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Italian Journal of Animal Science

ISSN: (Print) 1828-051X (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tjas20

Evaluation of Moringa oleifera leaf in laying hens:

effects on laying performance, egg quality, plasma
biochemistry and organ histopathological indices

Wei Lu, J. Wang, H. J. Zhang, S. G. Wu & G. H. Qi

To cite this article: Wei Lu, J. Wang, H. J. Zhang, S. G. Wu & G. H. Qi (2016) Evaluation
of Moringa�oleifera leaf in laying hens: effects on laying performance, egg quality, plasma
biochemistry and organ histopathological indices, Italian Journal of Animal Science, 15:4, 658-665,
DOI: 10.1080/1828051X.2016.1249967

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/1828051X.2016.1249967

© 2016 The Author(s). Published by Informa

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Published online: 04 Nov 2016.

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VOL. 15, NO. 4, 658–665


Evaluation of Moringa oleifera leaf in laying hens: effects on laying

performance, egg quality, plasma biochemistry and organ
histopathological indices
Wei Lu, J. Wang, H. J. Zhang, S. G. Wu and G. H. Qi
Key Laboratory of Feed Biotechnology of Ministry of Agriculture, Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
Beijing, P. R. China


This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of supplementary Moringa oleifera leaf Received 15 July 2016
(MOL) on performance, egg quality, plasma parameters and organ histopathological indices of Revised 12 October 2016
layers. A total of 360 27-week-old Hy-Line Grey commercial layers were randomly allotted to Accepted 14 October 2016
four groups. Each group consisted of six replicates with 15 birds and 3 birds were placed in one
cage. The control group was fed a corn-soybean meal based diet and the experimental groups Moringa oleifera leaf; laying
were fed on control diet supplemented with 5%, 10% or 15% MOL (MOL5, MOL10 and MOL15 performance; egg quality;
group). The experiment lasted for 8 weeks. No significant differences were observed in egg plasma parameters;
weight or feed intake among all groups (p > .05). The birds in MOL15 group had higher feed histopathology
conversation ratio and lower egg production compared with those in control group (p < .05).
Layers in MOL5 had a deeper yolk colour than those in control group (p < .05). The albumen
height and Haugh unit increased with increasing level of MOL when eggs were stored at 4  C
and 28  C for 4 weeks (p < .05). Layers in MOL15 group had higher aspartate aminotransferase
activity and lower uric acid concentration than other groups (p < .05). Layers in MOL10 and
MOL15 groups had higher malondialdehyde content than those in control group (p < .05).
Supplementary MOL increased the activity of glutathione peroxidase (p < .05). In conclusion, diet-
ary supplementation with 5% MOL could improve yolk colour value and protein absorption with-
out adverse effects on laying performance and egg quality.

Introduction high level of pepsin and total soluble protein in MOL.

Previous study also showed that MOL contains high
The poultry industry is one of the fastest growing ani-
level of antioxidants such as flavonoids (Vongsak et al.
mal industries globally, but is hampered by a heavy
shortage of feed ingredients especially in developing
Several studies showed that animal performance
countries (Al-Harthi et al. 2009). Thus, it is essential to
could be improved by dietary supplementation of
explore the non-traditional feed resources which could
MOL. An improvement in egg production, yolk colour
be used in poultry feed formulations (El-Deek et al. and feed conversion ratio were observed in Rhode
2010). Moringa oleifera Lam., or known as drumstick Island Red hens supplemented with MOL (Mohammed
tree, is a multipurpose tree that thrives in both trop- et al. 2012). The addition of MOL powder to the diets
ical and sub-tropical conditions (Worku 2016). Moringa was associated with increased weight in broilers
oleifera leaf (MOL) is reported to contain 25–27% (Donkor et al. 2013). In a recent study, Kholif et al.
crude protein (Gadzirayi et al. 2012) and high levels of (2015) observed an increased feed intake, nutrient
minerals as well as vitamins (Yang et al. 2006). The digestibility and milk yield in goats fed diets including
protein quality of MOL has been reported to be com- MOL. The effect of MOL was proven to be dosage-
parable to that of milk and eggs (Fahey 2005). Kakengi related and a higher supplementation level could
et al. (2005) compared the nutritive values of different lower animal performance due to the increased con-
morphological components of MOL with Leucaena leu- centration of anti-nutrient factors (such as saponins
cocephala leaf meal in Tanzania and they observed a and phenols) (Worku 2016). This study was conducted

