD clutter filter coronary vasculature
Rat beating
heart t1

2 mm Motion
500 μm


Matrix array
ultrasound probe

250 μm

2 cm

Microbubble center position localization and tracking

Paves the way for new

Visualizes directly Provides quantitative flow
microcirculation functional
microcirculation (ø 20 - 100 μm) measurements
assessment with ultrasound imaging

Demeulenaere O, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Img. 2022;-(-):-–-.

CorULM relies on the injection of MB contrast agents into the coronary vasculature and 3D ultrafast ultrasound imaging with a matrix array pobe. Thanks to its high-
volume rate, individual MBs are localized and tracked over time. After correction of cardiac contraction and breath motion, CorULM provides 3D super-resolved images
of the anatomy and flow velocity of the coronary vasculature in beating hearts at a scale down to microvascular structures (<20 mm resolution). CorULM also provides
insights into the function of coronary arteries at the microvasculature level. This new technology is highly translational and has the potential to become a major tool
for the clinical investigation of the coronary microcirculation. 3D ¼ 3-dimensional; CorULM ¼ coronary ultrasound localization microscopy; IQ ¼ in-phase and
quadrature; MB ¼ microbubble; SVD ¼ singular value decomposition.

in Figure 1A, B, and C. 3D-CorULM was based on To quantify the effect of vasodilation on micro-
several successive processing steps. All the steps are vascular vessels, we computed the variation of vessel
fully described in the Supplemental Methods. radius, flow velocity, and flow rate in response to
VISUALIZATION AND QUANTIFICATION. 3D repre- adenosine. Skeletons were extracted from acquisi-
sentations of CorULM results were computed using tions in baseline and under adenosine-induced
the volren function of Amira (Amira v.6.0.1 software, vasodilation and spatially registered using Coherent
FEI). Automatic quantification of vessel diameters Point Drift registration.15 After registration, vessels
was performed on density maps reconstructed with whose centerline points were closer than 150 m m were
isotropic voxels of 40 mm. A Gaussian filter was considered identical in the 2 acquisitions. We then
applied (s ¼ 40 m m) and the skeletonization of the performed several analyses of the flow and diameter
vasculature was performed using the “auto-skeleton” variation for different classes of vessels.
function in Amira. As a result of the skeletonization, In a first analysis, we quantified the radius, veloc-
the diameters were quantified at every centerline ity, and flow rate in a class of microvascular vessels.
point detected. We extracted all the vessels between 30 and 40 m m in
For the flow quantification, we assumed the radius at baseline, and computed the median value of
maximum velocity Vmax of the velocity profile to be at radius, velocity, and flow rate in baseline and during
the skeleton centerline. The flow rate was eventually adenosine infusion for each heart (N ¼ 6). In a second
computed assuming a Poiseuille flow: Q ¼ pr 2  Vmax/2 analysis, we investigated the vasodilation as a func-
(Q: flow rate, r: radius) for every vessel. tion of vessel size. We extracted vessels of different
JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Demeulenaere et al 5
- 2022:-–- Coronary Microcirculation Assessment by Ultrasound

F I G U R E 1 3D-CorULM Principles

A Set-Up and Acquisition

Diluted microbubbles Perfusion of Krebs−

solution (0.3%) Henseleit solution

Plane Wave
Compounding Acquisition Synchronized with
Left Ventricular Pressure (LVP)


LVP [mm Hg]


matrix array
(32 × 32 elements) 100 200
ultrasound probe Time [ms]

B 3D Ultrasound Localization Microscopy

3D ultrasound IQ volume After SVD clutter filter




2 mm

500 μm

250 μm

Continued on the next page

Continued on the next page
6 Demeulenaere et al JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. -, NO. -, 2022
Coronary Microcirculation Assessment by Ultrasound - 2022:-–-

