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Presenting Scientific Research (PROM-2/T1.


Guidelines for writing the reflection assignment

In this reflection assignment, you will evaluate your elevator pitch and 5-minute presentation:
what feedback did you receive, and what did you see when you reviewed your own presentation
on MS Teams?

The self-evaluation should consist of:

 your purpose and a very short summary of your presentation

 the positive feedback you received from 1) your fellow students and 2) your lecturer, on
each of these topics:
o Effectiveness & Preparation
o Content & Structure
o Delivery
o Visuals (not applicable to the elevator pitch)
Use the Presenting Scientific Research checklist on MS Teams to check the criteria for
each of these topics.

 the advice your fellow group members and your lecturer gave you, again on each of the
named topics

 your own opinion after watching your recording

 5 points of advice you give yourself for a next presentation.

Regularly refer to the recording (with minute:second), to make your observations concrete.
The length of your evaluation should be about 1 to 2 pages (A4).
Prior to lecture 5, hand in this relflection assignment in the following MS Teams folder:
General >> Reflection assignment >> Hand in your assignment here.

Final piece of advice: it is wise to review your presentation before you start working on the next
presentation assignment, to be able to incorporate the feedback into your preparation.

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