CONTACT G. H. Qi qiguanghai@caas.cn; S. G. Wu wushugeng@caas.cn Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
Beijing 100081, P. R. China
ß 2016 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Table 1. Chemical composition and amino acid content of Table 2. Composition and nutrient levels of the basal diet on
the Moringa oleifera leaf (MOL) sample on dry matter basis. dry matter basis.
Items g/100g Chemical composition % Treatmentsb
Asp 1.91 Dry matter 86.73 Ingredients, % Control MOL5 MOL10 MOL15
Thr 0.82 Crude protein 21.95
Ser 0.89 Crude fibre 25 Corn 63.37 59.86 56.45 52.95
Glu 2.6 Ether extract 9.42 Soybean meal 25.54 23.68 21.81 19.95
Pro 0.75 Crude ash 13.7 MOLa 0 5 10 15
Gly 0.94 Metabolisable energy, MJ/kg 8.51 Soybean oil 0.02 0.61 1.18 1.78
Ala 1.15 Limestone 9 8.74 8.45 8.18
Cys 0.24 CaHPO4 1 1 1 1
Val 0.97 NaCl 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Met 0.1 Choline chloride (50%) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ile 0.75 DL-Met 0.1 0.12 0.125 0.14
Leu 1.54 Zeolite powder 0 0.02 0.005 0.005
Tyr 0.54 Cysteine hydrochloride 0 0 0.01 0.025
Phe 1.12 Premixc 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57
Lys 1.07 Total nutrient leveld, % 100 100 100 100
Arg 1.13 Metabolisable energy, MJ/kg 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1
total amino acid 17.1 Available phosphorus 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35
Crude protein 16.5 16.4 16.4 16.6
Calcium 3.36 3.37 3.36 3.36
Crude fibre 3.15 4.20 5.25 6.30
to investigate the effect of graded level of MOL on Met 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37
intake, feed conversion ratio (FCR), egg production Met þ Cys 0.65 0.65 0.64 0.65
and quality of laying hens. By determination of plasma a
MOL: Moringa oleifera leaf.
Control group, hens fed a basal diet; MOL5, MOL10 and MOL15, hens
biochemistry indices as well as liver and kidney histo- fed the basal diet supplemented with 5%, 10% or 15% MOL.
pathology, we aimed to further illustrate how different Provided per kg of diet: vitamin A, 12,500 IU; vitamin D3, 2500 IU; vita-
min E, 15 IU; vitamin K3, 2.65 mg; vitamin B1, 2 mg; vitamin B2, 6 mg;
levels of supplementary MOL affects the performance vitamin B12, 0.025 mg; nicotinic acid, 50 mg; calcium pantothenate,
and health of layers. 12 mg; biotin, 0.0325 mg; folic acid, 1.25 mg; iron, 80 mg; copper, 8 mg;
manganese, 100 mg; zinc, 75 mg; iodine, 0.35 mg; selenium, 0.15 mg;
phytase, 0.005 mg; (500 U/kg); Diamond V Yeast culture XP, 0.03 mg.
Crude protein, calcium and crude fibre are analysed value; Metabolisable
Materials and methods energy, available phosphorus, Met and Met þ Cys are calculated values.
Preparation of MOL powder
The control group was fed a diet based on corn and
One batch (200 kg) of fresh, matured MOL was soybean meal (Table 2), and the experimental groups
obtained from Century Love Moringa Institute and were fed the control diet supplemented with 5%, 10%,
dried naturally in a sunny and ventilated place. The or 15% MOL (MOL5, MOL10 and MOL15 groups,
dried leaves were subsequently ground using a kind of respectively). All diets were isocaloric and isonitroge-
large-scale pulveriser (9FQ60-30, Tengzhou Machinery nous. Each group consisted of six replicates with 15
Factory, Tengzhou, China), passed through a 40-mesh birds each, and three birds were placed in one cage
screen and then stored in airtight plastic bags at ambi- (45 cm 45 cm 45 cm). Diets were formulated to
ent temperature (21–27  C) before being mixed into meet or exceed NRC (1994) guidelines. The experiment
diets. The contents of dry matter (DM, 930.15), crude lasted for 10 weeks with 2-weeks of adaptation period
protein (CP, 990.03), ether extract (EE, 920.39), crude and then followed by an 8-week feeding trial. During
fibre (CF, 962.09) and crude ash (942.05) were analysed the adaptation period, all layers were fed the control
according to the Association of Official Analytical diets. The birds were maintained on a 16-h light
Chemists (AOAC 2000). The metabolisable energy and schedule and allowed ad libitum access to the diets
total amino acid content of MOL were calculated and water. Room temperature was maintained at
according to Farrell (1978) and Yemm et al. (1955). 15 ± 2  C. Bird management was consistent with the
The nutrient level of the MOL is shown in Table 1. recommendations of Hy-Line International Online
Management Guide (The Hy-Line International 2009).
Experimental design and diets
This study was approved by the Animal Care and Use
Performance, egg quality and sample collection
Committee of the Feed Research Institute of Chinese During the feeding trial, the number of eggs from
Academy of Agricultural Sciences. A total of 360 27- each replicate and egg weight were recorded daily.
week-old Hy-Line Grey commercial layers with an ini- Feed consumption in each replicate was measured on
tial egg production of 82.0 ± 2.0% and BW of a weekly basis. The average egg weight, daily feed
1.60 ± 0.2 kg were randomly allotted to four groups. intake, FCR and egg production were calculated every
660 W. LU ET AL.