F I G U R E 1 Continued

C Multi Scale Motion Correction

LVP [mm Hg]
Motion correction 120
between diastole
90 Time [ms]
100 200 300

STEP 1: Coarse 3D
registration from
Power Doppler volumes

STEP 2: Sub-wavelength correction STEP 3: Accumulation of

from micro bubbles coordinates corrected coordinates

(A) Experimental set-up: plane waves are transmitted at high repetition rate at different angles during diastole in a perfused isolated beating
rat heart. (B) 3D ULM processing: after SVD filtering, MBs are localized with a 3D paraboloid bn and are tracked over acquisition times ti to
determine tracks. (C) 3D intensity-based rigid registration is computed to correct motion between diastolic phases. Then, a fine ICP correction
is applied at a subwavelength scale. Corrected MB coordinates are eventually aggregated to create a 3D vascular volume.
3D ¼ 3-dimensional; CorULM ¼ coronary ultrasound localization microscopy; ICD ¼ iterative closest point; IQ ¼ in-phase and quadrature;
LVP ¼ left ventricular pressure; MB ¼ microbubble; SVD ¼ singular value decomposition; ULM ¼ ultrasound localization microscopy.

classes of radius (20-30; 30-40; 40-50; 50-60; determine the exponent of the flow rate-radius rela-
>60 mm). For each vessel we computed its radius tion. Median values of radius, velocity, and flow rate
variation as the ratio of radius (radenosine/r baseline) and in baseline and under vasodilation were compared for
quantified the median value per class and per heart. each heart (N ¼ 6) using a paired, 1-sided Student’s t-
In a third analysis, we computed the flow rate varia- test. Relative variations of radius were compared for
tion as the ratio (qadenosine/q baseline ) for each vessel several classes of vessels with a paired, 1-sided Stu-
and compared the median value with the ratio of dent’s t-test. Eventually, variations of flow rate were
perfusion flow measured using the perfusion system compared with the control measurements with a
during the same experiment. paired, 2-sided Student’s t-test. For all box plots,
For 2D acquisitions, density and velocity maps center line (median), box (first and third quartiles),
were reconstructed with a pixel size of 5 x 5 m m 2. We and whiskers, 1.5  IQR with all data points,
analyzed the flow velocity profile across the section of were individually plotted. Statistical significance
a large vessel. The vessel cross-section was divided was inferred for P < 0.05 with no significance (NS):
into 5 segments of the same length (26 m m). In each *P < 0.05, **P < 1e-2, ***P < 1e-3, ****P < 1e-4. Values
segment, we evaluated the velocity of individual are presented as mean  SD unless specified.
flowing MBs assuming that each MB was an inde-
pendent event.

STATISTICS. Spatial variations of velocity profiles CORONARY ANATOMY. CorULM provides high-
were analyzed using unpaired 2-sided Student’s t-test resolution images of the whole heart coronary
to evaluate the significance of difference at several vasculature as shown in Figure 2Ai. When zooming at
locations of the flow profile assuming each MB event a smaller sale, the coronary microcirculation is shown
to be independent as explained in the Methods sec- in Figure 2Aiv. 3D-CorULM images can be best visu-
tion. Linear regression was used on log-values to alized in Video 1. Note that the spatial resolution in
JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Demeulenaere et al 7
- 2022:-–- Coronary Microcirculation Assessment by Ultrasound

F I G U R E 2 CorULM of Perfused Rat Hearts

3D CorULM of the Isolated Beating Rat Heart



G H I J 10−1

log(y) = 2,61log(x) − 13,35
Flow Rate (mL/min)

R2 = 0.96



101 102
Radius (μm)

(A to J) Example of 3D-CorULM of a perfused beating rat heart. (A) 3D-Density map, (B) directional flow velocity map that identifies the arterial (red) and venous (blue)
flow, and (C) 3D-flow velocity distribution. Microvessels are better visualized at smaller scale. (D) 3D-density map, (E) quantification of the diameter, and (F) velocity
after skeletonization. For comparison, the low-resolution Power Doppler map is shown in (G) as well as micro computed tomography imaging (H) and gross photography
(I) of the same fixed heart. (J) Analysis of flow rate as a function of radius in a broad range of vessels reveals a power law with an 2.61 exponent. (K to M) 2D-CorULM
density maps (K) and velocity (L) obtained in a nonbeating rat heart (LV-free wall long-axis view). (M) A cross-section of several vessels (1, 2, and 3 annotated in (K))
is performed on the density map to quantify the diameters. (N) Analysis of the velocity profile in a large vessel (vessel 4 in (L)) shows a Poiseuille-like flow profile.
2D ¼ 2-dimensional; LV ¼ left ventricle; other abbreviations as in Figure 1.

