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Retrieval Chart

By: Apple Faith P. Paragoso

MTR Images Action Steps to Take to Live and Honor the Image
1. Mother and Father A. Respect- Respect is the foundation of any healthy relationship.
Practice treating your parents with respect, even when you disagree
with them. Speak to them politely, listen to their perspectives, and
avoid talking back or showing anger or frustration. Show appreciation
for the things they do for you and thank them often.

B. Offer help and support- As your parents age, they may need your
help and support more than ever. Offer to help with household tasks,
run errands, or take them to appointments. Spend quality time with
them and make it a priority to visit often. Remember to listen carefully
to their needs and concerns, and offer your support in any way you

2. Ambassadors of Christ A. Study and follow their teachings - Ambassadors of Christ are
spiritual leaders who serve as representatives of Jesus Christ. To honor
them, you can study their teachings and apply them in your own life.
Read the Bible and books written by Christian leaders, attend church or
other religious gatherings, and seek out opportunities to learn from
these leaders.

B. Support their work - Ambassadors of Christ often dedicate their

lives to serving others. To honor them, you can support their work and
help spread their message. Donate to their charitable organizations,
volunteer your time to assist their ministries, and share their teachings
with others. By taking these actions, you can help ensure that their
work continues to make a positive impact on the world.

3. Minister of Christ A. Show gratitude and appreciation - Ministers of Christ dedicate their
lives to serving others and spreading the teachings of Christianity. To
honor them, show your gratitude and appreciation for their work.
Thank them for their sermons, offer words of encouragement or Acts of
Services, and let them know how much their teachings mean to you.

B. Support their work - Ministers of Christ often rely on the support of

their congregations or communities to carry out their ministries. To
honor them, consider supporting their work in tangible ways, such as
volunteering your time, making donations, or helping to spread their
message. By taking these actions, you can help ensure that their work
continues to make a positive impact on the world.

A. Learn from their teachings - Apostles are influential Christian

leaders who spread the teachings of Christ through their writings and
4. Apostle sermons. To honor them, study their teachings and apply them in your
life. Read their letters and other works, attend church or other religious
gatherings where they speak, and seek out opportunities to learn from
their teachings.
B. Practice their values - Apostles emphasize the importance of living
a moral and virtuous life in accordance with Christ's teachings. To
honor them, strive to practice these values in your own life. Focus on
living a life of faith, love, and service to others. Treat others with
kindness and compassion, and work to make a positive impact on the
world around you. By doing so, you can honor the legacy of the

A. Follow His teachings - The Good Shepherd is often associated with

Jesus Christ, who is known for His teachings of love, compassion, and
5. Good Shepherd forgiveness. To live and honor the Good Shepherd, you can aim to
follow His teachings and incorporate them into your daily life. You can
do this by reading the Bible, attending church or other religious
gatherings, and seeking out opportunities to learn more about His

B. Practice kindness and compassion - The Good Shepherd is also

associated with caring for and protecting His flock. To honor Him, you
can practice kindness, compassion, and empathy towards others,
particularly those who may be less fortunate or vulnerable. You can do
this by volunteering your time to help others, donating to charities or
organizations that support those in need, or simply by making an effort
to show kindness and compassion in your interactions with others.

6. Prophet A. Study their teachings - Prophets are believed to receive messages

and guidance from God, which they share with their followers. To honor
them, you can study their teachings and messages and apply them in
your own life. Read their books or listen to their sermons or speeches,
and seek to understand the wisdom contained within them.

B. Live by their example - Prophets often lead by example,

demonstrating how to live a life that is aligned with God's will. To honor
them, you can strive to live according to their example and teachings.
Practice kindness, compassion, and empathy, seek to help those in
need and treat all people with respect and dignity, and live your life in a
way that honors God.

7. Guardian Angel A. Express gratitude and acknowledge their presence - Guardian

Angels are believed to be spiritual beings who watch over individuals
and protect them from harm. To honor them, express gratitude for
their protection and acknowledge their presence in your life. Take time
to reflect and meditate on their presence, and offer prayers or
affirmations to connect with them.

B. Treat others with kindness and compassion - Guardian Angels are

often associated with qualities such as love, compassion, and kindness.
To honor them, strive to embody these qualities in your interactions
with others. Treat others with kindness, empathy, and respect, and be
mindful of the impact your actions have on those around you. By doing
so, you can help spread positive energy and honor the spirit of your
Guardian Angel.

8. Faithful Manager A. Acknowledge and appreciate their efforts - Being a faithful manager
is a challenging and often thankless job. To honor them, acknowledge
and appreciate their efforts. Thank them for their hard work, recognize
their achievements, and congratulate them on their successes. By
doing so, you can help boost their morale and encourage them to
continue their good work.

B. Support their decisions - Faithful managers are often responsible for

making difficult decisions that can affect the lives of many people. To
honor them, support their decisions, even if you disagree with them.
Understand that they have the best interests of their organization or
team in mind and trust their judgment. If you have concerns or
questions, approach them respectfully and with an open mind. By
doing this, you can establish a positive working relationship that
promotes trust and mutual respect.

9. Worker of the Master A. Offer assistance and encouragement - Workers of the Master Builder
Builder play a critical role in building and maintaining the physical structure of
churches and other religious buildings. To honor them, offer your
assistance and encouragement. Let them know how much their work is
appreciated, and offer to help in any way you can, whether it's through
volunteering your time or donating resources.

B. Maintain and care for religious spaces - When you visit a church,
temple, or other religious building, take care to treat the space with
respect and honor. Keep it clean and tidy, follow any rules or guidelines
that are in place, and offer to lend a hand if you see any maintenance
tasks that need to be done. By taking these actions, you can help
ensure that religious buildings remain beautiful and functional spaces
for years to come.

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