4 weeks. Five eggs were collected from each replicate alterations were examined using a light microscope
on week 4 and 8 of the feeding trial for quality ana- (BX51, Olympus Corp., Tokyo, Japan).
lysis. At the end of the feeding trial, ten eggs were
collected from each replicate, and half was stored at
Statistical analysis
4  C and the other half was stored at 28  C for 4 weeks
for quality analysis. Eggshell thickness and eggshell All analyses were performed using SPSS version 19.0
strength were measured using an Egg Shell Thickness for Windows (SPSS, Chicago, IL). Data were analysed
Gauge and Egg Force Reader (ORKA Food Technology using one-way analysis of variance according to the
Ltd, Ramat HaSharon, Israel), respectively. The albumen model Yik ¼ l þ Di þ eik, where Y is the single observa-
height, yolk colour and Haugh unit were determined tion, u is the general mean, D is the effect of supple-
using an Egg Analyser (ORKA Food Technology Ltd, mentation level and eik is the random error. The dose-
Ramat HaSharon, Israel). The egg shape index was cal- related effects of supplemental MOL were determined
culated using the following formula: shape index ¼ using orthogonal polynomial contrast for linear and
(width/length)  100 (Reddy et al. 1979). All eggs were quadratic effects. Before analysis, all percentages were
stored at 4  C and analysed on the same day once all subjected to logarithmic transformation (log10 x þ 1)
samples were collected. to approximate normal distribution. Differences were
At the end of the feeding trial, one bird from each considered statistically significant at p < .05. Data are
replicate was randomly selected for blood and tissue expressed as mean and pooled SEM.
sampling. Blood samples were drawn from wing veins,
and then centrifuged (3,000  g for 10 min) to obtain Results
plasma and stored at –20  C for biochemical analysis.
Laying performance and egg quality
After blood sampling, the birds were killed by exsan-
guinations of the left jugular vein and the livers and No difference in egg weight or feed intake was
the kidneys were excised and fixed in 10% buffered observed (p > .05, Table 3). The FCR increased linearly
neutral formalin (Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Beijing with the increasing supplementation level of MOL
Co., Ltd, Beijing, China) for histopathological (p < .05) during the initial (weeks 1–4) and overall
assessment. phase (weeks 1–8), and the birds in MOL 15 had a
poorer FCR compared with those in the control and
MOL5 groups (p < .05). Egg production decreased lin-
Biochemical plasma analysis
early (p < .05) with increasing supplementary MOL
Plasma alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate from weeks 1–8. Layers in MOL15 group had a lower
aminotransferase (AST) activities, and concentrations of egg production compared with those of the control
total protein (TP), albumin (ALB) and uric acid (UA) and MOL5 group (p < .05).
were determined using an automatic biochemical ana- The albumen height was higher in MOL10 group
lyser (Model 7020, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan). compared with that of the control group at week 4
(p < .05, Table 4). Linear effect was observed in yolk
colour in response to dietary MOL supplementation.
Antioxidant indices measurements
Layers in MOL10 and MOL15 groups had deeper yolk
Colorimetric kits (Nanjing Jiancheng Bioengineering colour than that in the control at week 4 (p < .05). At
Institute, Nanjing, China) were used to measure the week 8, deeper yolk colour was observed in all MOL
enzymatic activity of the total superoxide dismutase groups than in the control (p < .05). There was no dif-
(T-SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) and level of ference in Haugh unit, egg shell strength or egg shape
malondialdehyde (MDA). Each sample was analysed in index among groups (p > .05).
triplicate. When eggs were stored at 4  C or 28  C for 4 weeks,
the albumen height increased quadratically in
response to the MOL supplementation (p < .05, Table 5).
Histopathological assessment of liver and kidney
The Haugh unit also increased quadratically in
The formalin-fixed liver and kidney samples were response to the MOL supplementation when eggs
stained with haematoxylin and eosin according to the were stored at 4  C for 4 weeks (p < .05), and increased
method of Jadhav et al. (2007). All reagents used were linearly at 28  C (p < .05). Laying hens fed diets con-
of analytical grade (Sinopharm Chemical Reagent taining 5% and 10% MOL showed higher albumen
Beijing Co., Ltd, Beijing, China). The histopathological height and Haugh unit at 4  C and 28  C compared