Continued on the next page

8 Demeulenaere et al JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. -, NO. -, 2022
Coronary Microcirculation Assessment by Ultrasound - 2022:-–-

F I G U R E 2 Continued

Spatial Resolution and Quantification of 2D CorULM

Density Profiles

12 3

8 1
6 61 μm
4 23
2 μm
μm 10 μm
Distance [μm]

L N Velocity Profile
50 n = 184
n = 92 n = 120

Velocity [mm/s]
30 n = 36 n = 48
**** **** ****

14 40 66 92 118
Distance [μm]

CorULM depends on the number of MBs passing low-temperature liquid perfusion. The vasculature
through each reconstructed voxel and thus could and flow velocity images of the left ventricular free
potentially be improved by using longer acquisition wall are shown in Figure 2Bi and Figure 2Bii. Vessels as
time. Approximately 10 MBs are localized in each small as 16 m m are visible (Figure 2Biii). It was further
reconstructed voxel (20 x 20 x 20 m m3 ) in the present possible to accurately assess the velocity profile
result. 3D spatial registration was performed to cor- across a relatively large vessel, revealing a Poiseuille-
rect the motion (Supplemental Figure 1). Quantifica- like flow profile (Figure 2Biv).
tion of vessel diameters is performed automatically CORONARY FLOW ASSESSMENT. The high temporal
by the skeletonization algorithm. Diameters range resolution of the 3D ultrafast imaging system further
from 20 m m for tiny arterioles to w300 m m for larger enables estimating the flow velocity via particle
branches of the right and left coronary arteries tracking (see Methods section for a detailed descrip-
(Figure 2Av). The coronary vasculature is compared tion). Figure 2Aii shows the base to apex flow direc-
with micro computed tomography performed on the tion: downward (red) corresponding mainly to
fixed heart (Figure 2Aviii). The vessel radius is quan- arterial flow and upward (blue) to veinous flow. Ab-
tified on 15 large vessels (134  35 m m) visualized in solute flow velocity estimates range from 10 mm/s in
both modalities (Supplemental Figure 3) with a mean tiny arterioles up to more than 300 mm/s in large
absolute error of 12 m m between the 2 modalities. arteries (Figure 2Aiii and 2Avi). Flow velocity can be
Gross photography of the fixed heart shows the better visualized in Video 2. CorULM is compared
overall anatomy of the rat heart (Figure 2Aix). with low-resolution power Doppler imaging
For comparison, CorULM is performed in 2D on (Figure 2Avii) obtained with the same IQ data. 16 Flow
arrested hearts using high-frequency imaging. Note velocity were estimated as a function of perfusion
that in 2D, CorULM cannot be performed on the pressure (Supplemental Figure 3).
beating hearts because of strong out of plane motion The flow rate–radius relation is shown in
artefacts and requires the hearts to be arrested using Figure 2Ax for a large range of arterial radius (10-
JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Demeulenaere et al 9
- 2022:-–- Coronary Microcirculation Assessment by Ultrasound

F I G U R E 3 Flow Quantification

3D Mapping of Radius and Flow Velocity During Adenosine Infusion
Baseline Adenosine

2 mm 2 mm

Right coronary arteries [μ m]








Left coronary arteries

2 mm



Flow Velocity




2 mm

(A) Quantification of vessel radius and flow velocity in baseline (left) and during adenosine-induced vasodilation (right). (Top) Flow velocity
overlaid onto the density map (grayscale). (Middle) Quantification of radius in a ROI. (Low) Quantification of flow velocity in a ROI. (B) The
velocity distribution is shifted toward higher velocities during adenosine-induced vasodilation. (C) Radius, flow velocity, and flow rate
computed on an ensemble of microvascular vessels (Ø 60-80 mm) increase significantly with adenosine. (D) Relative variations of radius are
analyzed for different classes of vessels and are significantly higher in small vessels. (E) The relative increase of flow rate (N ¼ 6), which is in
good agreement with the control measurement of the perfusion system. CFR ¼ coronary flow reserve; ROI ¼ region of interest.

