Omnia Brochure

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TAKING FLOORING TO A HIGHER LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE FLOORING SYSTEM | A flooring system above all others - Omnia from. ABEL/Bestcrete. Easy to install and lighter than fegular concrete flooring, the Omnia Flooring System fs ideal for all sorts of building projects, Including multi -storey structures. The Omnia Flooring System has established an excellent track record throughout the world going back to 1905. It's been used successfully In every- thing from hemes and schools to offices and hospital bulidings. WHAT IS IT The Omnia Flooring System is a composite floor consisting of + Precast 2° x 6" rehnforced concrete Omnia Planks + Hollow core concrete or clay infiller blocks + Mesh reinforcement + Concrete topping HOW IT WORKS ‘The precast reinforced concrete Omnia planks are positioned at certain fixed spacings ang the infilier blocks ore placed between them. The mesh reinforcement ond concrete are then added to complete the system whicn provides a structurally sound floor. ADVANTAGES Installation is quicker os all components are made In advance and se takes but a frection of the time normally required for other flgoring systerns Cost savings ore reulized becouse less materials ond less labour are required cn site and savings ‘can be achieved in terms of framing and founda- tion costs Omnia BeamType 1* ~ ‘Two Reinforcement Nominal size: 2" « 6" (51mm x 152mm) VatiableLength ‘Omnia Beam Type 2* Three Reinforcement Bars Nominal size:2°x 6" [Simm x 152mm) Variable Length ro a. Place Ormnia planks at fixed centres (22" for cloy ond 2 ‘er concrete blocks) with a mininum 3 rest on both ends. Place infiler blocks between pianke (Remember ot 10 walk on blacks 4d. Place fhings. services ducting etc ond mech reinforcoment within the epan and over supports. |. Wet surfaces of blocks ond planks thorougniy b. Pour concrete. (Use feotboards for workmen's sctety) 1. Props should remain until concrete has sufficiently matured. ‘The finisned floor (uncerside) Note: Ploase consult ABEL /Basicrate for more detaled Informa tion fegaiding the hending stacking ane lftng of the omnia components as well as the recomnnnendatons fer carmbeting of ‘ong-sparned plants. and tne use of adultionel specal reirtorce- ment for unesuatioaaings within spars. [hoy pe ea [Ml Dont walk on blocks. Use footboards “or workmen, JME Install temporary supports before placing blocks on planks [Mm Dont use cracked oF darnaged blocks on planks, Nam Prevent “bulking up" of wet concrete wnen pouring topping, JN Use recommended method for removing props. Incases where cambers or additional reinforce- ments are requited, itis recammended to consult ABEL /Bestcrete ora structural engineer ‘To determine the Uniformly Distributed Imposed Load (UDIL), thickness of conerete recuired and which Infiler blocks and plank types to use, see the tables Inside this brochure or talk to ABEL/Bestcrete [0 find out more. (OMNIA FLOORING SYSTEM & COMPETING FLOORING SYSTEMS, tT WoRIZONTAL SAB. oma HORIZONTAL SLAB 7 eT 1 [ vmora ‘mer sens sine 4 INFILLED ELOKS 4 By oat orn SYSTEMS PRICE PERSQ FT. Note This price comparisen chart nas been darved fron costs: reiated to one typical span for domestic buldings. THE NAME THIS NATION BUILDS ON 665-ABEL (2235) | “Tishevlseenwarsannstson website: wmmabelbesteretescom

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