Table 3. Effect of dietary supplementation of Moringa oleifera leaf (MOL) on performance of laying hens.
Dietary treatmentsd p-value
Items Week Control MOL5 MOL10 MOL15 SEM ANOVA Linear Quadratic
Egg weight, g/egg 1–4 58.30 58.40 58.40 57.70 0.21 0.786 .401 .775
5–8 57.90 58.20 58.40 58.10 0.20 0.853 .659 .468
1–8 58.00 58.00 58.20 57.70 0.17 0.828 .689 .478
Feed intake, g/hend1 1–4 117.40 118.40 117.90 115.40 1.26 0.859 .586 .512
5–8 111.10 109.50 112.00 104.70 1.16 0.109 .099 .199
1–8 111.90 111.70 111.80 106.70 0.88 0.083 .042 .140
FCR, kg of feed/kg of egg 1–4 2.32b 2.25b 2.36b 2.48a 0.02 0.024 .015 .063
5–8 2.34b 2.30b 2.48a,b 2.66a 0.04 0.002 .161 .412
1–8 2.33b,c 2.27c 2.45a,b 2.56a 0.03 0.001 <.001 .074
Egg production, % 1–4 84.10a,b 86.70a 80.90b 75.10c 1.13 <0.001 <.001 .010
5–8 81.50a,b 82.30a 75.50b 68.50c 1.51 0.001 <.001 .080
1–8 82.70a,b 84.50a 78.30b,c 71.90c 1.25 <0.001 <.001 .016
Means within a column with no common superscripts differ significantly (n ¼ 6) (p < .05).
MOL5, MOL10 and MOL15, hens fed a basal diet supplemented with 5%, 10% or 15% MOL.

