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Name: Name:


Full - Time Full - Time
A. Photocopy (bring original) A. Photocopy (bring original)
______ 1 Long White Folder w/ Plastic cover ______ 1 Long White Folder w/ Plastic cover

______ Birth Certificate ______ Birth Certificate

______ Birth Certificate of Deependents (if applicable) ______ Birth Certificate of Deependents (if applicable)

______ Marriage Certificate (if applicable) ______ Marriage Certificate (if applicable)

______ Transcript of Records (Bachelor, Masteral, Doctoral) ______ Transcript of Records (Bachelor, Masteral, Doctoral)

______ College Diploma (Bachelor, Masteral, Doctoral) ______ College Diploma (Bachelor, Masteral, Doctoral)

______ License/Board Certificate/Board Rating ______ License/Board Certificate/Board Rating

______ Certificate of Employment (if applicable) ______ Certificate of Employment (if applicable)

______ Employment Clearance (if applicable) ______ Employment Clearance (if applicable)

______ Teaching Permit (those w/ principal employer) ______ Teaching Permit (those w/ principal employer)

______ SSS ID/ Form / Screenshot of Account ______ SSS ID/ Form / Screenshot of Account
SSS Number here SSS Number here
______ Pag-ibig number ID/ Form / Screenshot of Account ______ Pag-ibig number ID/ Form / Screenshot of Account
Pag ibig Number here Pag ibig Number here
______ Philhealth number ID/ Form / Screenshot of Account ______ Philhealth number ID/ Form / Screenshot of Account
Philhealth Number here Philhealth Number here
______ T.I.N ID/ Form ______ T.I.N ID/ Form
Tax Identification Number here Tax Identification Number here
______ Certificate of Tax Withheld (BIR 2316) ______ Certificate of Tax Withheld (BIR 2316)

______ Vaccine Card / Booster Card ______ Vaccine Card / Booster Card

B. Original Copy B. Original Copy

______ 2x2 recent colored ID picture (3 pcs) ______ 2x2 recent colored ID picture (3 pcs)

______ Medical Exam Results (Basic 5 + Drug Test) ______ Medical Exam Results (Basic 5 + Drug Test)
______ NBI Clearance ______ NBI Clearance

______ Brgy Clearance ______ Brgy Clearance

Submit all requirements on: ____________ Submit all requirements on: ____________

Issued by: ____________ HR Copy Issued by: ____________ Emp Copy

Print this and fill out the necessary details.

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