Fun With Magnets by Jugesh Singh Thakur

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Fun With Magnets

Class 6th

Written and Compiled by:

Jugesh Singh Thakur
B.Sc. M.Sc.


A magnet is an object that attracts materials made of iron, nickel, cobalt

and alloys.
It produces a magnetic field around it.

Properties of a magnet:
These are the magnet’s main qualities:
➢ Magnets attract some materials like; iron, copper, cobalt and
➢ A magnet has two poles; North pole and South pole.
➢ A freely suspended magnet always comes to rest facing north-
➢ The magnet’s poles are arranged in pairs. i.e. magnetic monopole
doesn’t exist.
Types of Magnets

There are different types of magnets, and they are classified based on
their shapes. The different types of magnets include – bar magnets,
dumbbell-shaped magnets, horseshoe magnets, cylindrical magnets,

Discovery of Magnets

Greeks used the term magnet in six hundred B.C. for the mysterious
stone that seemed to attract iron and other materials. It was first
discovered by a Greek shepherd named Magnes (hence the
terminology) when his stick, which had an iron end got stuck to a rock
called magnetite.

Magnetite mineral

The phenomenon of attraction of small bits of iron, steel, cobalt, nickel,
etc. Towards a naturally occurring ore of iron, magnetite is called
Basic Laws Of Magnetism:
❖ Magnetic poles always exist in pairs i.e. North pole and South
❖ Like poles always repel each other ( move away from each other).
❖ Unlike poles always attract each other ( move towards each
❖ Every magnet attracts a small piece of magnetic material towards

Magnetic material V/S Non magnetic material

Magnetic Materials Non Magnetic Materials

Materials that are Materials that are not

attracted by a magnet are attracted by a magnet are
called magnetic called non magnetic
materials. materials
Examples: materials that Wood, plastic, paper,
are made from iron, aluminium, cardboard,
cobalt and nickel leather etc.

Poles of a Magnet

The region within the magnet in which its attraction power is
maximum, is called it’s Pole.
Every magnet is bipolar, it has two Poles: North pole and South pole.
These poles have opposite magnetic characteristics.
North Pole:
The north-seeking end, often known as the North Pole, is the end that
points northward.
South Pole:
The end pointing south is known as the South Pole or the south seeking.

Finding directions using magnet

i. When a bar magnet is suspended freely by a
thread, it aligns itself to the direction of North.
ii. Travellers have used this property of magnets
for ages to find directions.
iii. A compass is a device with a magnetised needle
pivoted inside a box covered by glass, which
points to the direction of north and is a useful
tool for finding directions.
Making a Magnet
• The magnetic material can be made into a magnet by rubbing a magnet on
the surface of the magnetic material.
• This creates an influence where the particles inside the material align
themselves like the poles of a magnet.

Iron strip.

Attraction and Repulsion between magnets

Like poles always repel each other while unlike poles always attract
each other

Few cautions with magnets

A magnet can lose its properties due to the following activities:
▪ Dropping from a height
▪ Hitting with a hammer
▪ Applying heat
▪ Improper storage can also cause loss of magnetic properties.

Thank You!

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