Table 4. Effect of dietary Moringa oleifera leaf (MOL) contents on egg quality of fresh eggs of laying hens.
Dietary treatmentsd p-value
Item Week Control MOL5 MOL10 MOL15 SEM ANOVA Linear Quadratic
Albumen height, mm 4 6.88b 7.00b 7.48a 7.07b 0.07 0.003 .036 .019
8 6.24 6.32 6.82 6.30 0.10 0.542 .422 .121
Haugh unit 4 82.10 82.60 84.40 83.50 0.48 0.086 .174 .433
8 78.40 79.00 81.70 79.30 0.59 0.073 .314 .197
Yolk colour 4 4.79c 5.13b,c 5.60a,b 6.13a 0.14 0.001 <.001 .769
8 4.23c 5.57b 5.58b 6.39a 0.18 <0.001 <.001 .173
Egg shell strength, N/cm2 4 38.90 38.70 36.90 39.40 0.43 0.182 .973 .118
8 41.10 41.70 38.50 39.00 0.62 0.200 .694 .967
Egg shape index 4 75.20 74.70 74.90 74.30 0.20 0.253 .216 .938
8 75.10 75.00 75.10 75.70 0.18 0.519 .258 .335
Means within a column with no common superscripts differ significantly (n ¼ 6) (p < .05).
MOL5, MOL10 and MOL15, hens fed a basal diet supplemented with 5%, 10% or 15% MOL.

Table 5. Effect of dietary Moringa oleifera leaf (MOL) contents on egg quality of eggs during storage at different temperature.
Dietary treatmentsd p-value

Item Temperature, C Control MOL5 MOL10 MOL15 SEM ANOVA Linear Quadratic
Albumen height, mm 4 5.62b 6.12a 6.24a 5.80a,b 0.09 0.03 .347 .006
28 2.16b 2.43a 2.47a 2.35a,b 0.04 0.02 .053 .009
Haugh unit 4 74.90b 78.30a 79.10a 76.50a,b 0.58 0.03 .220 .006
28 36.70b 41.50a 42.30a 41.40a 0.80 0.04 .027 .054
Yolk colour 4 4.67d 5.43c 6.37b 7.50a 0.24 <0.001 <.001 .371
28 6.73c 8.19b 8.80a,b 9.22a 0.24 <0.001 <.001 .084
Means within a column with no common superscripts differ significantly (n ¼ 6) (p < .05).
MOL5, MOL10 and MOL15, hens fed a basal diet supplemented with 5%, 10% or 15% MOL.

with hens fed the control diet (p < .05). Laying hens quadratically as the dietary supplemental level of MOL
supplemented with 15% MOL also showed a higher increased (p < .05). Laying hens fed the diets contain-
Haugh unit compared with those fed the control diet ing 15% MOL had a higher AST activity than those fed
(p < .05) when eggs were stored at 28  C for 4 weeks. the control diet (p < .05). The TP concentration
Laying hens fed the diets containing 5, 10 and 15% decreased quadratically with the increasing level of
MOL also had deeper yolk colour than those fed the MOL (p < .05) and was the highest in MOL5 group
control diets when eggs were stored at 4  C and 28  C (p < .05). The concentration of ALB decreased linearly
for 4 weeks (p < .05). and the concentration of UA decreased linearly in
response to the increase in MOL supplementation
(p < .05). Laying hens in MOL15 had a lower concen-
Plasma biochemical parameters and plasma redox
tration of ALB and UA than those in the control group
(p< .05).
No difference in ALT activity was observed among Compared with the birds in the control group,
groups (p > .05, Table 6). The AST activity increased higher activity of GSH-PX was observed in groups
662 W. LU ET AL.

