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Problem for modeling of smart structure 2017.6.


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Figure 1 shows a cantilevered bimorph-type beam of length l, width b, and thickness
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h=hm+2hp,where hm is the thickness of the metal layer and hp is the thickness of the two
piezoelectric ceramic layers. Voltages of opposite polarities are applied to the two
piezoelectric ceramic layers so that a bending moment is generated in the beam. When the
voltages applied to the piezoelectric layers are V(t) and the lateral force acting at the free end
of the beam is F(t), its deflection of vibration is denoted w(x, t), where x is the distance from
the clamped end.
(1) Calculate w(l, t) when F(t)=0 and V(t) is a constant force indepedent of time;
(2) Derive the equation of motion of the beam and solve the natural frequencies;
(3) Drive the equation of motion in the modal space and obtain the vibration of the first mode
when F(t) is 0 and the applied voltage is V(t)=V0sint;
(4) Calculate the voltage on the piezoelectric layers when the vibration of the beam is excited
by F(t)= F0sint at its first resonance frequency ( equals the first resonance frequnecy),
but no voltage is applied externally (V(t)=0).
Here it is assumed that the piezoelectric layers are poled in the thickness (y) direction.



Fig.1Cantilevered multilayer beam

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