Continued on the next page

10 Demeulenaere et al JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. -, NO. -, 2022
Coronary Microcirculation Assessment by Ultrasound - 2022:-–-

F I G U R E 3 Continued

B ×10−3 Flow Velocity Distribution

Probability Density

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Velocity [mm.s−1]
Baseline Adenosine

C Median Radius, Flow Velocity and Flow Rate in [Ø 60-80 μm] Vessels
*** ***
N=6 N=6
60 N=6 150 40

Flow Velocity [mm.s−1]

40 100 Flow Rate [μL.min−1]

Radius [μm]

30 20

20 50

0 0 0
Baseline Adenosine Baseline Adenosine Baseline Adenosine

D E Microcirculation Flow
Variation of Radius for Different Classes of Vessels Variation Compared to CFR
* ×3 n.s
N=6 N=6
* 2




0 0
20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 >60μm Microcirculation CFR
Classes of Vessels Per Radius Flow Variation
JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Demeulenaere et al 11
- 2022:-–- Coronary Microcirculation Assessment by Ultrasound

F I G U R E 4 LAD Coronary Occlusion

3D Density Maps

Before After ligation of LAD artery



2 mm

Quantification of Flow Velocity on AHA Standardized Nomenclature

Before 600 After ligation of LAD artery






Flow velocity (mm.s−1)

(A) 3D density maps before and after LAD coronary occlusion. RCA and LCA are identified. (B) The flow velocity is projected onto the bull’s-
eye American Heart Association standardized representation of the LV. LAD ¼ left anterior descending; LCA ¼ left circumflex artery;
RCA ¼ right coronary artery; other abbreviations as in Figure 1 and Figure 2.

150 m m). Fitting to a power law provides an exponent relative radius variation decreased with vessel size:
of 2.61 (r2 ¼ 0.96; P < 0.001), which is consistent with small vessels (20-30 m m) are dilated by 1.57  0.26,
theoretical predictions and experimental validations whereas larger vessels (>60 mm) changed only by 1.07
of scaling laws in vascular trees, also known as the  0.2 (P < 0.01). The median flow rate is analyzed
generalized extension of Murray’s law.17 over the entire vasculature and a 2-fold increase of
We then investigated the flow variation in the microvascular coronary flow rate is found in
response to adenosine-induced vasodilation response to adenosine, which is in good agreement
(Figure 3). Analysis of the velocity histograms reveals with the overall perfusion flow rate (control mea-
a shift of the velocity distribution in response to surement) that increases from 8.80  1.03 mL/min to
vasodilation (Figure 3B). The median radius, flow 16.54  2.35 mL/min (P < 0.001). This ratio known as
velocity, and flow rate (Figure 3C) analyzed in an the CFR provides an indirect functional assessment of
ensemble of microvascular vessels (w100 segments of the microcirculation, which is used clinically. We
Ø 60-80 mm per heart; N ¼ 6 hearts) increase signifi- show here that CorULM provides a local and direct
cantly with adenosine. We analyze the vasodilation as quantification of the microvascular coronary flow
a function of the vessel size (Figure 3D) and the variation (Figure 3E).
12 Demeulenaere et al JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. -, NO. -, 2022
Coronary Microcirculation Assessment by Ultrasound - 2022:-–-

F I G U R E 5 In Vivo Imaging

Animal preparation Acquisition

Anesthetized rat Synchronization with

breath and ECG
Temperature, heart and
breath rate monitored

Microbubbles solution
(Sonovue®, 6 mL/h) Matrix array
(32 × 32 elements)
ultrasound probe

Trig at ECG R peak when breath motion is low
Inspiration Expiration Rest

Acquisition 1 Acquisition 2

signal (a.u)

ECG (a.u)

Time [s]
0 0,5 1 1,5
Selection of early diastole
Time Motion Mode
0 100 200 300 Time
Depth [mm]



Systole DIastole

(A) Set up and acquisition: in vivo acquisitions are performed using the matrix transducer positioned on the rat chest. Panel created with BioRender.com.
(B) 2D B-mode image of in vivo beating rat heart, showing the heart structures. (C) Diastole selection during acquisition: a short time window (37 ms) in
early diastole is selected from the ultrasound data. (D-G) 3D CorULM of in vivo beating rat heart. The Power Doppler map shows the coronary and left
ventricular flow at low resolution (D), whereas coronary vessels are revealed at high resolution using 3D-CorULM (E). Quantification of radius (F) and
velocity (G) is shown at a smaller scale. ECG ¼ electrocardiogram; other abbreviations as in Figure 1 and 2.

