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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Grade Level and
GRADE 12 Quarter 2nd Quarter
Teaching Date November 20, Learnin 21ST Century
and Time 2023 g Area Literature

Part I: Learning Objectives

Objective Code HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc-15
The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the
A. Content
elements and contexts of 21st century Philippine literature
from the regions.
The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and
appreciation of 21st Century Philippine literature from the
B. Performanc
regions through a written close analysis and critical
e Standards
interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme,
with a description of its context derived from research.

Differentiate/compare and contrast the various 21st century

C.Learning literary genres and the ones from the earlier
Competencies genres/periods citing their elements, structures and

I. Subject Matter Literary Genres Across the Globe

II. Learning Resources

Retrieved from 21st Century Literature Textbook,Trocio, J.
V. Lesson 2 pp. 13 - 19 dated 2020
Skills Listening skills, remembering, understanding,
 Prayer
A. Preliminary  Attendance Checking
 Classroom Standard

Part II: Instructional Activities

Review. Exploring Genres. A comprehensive Review (2 mins)

Learners will revisit their prior exploration of the different types of genres to build
upon their understanding and engagement with this category.

Can you name the different literary genres we explored in the previous sessions?
What is the definition of those literary genres?

Compare and contrast the two genres we studied, highlighting their key
How does the choice of genre influence the overall mood and tone of a piece of
If you were to create a story, what genre are you going to choose? why?

Motivation. Mystery Box Relay (5mins)

The teacher will introduce a unique interactive activity. Students will remain in their
seats, and as the music begins, the teacher will pass a box until the music stops.
When the music stops, the box will also stop. Inside the box are envelopes
containing random questions that students will answer. The challenge in this
activity is for students to answer as many random questions as they can within the
time it takes for the music to stop.

Activity. Quick genre adventure (15min)

The class will be divided into three groups, each tasked with analyzing a book
cover page presented by the teacher. Within their respective groups, students will
collaboratively work to identify and categorize the book based on its 21st-century
literary genre.
Analysis. Genre Exploration (15 mins.)

After sharing their insights with the activity, learners will receive a handout from the
teacher containing a summary of the story. In groups of three, they will engage in a
reflective discussion, sharing their observations about the story. Collaboratively,
they will identify what type of 21st-century literary genre is the story and compile a
comprehensive list of its various elements, pinpointing what defines it within the
literary landscape.

After reading the story, each team will be ask of the following questions;

 What is the main idea of the story?
 Can you list three key events in the plot?
 Identify the main characters in the story.

 How does the 21st-century literary genre contribute to the overall theme of
the story?
 Discuss the impact of the story's elements on its genre.

Abstraction. Genre Analysis and Comparison Discussion (15 mins.)

With the same group, learners will actively participate in a reflective discussion,
wherein they will compare and contrast three to four easily distinguishable literary

Process Questions
Can you name three easily distinguishable literary genres commonly found in 21st-
century literature?

How do the unique features of each identified 21st-century literary genre impact
the way stories are told and connect with contemporary readers?

Application. Literary Exploration (15 mins.)

With the same group, student will select a minimum of five literary genres for
discussion. For each genre, they will provide a description, outlining its key
elements and structural characteristics based on the information retrieved during
our conversation.
Genre Description Elements/structure
Ex. Manga Graphic novel originally Follows the tradition of
published in Japan. Japan, contains comic
panel read from right to
Evaluation. "Culture Connect: The Intercultural Communication Challenge"( 10
Direction: Read each of the items below and choose the correct answer. Write your
answer on the blank before the number.

______ 1. It is a major literary genre that comprises works which deal with reality.
a. drama
b. fiction
c. non-fiction
d. poetry
1. it is a major literary genre that comprise works which deal with reality.
A.) drama
B.) fiction
C.) non-fiction
D.) poetry

2. Which genre is known for its concise and extremely short narratives?
A) Illustrated novels
B) Flash fiction
C) Chick lit
D) Creative non-fiction

3. What is a defining feature of speculative fiction?

A) Realistic and factual storytelling
B) Exploration of imaginative and fantastical scenarios
C) Focus on romantic relationships
D) Use of handwritten text

4. Which genre often incorporates visual and textual elements, combining graphics
and storytelling?
A) Hyperpoetry
B) Digi-fiction
C) Blog
D) Textula

5. What is the primary characteristic of doodle fiction?

A) Complex plot structures
B) Visual storytelling with simple drawings
C) Exclusively written narratives
D) Historical and factual content

6. In which genre does storytelling often revolve around personal experiences and
A) Graphic novels
B) Speculative fiction
C) Creative non-fiction
D) Manga

7. What is the primary medium of expression in hyperpoetry?

A) Traditional novels
B) Audio storytelling
C) Visual art
D) Digital platforms and hypertext

8. Which genre typically targets a female audience and explores themes of

romance and relationships?
A) Speculative fiction
B) Flash fiction
C) Chick lit
D) Illustrated novels

9. What is a common characteristic of illustrated novels?

A) Sole reliance on written text
B) Extensive use of footnotes
C) Integration of visual elements alongside the narrative
D) Minimal use of images

10. What is a defining feature of blog writing?

A) Linear and structured storytelling
B) Interaction with readers through comments
C) Exclusive focus on fictional content
D) Limited use of multimedia elements

Assignment. Genre Exploration: Unveiling Literary Realms(5 mins)

Learners will select a story from a literary genre and identify the elements that
define it within that category. Each learner will then compose a 2-3 paragraph
essay, delving into the specific characteristics that classify the chosen story within
its genre.

Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Poor (2)

Quality of Purpose of the Purpose of Inconsistent Questions
Writing writing and the writing with regard to were not
presentation was stated purpose and adequatel
are clear. minimally. clarity of y
thought. answered.
Grammar The grammar The The grammar The
and and content grammar and content grammar
Content are and are not and
comprehensiv content comprehensiv content
e, accurate are e/ or are
and accurate persuasive. incomplete
persuasive. and .
Organizatio Major points Major Major points Major
n of Ideas are stated points are are stated, but points are
clearly and are stated. not well not clear.
well supported.

Prepared by:


Pre-Service Teachers Pre-Service

Checked by: Noted by:


Resource Teacher School Principal

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