Table 6. Effect of dietary Moringa oleifera leaf (MOL) contents on plasma biochemical parameter and plasma redox status of lay-
ing hens.
Treatmentsd p-value
Items Control MOL5 MOL10 MOL15 SEM ANOVA Linear Quadratic
ALT, U/L 4.83 4.83 5.00 5.83 0.17 0.120 .040 .211
AST, U/L 213.00b 211.80b 211.30b 230.20a 2.57 0.021 .078 .009
TP, g/L 55.90b 60.60a 56.70b 55.20b 0.71 0.022 .290 .017
ALB, g/L 22.20a,b 23.20a 21.20b,c 20.00c 0.37 0.005 .003 .066
UA, lmol/L 194.50a 195.00a 195.00a 114.50b 7.54 <0.001 <.001 <.001
MDA, nmol/mL 11.86a 10.34a,b 8.04b 7.86b 0.52 0.008 .549 .446
T-SOD, U/mL 130.39 148.93 132.88 191.35 9.60 0.084 .049 .264
GSH-PX, U/mL 895.84b 1184.50a 1187.30a 1181.30a 40.08 0.008 .008 .033
Means within a column with no common superscripts differ significantly (n ¼ 6) (p < .05).
MOL5, MOL10 and MOL15, hens fed a basal diet supplemented with 5%, 10% or 15% MOL.
ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; TP: total protein; ALB: albumin; UA: uric acid; MDA: malondialdehyde; T-SOD: total super-
oxide dismutase; GSH-PX: glutathione peroxidase.

Control MOL5 Control MOL5


Figure 1. Liver histopathology of layers fed diets supple- Figure 2. Kidney histopathology of layers fed diets supple-
mented with different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf (MOL) mented with different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf (MOL)
(haematoxylin and eosin staining, magnification, 200). (haematoxylin and eosin staining, magnification, 200).

supplemented with MOL (p ¼ .008), but lower plasma

or accumulation of material in the Bowman’s spaces.
MDA content was observed in MOL10 and MOL15 The histopathology of the livers in the MOL15 group
groups (p ¼ .008). No difference in T-SOD activity was showed large number of lipid droplets can be found
observed among groups. There were linear and quad- in liver cells. The fatty liver cell counts rose 30–60%
ratic increases in the activity of GSH-PX in response to and inflammation was also observed in kidney tissues
the MOL supplementation (p< .05). of MOL15 group.

Histopathological assessment of liver and kidney Discussion

Histological lesions were not observed in the liver and The results of this study showed that the FCR of laying
kidney tissues of hens in the control, MOL5 and hens increased in response to the increase of dietary
MOL10 groups (Figures 1 and 2). Compared with the MOL supplementation, but egg weight and feed intake
control group, there were no obvious changes in the were not affected. The detrimental effect of MOL on
liver structure of layers in MOL5 and MOL10 groups. FCR might be contributed to low available energy and
MOL5 and MOL10 groups showed normal histological protein when supplementary MOL was high in the
appearance, and fatty changes were not observed in diets, which were probably due to low digestibility of
the hepatocytes of these groups. Kidneys of the layers fibre component of leaves. Energy and protein
of MOL5 and MOL10 groups maintained intact epithe- content have an influence on intake and egg produc-
lium of tubules. Glomeruli did not show any dilatation tion (Kakengi et al. 2007). In accordance with

