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MODULE 11 as boring, with flat delivery and an

unemotional voice.
Types of Speech According to Purpose
5. Audience Rapport - Able to deliver a
1. Informative - Provide interesting and speech that would appeal to the
useful information to your audience. audience and connect with them at a
2. Demonstrative - Demonstration of deeper level.
how to do the thing you are teaching.
3. Persuasive - works to convince
people to change in some way. MODULE 14
4. Entertaining - speaker provides
Principles of Speech Writing: Analyzing
pleasure and enjoyment that makes
the Audience
the audience laugh, smile, and relax.
1. Demographic Audience Analysis -
The aim of demographic audience
MODULE 12 analysis is to discover who you are
speaking to.
Types of Speech According to Manner of
2. Psychological Audience Analysis -
is to discover what your audience may
1. Manuscript - involves writing a be thinking before and during your
manuscript used for reference during presentation.
the speech. 3. Contextual Audience Analysis - is to
2. Memorization - involves memorizing a discover how the speaking event itself
speech word for word. may influence your audience’s state of
3. Impromptu - involves speeches with mind.
little or no time for preparation and
Each of the three dimensions of audience is
speech writing.
examined in more detail in the following
4. Extemporaneous - it has more
preparation than the impromptu
method. It involves writing, rewriting 1. Demographic Audience Analysis
and editing. The delivery is practiced,
Depending on your topic and message, some
recited, and main points are
of the following questions will be relevant and
some will not:
How old are they?
Men? Women? Mixed?
Principles of Effective Speech Delivery
Are audience members predominantly a
1. Articulation - Pronouncing the words certain race, culture, or ethnicity?
and speaking with clear diction that
Do they share a common primary language
effectively transmits the message of
with you?
the speaker.
2. Modulation - The capability to adjust What is their profession?
or manipulate the resonance and
timbre of vocal tone. What is their religion?
3. Stage Presence - The ability to own What is their educational level?
the stage, able to fill the space and
project his/her personality to the 2. Psychological Audience Analysis
audience. Audience Knowledge
4. Facial Expressions, Gestures, and
Movement Without these nonverbal
elements, the Speaker may be judged
Psychological analysis covers both 1. Mandatory attendance – CONTEXTUAL
knowledge/ lack of knowledge and the beliefs ANALYSIS
of your audience.
What do they know about your topic? What
3. Clubs or organizations they join in –
don't they know?
What specialized terminology are they
4. Style of presentation the audience is
familiar with?
What concepts, processes, or tools are they
5. Problems the audience have –
familiar with?
Do some members of your audience know
6. The senior citizen audience –
more about the topic than you?
Audience Beliefs
7. The profession of the audience –
Are they neutral, or are they predisposed to DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS
agree with or oppose your message?
8. The experiences of the audience –
What are the most important values to the CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS
9. Marital status of the audience –
What problems do they have? DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS
3. Contextual Audience Analysis 10. Vocabulary the audience knows –
The aim of contextual audience analysis is to
discover how the speaking event itself may
influence your audience's state of mind.
Consider the following questions:
Is their attendance voluntary or mandatory?
What has the audience been going through in
the days or weeks prior to your speech?

1. Demographic Analysis:
Who is in your audience?
What are their characteristics?
2. Psychological Analysis:
What do you audience believe?
What do they think about your topic?
3. Contextual Analysis:
When and where are you presenting?
Why is this audience listening to you?

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