Continued on the next page

Finally, the main LAD artery is ligated to induce a occlusion. Projection of the flow velocity on the 17-
complete occlusion of the LAD. Figure 4A shows the segment model of the American Heart Association
3D reconstruction of the coronary vasculature and the enables a clear delineation of nonperfused territory
disappearance of a large part of the LAD after (Figure 4B).
JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Demeulenaere et al 13
- 2022:-–- Coronary Microcirculation Assessment by Ultrasound

F I G U R E 5 Continued

D Power Doppler Volume dB E Density Map








F Radius
[μ m]





G Flow Velocity




IN VIVO EXPERIMENTS. The feasibility of 3D-CorULM the LV can be reached with this orientation. One can
was demonstrated in 3 closed-chest rats. The matrix notice, however, that several regions are shadowed
transducer was positioned on the rat chest (Figure 5A) by the ribs. In the post-processing step, a short time
in parasternal view instead of the apical view because window was determined in early diastole based on
of ergonomic limitations caused by the transducer the analysis of the motion of the LV wall (Figure 5C).
dimensions. Figure 5B shows that a large portion of The 3D Power Doppler map shows the coronary and
14 Demeulenaere et al JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. -, NO. -, 2022
Coronary Microcirculation Assessment by Ultrasound - 2022:-–-

left ventricular flow at low resolution (Figure 5D). and other therapeutic interventions. CorULM should,
After 3D-CorULM processing, the coronary vessels are therefore, strongly benefit fundamental research on
revealed at high resolution (Figure 5E). It should be coronary microvascular dysfunction and the devel-
noted that the MBs in the cavity are automatically opment of effective treatments. The setup of isolated
removed by the tracking algorithm because the bub- retrograde perfused heart is commonly used as a
ble concentration is too high. After vessel skeletoni- preclinical model in cardiovascular research in phys-
zation, quantification of radius (Figure 5F) and flow iology and drug developments and is particularly
velocity (Figure 5G) are performed and visualized. The useful for the ex vivo investigation of ischemia-
radius of the vessels ranged from w30 m m for small reperfusion injury. This ex vivo model has proved to
arterioles to w100 m m for larger branches of the cor- be an irreplaceable and highly adaptable tool
onary arteries. Corresponding flow velocity estimates for research into coronary vascular function in
ranged from 10 mm/s up to 300 mm/s with a negative physiological, pathologic, or pharmacological in-
gradient toward small branches. vestigations, and into myocardium biochemistry and
metabolism.19 CorULM is particularly well adapted to
DISCUSSION isolated perfused heart of rats or mice because it
provides the unique capability to visualize and
We hereby demonstrate that CorULM can visualize quantify the microvascular flows of an entire heart
and quantify coronary microvascular flows in the with little modification of the Langendorff setup.
beating heart. The ability to image in 3D and subse- In vivo feasibility of transthoracic CorULM was
quently to apply motion correction strategies em- demonstrated on 3 rats by slightly modifying the
powers the recently developed ULM approach and acquisition system to take into account the respira-
enables imaging of the microvascular flows in beating tory motion. The potential of CorULM for the diag-
hearts. 3D-ultrafast imaging is an important prereq- nostic of CMD will be further investigated on
uisite for successful application of CorULM as high- pathologic animal models. In the long term, trans-
volume imaging rate (2220 volumes/s) is key to lation to the human heart could be achieved with
correct 3D tissue motion and track successfully the lower frequency matrix transducers. 3D-ultrafast im-
MBs. Imaging of tiny coronary vessels <20 mm in aging of the human heart with a large field of view has
diameter was achieved across the whole heart been recently demonstrated using matrix transducers
(w20 mm depth). Ultrafast imaging was previously with diverging wave emissions 13,20,21 and could be
used to image coronary vessels of about 100 m m.18 We applied to CorULM.
demonstrate here that CorULM can drastically Like any other cardiac imaging modalities, CorULM
improve the spatial resolution by 1 order of magni- has limitations. First, it requires acquisitions dura-
tude. Apart from its superb spatial resolution and tions of a few tens of cardiac cycles (about 10s). Sec-
mapping of the whole coronary vasculature with ac- ond, the current spatial resolution, estimated at 20 x
curate diameter quantification, CorULM enables 20 x 20 m m 3 could be improved by using matrix arrays
quantification of flow rate and velocity. with a refined one-wavelength spatial pitch leading to
The flow rate increase in microvascular vessels is large angular aperture and smaller focal spots or by
demonstrated and quantified after adenosine- increasing frequency up to 15 MHz. The concentration
induced vasodilation. It allows the direct functional and volume of Sonovue used in this study should not
assessment of the microvascular coronary arterioles be extrapolated directly to human applications.
and is correlated to the CFR. To our knowledge, it is Further studies will be required to determine the
the first imaging modality that can provide direct optimal concentration and volume for coronary im-
anatomical and functional visualization of coronary aging application in large animals and human pa-
microvascular flow of the whole heart. The micro- tients. Finally, we analyzed the coronary flow only
vessels imaged using CorULM correspond to coronary during the diastolic phase instead of the full cycle. In
arteries and arterioles (20-300 mm), which have a fact, there is also flow during systole that could be
fundamental role in the metabolic regulation of cor- identified during isovolumic systole and during late
onary blood flow and are the site of regulation of flow systole but the phasic blood flow pattern differs be-
resistance and thus cardiac perfusion. tween large epicardial and penetrating coronary ar-
In a broader perspective, CorULM can be used to teries. Indeed, mid-systole coronary blood flow
facilitate early diagnosis based on biomarkers asso- velocity is retrograde in the intramyocardial arteries
ciated with microcirculatory alterations in cardio- but antegrade in large epicardial arteries. Neverthe-
vascular disorders, while additionally providing new less, CorULM imaged small vessels where it is known
insights into disease progression, efficacy of drugs, that the majority of coronary blood velocity occurs
JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Demeulenaere et al 15
- 2022:-–- Coronary Microcirculation Assessment by Ultrasound

