Pada Kesempatan Apa Anda Akan Mengirimkan

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Diskusi 5 Bahasa Inggris

Nama : Tri ayu lestari

NIM : 048659069
Prodi : Pendidikan Biologi

a) Letter of request
The request letter that I will make is a letter requesting a speaking
engagement for a seminar or conference, I once made it when I was the
head of Paskibra at school for the purpose of inaugurating new paskibra

Example :
Subject: Application as a Keynote Speaker

10 November 2023

Chairman of PPI (Purna Paskibra Indonesia)

Kuningan Regency

Dear Mr Sahrul,

On behalf of the organising committee for the inauguration of SMKN 4

Kuningan paskibra candidates, we would like to invite you to be one of the
main speakers at the first day inauguration meeting on 12 November 2023.
As the keynote speaker, the presentation topic assigned to you is about
"The history of the birth of Paskibra" for 25 - 30 minutes presentation.

We are very pleased if you can attend this event as a keynote speaker.
Thus we submit this request letter. Thank you for your cooperation.

Tri Ayu Lestari
Chairperson of the Organising Committee

b) Complaint Letter
Complaint letters usually I often provide a letter of complaint regarding a
complaint about an item that I have purchased where the item is less and
does not match the order at the online store. In addition, I once made a
letter of complaint about the loss of goods to the police regarding the loss
of a wallet containing several important cards.

c) Letter of Appreciation
Thank you letters that I have made are about job offers and thank you
letters to parents, friends and colleagues for providing a lot of support and
wedding gifts.

Example :
Dear Mr/Mrs,

mamah Ami and Papa Toto

My beloved parents,

Thank you for your endless love, support and guidance in encouraging me
in the Science Competition at school level. I am very lucky to have you as
my parents. Thank you for everything you do.

With love,

Tri Ayu Lestari

Your daughter

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