Bhatnagar et al. (1996) and Olugbemi et al. (2010), with Ebenebe et al. (2013), adding MOL had no effect
supplementation of MOL up to 10% did not affect egg on egg shape index. These results indicated that MOL
weight. Supplementary 5% or 10% MOL did not affect could be incorporated at 15% into the diets of laying
feed intake of layers in the current study, which is hens as it could improve egg albumen quality and
similar to that reported in broilers (Gadzirayi et al. yolk colour.
2012). The decrease in feed intake could be explained Storage temperature is the most profound factor
by the impaired palatability due to the existance of that affects the quality deterioration rate of eggs
higher amount of saponins when MOL was supple- (Torrico et al. 2014). Stadelman (1995) suggested that
mented above 10%. On the other hand, Kakengi et al. deteriorating rate of egg quality slows down when the
(2007) observed an increase in feed intake in layers storage temperature is closer to the freezing point.
when 15% or 20% of dehulled sunflower seed meal The present study showed that the albumen height
was replaced by MOL. The discrepancy in feed intake and Haugh unit of eggs stored at 4  C were 2.5 and
could be further explained by the lower or higher 1.9 times higher than those stored at 28  C.
energy content of MOL relative to the dietary compo- Supplementary MOL at 5% and 10% improved the
nents it replaced in different studies. The current albumen height of eggs stored at 4  C. The albumen
results suggested that a supplementation level of MOL height was also improved when the eggs were stored
up to 10% did not have negative effect on feed intake. at 28  C compared with that of the control group, and
Supplementation of MOL at 15% had detrimental this improvement was also observed in the Haugh
effect on FCR of layers in the current study, indicating unit. As the loss of albumen quality was largely attrib-
a lower supplementation level is suitable for their use uted to the movement of water from albumen to yolk
in layers’ diet. Kakengi et al. (2007) also suggested that (Mueller 1959; Al-Harthi et al. 2011), it is possible that
less than 15% MOL inclusion is recommended in lay- supplementary MOL could decrease the rate of water
ing hens’ diet without hampering FCR. We observed a movement from albumen to yolk and the underlying
decrease in egg production when 15% MOL was sup- mechanism needs further investigation. Yolk colour of
plemented to the control diet. Similarly, Abou-Elezz storage eggs was also improved by supplementary
et al. (2011) reported that egg production decreased MOL at both 4  C and 28  C in the current study. The
when the inclusion level of MOL in diets was 15%. antioxidants contained in MOL could have a beneficial
Regardless of the possible anti-nutritional factors, the effect on improving egg yolk colour as described by
decrease in egg production could be associated with Saunders et al. (1967). These results indicated that 5%
the increase in bulkiness of diets due to the increasing or 10% MOL could slow down the deteriorating rate
level of MOL as observed in other forage leaves of storage egg quality, which could be related to
(Kakengi et al. 2007; Al-Harthi et al. 2009). These plasma MDA, T-SOD and GSH-Px. The MDA is an indi-
results indicated that supplementary level of MOL cator of lipid peroxidation and T-SOD as well as GSH-
incorporated into the diets of laying hens could not Px are the main parameters used to assess oxidative
exceed 10%. status in the enzymatic system. Our study suggested
The albumen height and Haugh unit are important that MOL could prevent free radical production and
items in evaluating albumen quality and egg fresh- consequently cell damage.
ness. The albumen height and Haugh unit of laying In our study, dietary supplementary levels of MOL
hens increased in response to the increase in dietary ( 10%) appeared safe, as they did not adversely affect
MOL supplementation. The Haugh unit tended to birds’ physiology. No difference was found in plasma
increase in MOL10 group compared with the other activities of AST and ALT and levels of ALB and UA
groups in the current study, suggesting that supple- among the control, MOL5 and MOL10 groups. But
mentary MOL at 10% had beneficial effect on albumen plasma TP levels were increased by dietary 5% MOL
height as well as Haugh unit. Yolk colour value supplementation compared with that in control group.
increased linearly with the increasing level of supple- Plasma TP levels is a reliable indicators of the liver’s
mentary MOL, which is in agreement with the finding synthetic function (West 1990), and plasma UA is a
of Abou-Elezz et al. (2011). Yolk colour is a preferable major metabolite of nitrogen catabolism in birds and
trait for consumers and MOL has high concentration can be used to evaluate protein breakdown and amino
of xanthophylls (167.1 ± 6.1 lg/g; Pasaporte et al. acid utilisation (Donsbough et al. 2010). These results
2014), which is associated with the colouration of indicate that birds fed MOL at the 5% level might
body parts. Donkor et al. (2013) also reported that increase protein retention, which would improve lay-
incorporation of MOL led to the intensified colouration ing performance and egg quality. In contrast, 15%
of combs, beaks and legs in broilers. In agreement MOL supplementation seems to cause a negative
664 W. LU ET AL.

effect on liver and kidney function, evidenced by Bhatnagar R, Kataria M, Verma SVS. 1996. Effect of dietary
higher AST activities, lower ALB and UA levels in leucaena leaf-meal (LLM) on the performance and egg
characteristics in White Leghorn hens. Indian J Anim Sci.
MOL15 group than the control. However, AST is con-
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