during diastole. 22 Further technological and imaging European Research Council Grant Agreement number 311025 and by
the Fondation Bettencourt-Schueller under the program “Physics for
development will allow achievement of full cycle
Medicine.” The authors have reported that they have no relationships
analysis, taking into account the overall pattern of relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose.
blood flow during the whole cardiac cycle.
3D-ULM was applied to coronary mapping in this ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Dr Mathieu Per-
study but could be translated to any vascularized not, Physics for Medicine, Ecole Supérieure de Physique
organs such as the brain or the liver. For instance, it Chimie Industrielles de Paris, 17 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris,
could have a crucial impact on brain tumor applica- France. E-mail: mathieu.pernot@inserm.fr.
tions, detecting early the angiogenesis responsible for
recurrence after glioblastoma tumor resection. PERSPECTIVES

We developed CorULM to image and quantify the CMD have poor prognoses with significantly higher rates of
microvascular coronary flow of beating hearts, which cardiovascular events, including hospitalization for heart failure,
provided unprecedented insights into the anatomy sudden cardiac death, and MI. Direct visualization of the full
and function of coronary arteries. We anticipate that coronary architecture including complex microvascular network
the advantages provided by CorULM will massively remains out of reach of current cardiac imaging modalities mainly
impact a large number of studies on clinically rele- caused by inadequate temporal resolutions or sensitivity limita-
vant coronary diseases and further foster the growing tions. The results of this study show that direct and noninvasive
use of ultrafast ultrasound as a biomedical imaging imaging of the coronary microcirculation at the microscopic scale
tool. could be performed with ultrasound combined with MBs. It may

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge the ART offer a nonionizing and portable technique for the visualization

(Technological Research Accelerator) biomedical ul- and quantification of microvascular flows.

trasound program of INSERM. The authors thank Lotfi

TRANSLATIONAL OUTLOOK: The major impact of this study
Slimani for the support with micro computed to-
is the development of 3D-CorULM to visualize and quantify the
mography acquisitions and fruitful discussions.
coronary microcirculation on a beating heart. This technology is
FUNDING SUPPORT AND AUTHOR DISCLOSURES highly translational and has the potential to become a major tool
for the clinical investigation of the coronary microcirculation.
This study was supported by the European Research Council under
the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP/2007-2013)/


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